Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3)

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Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3) Page 26

by Julie Shelton

  Jay hissed. Reaching his hand around her buttock, he pulled her hips toward his head. “Lift your leg, baby girl,” he directed.

  Charlie lifted her top leg. At the same time, Jay raised his head, guiding her toward him until he could lay it back down on her right inner thigh. Angling his head slightly, he pressed his nose and mouth into her sopping slit and began to lick and suckle. Pulling her even closer, he adjusted her position and began flicking his tongue across her clit, thrusting it in and out of her vagina.

  Letting out a sigh of utter contentment, Charlie lowered her left leg, capturing Jay’s head between her thighs. She started moving her hand up and down his length, making him moan against her swollen flesh.

  “Do not come,” Nik ordered. “Either of you. Watch me, little one.” As Charlotte’s lids fluttered then lifted, he flexed his hips and slid smoothly into Jay’s anal passage until he hilted, his tight ball sac tapping against Jay. Jesus! He was so fucking aroused, he was not going to last long.

  He pulled out slowly, his breath hissing inward between clenched teeth. Jay moaned into Charlie’s wet folds, making her gasp. His cock jerked in her hand. Nik began thrusting, maintaining a steady, driving rhythm in and out of Jay’s ass.

  “Jesus, Jay! You’re so fucking tight! And hot!”

  Jay pressed his tongue to Charlie’s clit, letting the force of Nik’s hips slamming against his body vary the pressure, giving her the stimulation she needed without any effort on his part. Because all of his effort was concentrated on not coming. The way her hand gripped him. The way it slid up and down. The way her thumb swiped across the tip with every upstroke, spreading his gushing pre-cum along the length of his shaft, lubricating her strokes. Christ! He was so close he wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to hold back. His cock was about to burst. He groaned and closed his eyes, sucking air into his lungs. Air that smelled like Charlie. Sweet. Pungent. Slightly fruity. The world’s most powerful aphrodisiac. His face was wet with it. He wanted to wallow in it.

  Nik groaned and thrust back into Jay’s ass. “Relax on the way in, malchik,” he instructed. “Clamp down on me on the way back out.”

  As Nik’s cock withdrew, Jay tightened his muscles, gripping it as if it never wanted to let it go. He was rewarded with Nik’s guttural groan. “Oh, my God, that’s good, Jay. So fucking good!”

  The room echoed with their soft groans, grunts, and whispers as the rest of the world ceased to exist. The only reality for them was pleasure and it surrounded them, pierced them, consumed them until, as Nik pulled out of Jay’s back passage, fisting his cock rapidly letting it spew cum all over Jay’s ass, he ordered his two submissives to come. They all climaxed together, their bodies spasming and convulsing amid shouts and cries of ecstasy that seemed to go on forever. Finally, sated and exhausted, they lay in a heap, unmoving even when Nik returned from the bathroom and began cleaning them with warm, wet cloths. Then he got into bed and lay on his back. Jay curled up against his left side, Charlie against his right, their heads resting on his broad shoulders. He pressed a kiss first to Jay’s forehead, then to Charlie’s. “Sleep, darlings,” he whispered. “Daddy is so proud of both of you.”

  * * * *

  “Thanks, Charlie, I think I’ve got enough.” Ash Rafferty lowered the camera and walked toward her. “These new posters and flyers are going to be terrific. You ready to see how they turned out?”

  Since Charlie didn’t own any western-type clothing, as soon as they had arrived, Kylie Rafferty had loaned her what she was now wearing. A straw cowboy hat, red gingham blouse, denim skirt, a fringed buckskin vest and a red bandana around her neck.

  Even though Kylie was nearly a foot shorter than Charlie, her generous curves and voluptuous breasts made her and Charlie the same size. Except for the skirt and her cowboy boots. The skirt, reaching to mid-thigh on Kylie, barely covered Charlie’s ass. And there was no way Kylie’s size six boots were going to fit Charlie’s size nine feet. So Ash decided to use the boots as a prop and leave her barefooted.

  “My guys insisted I had to wear these to do a proper two-step,” Kylie explained with a laugh, setting the boots aside. “We made a special trip into Charlottesville just to get them.”

  “And were they right?”

  “Oh, yeah. It’s so much easier to shuffle along the floor in cowboy boots than it is in sneakers.” They both laughed. “Besides, they were right about something else, too,” Kylie confided.

  “What’s that?”

  “That a woman’s legs look much sexier in cowboy boots than sneakers.”

  “Then I’ll just have to get me some.” Charlie laughed again. “So how did you manage to wind up with three of the sexiest men in Passion Lake?”

  “You say that like you think there might be some unsexy men in Passion Lake,” Kylie snorted.

  “Aren’t there?”

  “Are you kidding? They all took one look at these guys, knew they didn’t stand a chance and hightailed it outta town.” They laughed again. “Sorry Simon couldn’t be here to meet you. He had a charter flight to D.C. C’mon,” Kylie said, “Ash asked me to put some darker, smokier make-up on you. With that gorgeous black hair of yours, you can carry it off.”

  “Do you have time? I mean—I don’t want to take you away from your work.”

  “My work comes in spurts. I’m a bookkeeper. Most of the businesses in downtown Passion Lake are my clients.”

  “You don’t have a southern accent,” Charlie observed. “Where are you from?”


  “How did you wind up here?”

  “I managed to run afoul of the Philadelphia mob,” Kylie replied, brushing rouge on Charlie’s cheeks. “They murdered my boss and blew up my house. I was on the run when Simon found me asleep in my broken-down car on the side of the road.”

  “No kidding?” Charlie asked. “Nik and Jay found me on the side of the road, too. Only I was passed out from fever.”

  “Yeah, we heard,” Kylie grimaced. “Glad you’re feeling better. Sorry that bastard did all those awful things to you.”

  “How did you know?” Charlie asked, shocked.

  Kylie laughed. “You’ve heard of company towns, sweetie? Well, this is a company town to beat all company towns. Everybody knows everything about everybody. But that’s also a good thing, because these guys all look out for each other. They have each other’s backs. Simon, Caleb, and Ash aren’t the only brothers here. They’re all brothers.” She finished putting a bright red lip gloss on Charlie’s lips and handed her a mirror. “There. See how gorgeous you look?”

  Charlie studied her image in the mirror. Kylie was right. She did look gorgeous. The extra make-up brought out the smolder in her eyes, the alluring curve of her cheeks, the pouty sensuality of her lips. “Wow.”

  So Ash posed her barefooted, sitting on a bale of hay borrowed from Nighthorse Ranch, in front of a red barn backdrop. After taking a few head shots and posing her for a few others, he’d showed her some props he’d hidden behind the bale. Kylie’s boots, a guitar, a rope, a whip, and a toy pistol. He told her to use whatever she wanted and vamp it up for his constantly clicking camera. As he made suggestions, she found herself going from sassy to sexy to smolderingly seductive in pose after pose. At one point he turned on a large fan to make her hair blow around her head. When they were done, Ash went over to his computer sitting on a desk against the wall, and tapped a few keys. And turned the screen for Charlie to see. “Here, take a look. I’ll print up a set for Nik and Jay. They’re gonna love these, especially these last ones.”

  Charlie stared in awe. “Wow. I’ve never looked this beautiful before.” She leaned closer to the screen to study a close-up shot of just her face in three-quarter profile, with her black hair blowing around her head like wisps of smoke. She was staring off into space, as if she were seeing something no one else could see. Her face wore an expression of such longing, it made her want to cry. She touched her fingertip to the screen. “Are you sure that’s

  Ash just laughed. “That’s all you, sweetheart. If you’d like, I’ll blow it up and frame it so you can give it to Nik and Jay.”

  “Oh, yes,” she breathed. I’d like that a lot. I think they’ll love it. Somehow I get the impression that this is what they’re seeing when they look at me.”

  She stopped at another image. She was lying on top of the hay bale, her knees bent, her long legs crossed at the ankles. She was propped up on her forearms, a pose that accentuated her cleavage nearly pushing her breasts up out of the partially-unbuttoned gingham shirt.

  “Yeah, that’s my favorite, too,” Ash said quietly behind her. “What were you thinking, do you remember?”

  I was thinking of Nik and Jay and how much I want to belong to them. Wholly. Fully. In every meaning of the word.

  “No.” She shook her head. “I don’t remember.” Liar.

  Ash showed her the shot he planned to use for the poster, then he left her alone to change back into her own clothes.

  After leaving the Raffertys, they went to Granny Grace’s Toy Emporium to pick up the items Nik had ordered. Granny Grace was a diminutive, elegant woman with white hair that was arranged in a soft knot on top of her head. In spite of the fact that she walked with the assistance of a cane, her posture was exemplary. She was dressed in a long, black skirt and an old-fashioned, high-necked, long-sleeved white blouse with rows of lace and pin-tucks up and down the front. She looked like a Gibson Girl, one of the beautiful women made famous by the artist Charles Dana Gibson at the turn of the twentieth century.

  Nik and Jay both bent to give her a kiss on the cheek, which made her giggle like a schoolgirl. Then she turned her attention to Charlie, stepping forward and reaching out her hand for Charlie to take. “You must be Charlotte,” she said. “You’re even more beautiful than my spies told me you were. And I see you’re wearing the dress I sent over for you. It looks wonderful on you.”

  “I absolutely love it,” Charlie exclaimed. “I’ve never had anything so beautiful before.”

  “Well, I think your men are ready to give you more beautiful things. I have an excellent selection and if you find something you like that isn’t in your size, we can order it for you.”

  By the time they left the Toy Emporium, Charlie had a dozen new dresses, some fashionable, new low-heeled sandals and some colorful jewelry—bracelets, necklaces, and earrings—that went with everything else Nik and Jay had bought for her. Plus, there was that mysterious box they kept teasing her with but wouldn’t let her open. Or even touch.

  “Where do you want to go for lunch?” Jay asked as he slid into the driver’s seat of the Humvee.

  “Well, let’s see…” She put her finger to her chin. “Why don’t we go to the Icebox Bar and Grill? I hear their burgers are to die for.”

  Jay just grinned. “Home it is, then.”

  Home. She liked the sound of that.

  Have you lost your mind? Whatever happened to the woman who had sworn off men? The woman who was determined to stand on her own two feet and not be beholden to anyone? The woman—

  Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m still here. It’s only for a month. I promised I would give them a month to let them try to earn my trust. That doesn’t mean it’s actually going to happen. Not by a long shot. I’m just…playing along until I can get enough money together to move on. You just wait. When the month is over, I’m walkin’ outta here, free as a bird.

  For some reason, Charlie’s lunch tasted more like sawdust than a succulent burger.

  * * * *

  The door jerked open with a loud click, startling the driver.

  A large man, dressed in a nondescript black track suit with a black hoodie covering his head, got into the luxurious Porsche gt3 and slammed the door shut. As the driver started to turn his head toward him, he raised his left arm and levered the business end of a black HK45 against the driver’s temple.

  “Don’t look at me,” he ordered in a low, menacing voice. “Keep your eyes straight ahead. If you turn your head toward me even once while I’m in your car, I will kill you where you sit. Are we clear?”

  The driver lifted his hands in a gesture of surrender. “We’re clear.”

  “Put your hands back on the wheel and keep them there, where I can see them.” The newcomer took an electronic bug detector out of his pocket and ran it up and down the man’s arms and legs.

  “You told me not to wear a wire,” the driver said testily. “So I’m not wearing a wire.”

  “Yeah, well you’ll forgive me if I don’t just take your word for it,” the big man snarled. He ran the device over and under the dashboard. “I also told you to drive an inconspicuous car, you asshole. So what do you show up in? A goddamn white Porsche that literally screams ‘Look at me’!” Evidently satisfied that the car wasn’t bugged, he returned it to his pocket.

  “Where’s your car? I didn’t see you approach,” the driver began.

  “Well I sure as fuck saw you! But enough of this shit. You told my colleague you wanted me to kill someone for you and unless you’ve changed your mind, that’s why I’m here.”

  “I haven’t changed my mind. I want her dead.”

  “Fine. My fee is two hundred fifty thousand dollars, a hundred and fifty now, one hundred when the job is done.” He handed the driver a business card and a cell phone. “I’ve already accessed your account on this phone—”

  “Fuck! How did you—”The driver started to turn his head only to find the gun barrel jammed painfully into his cheek, forcing him to turn back.

  “Ah-ah-ah. What’d I just tell you? Don’t. Look. At. Me. Now, authorize your bank to transfer the first installment to the number on that card and press send.” He watched as the other man punched in the numbers and completed the transaction. Then he yanked the phone back and shoved it in his pocket. “You can keep the card. Those numbers are now meaningless. The money’s already been transferred to another, untraceable account. Now, give me the target’s name and location. I’ll let you know when the job is done.”

  “Yeah, well, you’ll forgive me if I don’t just take your word for it,” the driver said sourly, throwing this detestable man’s own words back in his face. “I’ll need proof—irrefutable proof that she’s dead. Only then will you get the rest of your money.”

  “Fine. I’ll send photos.”

  “You’ll bring photos. And they damned well better be the real thing. I have software that can detect anything that’s photo shopped, so don’t fuck with me.”

  “Don’t worry, they’ll be the real thing. You’ll get them as soon as I get the rest of my money. Now, quit wasting my time. Name and location.”

  “Charlotte Fielding. My private investigator tracked her to the Passion Lake Lodge. I don’t know if she works there or is a guest there. Passion Lake is a small town west of here in the foothills. If you’ll let me move my hand I have a photo of her in my shirt pocket.”

  He held out his hand and the driver handed him a photo of a beautiful woman with long, black hair. Without even looking at it, he stowed it in a pocket and opened the door. With the gun still touching the driver’s cheek, he backed out of the car.

  “As soon as the door closes, drive off and don’t look back.”

  “How will I get in touch with you?”

  “You won’t. I’ll contact you. Now get the fuck outta here.” He slammed the door.

  The driver started the Porsche and drove off. When he looked in his rear view mirror, the man he’d just hired to kill Charlotte Fielding was nowhere to be seen.

  * * * *

  “Charlotte, I want you to stand, feet shoulder width apart, hands behind your back gripping opposite elbows, head up, eyes straight ahead.”

  Mouth dry, heart hammering in her chest, Charlie assumed the position. She was naked. Nik and Jay were both wearing jeans and no shirts. Both men were circling slowly around her, periodically reaching out to touch her—her breast, her belly, her ass.

  “This is called the “Pr
esent” position,” Nik explained, tracing the tip of his index finger around one well-defined areola, watching in satisfaction as her nipple peaked, making her swallow. Hard.

  “Whenever I tell you to Present, that is the signal that a scene is about to start. Do you remember your safe words?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “And they are…” he prompted when she didn’t elaborate.

  “Oh, Green for when everything is fine, yellow for if I’m feeling overwhelmed or need you to slow down, and red for if I need you to stop.”

  “Good girl.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out something that clinked metallically as they shifted in his hand. She couldn’t see them because her chin was lifted and her eyes were focused on the wall opposite her, as per his instructions. He held them up. They looked like two tweezers. Except they weren’t like any tweezers she had ever seen before They each had rubber tips and a little wheel in the center for adjusting the bite. Hanging from each was a fairly long tube-like appendage. They were linked by a silver chain.

  Holy fuck!

  “Do you know what these are, little sub?” Nik asked.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “So, you know where they’re going,” he smiled.

  “Yes Daddy. On my nipples.”

  “Did Bradford clamp your nipples?”

  Charlie bit her lip. “Yes. They hurt. Especially when he yanked them off.”

  “These will not hurt. They will caress your beautiful nipples and stimulate them both with the downward pull of their weight as well as a gentle vibration.”

  She felt his hands on her breasts, felt the rubber tips of the clamps close around her nipples, already tight and aching with need. She felt him tightening first one, then the other clamp, until she sucked in her breath at the sharp bite of pain. That’s when Nik not only stopped tightening them, he loosened them a quarter turn. Letting her release her breath in a whoosh of relief. Until he flicked them with his index finger, back and forth, sending electricity sizzling through her, pulling another gasp from her lungs. He turned on the vibrators to a low setting. Charlie’s shoulders hunched forward. Just in time she prevented herself from letting go of her elbows and lifting her hands to cover her breasts. But she couldn’t prevent the whimper that escaped her lips.


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