Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3)

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Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3) Page 7

by Julie Shelton

  “Yes, Master.”

  The sheer intensity of the emotions zapping back and forth between these three people was felt by every single person watching this scene. Charlie’s heart stuttered and her insides melted. This is the way it should be between a Dom and his sub. This is what I’ve been looking for my entire life. This deep emotional connection. This sense of belonging completely to another. It’s what I was looking for with Perry, what I thought I had found. Too bad he turned out to be such a monster. Shaking off both her inchoate yearnings and the terrible memories of her ordeal with Bradford, Charlie turned her attention back to the threesome on the stage.

  “After your punishment is over, all transgressions will be forgiven, and you will be granted your release,” Jesse was saying.

  Sarah’s entire body slumped in relief. “Oh, thank you, thank you, Master.”

  Behind her, Adam chuckled. “Thought you’d like that part.”

  They talked a bit more, then the men moved into position and the flogging began, their arms rising and falling in a symphony of bunching, rippling muscles. By the time the last blow fell, both men were sheened with sweat.

  Jesse spoke to the exhausted woman again and the final ten strokes began to fall. As she shouted,“Ten!” her body exploded in a rapturous release that had her body writhing and twisting in the restraints.

  Dropping his flogger to the floor, Jesse fell to his knees and buried his mouth in Sarah’s pussy, making her body convulse in an endless, screaming orgasm. As soon as he’d wrung the last ounce of pleasure from her, he stood. Once again the men sandwiched her between them. Removing the vibrators from both of her passages, they unfastened their leathers, shoved them down around their knees and, in a coordinated movement, filled her with their cocks, fucking her to several more orgasms. When they were done, the one named Jesse cradled the now-insensate woman, stroking her hair and murmuring to her lovingly while Adam released her bonds and wrapped her in a blanket handed to him by the shorter of the two DM’s. Jesse released her and Adam scooped her up. He carried her down the steps and strode back across the room, while Jesse had a word with the two men who had initially caught Charlie’s eye. Then he followed his partner back the way they’d come.

  As soon as the door closed behind them, the room seemed to exhale. People around Charlie resumed their conversations and began moving around the room. For a few seconds, Charlie just stood there, still stunned by the scene she’d just witnessed. She’d never seen two men fucking the same woman before. Had never considered it might even be possible. And, of course, for her it wasn’t possible. Not after Perry had—

  Blinking to clear her vision, she started to turn her head back toward the food table but instead found herself staring at that gorgeous man with the tattoos over every inch of visible skin. He beckoned to his shorter companion. The two of them walked over to the next dais and mounted the steps. The shorter man began to strip while the larger man simply stood and watched. His erection was a hard bulge behind the leather of his pants.

  The crowd, sensing something extraordinary was about to happen, stopped milling aimlessly about and began to gather in front of this new spectacle. Unable to look away from those two sexy men, Charlie let herself be swept along with the tide of people positioning themselves to watch whatever was about to unfold.

  The shorter man stripped off his vest, pants and biker boots, revealing a perfectly toned body. Broad chest, rippling abs, bulging arms and legs. And that cock! Oh, my God! Thick, heavy, a full nine or ten inches long, standing straight up, nearly touching his belly button. Charlie’s mouth was actually watering.

  The taller man directed his partner onto the spanking bench and strapped him to it. He bent over him, whispering something in his ear, reaching through his legs to grab his scrotum, eliciting a hissing gasp from the bound man. He manipulated the pendant sac, speaking to the younger man in a low voice, saying something that Charlie couldn’t hear. Then he straightened, sending a house sub over to a cabinet to fetch something. When she came back, she handed him a box. Charlie’s heart stopped when she saw what he pulled out of the box. An huge, black, anal plug!

  Suddenly her own ass tightened up and she could barely breathe as memories assailed her. Perry Bradford, strapping her to a physician’s exam table, spreading her legs high and wide, forcing soapy, cold-water enemas into her, compelling her to hold them inside by shoving a plug up her ass. A plug just like the ones Grizzly Bear was holding. The pain from the abdominal cramping had been excruciating. The pain from the plugs even worse. And the first time he’d raped her ass, he had been so rough he’d torn her, making her bleed. Just thinking about it had her clutching her belly as a wave of nausea swept through her.

  Forcing herself to remain upright, she blew a series of short, shallow panting breaths through her mouth to ward off the impending panic attack. Fighting a wave of dizziness, she gave herself a mental shake. Focus. Focus. Remember why you’re here. You need to get food and get out!

  But she couldn’t move. Unable to tear her eyes away, she watched as the big man inserted first one, then two fingers into the other man’s anus, stretching him somewhat before starting to insert the plug, talking to him the entire time, giving his body time to adjust to the invasion. And it was clear that the younger man was so aroused, he was actually enjoying having his ass penetrated, something that left Charlie completely baffled.

  Then the punishment began. Twenty swats on the bound man’s ass, blows that were so hard they could be heard above the driving, relentlessly thumping beat of the music. By the time the twentieth blow landed, the big man was drenched in sweat and his partner’s ass was a bright, fiery red. Charlotte felt hot just looking at it. Either that or it was suddenly extremely warm in here. Actually, it was extremely warm in here. So warm, in fact, she was sweating profusely and feeling slightly lightheaded.

  She let out the breath she didn’t even know she’d been holding, still watching, spellbound, as the grizzly bear began turning the plug inside the man’s ass. He pulled it partway out, and released it, drawing back his hand and delivering a resounding blow along his partner’s ass crease. A blow that slammed the plug all the way back in. The smaller man screamed, but it didn’t seem to Charlie to be a scream of pain. More like ecstasy. The big man repeated the cycle nine more times, shouting as he delivered the last blow, “Come! Come for your Daddy!” and the man’s body exploded in a series of seizure-like convulsions as cum shot from his cock all over him and the leather surface of the spanking bench.

  The big Daddy Dom reached between the bound man’s legs, grabbing his cock and milking the last drops of his cum from him. Then he scooped up a big blob of it on his fingertip and held it to the other man’s mouth. “Open,” he directed. Watching those lips close around the cum-covered fingertip sent hot cream gushing between Charlie’s thighs. Holy fuck!

  She watched as the big Dom released the straps binding the younger man, helping him to his feet then putting his arms around him, helping him to stand. He accepted a blanket from one of the other DM’s, draping it around his partner. Then he did something that made everyone gasp. He held the man’s head and gave him a deep kiss, claiming dominion over his mouth as he’d claimed dominion over his body. When they broke apart, there was a burst of applause, including whistles and shouts from all the DM’s as the younger man stumbled back over to the stool to put on his clothes.

  As he was stamping his feet into his boots, he half turned and his gaze snagged on Charlie’s. Her heart froze. Neither one of them was able to look away. His pupils dilated, nearly obliterating his green irises, turning his eyes nearly black. With deliberate slowness he let his eyes travel up her endlessly long legs, enjoying every inch of the journey.

  Stunned by the intensity of his stare, Charlie stopped breathing, stopped moving, stopped thinking. Like a butterfly pinned to a display board, she just stood there, being devoured by his gaze.

  Uh-oh. Now the other Dom, the big one, the most intimidating person she’
d ever seen, was looking straight at her too, both their gazes fixed on her as if she were the only other person in the room. Oh, crap. Without taking their eyes from her the two men started walking directly toward her.

  Holy fuck!

  Panicking, she turned and made a beeline toward the hors d’oeuvres. Get food. Get into the rest room. Dump food in purse. Get the hell out of here. Risking a glance backward, she saw that the two men had been stopped by three other Dungeon Monitors, each one a living Adonis. Jeez, where did they find these guys? Gods R Us? She walked even faster, practically scurrying. Okay. Okay. Try not to make a spectacle of yourself. But hurry the hell up. She grabbed a little rectangular plate and began grabbing canapés at random, not really caring what she picked up as long as it was food. She piled her plate so high, so quickly, people were stopping to look at her. She stepped back, practically trampling on a woman’s toes. “Oh, I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed. “I didn’t mean—please forgive me.” Backing awkwardly away, she continued muttering apologies. “Excuse me. Excuse me.”

  Face red with embarrassment, she turned and fled, her gaze swinging wildly back and forth, searching for the restrooms. Ah, there they are. She headed for the hallway leading to the powder room. Once inside she locked herself inside one of the stalls and upended her plate full of hors d’oeuvres into her purse. Knowing she would be putting food in it, she had deliberately selected the only purse she owned that had a plastic lining and had wiped it down thoroughly with several wet wipes before coming here tonight.

  She put the plate on top of the toilet paper dispenser and hung her purse on the door hook while she peed. Leaving the plate in the stall, she slung her purse over her shoulder and quickly washed her hands in the sink. The attendant, a young, perky blond, with large, perky boobs, handed her a towel. Except for the collar and wrist cuffs, she was completely naked.

  “I’m sorry,” Charlie said, wiping her hands. “I don’t have any money for a tip.”

  “That’s okay,” the girl answered, her smile as perky as her youth and her boobs. “I’m making fifteen bucks an hour, so it’s all good.”

  Fifteen bucks an hour! For handing out towels? Holy shit! I’m in the wrong line of work! Charlie put the towel on the counter. “Thanks.” She pushed the door open and stepped back out in the hallway.

  Right into Perry Bradford.

  He was standing there holding the leash of a girl even younger than the girl in the powder room. She didn’t look a day over sixteen. She was standing in the Present position, legs shoulder-width apart, hands behind her back grasping opposite elbows, her head lowered, her eyes cast downward. The girl had been crying. Her mascara had left black smudges beneath her eyes and streaks down her face. The minute Perry saw Charlie, his eyes narrowed and a smile of pure evil crossed his lips. “I wondered if you would be stupid enough to come here,” he said in that oily, smarmy voice she had come to hate. “Why else would you have stolen my invitation? You just can’t get enough of this lifestyle, can you, slut?”

  “Frankly, Perry,” she retorted, emphasizing her use of his name instead of the honorific of Master he’d insisted on. “I have had enough of this lifestyle to last me for the rest of my life. Thanks to you.” She looked at the girl, who had not moved and appeared to be oblivious to everything around her. “And what about you, kid? Did he invite you here promising you a wild, wicked, wonderful night? Oh, I forgot. He doesn’t invite. He orders. Has he had sex with you yet?” She slapped the palm of her hand against her forehead. “Oh, right. What was I thinking?” She couldn’t keep the bitterness from her voice. “He doesn’t ‘have sex’—she air quoted with her fingers. “He assaults. He attacks.” She pointed a finger at Perry. “He rapes!”

  “Shut up, bitch!” With lightning-fast speed, Perry backhanded Charlie across the face, a blow that jerked her head back and sent pain shooting through her, ripping a scream from her throat.

  She staggered back a couple of steps, but righted herself quickly and hauled off with a roundhouse punch of her own that caught the edge of his jaw. With a cry of rage, he made a grab for her, but she dodged his blow.

  “This is why I left you, you asshole. Because you don’t want a sub! You want a punching bag! Security!” she yelled at the top of her voice. She turned to the woman standing so meekly by Perry’s side and started talking to her, her voice low and urgent, desperate to get through to her before it was too late.

  “Has he bent you over the kitchen chair and tied you in place and kept you there all day so he could fuck you every time he walks by? Have you noticed he only fucks from behind? That way he doesn’t have to look into your eyes and see the damage he’s inflicting on your soul.”

  “Shut your mouth, cunt,” Perry said, his voice a menacing growl, “or I’ll shut it for you.”

  He raised his arm as if to strike her again, but Charlie firmed her chin, glaring at him defiantly.

  “Go ahead, you bastard,” she taunted. “Hit me. You like hitting women, don’t you?” Her voice was shrill and growing shriller with every word. “You call yourself a Dom, but you’re no Dom. You’re nothing but a coward and a sadistic bully.”

  Again, she looked at the young woman, who had finally gathered enough courage to meet her gaze. “You’d better think about this, girl. Do you want to be nothing more than a vessel for his cum? Because if you stay with him that is all you will ever be.”

  She heard a growing commotion somewhere out in the main room behind her, but she couldn’t stop her tirade. “Do you want to sleep in a box under his bed? Because that’s where he’ll make you sleep. Do you want to be beaten? Whipped? Punished for nothing more than breathing? Do you want to end up looking like this?” Her innate sense of modesty over-ridden by the force of her fury over the terrible injuries Perry Bradford had inflicted on her, Charlie turned and flipped up her skirt, revealing the scabbed-over welts left by the single tail. And the deep purple bruises on her buttocks from the endless paddlings and spankings he’d forced her to endure. “Or this?” Unmindful of the gathering crowd, she grabbed the hem of her tank top and lifted it up, turning to reveal more welts up her back and across her breasts, also scabbed over. “Because that’s what’s in store for you if you step foot inside his house of horrors.”

  “You fucking cunt!” Perry yelled. “You should be thanking me! I was training you! God knows you needed it! You’re hopeless as a submissive. You’ll never please a Dom!”

  “Training, my ass! You were abusing me, plain and simple! And you’re no Dom. You’re a monster and I’m pressing charges! You belong in prison for what you did to me!”

  “God damn you!” He lunged at her. She stumbled backward, swinging her purse blindly in his direction, giving him a resounding smack in the side of his head. With a snarl, he grabbed her purse strap and jerked her toward him so hard her head snapped back. “The cops will laugh you out of the precinct! All I have to do is say you were a willing participant. Who do you think they’ll believe, huh?” His hands flew to her neck and her scream ended abruptly in a gurgle as his fingers tightened around her windpipe.

  “What the hell is going on here?”

  Perry’s hands were ripped away from her throat. Hard hands grabbed her upper arms and pulled her back against a hard body. She knew without even looking that it was the grizzly bear. “Explain yourself, girl,” he ordered.

  Charlie pointed back toward Perry. “That man kidnapped me. He kept me prisoner in his house for three fucking weeks! He kept me naked and tied to a chair to serve as his fuck toy. He made me sleep in a coffin under his bed. He beat me so badly I wound up in the hospital. And I thank God for that, because if it hadn’t been for that I’d still be his prisoner, with no hope of escape. I was just trying to let that girl know what’s in store for her if she stays with him!”

  Before Perry Bradford could snarl a reply, two DM’s grabbed his arms and yanked them behind his back. Charlie heard the distinct, metallic snick of handcuffs. Jesse Colter and Adam Sinclair arrived, quickly asses
sed the situation, and went over to Perry’s submissive, who, by this time, was sobbing softly, her face buried in her hands. Speaking to her in low, soothing voices, they unhooked the leash dangling from her collar. Adam Sinclair put his arm around her shoulders and the two men led her away.

  Stunned by the sheer brutality of the unexpected encounter, Charlie closed her eyes, unable to stop the sobs wrenching through her. Every breath was a struggle. Her head was pounding so hard, she couldn’t think what to do next. All she knew was she had to get away. Now. Coming here had been a colossal mistake.

  “Relax, malyutka,” a deep, bass voice rumbled in Charlie’s ear. A deep, bass voice that had a lilting cadence and the faint hint of an accent. “You are safe with us. We will not allow any harm to come to you.” It was a second before she realized that the man was talking to her. That she was mul-yoot-ka, whatever that meant. And then she let out a yelp as she felt herself being lifted off the floor and cradled against the solid rock wall of a hard, male chest. A male chest that was six feet above the floor!

  “Come, malyutka. Let us go to a place where you can sit down and be more comfortable while our friends straighten this out.”

  While part of Charlie’s mind marveled at the fact that there was someone on this earth who was actually strong enough to carry her, the other part of her brain basked in the comfort provided by that deep, almost hypnotic voice, soaking up the soothing sound like a thirsty sponge soaking up water. And all of a sudden, just like that, all the fight and bravado left her. Lifting her arms around the man’s neck, she turned her face against him, sobbing quietly. For the first time since escaping from Perry Bradford’s house four days ago, Charlie actually felt as if Grizzly Bear’s words might even be true. That she truly was safe.


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