Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3)

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Passion's Hope (The Doms of Passion Lake Book 3) Page 35

by Julie Shelton

  “That’s my good girl,” he murmured, pressing his forehead to her temple. For a long moment he just sat there holding her while hot, soothing water continued to rain gently down on them. He held her until her breathing was no longer ragged and her heart rate had returned to normal. “Maybe next time, you’ll choose the spanking.”

  “There’s not going to be any ‘next time’,” she muttered darkly, making him laugh.

  He released her, slid his hands under her buttocks and turned her so that her back was to his front. “Lean back against me, myshka,” he breathed in her ear. “Spread your legs for me.”

  Slumping back against him, she slid her legs outside of his, gasping when he spread his own legs even wider, opening her up to Jay’s lustful gaze. No. Not lustful, she thought. Loving.

  Her breath hitched.

  “Now, malyutka,” Nik said, putting his arms around her just beneath her breasts. “Our darling boy is dying to make you come. But you must ask for it nicely, instead of demanding it.”

  She drew in a steadying breath, rolling her head sideways across his chest and lifting her face to look up at his chin. “Please, Daddy. Please may I be allowed to come? I need to come so badly, I think I might die if I don’t come.”

  “Very nice, little one,” he said, a note of laughter in his voice “But perhaps, since Jay is the one who will be doing the honors, he is the one you need to ask, hmm? And be sure to ask him nicely.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she dragged her head back upright to look at the man standing before her. The power of the emotions flickering in his eyes swamped her with equally powerful emotions of her own. Emotions she was suddenly unable to control. She needed these two men. Needed everything they had to offer. Their dominance. Their acceptance and approval. Their care and protection. Their affection.

  More importantly, she needed them to need everything she had to offer. Her submission. Her child-like need for constant cuddles and direction and reassurance. And, now that they’d awakened it, she needed them to need her insatiable appetite for sexual pleasure. The kind of hot, carnal, visceral, sexual pleasure that not only were they able to give to her, but also to draw from her.

  Giving Jay a coquettish smile, she looked up at him through her long lashes. Placing the tip of an index finger to her lips, she tilted her head, hunched her shoulders up around her ears and said in a breathless, little girl voice, “Please, Jay? Could you please use your wonderful tongue to give me a—one of—well, you know.” She giggled. “One of those?” She pointed her finger toward her groin. “You know. Down there?” Ducking her head, she blushed and let out another giggle.

  “Orgasm,” Jay said. “C’mon, little girl, you can say it. Tell me you want me to suck your lovely little clit until you have an orgasm.”

  “But saying those dirty words makes me feel so naughty.” She batted her eyelashes. “I don’t want to be spanked for being naughty.”

  “They’re not dirty words, Babygirl, so you will never be spanked for saying them. You will definitely be spanked, however, for not following a direct order. So, come on, let me hear the words.”

  “Clit. Orgasm,” she said, then giggled, casting her eyes down as if embarrassed. She began to chew on the tip of her fingernail.

  “Now tell me what you want,” Jay said. “Put the words together in a sentence.”

  “Jay…” She drew his name out. “W-would you please suck my clit and give me an orgasm?” Her eyes darkened. “One that will send me flying to the moon?”

  Jay grinned. “What a lovely sentence,” he said. “And I will be more than happy to oblige, little darlin’. But I’ve got an even better idea. Why don’t we let you soak for a while in a nice hot tub?”

  “Noooo.” Charlie whined, making a little moue of disappointment. “Now. I need to come.”

  “Oh, you’ll come, all right, Babygirl,” Jay chuckled. “More times than you can count. We’ll make sure of that.”

  She gave him a loopy grin. “Thank you, Cuddle Bear.”

  Both Nik and Jay laughed.

  “Cuddle Bear,” Nik said, “Finally. The perfect name for you, malchik moy.”

  “I love it, Babygirl,” Jay said, planting a kiss on the top of Charlie’s head.

  Nik lifted her right leg and swung her back around to sit sideway in his lap. “Jay is going to go fill the tub and you are going to soak in the nice hot water while the jets and the Epsom salts relax you and ease your tiredness and sore muscles.”

  Jay left the shower to go fill the tub.

  “Okay.” She draped her arms around Nik’s neck. “And what happens after I get out of the tub?”

  He just gave her a mysterious smile. “Oh, I think we’ll just let you wonder about that while you’re soaking. But I guarantee you will like it.”

  “I have no doubt about that.” Her voice lowered, darkened. “You make everything good.”

  “No, little mouse, you are the one who makes everything good. When I see the look of pure ecstasy on your face as you come, hear your breathy little cries as I fill you with my cock, my heart squeezes so hard I feel like I’m having a heart attack. And I feel so proud and honored to know that I’m the one giving you that look, that feeling, that pleasure. That is as precious to me as life itself.”

  Wow. What does one say to something like that? Charlie lifted her face and Nik claimed her lips in a long, lingering kiss that seemed to go on forever. His lips continually grazed hers, hot and slick, branding her with the emotions soaring through his heart. By the time he finally lifted his head, Jay was back standing at the shower door.

  Dripping water all over the floor, Nik carried her to the tub and lowered her into the hot, fragrant bath, watching as she closed her eyes in bliss and leaned back against the end, completely engulfed in foaming white bubbles that smelled of lilacs. He and Jay took a quick shower and dried off, then mopped up the floor. While Jay was cleaning the plug they’d just pulled out of Charlie’s ass, Nik went to change the sheets on the bed and put the dirty ones in the hamper. He positioned a foam rubber wedge in the middle of the mattress, with the wide end toward the foot of the bed.

  When they were ready, they woke Charlie up. She was so loose-limbed with sleep, it was as if her bones had evaporated. Drying her off was like trying to dry off a life-sized doll made out of silly putty. Finally, Nik carried her out of the bathroom and put her on the bed, with her ass at the very top of the wedge, her legs spread and hanging off to each side. Jay crawled across the mattress until he was kneeling between her legs, staring at her entire slit, from her clit to her sweet little ass.

  “Oh, Babygirl, you should see what I see.”

  She lifted her head slightly to look up at him. “Something good?”

  “Something delicious.”

  “Candy?” she asked hopefully, making him laugh.

  “Oh, much better than candy.”

  “Impossible. Nothing’s better than candy.”

  “Yes, there is. One thing.”



  He leaned forward, pressing his hands against her thighs, spreading her legs up and out, so wide she felt the pull on her thigh muscles. “And because you’re so special, I’m going to give you lots and lots of my special tickle kisses.”

  She giggled. “Tickle kisses? What are those?”

  “You, my lucky little girl, are about to find out.” He waggled his brows, making her giggle even harder.

  “And what makes them so special?”

  “They’re registered with the U.S. Patent Office. Patent #17930495207428750503985302.”

  He rattled off the huge long number in a single breath, making her howl with laughter. A howl that quickly changed to a scream of sheer rapture as his tongue did a hard slide up and down her slit between her clit and her anus.

  And then his tongue was at her anus, rimming the edge, turning her scream into a deep, throaty growl of pleasure. Then it was in her anus, turning her growl into a series of sharp little wa
rbles as he began thrusting it in and out of her naughtiest hole. Sharp little warbles that changed to sharp little cries as Nik bent his head and drew a nipple into his hot, wet mouth, sucking greedily. Grabbing her other nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he began twirling it, tugging it, pinching it, ripping another scream from her.

  “Oh my God!” she arched her back into a rigid bow. “Omigod! Nik! Jay! I can’t—it’s too much—I-it—”

  Releasing the suction of his mouth, Nik raised his head. “Can you come from breast and anal play alone, malyutka?”

  “I—I don’t know,” she wailed.

  “Try. And if you do, you get to decide whatever kinky little activities you want to try out tomorrow night after your big debut.”

  Omigod! How can I turn down a golden opportunity like that? “You mean I get to tell you what to do?”


  “Oh, thank you, Daddy!” She threw her arms around his head in a hug that nearly pulled it off his neck. “You’re the best Daddy a girl ever had!”

  “Well,” he smirked. “I try not to be a burden.”

  As Nik resumed his activities at her breasts, alternating back and forth from one to the other, Jay was busy at her anus, alternately fucking it with his tongue, then his fingers. Her body was alive with sensations. Nik’s pulls on her nipples sent lightning zapping straight to her clit, but it didn’t give her that direct touch she needed to fall over the edge. No matter how hard she strained, her orgasm hovered just beyond her grasp, tantalizingly out of reach. Until Jay thrust both his tongue and two fingers of one hand into her anus and began fucking her with his tongue and fingers, setting up an alternate rhythm, while rubbing the first two fingers of his other hand up and down her perineum, rimming her vaginal entrance, at the top of each stroke. She sucked in her breath, every muscle in her body straining, focused on gathering all the pleasure she was being given into that one goal—coming.

  As her orgasm built, she bucked her hips, urging it higher and higher until Nik’s shouted “Come, baby, come!” gave her the final push she needed into a full-body orgasm that seized her and shook her and wouldn’t let her go until she no longer had strength to do anything more than lie there, limbs twitching, gasping for air and moaning beneath her breath.

  She was only dimly aware of Nik’s mouth and hand releasing her breasts and removing the wedge from the bed. Of Jay’s cleaning her entire sex with a warm, damp cloth. Of the two of them fitting their bodies around hers, putting their arms around her and kissing her on her face and the back of her neck. She snuggled her bottom into Nik’s groin and heaved a contented sigh.

  “That was awesome, malinkaya,” he whispered in her ear. “I can’t wait to see what naughty things you surprise us with tomorrow night. But I will tell you right now one thing’s going to happen for sure.” His tongue snaked out and licked her ear, making her squeal with delight. “I will be taking your virgin bottom.”

  Holy fuck! She sucked in a sharp breath. Her heart skidded to a stop, then resumed in a rapid, stuttering rhythm that wreaked havoc with her breathing. “But, Daddy. How can you call it a virgin bottom when Perry—“She broke off, biting her lip, unable to continue.

  “I can call it that because that’s what it is. You didn’t give it to him. He took it even though he had no right to it. But I do have that right. It belongs to me and you will give it to me, with love and pride and acceptance because I ask it of you.” He nuzzled his face against her neck. “And I can’t wait, little mouse. I can’t wait to sink my cock into that dark, hot wetness that is mine. And Jay’s,” he added belatedly, giving his partner a wicked grin. “When I permit it, that is.”

  Jay just grunted and pressed a kiss to Charlie’s forehead, but she never felt it. She was sound asleep. Hooking his right leg over both hers and Nik’s, he said softly, knowing she couldn’t hear, “Good night, Babygirl. I love you. You, too, Papa Bear.”

  “Good night, moy daragohy. I assure you the feeling is entirely mutual.”

  * * * *

  Nik, Jay, and Charlie were sitting at a long table comprised of several smaller tables pushed together, along with Simon and Kylie Rafferty, Sarah, Jesse, and Adam. Lucas and Alex McKay, and Dr. Art Portman. Others were there, too, including Leah and her husband Clay, whom she introduced to Charlie as Raven. All ten members of The Midnight Riders had spent the morning in the ranch’s equipment barn for a full dress rehearsal of Charlie’s numbers. Leah, Raven, and Mitch’s fellow ranch hands had been a most appreciative impromptu audience, and all of them were in attendance tonight for Charlie’s debut. In fact, most of the campers, Lodge guests, and permanent residents of Passion Lake were there, too, including the oldest, Granny Grace herself, who was accompanied by members of her family as well as some of the staff from the Tea Shoppe, the Toy Emporium, and the Passion Lake Bed and Breakfast.

  People had come from miles around, thanks to all the flyers of the band that had popped up all over town. And not just this town. In all the surrounding little towns within a thirty-mile radius. The flyers featured a large photo montage of Charlie in various poses.

  The central photo was a side shot of her sitting on the bale of hay, leaning backward on her hands, kicking one leg up. Her head was thrown back and she was laughing as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Also included in the montage were two smaller head shots. The one of her in three-quarter profile with her hair billowing sensually around her head. And another one of her looking directly into the camera and smiling, her light brown eyes full of humor.

  Tonight she was wearing an outfit very similar to the one Kylie had loaned her for the photo shoot, a denim skirt with a fringed hem, red and white checked blouse, fringed suede vest, red and white bandana around her neck, cowboy boots and straw cowboy hat. She’d actually found the boots at Sam Walker’s tack, feed, and camping store downtown. The rest Nik had ordered online and had them overnighted. She was also wearing a butt plug, size large, with an enormous ruby attached to the end. The same one Nik had rubbed with ginger oil and inserted into her ass on the ride home from court. She’d gasped when Nik had shown it to her this morning, shocked that he had ever managed to get it inside her. But when he told her to bend over the bathroom counter and spread her cheeks, she hadn’t uttered a single word of protest. One ginger oil punishment was quite enough for one lifetime, thank you very much.

  There had been a bit of a burning sensation going in as her sphincter had stretched around the widest part before closing up around the stem. It wasn’t hurting now, but she now knew what a sausage felt like. Stuffed to the gills. Every time she squirmed in her chair it shifted inside her and kept her constantly aware of its presence. And, to her utter astonishment, in spite of her initial misgivings, she was finding that she actually liked having a plug up her ass! She liked knowing that her men had put it there. And that by wearing it, she was pleasing them and making them proud.

  Ash had enlisted a dozen members of the Marshall County High School marching band to distribute the flyers. He’d actually convinced the school principal to give any band members who were willing to help, the day off from classes. Word had spread rapidly and eventually the entire band had pitched in, cars full of them driving around the county, stopping and disgorging kids like clowns from a clown car, madly stapling flyers to everything that wasn’t moving—and even a few things that were. Rumor had it that a more than one cow was walking around with a flyer tacked to her butt.

  All sixty-seven members of the Marshall County High School marching band were present tonight. Even the cheerleaders had come, complete with their pompoms.

  In honor of Charlie’s singing debut, the restaurant was filled beyond capacity. People were sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the stage. Others were standing against the walls and around the perimeter behind the people on the floor. The restaurant and dance floor weren’t the only place that was crowded, either. The stage was equally crowded, since all ten members of the Midnight Riders were playing tonight. Mitch,
Jake, Ash, Caleb, Ethan, and Garrett had been joined by Sam Walker, Julian Decker, Aaron Sawyer, and Gabe Steele.

  Sam Walker was a short, wizened little man, probably in his late sixties. He’d been a lifelong resident of the old town of Porterfield before the SEALs had bought it and renamed it Passion Lake. The Walker house was one of the Victorian-era homes the SEALs had moved to the new Main Street and restored. Sam still lived in it. He owned the local general store downtown, specializing in fishing gear, camping equipment, tack and feed and other outdoor supplies. His deeply-tanned, leathery skin and bow-legged gait indicated someone who’d spent most of his life on a horse, out in the sun and the wind. His twinkling eyes were a pale, faded blue behind thick, black glasses. He had a bushy white, Santa Claus mustache and longish white hair that curled out from under his black Resistol.

  And, as it turned out, not only did Sam Walker know the distinction between fiddle playing and violin playing, he was a master of both styles, having attended the Juilliard School of Music in his younger years and played with the Richmond Symphony Orchestra.

  Julian, Aaron, and Gabe were younger, ranging in age from late twenties to early forties, loaded with the same charisma and sex-appeal all the men in Passion Lake seemed to have in spades. The aura of confidence and power pouring off of them told Charlie that here were three more members of this extraordinary group of former SEAL teammates who had taken their collective vision and turned it into this little gem of a town.

  Julian Decker was tall, trim, and fit with a lean, athletic build. A blond, blue-eyed Adonis, he had gorgeous high cheekbones, full, sensual lips, cleft chin, and a neat, business-like haircut. If he were wearing a suit he would look like he’d just stepped off the cover of GQ. The wire-rimmed glasses perched on his nose gave him a rather scholarly look. He played a wide variety of instruments, including the cello.

  Aaron Sawyer and Gabe Steele were both tall, with brown hair and brown eyes, square jaws, and dimples. But their handsome faces, sexy grins, and fantastic bodies took them, like so many others in this town, beyond merely good-looking into the realm of super hunks. Any one of them could have been modern-day Fabios, making a fortune as cover models for romance novels. And when they were all in the same room together, the testosterone level blew through the roof.


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