In the Name of Glori (The Redemption Series: Book 3)

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In the Name of Glori (The Redemption Series: Book 3) Page 7

by Maeve Christopher

  I automatically shook my head at her. You’d think I was watching a soap opera or something.

  “No. He must have shut the front door, and then he came back to the bedroom and laid his gun on the dresser. I couldn’t move, not even to wipe my eyes. He sat beside me on the bed, ran his hand up under the shirt. This shirt—that’s all I had on. Then he kissed me—a hungry kiss, like I wasn’t gonna stop him this time.”

  She blew her nose again. It kind of broke the spell, if you know what I mean. “So you decided to have sex with him?”

  Aubrey nodded, and tears flew around the room. “I wanted him. I wanted him, but I was scared to death.”

  “So?” I’m not the most patient person, really.

  “I began to unbutton his shirt. He didn’t push me away. He didn’t stop me. He didn’t speak. He kissed me and—my mind was—it was like I was watching myself from far away. I couldn’t catch my breath. He was on top of me. He was—I knew he knew it.”

  She hid her face on her knees. I bent down to hear her, and she got all squeaky again. “I didn’t know what to do. Aubrey Rose, sex goddess, didn’t know what to do when she was finally having sex. Then he pulled me to him and cradled me in his arms. Thank God he didn’t push me away. I soaked his chest with tears.”

  I had no idea what to say. I grabbed the mug of cold tea and took a gulp. I could have used something stronger.

  Aubrey kept going. “He... He never said a word to me, and I never said a word to him. And I know he knew I was a virgin. There wasn’t any doubt about it.”

  My jaw dropped. “You spent the night with him, and neither one of you said anything?”

  “No! I left in the middle of the night.”

  How did this girl get so screwed up? I remembered to close my mouth.

  “Afterward when he held me for a while, and then his breathing changed, and I knew he was asleep. I got up and left. I walked around the city for hours. It was a few minutes after eight when I got back, and he’d gone to work.”

  I shoved the coffee table away, and she collapsed onto me like a rag doll. I held her as she heaved, incredulous. How did these two get so screwed up? I stroked her hair and rubbed her back to comfort her. I remembered the tears I cried about a year ago when I thought Alain was out of my life for good.

  “Aubrey.” She had finally calmed enough so I could talk to her. I used my most soothing voice. “It’s gonna be okay. I know it doesn’t look that way now, but it’s gonna be okay.”

  I couldn’t tell her that Cat had seen them together in the future. At David’s funeral, no less. All I could do would be to talk some sense into her and encourage her. Support her. I remembered Cindy did the very same thing for me. Now, I could be a true friend. It actually felt kind of good.

  I helped her into the bedroom and tucked her into the bed. “You need some rest now. Get some sleep and we’ll talk some more later. Everything’s gonna be fine, believe me. You two just need to get together and talk.” I sat beside her until Aubrey drifted off to sleep.


  I paced the living room floor, dialing and redialing my phone, until finally, two hours later, Alain picked up his phone. I whispered loudly. “Don’t tell me I need to keep my big nose outta this, Alain, ‘cause I’m right smack in the middle, and I need to help Aubrey.”


  “She’s a mess. A complete and total mess. And what I’m tellin’ you I’m tellin’ you in confidence. You understand? This isn’t for all the secret agents in the world to know about. Okay?” I heard half a laugh on the other end.

  I steadied myself. “Look, I know Aubrey is totally in love with Jimmy. She never cared one whit about Tommy Cross. It was a stupid publicity thing she got sucked into. You gotta understand her show business personality is totally different than her real personality. She’s just twenty-three. She’s been in a bubble—been in this weird music business since she was ten. She may be the image of the sex siren, but deep inside she’s just a normal girl that’s in love. Jimmy’s what? Twenty-nine? She’s not that mature. So he’s gotta take some responsibility.”

  “Glori, I thought you put her on a plane, so we could be done with this.”

  “She’s here in Jimmy’s apartment.”


  “She never left yesterday. She had a key to his place so she came here. They slept together, but they didn’t talk. She must’ve been freaked out, and she left in the middle of the night to go for a long walk. When she got back, he wasn’t here. It’s like a big misunderstanding.”

  I heard sarcastic laughter on the other end. “It must have been great sex.”

  I felt steam rising through me. “Alain! She’s a fuckin’ virgin. She doesn’t know what the heck she’s doin’. And she was embarrassed to tell him about it.”

  He shut up.


  I paced the floor. Aubrey had fallen into a deep sleep. It was probably the best thing for her. I heard Jimmy’s key in the door, and rushed to meet him. He looked beat—and more worried than I’d ever seen him.

  “Thanks for bein’ there for Aubrey.” His drawl was more pronounced when he was tired.

  “Sure, Jimmy. She’s still sleeping. I just want you to know, you guys can work this out. You two were meant to be together. And I got that from the Cat’s mouth, if you know what I mean.” I grabbed my jacket and left, my stilettos clicking down the stairs.

  Jimmy was well aware of Cat’s abilities. I felt uncomfortable saying anything, but it was important. I couldn’t let a hard-headed Texan lose the love of his life because he was intimidated by Aubrey’s image. And Aubrey, well, she had her heart in the right place.

  Chapter Six

  By Friday I was exhausted. I threw the last of my necessities into my suitcase, and flopped onto the bed. I really needed a weekend away with Alain. He’d be home in a couple hours. I dialed Diana Black in New York.

  “Glori. Good to hear from you. I was about to call. I get so confused with the time difference.”

  “Yeah. Me too, Diana, what’s up?”

  I could hear a deep breath precede the announcement. “We’ve decided to launch Glori Cosmetics at the International Commerce Convention. It’s right in Vienna in August. I know it’s very soon, but it’s the perfect place to launch the line in Europe. Our New York flagship store will have a soft opening at the same time. In September, we’ll do the official opening in New York.”


  “I know you have constraints on your time, but the convention will involve minimum travel. This year it’s attracting the biggest names from around the world. The President is doing the keynote address. You’ll be able to meet him, I’m sure, along with the who’s who of Europe. Since the formulations have been created by an Austrian, and Paulo’s foundation is integral to the success of this project, it’s a perfect fit. Besides, most of the natural cosmetics and herbal remedy trends started over in Europe.”

  “Cool. What are the dates? I’ll pencil it in.”


  I found Maria in the nursery with Debbie and the babies. “Hey, Maria, I just got off the phone with Diana Black.”

  She handed me a baby. “Ah, yes, Glori.”

  I sat on the edge of a chair and cajoled the pacifier into his mouth. “They’re launching the line at the International Commerce Convention in Vienna.”

  “Excellent.” Maria had her back to me as she checked on Freddy in his crib. Finally, she took a seat and gave me her full attention. “Frederick is on the hospitality committee this year. I’m looking forward to spending a few days in Vienna.”

  “That’s great. Diana was hoping you could put in an appearance.” I noticed concern spreading across Maria’s face. “You just have to show up. No speeches or anything, okay?”

  Maria smiled. “I’m happy to support you, my dear. But I’m not one for giving speeches. Anything else I can do for you, I will.”

  “Thanks.” I took a breath. Maria was an amazing woman. I had tremendous respect
for her. She was always helping everyone in this large extended family, digging in doing whatever work needed to be done. There wasn’t a selfish bone in her body. Now I was asking for more.

  “There is one other thing. Diana’s sending a dozen women here to train with you. They’re the ones who’ll work in the flagship stores in Vienna and New York. She just wants to make sure they’ll get everything from the horse’s mouth, if you know what I mean.”

  “That’s fine, dear. I’ll need to work out the dates. I do feel better that they are taking the products and procedures seriously. I know it’s a far cry from what they’ve done in the past.”

  “Yeah. I’ll give you Diana’s number so you can talk to her more about it.”


  Alain drove like a maniac over these rural roads. It was a miracle he’d never hit a cow or something. I suppose these secret agents are used to chasing or being chased by bad guys. So they know how to drive better than the rest of us. But as we entered another hairpin turn at a million miles an hour, (I couldn’t even understand the damn speedometers over here), I almost lost it.

  “Alain! We could hit a cow.”

  “Hit a cow?”

  “Ohhhhhhh.” I closed my eyes. “What happens if we hit a cow?”

  When I opened my eyes, he was gawking at me, not the road. “Then we have steak.”

  I dug my nails into the leather seat. This wasn’t the time to feel the feelings. I figured it was best not to distract him anymore. It sure wouldn’t help matters.

  My seat belt was fastened, and I was getting out of town with the man I loved. Even a little bit of a scenery change would be fine. With Salzburg and the surrounding countryside you couldn’t go wrong with scenery.

  Alain had chosen a quaint, luxurious inn that Raphael’s company, Dominguez Construction, had built. And finally, finally, the weather was actually warm. At least for today.

  We checked in to a suite that boasted every modern convenience replete with old world charm. Like the brochure said, breathtaking Alpine views, and fields of flowers blossoming with the promise of spring, brought a welcome serenity.

  We did not waste time unpacking—we fell into bed and spent the night making love. My kind of serenity.

  I awoke with a smile. Alain was still unconscious beside me. I stretched myself cat-like against his muscular body, savoring the feel of my skin against his.

  I thought about the events of recent weeks. I’d be even busier as time went on. But I had accomplished some good things. Aubrey and Jimmy were back together—hopefully.

  I would have my own international cosmetics line. It would thrust me even more into the spotlight. Millions of women would have better skincare products and hundreds, maybe thousands, more would have better jobs and better lives because of me.

  I was even going to have a solo album out by the end of the year, and a slew of music videos. It was just a matter of time before I had the movie deal I wanted.

  I decided to ask Joe about putting Debbie’s drawing on my album cover. It could be Glori’s personal signature logo. Glori could be a brand. Glori cosmetics, perfume, fashion, accessories, Glori everything. Why not?

  It’d be a win/win for everyone. Debbie would make a ton of money. She’d get royalties for her artwork from every direction. She’d be able to earn circles around her husband.

  Sudden panic bubbled up. Cat’s face appeared before me, blue as the blood drained away, that haunting expression in her eyes. She knew so much and revealed so little. I realized what a tortured soul she must be. She’d seen David’s death. When would Debbie be widowed? How would it happen? How could Debbie survive it? She lived for him.

  Alain? Was Alain in danger? Cat never told me about my future with Alain. Only that we would have a daughter with beautiful green eyes. The daughter I would name Christina. Would he be around to raise her?

  I bit my lip to quash an involuntary moan. Living One Minute at a Time. Cat had written the lyrics to the song that started it all for me. It was about the time I first met Alain, and she wrote the song that told my life with him. It suggested a happy ending, but was it only temporary? Why would she really have given that song that title?

  I was under the impression it was because I had used those very words to Alain. Maybe Cat had other reasons. Maybe they were reasons she wasn’t even conscious of. How many more minutes would I have with him?

  Instinctively I pulled myself into his side. Groggy green eyes blinked at me. “You’re never satisfied Glori… can’t you see I’m trying to sleep?”


  Time flew by. Already it was late June, and I was grateful the weather was sunny and warm. Still not Beverly Hills. But it was acceptable. I’d juggled my responsibilities admirably, I thought. Things were going pretty much according to plan.

  Amanda James, host of the hugely popular news show, Amanda James Now, marveled at the efficient workroom Maria Lambrecht had created in her home. A separate doorway led to a greenhouse where she and Camellia grew many of the plants she used in her formulations.

  Uptown Cosmetics’ dozen employees had just finished Maria’s training course. They swarmed around Amanda, anxiously offering their creations for her to sample. Cindy, Debbie, and I giggled in the background as soap bubbles rose from the sink, and Amanda discovered the aromatherapeutic pleasures of Maria’s essential oil blends.

  Amanda told me she was surprised at how much Debbie had come out of her shell. She’d really blossomed, especially since she’d come to live here in Austria.

  The women chuckled as Debbie slathered herself with the perfume oil Maria had created for her soon after they had met. Cindy explained it was loaded with Neroli and, most likely, at least somewhat responsible for Debbie’s babies. The women clamored to try it.

  I doubled over laughing. “No! You want David after all of you?” There was a simultaneous nod followed by more hysterics. So I made sure they all applied moisturizer with a “balancing blend” of oils, before they headed over to Debbie’s house for the interviews.

  David greeted us at the door with an armload of babies. I had to laugh—men had no common sense when it came to kids. He had obviously taken care to dress for the occasion; however his bright white shirt now sported multicolored baby drool. That would look good on TV.

  He seemed relieved to dole out the boys to Maria and Cindy, so he could grab his giggling wife in a possessive hug and kiss. I decided it wasn’t just the Neroli.

  We all joined the rest of the family milling about the parlor, spilling out onto the terrace. I wasn’t surprised David quietly took his wife in his arms and carried her upstairs. Yeah, she had to help him change his shirt.


  As I watched General Pearson chat with Amanda, I decided he had a little crush on her. Probably the feeling was mutual, but Amanda was a professional. She wouldn’t let anything jeopardize her career. And she had an exclusive with Paulo and the band, not to mention the world’s most celebrated secret agents. Any reporter would’ve killed for that.

  But no matter how she charmed Pearson, Amanda wouldn’t be getting the juicy details she wanted. She caught my eye as I turned toward the kitchen, and followed me with her empty glass. Lucky for her, there was no one else in the kitchen. I poured us both a mineral water with lime.

  She meandered over to the back staircase and looked up, like she’d see them doing it on the stairs. I chuckled.

  “I love this old house,” she sighed. Yeah, she knew what I was thinking. She blushed just a bit and took the drink from the counter.

  I couldn’t help but smirk. “Get in line. It’s like every woman in the world has the hots for David.”

  She choked a little on the water, and recovered with a dreamy smile, wandering the room in her reverie. “Definitely the strong, silent type. He’s so tall—and all muscle. But not muscle-bound. And his eyes—intense…”

  I wondered if she remembered I was there. I couldn’t help giggling.

  She turned to face me, back in reporter m
ode. “It’s supreme self-confidence. They all have it—all four—all five—of them. It’s just that David has it in spades.”

  “Yep.” And he was the deadliest one of them all.

  She held her finger up in an “aha” moment. “And women sense that immediately. But then, we see the way he looks at his wife. He completely adores her. You know he’d lay down his life for her in a heartbeat. And that’s what every woman wants. Every woman wants love like that.”

  Amanda’s cameraman barged through the door. Time to get the show on the road. She returned to the parlor and grabbed Paulo and his fiancée, Ellen. She ushered them to a loveseat, took a chair opposite them, and began firing questions.

  “Paulo, Ellen, congratulations. You’re wedding day is less than two months away now, on your eighteenth birthday, Paulo. Why did you decide to get married at such an extraordinarily early age?”

  Our innocent Paulo was beginning to understand this business of celebrity. Where before he’d have blushed beet red with embarrassment, now I could see a trace of indignation at such a question. “I love Ellen with all my heart. I want to spend my life with her.”

  “So many young people feel that way, like it’s forever. Statistics just don’t bear that out. Does your family approve of this?”

  “Yes.” Paulo folded his arms; his deep blue eyes were practically on fire. He probably figured he didn’t need to justify himself to her. He’d had enough trouble with his family.

  I had to muffle my laughter with my hand. Lucky for Paulo, Cat had pronounced Paulo and Ellen were in fact made for each other. Otherwise, Eduardo would have sent her packing a year ago.

  Joe Harris intervened to turn the topic to the new album. Amanda listened to his story and then followed up with another question. “I suppose, Paulo, when Ellen threw herself in front of a gunman in California last year, taking a bullet that could have killed you, and almost killing her… well I suppose that made your family realize how serious you two were?”


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