The Borgia Dagger

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The Borgia Dagger Page 7

by Franklin W. Dixon

  A shudder pulsed through the car as he turned the key. It was still moving. Frank shoved his body against the wheel and opened his eyes. Through the right window he saw the side of the tanker whooshing safely by, maybe two inches away.

  Harley lifted his head. Together, he and Frank looked in the rear-view mirror. The car had sailed past the intersection just as the light turned green. Peeking out from the side of a brick storefront were the tanker's driver and passenger.

  With plenty of time to step on the brake now, Frank brought the car to a stop in the left lane. "D - drive us to the side of the s - street, okay?" Harley said, unable to stop his voice from shaking.

  Harley fanned himself with a newspaper as Frank pulled up to the curb. "Thanks," he said softly.

  "It's the least I could do, after the new body work," said Frank. "You may want to replace the emergency brake, though."

  Harley smiled weakly. "You saved my life. How can I ever — " "Repay me?" said Frank with a smile. "Well, you can start by being a little more friendly. We're in this together, you know."

  Harley sighed. "Sorry, Frank. I guess I've been letting my jealousy show. But it seems that every time I turn around some guy is falling madly in love with my girlfriend." "Look, Harley, I'm not in love with Tessa. I already have a girlfriend. And besides, the most important thing now is that someone is trying to kill her. If you really care that much for her, why don't you help us out?"

  Harley looked stunned. "I'm trying to, by keeping an eye on Tessa."

  "That's my brother's job. And I wouldn't worry about him. He gets that way with a lot of girls, and he's given up on Tessa by now." "So what else do you want me to do?" "Follow me to the Bayport Museum and help me pin down Ruppenthal. I could use some support."

  Before Harley could answer, Frank hopped out of the car and ran back up the hill to his van. He passed the tanker and glanced up at the driver, who looked as if he wanted to kill him.

  "Got to get those brakes fixed!" said Frank with a cheerful wave. He continued to run, without looking back.


  Harley nervously fingered his hair as he followed Frank into the museum. "Look, Frank, I'm no detective, but I really think we ought to get back to the mansion. Tessa needs us. Besides, she's probably worrying about where I am."

  "This won't take long," Frank answered. "We're just going to ask Ruppenthal a few more questions. Keep the heat on him."

  "Personally, I don't think a wimp like Ruppenthal is very dangerous. Besides, he says he's found his agreement."

  "Look, Harley, let me do the detective work. All you have to do is look menacing. Try hard."

  With that he turned and walked through the museum door. Harley scowled as he followed behind.

  Frank led him through the main hallway and into the outer office. The receptionist looked up from his computer. "Here to see Mr. Ruppenthal?" he asked, adjusting his glasses.

  "Yes," Frank said, bluffing. "I'm Frank Hardy. I have an appointment."

  The man turned back to his keyboard. "Why don't you take a seat in his office? He had an appointment, but I'm expecting him shortly." Harley followed Frank into the empty office, where they both sat down.

  "The museum looks ridiculous without that artwork, doesn't it?" Frank said. Harley nodded absentmindedly. Beads of sweat were forming on his forehead, and he clenched and unclenched his fingers.

  Finally he threw his hands in the air and stood up. "He's probably gone for the day. This is a total waste of time." He loosened his collar, looking around. "Let's go. This whole thing gives me the creeps." Just then the silence was broken by the sounds of a door opening and footsteps in the hallway, the receptionist's voice chimed out, "First door on the left."

  Harley spun around anxiously to face the door. "It's not Ruppenthal," he said.

  The footsteps stopped. Two very large men in drab brown suits filled the doorway. "We were just leaving," Harley said in a choked voice, staring up into a broad, craggy face with a stubbly beard.

  Without saying a word, the man stepped forward and grabbed Harley by the collar.

  "No! No!" Harley sputtered as the man picked him up and threw him against Ruppenthal's desk. Harley let out a yell and fell onto the floor.

  Instantly Frank sprang up from his chair into a karate stance. The hulking man faced him with a sinister grimace—and reached into his jacket.

  "Hey, hey!" the other man called out to his partner. "What are you doing, stupid? Neither of these guys is Ruppenthal. They're way too young!"

  The first man grunted and put his arm down. "Where's the big guy, punk?" he said to Frank.

  "It looks as though he's left for the day."

  The man lifted a clenched fist. "I'm not sure I believe you," he growled. But his partner grabbed him by the shoulder and said, "Come on, don't waste your time on this peach-fuzz! were given bum information — let's get out of here!"

  The men turned around and strode out of the doorway, leaving the scent of stale cigarett smoke in the room. '

  "Are you all right?" Frank asked.

  Harley rose to his feet, one hand massaging his ribs. "Is this a normal day in your line of work?' he asked with a pained look on his face.

  "More or less," Frank answered, his mind already racing on to other things. "Ruppenthal's obviously in trouble with somebody — but who?"

  "I couldn't even guess. Do you know what that goon was reaching for in his jacket?" Harley asked. "It wasn't — "

  "A gun?" Frank smiled. "Why else would someone like that be reaching for his armpit? I don't think he was putting on deodorant."

  "Look, Frank, I really don't think we should hang around here. What if they come back?" Frank looked at his watch. "You're right. It's four-thirty anyway — Ruppenthal probably has gone home by now." He looked around on Ruppenthal's desk and pulled an envelope out from a stack of papers. "Here's his home address, in Short Neck. That's the next town over, just past the Carpenter mansion."

  Harley shook his head violently. "I will absolutely not go with you to this man's house. I'll drive with you in that direction, but I plan to turn Tessa's driveway—and don't try to talk me out of it!"

  "Fine," said Frank with a shrug of the shoulders. "I'll follow you. Maybe my brother will change places with you for a little while." Frank quickly copied down Ruppenthal's address, then he and Harley whisked out of the place, past a bewildered receptionist.

  Within minutes the van and the Lamborghini were on their way to the Carpenter mansion.

  As Frank drove up the driveway, the first thing he noticed was a black car parked at the top. He pulled up behind it and saw the MD license plate.

  "Hello, boys! Where's Tessa?"

  Frank turned to see Dr. Lansdale waving from the front door of the mansion.

  Harley parked the Lamborghini and jumped out. "She was with Joe when I left. They were supposed to stay here."

  Dr. Lansdale looked puzzled. "Well, the front door was open when I arrived, but I can't find them."

  Frank and Harley gave each other a surprised look. "Why don't I check the grounds while you cover the house," Frank suggested. Harley agreed, and Frank went over to the garage.

  All four doors were open. Lawn equipment and a collection of barbecue grills were scattered across half the garage. The other half was totally empty.

  They must have taken the other car, Frank thought. He ran back toward the mansion, only to see Harley rushing out the front door.

  "The dagger! The dagger!" he blurted.

  "What?" said Frank. "What happened to it?"

  Harley's eyes were wide open in fear. "It's gone!"

  Chapter 13

  Frank rushed past Harley into the parlor. The bookcase had been pushed back into place, and all the paintings hung untouched. He went straight to the sideboard. The glass case lay there, its top open, its satin cushion rumpled. But the Borgia dagger was nowhere to be seen. He turned to Harley and Dr. Lansdale, who stood dumbfounded in the doorway.

  "Harley, check up
stairs. Dr. Lansdale, look in the hallway and the sitting room. If we're lucky, Joe has just hidden it somewhere for safekeeping."

  Frank scoured the parlor. He looked in drawers, checked under the rug, shook books down from the bookcase. Nothing.

  Soon Harley and Dr. Lansdale appeared in the doorway again. They both shook their heads.

  "What do you think happened to it?" asked Harley. "You think someone kidnapped Tessa?"

  "There's no ransom note, and the other car is gone. I've got to assume she and Joe went some where in a hurry, maybe taking the dagger with them for some reason. Any ideas where they might be?"

  "The country club!" Harley said immediately.

  "Or the mall," Dr. Lansdale suggested.

  "Well, I guess those leads are as good as any, Dr. Lansdale, you and I will go to the club in my van. Harley, you check out the mall."I "Right!" Harley eagerly hopped into the Lamborghini. Frank helped Dr. Lansdale into the passenger seat of the van and then climbed in on the other side.

  The two cars took off down the winding driveway, leaving a trail of dust. As they reached the bottom, Frank suddenly jammed on the brakes. Harley skidded to a stop behind him, barely missing the rear bumper of the van.

  In front of them, trudging wearily up the road was Joe.

  "Hey, what's all the excitement about? I could use a little lift," he said.

  "Joe! What are you doing here?" Frank called out from inside the van. "Where's Tessa?"

  Joe shrugged his shoulders and said, "Off floating through the countryside somewhere, far away from the dark terror of Joe Hardy."

  "You lost her!" Frank said.

  "Well, it's more complicated than that," Joe answered. "You know, a guy tries to be on his best behavior, tries to be the ideal bodyguard, right? He keeps quiet, does his job, and then decides to make conversation — asks a dumb, innocent, friendly question — " Frank crossed his arms. "What did you ask her, Joe?'

  "Well, I was reading Personality magazine and I got to thinking about the actors in the movies— you know, the ones who have to do those kisses In close-up? Well, I realized these people probably don't even really know each other — " "I don't believe this," Frank said, rolling his eyes. "Get to the point, Joe!"

  Joe lowered his head. "All I did was ask how she would feel kissing a perfect stranger — "

  "What?" Harley bellowed. Joe said, "She didn't even give me - a chance to — "

  "Cool it, you guys," Frank said. "Go on, Joe, what did she do after this 'innocent, friendly' Question?"

  "Well, she gave me a look, ran outside, and drove away. I tried to run after her. I even ran all the way into town, hoping she just stopped at an ice-cream store or something, but no luck."

  "Did she take the dagger with her for any reason?" "I don't think so. Why?"

  "It's gone, Joe. The front door of the mansion was open, and the dagger was gone."

  "Well, Tessa was storming around the house this afternoon. It's possible — "

  "My guess is that someone else has it — someone who wants to use it — "

  Joe finished the sentence. "On Tessa!"

  Dr. Lansdale gasped. "Oh, my poor little girl!'

  "Look, chances are it's nothing serious,' Frank said. "She's probably at the club or driving around blowing off steam. Why don't you and Harley comb the town for her, while I take Dr. Lansdale and look for Ruppenthal. I've got to track him down — "

  "Hold it a minute, Frank," Joe said. "You want me to go with Harley? Uh, I hate to say it but that doesn't sound like the best combination."

  They both glanced over at Harley pacing back and forth, his hands curled into fists. "Right," Frank said. He gave Joe the piece of paper with Ruppenthal's address. "Okay, you go with Dr. Lansdale. Try to get Ruppenthal to talk." He reached into the van. "I'll take one of the mobile phones and call you when we find Tessa."

  As Frank stepped into Harley's car, Joe gunned the van down the road toward Short Neck.

  "Please, Joe, I'm a little slow at this sort of thing," said Dr. Lansdale. "Why are we looking for Albert Ruppenthal?"

  "Sorry, Dr. Lansdale. Frank and I can't help thinking Ruppenthal's up to something. He and Squinder are the only Ones who seem to have clear motives for wanting to harm Tessa." Dr. Lansdale stared out the window distractedly. "I still can't believe this is happening. Why should anyone want to murder Tessa Carpenter?" "We're not sure. That's why we've got to follow every lead."

  "And you think Mr. Ruppenthal might be be in this?"

  "Possibly. The only thing that puzzles me is that he says he now has the agreement that gives the collection back to the museum." "A bluff, perhaps?" Dr. Lansdale suggested. "Maybe, but why?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Well, he may know that you and Frank are guarding her. If he gets you to believe he has the agreement, then you'll think the Carpenter Collection legally belongs in the museum."

  "And we'd stop guarding her if we thought she was doing something illegal." "Precisely. This could be a means of luring you two away from her so he can attack."

  Joe smiled. "You're not 'a little slow at this sort of thing' at all, Dr. Lansdale." "Not when my Tessa's life is at stake!" "All right, then!" Joe reached into his pocket and gave Dr. Lansdale the paper on which Frank had written Ruppenthal's address. "Let's find him."

  Before long they left Cliffside Heights. Dr. Lansdale directed Joe through Short Neck and onto a road of small houses and towering maple trees. House after house looked almost identical - white shingles, freshly cut lawns, and flower gardens. But one was completely hidden by enormous green hedges.

  "That's it," said Dr. Lansdale. "I must say,': she added as Joe pulled up in front, "it looks sort of creepy and overgrown."

  "I don't see a car in the driveway," Joe said "We may have to wait for him."

  "How do you expect to involve me in this?" Dr. Lansdale asked.

  "Wait here and watch carefully while I check around. As soon as Ruppenthal lets me in, I'll sit him down and question him. I have a feeling he'll be offering me a bribe I've already refused. If he does, I'll somehow get him to offer it to me in the front room."

  Joe opened the van's secret floor compartment and pulled out a small camera. "I'm setting this zoom lens for you. All you have to do is press this button and film the exchange of money. We'll build a case on Ruppenthal." -

  Dr. Lansdale grabbed the camera with excitement. "I'll do anything to help put this awful fellow behind bars."

  "Just keep the windows up. They're tinted, so he won't be able to tell anyone's in here." Joe walked up the empty driveway. He noticed plastic bags of trash by the side of the house. To anyone else, it would not have seemed unusual, but Joe noticed none of the other houses had put their trash out yet. He walked to the front door and rang the bell. No answer. He tried another time, then went over the front windows.

  One peek was all it took. Joe ran back to the van and yanked open the front door. "Quick, Dr. Lansdale, move over!" "What is it? He's not home?" "Not only that! There are sheets over all his furniture, and the trash is out early. He's gone all right — and it's a good bet he's on the run!"

  Beeeep. Beeeep. Dr. Lansdale was startled by the sound of the mobile phone. Joe picked it up. "Yeah, Frank ... You did? Is she okay? ... A what? ... Location? ... I'll be right there!"

  Joe threw the van into gear. The tires left a black double curve as he made a squealing U-turn.

  "They've found Tessa," he said.

  "What is it, Joe? Is she all right?"

  Joe tightened his grip on the steering wheel. He didn't quite know how to say this. "They don't know. She's lying in a ditch by Fairground Road."

  Chapter 14

  Dr. Lansdale clutched the dashboard as Joe zoomed back into Cliffside Heights. The tree branches alongside the road bent in the wind the van went by.

  Fairground Road was a sharp right about a half mile past the Carpenter mansion. The van teetered sharply to the left as Joe made the turn.

  The numbers on the digital speedometer changed in
rapid succession. Finally Joe caught sight of two cars off to the side of the road.

  "There they are!" cried Dr. Lansdale.

  Joe drove onto the shoulder and stopped behind Harley's car. To their right, on the grass by the side of the road, Harley was cradling a woozy Tessa in his arms. Frank was kneeling nearby.

  Dr. Lansdale threw open the van door and rushed out to Tessa, with Joe close behind.

  "What happened?" Joe called out.

  "We found her in the woods, almost unconscious," Frank said. "We never got to the mall."

  "Why were you going on this road?" Joe said. The mall's much closer to town." "Harley knew about some sort of shortcut. It was a lucky thing we came this way, or we'd never have found her." "Is she hurt?"

  "Doesn't seem so. There's practically no sign of a struggle. But there is something very weird — "

  Frank was interrupted by a muffled cry from Dr. Lansdale.

  All eyes looked down. Dr. Lansdale was quickly brushing away hair from Tessa's forehead. Underneath was a red mark that looked like a huge, jagged scar.

  Frank bent down and immediately realized it wasn't a scar at all. Shaped like a twisted lightening bolt, the mark had been drawn onto Tessa's forehead with bright lipstick.

  Frank stared at it, bewildered. "It's a letter B," he said.

  The color had drained out of Dr. Lansdale's face. "Yes," she said, nodding gravely. "It's the ancient symbol of the Borgia family." Immediately they all fell silent. "What are you all staring at? Tell me!" Tessa cried out. Now fully awake, she glanced from face to face with terror in her eyes. Realizing where everyone was looking, she shot her hand up to her forehead. With a sweep of her fingers, she wiped away some of the lipstick.

  "What is this — some sort of a joke? What's happening to me?"

  "Everything's okay now," said Harley with a reassuring smile. "Just lie back and take it easy for a few minutes."

  He rocked her in his arms, but her eyes were on Frank. "Frank, I'm scared," she said, her voice quivering. "I never should have gone alone. But your brother — "

  Frank sat down across from her. "I know From now on, there are going to be some changes." He gave Joe a sharp, quick glance. "The three of us will stick together at all times and Harley and Dr. Lansdale will help us. Now tell me what you remember."


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