Misadventures on the Rebound

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Misadventures on the Rebound Page 19

by Lauren Rowe

  Savvy and I sprint hand in hand toward the elevator bank on the far side of the casino. “That was incredible,” I say when we’ve reached the middle of the casino floor, and it’s clear Derek isn’t following us. “You were incredible back there. You were savage.”

  Savvy laughs. “That’s Kyle’s nickname for me! Savage.”

  “He’s exactly right. Oh, my God.” I stop and pull her to me and kiss the hell out of her. “You’re a savage beast, Savvy Valentine. Holy shit. You’ve never been sexier to me than right this minute.”

  Savvy giggles. “I feel incredible right now. On fire.”

  “Do you really believe all those things you said about me?”

  “Every word.”

  Emotion grips me. “Are you sure? I’m the guy who had to leave after a scuffle because the cops might come and not believe a word I say. You sure you’re okay with having a boyfriend like that?”

  Savvy’s expression surprises me. She doesn’t look compassionate or sympathetic. She looks pissed. “If you don’t want to be with me, then don’t try to get me to break it off, okay? Just say it, Aiden. Say whatever you’re really thinking.”

  “What? No.” I clutch her shoulders. “Savvy, listen to me. I’m absolutely crazy about you. I’m just worried you’re gonna look at me any day now and think, ‘I can’t be with him.’”

  She looks up at the ceiling for a moment like she’s asking God himself for patience, and when she looks at me again, her dark eyes are steely. “Do you want me? Yes or no.”

  “Yes. It scares me how much I want you.”

  “Great. That’s all you need to worry about. What you want. You’re in charge of your feelings. I’m in charge of mine. You want me. I want you. We stay together until any of those things changes for either of us.” She clenches her jaw. “Okay?”

  Warmth spreads throughout my core. I nod. “Okay.”

  “You don’t get to tell me I shouldn’t want to be with you. Or that you’re not good enough for me. I’m in charge of my feelings and that’s that. Same for you. Do we have a deal?”

  “Yes. Absolutely. Holy shit, you’re hot.”

  “Now take me to the bar for a fuckload of tequila shots, and then we’re going to the storage room, and you’re going to play me that motherfucking song.”

  I bite my lip and put out my arm. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  I pull out a piece of paper from my pocket, unfold it, and place it on the piano in front of me. “I haven’t memorized my lyrics yet,” I explain sheepishly.

  “This isn’t American Idol,” Savvy says. “I promise I won’t judge you. I just want to hear what was going through your mind while I was upstairs slaving away on the algorithm.”

  “And, also, keep in mind piano isn’t my primary instrument,” I say. “When we get to LA, I’ll play this song for you on my guitar, and it’ll be way better.”

  “Aiden,” Savvy says. “I know you only wrote this song yesterday. I know it’s a first draft. I just want to hear the gist.”

  I take a deep breath and begin playing the song. I play a few simple chords to set the stage. Nothing too fancy. On piano, I’m not capable of playing anything too fancy. A few more simple chords and I begin to sing.

  I needed a ride, and there she was

  It was nothing more than that

  She told me her secrets, I told her mine,

  Tried, but I couldn’t hold back

  I’m Savvy, she said, but only by name

  I told her I’d tell her goodbye

  She said that’s fine and flashed me a smile

  That made me forget how to lie

  And now she’s…my…valentine


  Savvy Who Isn’t Savvy

  And I’m Her Aiden Not Saying Goodbye

  She’s my Savvy Who Isn’t Savvy

  Won’t stop ’til I’ve made her mine

  I needed to save the one I love

  Nothing more to it than that

  But she gave me her heart so I gave her mine

  Tried, but I couldn’t hold back

  Thought I knew what I wanted

  At least, what I needed,

  Turns out, didn’t have a clue

  No strings or frets worth a shit to me now

  If Savvy’s not here with me, too

  Because she’s…my…valentine


  Savvy Who Isn’t Savvy

  One look sets my soul on fire

  My Savvy Who Isn’t Savvy

  Won’t rest ’til I’ve made her mine

  She’s Savvy Who Isn’t Savvy

  Sent straight from heaven above

  She’s my Savvy Who Isn’t Savvy

  And I’m Her Aiden Who’s Fallen,

  Her Aiden Who’s Fallen,

  Her Aiden Who’s Fallen in Love

  I lift my fingers off the piano keys, turn to smile at Savvy…and I’m met with her glorious lips on mine.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  If I thought Savvy and I would come upstairs and “make love” after the sentiments I expressed to her in my song, I was happily mistaken. We’re unleashed. Holding nothing back. Animals in a frenzy. And I love it.

  With a loud groan, I lift Savvy up onto my cock and slam her back into the wall of the hotel room. She wraps her thighs around my waist while fucking me hard. I grab her ass with both hands and thrust myself deep inside her again and again, kissing her voraciously. But I can’t get deep enough. Can’t fuck her hard enough. I walk over to the bed with her clinging to me, guide her down, and bend her over the bed. I run my palm up and down her spine, teasing her, and finally grab her hair, pull her head back, and plunge myself inside her. When she cries out, I spank her ass, and she growls. When I reach around and massage her swollen tip, still pounding her, she whimpers and moans and growls. Another spank of her round ass and she comes for me. So hard, I feel wetness trickle down my balls.

  I come inside her…so forcefully, my vision blurs and warps. And, suddenly, I know for a fact I’m not going anywhere. Ever. Because, for the first time in ten fucking years, I finally feel like I’m home.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  The waitress refills my coffee mug, blocking my view of Aiden playing his acoustic guitar on the far side of the patio.

  “Thank you,” I say politely to the waitress, even though I feel like shrieking at her, “Move the fuck out of my way!”

  “You’re welcome,” she says brightly, and then she’s gone.

  My gaze returns to Aiden. This isn’t the first time I’ve watched him perform at his Sunday brunch gig, of course. It’s the fourth time. Indeed, I’ve been here every Sunday since we got back from Vegas. Plus, I’ve watched Aiden play with various bands at tiny clubs. I’ve seen him playing piano at a seedy lounge in Burbank twice. Oh, and I tagged along to watch him lay down some guitar tracks for an artist making an indie album on a shoestring budget. And each and every time I’ve watched Aiden making music in any context, on any instrument, I’ve fallen more and more madly in love with him.

  Not that I needed to watch Aiden making music to fall deeply and desperately and madly in love with him. I would have done that, regardless—just from spending time with the man and getting to know him, inside and out.

  Since Aiden and I got back from Vegas four weeks ago, we’ve been inseparable. Joined at the hip. I’m not employed, after all, and neither is Aiden—not in any conventional sense. Which means we’ve been free to spend as much time together as we like. And that’s translated to us being together pretty much all the time. Day and night. Do we have lots of sex? Yes, of course. But that’s not all we do. Not at all.

  Over the past four weeks, besides having sex with Aiden and watching him play at various gigs all over LA, I’ve also watched him renovate my kitchen and bathroom. Sometimes, I sit close by while Aiden works. I open my laptop and work on a project for one
of my new freelance clients, glancing up occasionally at Aiden and his bare chest and arms while he works. Other times, I help Aiden when he needs an extra pair of hands. Still other times, we go for a jog or hike or to the grocery store or the beach.

  On nights when Aiden doesn’t have a gig, we snuggle into my bed and have sex and then watch movies or cheesy TV shows afterward. Our obsession at the moment? Magnum, P.I. When we happened upon that cheesy show while channel surfing one night, I blurted, “That’s the one the bartender told me about!” So, of course, I demanded we watch an episode…and now it’s our favorite thing. Is Higgins really Robin Masters? We’ve simply got to know.

  The crowd around me on the patio applauds, drawing me out of my thoughts.

  “Thanks,” Aiden says into his microphone. And then he launches into a John Mayer song called “Say.”

  As Aiden begins singing, my phone on the table vibrates with a text from Kyle.

  Sorry I’m late. Are you there yet?

  Yes. I got a table on the patio.

  Back corner. No worries about being

  late. I’m unemployed, remember?

  I’m not in any rush.

  See you in two minutes.

  My stomach flips over with excitement. I can’t wait to see my darling Kyle. It’s been far too long. But, mostly, I’m excited for Kyle to meet Aiden. Or, rather, for Kyle to finally get to see my Aiden perform. When Kyle finally watched those videos of Aiden Jameson, he immediately called to gush. “I’d love to see him perform while I’m in LA,” Kyle said. And now, finally, that’s about to happen.

  “Hey, Savage.”

  I look up. It’s Kyle. Standing at the edge of my table. I pop up and give him a hug and kiss. “Hey, honey,” I coo warmly. “So glad you could make it.” I glance at Aiden playing and singing on the other side of the patio, and my heart squeezes at the expression of excitement on his face. Clearly, Aiden knows this is it. His big chance. Of course, I’ve told Aiden not to feel stress about today. “Kyle coming to see you isn’t a make or break thing,” I assured Aiden as we drove here together. “Just perform like you always do, and don’t even think about Kyle watching you.”

  Yeah. Sure. Good luck with that. By the expression on Aiden’s face as he watches Kyle getting settled at our table, it’s clear Aiden believes today’s performance is, in fact, a “make or break” thing. And, frankly, if I’m being completely honest, I do, too.

  “You look happy,” Kyle says, picking up a menu.

  I motion across the patio toward Aiden. “It’s easy to feel happy with him in my life, especially while sitting here listening to him play.”

  Kyle’s gaze follows my gesture. Aiden and Kyle lock eyes. Kyle waves. Aiden waves back as he continues singing. And I’m suddenly nervous as hell. Please, God, let this be Aiden’s lucky break.

  “Wow, great menu,” Kyle says, his eyes scanning his choices.

  “There’s a reason for that long line outside,” I say. “Everything is great here.”

  Applause rises up around us. Aiden has finished playing the John Mayer song.

  “Thanks so much,” Aiden says into his microphone. “This next song is really special to me. It’s a song I wrote for my girlfriend, Savvy.”

  Kyle looks up from his menu and gives Aiden his full attention.

  “I got really creative when I named this song about Savvy,” Aiden continues. He pauses for effect. “It’s called…‘Savvy.’”

  Everyone in the restaurant chuckles, including Kyle.

  Aiden takes a deep breath and whispers. “This one’s for you, baby.” He strums the first chords of his now-familiar song, and my heart flutters with anticipation. Hearing this song never gets old, especially when Aiden plays it on guitar. I loved hearing Aiden play this song for me that first time on piano in the storage room. But since then, I’ve loved hearing him play it on guitar even more—both on his acoustic guitar, like he’s playing today, and on Betty, his beloved Telecaster.

  “He’s even better in person than on those videos,” Kyle says. “His charisma in person is unbelievable.”

  My heart lurches. “He’s incredible, isn’t he?” I say. “He’s a star, Kyle. I’m sure of it.”

  Kyle watches Aiden quietly for a long moment. Finally, he smiles and says, “I’ve definitely got a good feeling about him, Savvy.”

  I bite my lip. “Really?”

  Kyle nods. “I’d bet just about anything my boss will love him. I mean really, really love him.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  “I don’t want my boss to see the videos, though. I want him to meet Aiden in person. That’s gonna be key to sealing the deal.”

  Across the patio, Aiden barrels into singing the ending of his song, his blue eyes trained on mine like lasers.

  She’s my Savvy Who Isn’t Savvy

  And I’m so glad she’s mine

  She’s my Savvy Who Isn’t Savvy

  And I’m her Aiden Till the End of Time

  My lips part with surprise. Those are new lyrics. I flash Aiden a beaming smile, and he returns it.

  He strums the last chord of his song, and the place erupts in applause.

  “I love you, Savvy,” Aiden says into his microphone. “With all my heart. Thank you for loving me the way you do.”

  I sense every head in the restaurant turning to look at me—the lucky bitch he’s talking to—but my eyes remain locked with Aiden’s. I mouth my reply to him, exaggerating the movement of my lips to make sure my message is received loud and clear across the patio: I love you, too. With. All. My. Heart.



  As I listen to Aiden performing from the wings of the massive stage, I can’t help marveling that this is our life. What a year! The best year of my life.

  About a week after Kyle saw Aiden perform at that brunch place in Silver Lake, he flew Aiden to New York City to meet his boss. Three weeks after that, Aiden inked a two-album deal with Kyle’s record label. And a couple months after that, Aiden was in the studio recording his debut album—which, when released six months later, spawned three Billboard Top 100 hits, including Aiden’s biggest hit. A little song called “Savvy.”

  And now, here we are, finishing up the US leg of a world tour. Specifically, for the past three months, Aiden has been the opening act for his idol, Lucas Ford, who, for the record, has turned out to be an awesome guy. Whatever problems Lucas might have had a year ago when Kyle was forced to babysit him in Denver, they’re apparently fixed now. Probably thanks to his wonderful girlfriend—a spitfire with a blonde pixie cut who’s become a close friend of mine these past three months on tour.

  Oh, God, I’ve absolutely loved being on this tour. I’ve been with Aiden. Made new friends. Seen new places. And the craziest part? I’m working and making money, too. Because when you’re a freelance cybersecurity specialist, you can work anywhere, anytime, as long as you’ve got a laptop. Even while following your boyfriend around on his tour.

  Aiden finishes his song on stage, and the crowd in the large arena roars its approval—and, of course, my body electrifies the same way it always does when a massive arena applauds my boyfriend’s music. You’d think after months of watching humongous crowds go apeshit over Aiden, I’d become inured to the thrill of it all. But, nope. It still enthralls me, every single time.

  “Thank you!” Aiden says into his microphone, and the crowd cheers again.

  I can’t see Aiden’s face clearly, since I’m watching the show from the wings of the stage, and I’m positioned slightly behind Aiden and to the side. But I can tell from his voice and body language he’s elated at this raucous crowd’s reaction to him.

  “So, hey,” Aiden says to the audience. “Is anyone here excited to see Lucas Ford in just a bit?”

  The crowd goes nuts.

  “Yeah, me, too. That guy’s been my idol since forever. I pinch myself every day I’m not only on tour with him, but I get to call him my friend.”

  The crowd cheers

  “Hey, out of curiosity, before I leave and Lucas comes out here, would anyone be interested in hearing me play a song I wrote called ‘Savvy’?”

  The crowd goes bananas, the same way they always do at the mention of that particular song. It’s Aiden’s biggest hit, after all.

  “All right. Let’s do it, then.” He turns to wink at me in the wings, and I flash him a beaming, goofy, effusive smile. And then he cues his band, readies his fingers across Betty’s strings, and rips off the iconic, opening riff of his beloved hit.

  As soon as Aiden begins singing, I feel an arm slide around my shoulder.

  “Hey, Savvy.”

  I turn to find Lucas Ford’s girlfriend squeezing me—the woman who’s quickly become one of my best friends in the world. “Hey, girl,” I reply. A quick squeeze back and I return to the show. I let my gaze drift over the faces in the crowd as they watch Aiden. And, of course, I sing along with the song. But, suddenly—weirdly—the words coming out of my mouth don’t match Aiden’s…because he’s changed the lyrics to the song.

  And now she’s…my…valentine


  Savvy Who Isn’t Savvy

  And I’m Her Aiden Not Saying Goodbye

  She’s my Savvy Who Isn’t Savvy

  Won’t stop ’til I’ve made her my wife

  My heart stops. Did Aiden just say…?

  Aiden signals the band, and the music abruptly ceases. There’s silence in the arena, other than the sound of blood thumping in my ears. The crowd titters in anticipation.

  I hold my breath.

  Aiden leans into his microphone. “Hey, do ya’ll mind if I get Savvy Who Isn’t Savvy out here for a sec? There’s something I want to ask her.”


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