Ruin: A Reverse Harem Dark Fantasy Vampire Romance (Fire & Blood Book 1)

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Ruin: A Reverse Harem Dark Fantasy Vampire Romance (Fire & Blood Book 1) Page 13

by Alexa B. James

  He gave me a disappointed smile. “We made a pact, no sex until you decide.”

  I just sat there, blinking at him in shock. Never, in my life, had anyone gave me pleasure when they hadn’t planned to have sex with me later. Yes, he drank from me, but from what I understood, that only made the vampires more aroused. His cock was probably painfully hard right now, and he was suggesting we just head back to the feast because I was sated.

  “But, everything up until sex is okay?”

  He nodded.

  “Ruin,” I whispered as I sat up. “Come take my place on the throne. I want to tell you another secret.”

  He chuckled low. “What kind of secret?”

  I climbed out of the throne and let him take my place. He filled it so much better than I did, which gave me the smallest twinge of envy. I ignored it, pulled Ruin’s knees apart and knelt between his legs. I reached up for his fly and whispered, “Can I?”

  “Fuck,” he whispered under his breath, and then he flicked open the button of his fly.

  His hard bulge strained against his pants, so I was careful as I unzipped him and pulled down his silk boxers, freeing his long, hard length. I fisted a hand around his cock and ran my tongue over the soft tip. At his sharp breath, I met his eyes again.

  His blue eyes burned. “What’s your secret, Kori?”

  “My secret is that I have had fantasies about your cock. About touching it, and about putting it in my mouth.” My mouth closed over his shaft, and I took his hard length deep inside me. His cock was petal smooth and rock hard.

  Ruin gasped as I began to move up and down, taking his swollen cock deep into my throat, rising up, and then plunging down. My clit throbbed with pleasure at the sound of his moans, and I again felt my thighs slickening.

  “Fuck the pact,” Ruin moaned. In one swift move, he scooped me up off the ground and onto his lap.

  My legs slid down to either side of his, and I looked down at his blue, half-lidded eyes. “Are you sure?” I whispered.

  “The pact was for our good, so none of us got too attached to you. They knew I was never going to be able to keep it,” he growled as the head of his cock pushed against my entrance. Vampires didn’t have diseases and they couldn’t impregnate humans, so I slid down on his bare cock as Ruin’s hands went to my hips.

  He filled me so much, I had to adjust to his size, and when I started moving up and down slowly, Ruin’s hands gripped my hips, stopping me. His eyes met mine. “It’s been a while, and I want to make this last.”

  I pushed down until he was all the way inside, and then I leaned in for a kiss. Ruin met me hungrily, his hands guiding me up and down slowly while his lips punished mine. His hands gripped my breasts, fingers gently pinching my nipples and sending new sparks of pleasure through my center.

  He broke away and pressed his hot forehead to mine. “Fuck, I’ve wanted this for so long. I’ve wanted you for so long.”

  I moved faster, gripping his cock with my muscles and making him groan in pleasure. His hand grasped the back of my head, and he drove his tongue into my mouth as he lifted his hips to plunge deep inside of me. While letting out a long, low groan, Ruin slammed home deep inside and filled me with his warm cum.

  We sat there for a while, panting.

  Ruin kissed me gently, dazed and sated. “I’m never going to be able to sit in this throne again without getting a hard-on.” He chuckled. “This might end up getting awkward.”

  I laughed. “I think the only solution for that is to have sex everywhere in the palace to build up your immunity.”

  “Oh, my dirty little goddess,” he growled onto my lips, “You are going to get me in trouble.” He ran his hands down my arms. “Do you want to go wash up?”

  “No,” I whispered on a smile.

  He lifted his dark brows. “The vampire royals will smell me all over you.”

  “Good. I want them to know that I’m the one you chose to be with tonight.”

  His brow furrowed, and I could tell that he didn’t quite understand my logic.

  I reached up and ran my fingers through his long dark hair. “If a courtesan leaves with a partner and returns to the festivities, she or he only washes off if they’re hoping to find a new lover. Otherwise, they’ll leave together with their partner and wash off together. That’s how I was taught. I want everyone to know that I got to be with you. I want them to writhe in envy that I get to leave with you again.”

  He looked at me suspiciously, like he didn’t believe what I was saying. “You’re trying to boost my ego.”

  I shook my head. “I’m being political, and I’m being honest. Everyone in that room either wants to fuck you, be you, kill you, or be admired by you. Some of them will want all of the above.”

  “What about you?” He said it almost off-handedly, but from the heaviness that entered his expression, I could tell that he wanted the truth.

  “From you or from King Ruin?” I asked.


  Damn, these were treacherous waters to tread, and my instincts were completely abandoning me on what to say.

  Taking a steadying breath, I admitted, “From King Ruin, I want power. From you, I want wicked smiles and naughty words. I want stolen moments and electrifying touches. I might want love, if we ever get that far, but I wanted that when you were a warrior. I just knew I could never have you.”

  A warmth entered his eyes, and an evil little smile spread over his lips. “Should we tell Ash and Death that you’re choosing me now, then?”

  “I… well…” I stammered.

  He laughed, long and loud before leaning down and kissing me. “I’m kidding. They would murder me in my sleep if I pulled a move like that.”



  “Once. You get five minutes alone with her once, and you break the pact,” Ash growled at Ruin.

  Death leaned in on my other side. “Ash is just upset because he lost a bet to me. My guess was a day and Ash’s a week.” He offered up a bottle. “Wine?”

  I held my glass out, sipping the merlot as I glanced around at our surroundings. The room had a high ceiling with a painting of angels fighting demons on it, and not for the first time, I wondered what the palace had been before the dome. The dining room was long and rectangular, filled to the brim with bodies. Royals sat at the table, but already, many of the courtesans pulled their attention away. I couldn’t help but notice that the lord beside Death looked both pale and wide-eyed all through dinner and had fled the moment the third course was served.

  Unfortunately, as soon as his seat was vacated, the most pompous, self-important vampire marquis I’d ever met walked down the long rectangular table and landed in the chair beside Death. His citrine gaze was heated with interest and appreciation when it met mine. “Consort,” he said with a nod. His chestnut hair fell loosely around his shoulders. He wore a fine tailored suit. “I hoped to spend some time with you and your family while I visited here today.”

  “Marquis Thorn,” I said through a smile that I hoped looked friendly. Leaning in, I said in a teasing tone, “Obviously, you’ve been away from Portland Court so long that you forgot to greet the king first.” I ended my statement on a soft chuckle and turned back to Death. “Why don’t we start over?”

  “Oh, you must forgive me, Your Highness.” Marquis Thorn opened his arms wide and bowed until his head almost hit the table. “As the consort says, I have been away from court for a long time and have grown as worthless as a warrior in my absence.”

  Death stiffened, and I reached over to his hand under the table and gently squeezed his fingers.

  “Keep bowing like that, Marquis, and you’ll topple right over.” I tilted my head. “Are you drunk?” I laughed. “It’s barely sunset. Remember Christmas? No one wants to see an esteemed member of the peerage running around naked and knocking over priceless works of art.”

  “No, my beautiful consort, it’s the sight of you that has me so intoxicated.” The marquis
gave me an exaggerated wink. “You’re as beautiful as the consort who preceded you and look so similar by the kings’ side.”

  His words hit me like a blow to the stomach, but my smile never faltered.

  Never let them see your pain.

  Never let them see how much you hate them.

  “Mira always had such kind things to say about the time you two spent together,” I said, meaning the exact opposite, and judging from the tight smile he gave me in return, he knew it.

  Marquis Thorn lifted his hands again. “My beautiful consort, I do hope—”

  “Thorn,” Death interrupted, “You appear to be confused. Koribella Ignis is my consort, not yours.”

  A few of the vampires around us tittered.

  “I—uh,” the marquis spluttered, “It’s just a figure of speech, Your Highness.”

  “Of course,” Death said. “Thank you for coming over.” The king lifted his wine glass to his mouth, clearly indicating that the greeting was over.

  A beat of silence passed before the marquis stood and bowed once to Death and then to me. I turned and focused on the next courtiers, an earl and countess who had decided that it was visiting time over here at the end of the table. Thankfully, these two treated Death with a warm and respectful greeting.

  As the courtiers continued to approach us, I was only forced to have verbal spats with two more peers before the precession was over, a viscountess and her sister, both of whom made thinly veiled accusations that the kings were idiots and I was an evil whore, all through smiles and polite words. In response, I dropped the name of their formerly shared courtesan, a middle-aged man from the Aquam line named Albert who had left Portland before the war broke out.

  When the line had finally moved away, I turned to look up at King Death. Before I could say a word, he leaned down and whispered, “What did the consort Albert have to say about golden showers?”

  I leaned in close and whispered, “Rumor is that Viscountess Slay enjoyed a water blood mage peeing on her head after feedings.”

  His dark eyes lit with mirth, but his expression stayed placid. “Have you ever peed on someone after sex?”

  I shook my head and then bit my thumbnail, looking over at him. “Is that what you like?”

  He examined my expression intently. “I can see you praying to your maker that it’s not.”

  I grabbed the stem of my wine glass and rolled it in my fingers. Feeling a pulse of nervousness, I met his dark eyes. “I can usually sense when someone’s interests go a little beyond the standard vanilla. I’ve had that from you, but I can’t figure out exactly what.”

  He didn’t make a response, only continued to sip slowly and watch me. “Curiosity is very dangerous,” he said finally. “Especially when it comes to things like that.”

  “If you don’t want me to be curious, you shouldn’t be so mysterious.” I took a big sip of wine, wetting my mouth. The alcohol warmed my center and bolstered my courage. “Speaking of my curiosity, can I ask why everyone seems to be scared of you? I noticed it before the war too, but that’s the one piece of information I wasn’t able to find out about you from listening to rumors. I’ve never seen you be anything but kind and calm.”

  He didn’t respond. After taking another sip of his wine, his gaze cut to mine. “I need to tell you, but it will scare you away, and I don’t want to do that.”

  “Death. I’m a rebel, traitor, and life-long courtesan, do you really think I scare easily?”

  He ran a finger over the rim of his glass. “I’m not ready to confess, but you could easily find out by asking Ruin. It’s up to you.”

  “Is this a character test?” I asked with a wince.

  Mirth illuminated his black eyes again. “No.”

  My stomach twisted, and I realized that I really didn’t want to know Death’s secret. Lifting the cup to my mouth, I drained the rest of my drink. It had been a very long time since I drank more than a glass of wine. The rebels had confiscated all the alcohol and repurposed it for either medical supplies, weaponry, or fuel. Even before the war, I knew that it was better to keep my wits about me. But when Death held up the bottle again, I nodded.

  Today’s events had brought me a strange mix of nervousness and relief. My brother survived. The rebels were safe and still fighting vampire rule. I sat in one of the three thrones of Portland. Scratch that, I had sex with Ruin on one of the three thrones. At the same time, my gut was twisting with a feeling of impending doom. I was in a very precarious position now, and I shouldn’t lose hold of my tongue, but my sight was already getting a little fuzzy and stomach warm.

  The party moved into the throne room. A large male courtesan played the violin at one side of the room, and the head courtesan Anastasia twisted around in a smooth and sensual dance. She pulled her hair messily to the top of her head while moving in graceful hip rolls. A vampire stepped up and set a golden necklace over her head before he snapped the first buckle on her dress. The material slipped down, exposing one breast.

  Ruin’s arm went around my back and pulled me to his side. He leaned in and nuzzled against my head. “Do you know that dance?”

  “Yes, and many more,” I told him. The room swam just the littlest bit around me, and I knew it was time to stop drinking or I’d make a very big fool of myself. “Do you want me to go up there when she’s done?”

  He growled low in his throat. “Fuck no. Not in front of these assholes. But I’d love a private dance or a dance for just us three if you ever want to do it.”

  “Interesting.” I leaned away to look up into Ruin’s focused stare. “Are you the possessive type?”

  “Is that a problem?” he asked.

  “Not at all.” I laughed. “It’s just a little surprising under the circumstances. I gestured over to where Ash and Death huddled together a few feet away.

  “That’s different.” He nodded over to the pair. “We’re linked.” He shook his head and rubbed over his stubble. He gave me a lazy smile. “Ignore that. I’m getting a little drunk here.”

  I wrapped my arms around his middle and leaned into his wide frame. “Being possessive isn’t a problem for right now or if we end up getting bonded. I just can’t ever afford to do the same.”

  Damn it. My cheeks heated as I realized that I just said something that I definitely was not supposed to.

  He craned his neck at me and peered down. “How about we agree to the same terms? You can be possessive of me for now up until you make your decision between us, yeah?”

  Patrons always said things like that the same day as good sex and a feeding. Faithfulness faded fast as courtesans begged to pleasure them day in and out, but I bit my tongue and nodded. I would do what I always did, detach my heart from my body, and be prepared for Ruin to have a wandering eye when it happened.

  My brother Brendan stepped up to our side and bowed low to Ruin.

  “Can I grab my sister for a second?” He asked while he was still bowed. The extreme deference was very un-Brendan-like, and I couldn’t help but wonder what he was up to.

  I went to my tiptoes, gave Ruin a quick kiss, and slipped out from his arms. Without looking back, Brendan led me to the side of the room.

  We passed Duchess Dread and Luca on a velvet settee. Duchess Dread leaned into Luca’s neck, drinking deeply as a beautiful curvy courtesan had her hands in Luca’s suit pants. The dark-haired beauty’s hands pumped up and down while Luca moaned. My stomach turned at the sight of his pleasure. If the world was just, that particular courtesan shouldn’t be able to feel pleasure ever again.

  Moans filled the entrance hall, and we passed several more feedings in plain view of the warriors that guarded the front door. “I wonder why they’ve taken the feedings out of the throne room,” I mused as we headed into the foyer, past the guards, and up the stairwell to the courtesan floor. “Maybe they think this is more private?”

  Brendan made no response, so I continued, “I wonder if they realize that courtesans have feeding rooms.”

  I slowed when Brendan still didn’t answer. He turned, looking me in the face with strange, green eyes.

  “You’re not Brendan,” I whispered.

  “Don’t panic, Kori,” he said. “I have all of the blood mage powers, including illusion.” He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a second later, Luca stood before me. His strong features and blond hair were almost perfectly right.

  “That’s not the face to show me if you want me to calm down.”

  He snapped his fingers again, and I was looking at a man I didn’t know. The guy was extremely tall but lean with red hair and bright green eyes. A scar cut across his right cheek, and aside from his red hair and height, it was the most distinctive thing about him.

  “Sorcerer.” I took a step back. “I shouldn’t be here talking to you.”

  “No one’s coming. If they do, they’ll see an empty hallway. We’ve been invisible since we left the party.” He stepped closer. “I have your first assignment from General Griff.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not a spy. This isn’t—”

  “One of the kings is going to be traveling to Nightendale soon,” the man interrupted. “He’s going there in the hopes that the ruler of Nightendale, King Ravage, will send his warriors as reinforcements. We need you to stop that from happening.”

  “They want to force us into a peaceful solution,” I realized.

  The Sorcerer worked his jaw back and forth. “Maybe. If they are, they’re going about it in a very backward way. Nightendale has the oldest and fiercest soldiers in any of the kingdoms. The battalion that killed all of our ranking officers was from an expat army from Nightendale that followed the king’s sister, Duchess Dread, into exile. There are hundreds of battalions in Nightendale. It would be Pioneer Courthouse Square all over again.”

  “You weren’t there,” I whispered, harshly. “Who are you anyway? There’s no such thing as a blood mage with all blood powers.”

  He lifted his hands, and a fireball appeared in one palm. Dust streamed through the air all around us, forming a ball of dirt in the other hand.


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