Ex-Con Times Two

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Ex-Con Times Two Page 44

by Jay S. Wilder

  “We’ll have an audience,” I tell him through the kiss.

  “They wouldn’t dare,” he answers, lowering me back to the blanket.

  With his touch, the sounds of the surf and the breeze, I forget about where we are and let his kiss transport us to where time is irrelevant again.

  Chapter 48


  We get back into town late on Sunday night, and I convince Rebecca to stay the night with me. We’re tired from the long walk we had before we drove back, so we get into my bed and fall asleep in each other’s arms. Again, I have another dreamless sleep. I must be going for a record by now.

  Dad sends me a text first thing on Monday morning. He tells me to meet him at his condo. It’s about the trunk. Rebecca is still asleep by the time I get showered and dressed. I leave her a short note that I’ll be back soon and to make herself comfortable. This is the first woman I feel comfortable enough leaving here on her own. There are a lot of firsts with Rebecca, and I keep holding on to a naïve hope that there’s still some possibility for us to be together.

  I get up to Dad’s place. I’m confused, because Kara is already there. My father looks as worried as hell.

  “Jonathan, we’ve been waiting for you,” Kara says. “Have a seat.”

  “What’s going on?” I sit beside Dad. “What did you find out about the trunk?”

  Kara speaks up. “The trunk is safe now.”

  “That’s great,” I tell her. “Who found it?”

  “I had someone on my security team track it down. It’s not a problem anymore.”

  “So where was it? Who removed it from the locker?”

  I notice Dad isn’t saying a word, and the nervous look on his face is even more worrisome. It’s like he saw a ghost.

  “The private investigator on my security team was able to secure it. Let’s think of planning the way forward. The rest is irrelevant.”

  “Wait a minute,” I tell her. “How can you say that? If someone else has seen what’s inside, doesn’t that put Dad at increased risk?”

  “There’s no increased exposure for your father, and there’s no risk for you.”

  “Kara,” I persist, “I have to ask. Why do I get the feeling someone on your security team removed it right after Mandy put it in the locker?”

  “You know, Jonathan, you’ve always been really smart. Good guess. You’re right, my lead PI secured it.”

  “So why didn’t you tell us before? I stayed in town to help Dad track it down.”

  “Sorry, Jonathan,” she says, but her tone is in no way apologetic. “I told you to go. I know you wanted to help Solomon, but you should have listened to me and flown out. Don’t worry, there will be other weekends.”

  “Why the hell didn’t you tell us, Kara?” my dad finally joins in.

  I thought he would have been more upset, but his demeanor is so muted right now.

  “You’re worried about the wrong thing.”

  “I want it back,” Dad tells her.

  “Absolutely not, Solomon.”

  “What? Why not, Kara?”

  “I won’t keep protecting you, Solomon. Sometimes, when you give a cat too much string, it ends up choking itself on it.”

  “Wait a minute,” I have to ask. “Why not just destroy it completely? Why store it somewhere? It sounds like it puts Dad in the same place he was before Mandy found it.”

  She turns to look at Dad. “It will be destroyed eventually, but I need you’re your father’s assurance that he has…transcended to a better place. Here’s what needs to be done before that trunk disappears forever. First, you will never have a repeat of whatever it was that happened with the Rushton girl…or any of the others…ever. Do you understand me, Solomon?”

  Dad shifts around in his seat. “Yes.”

  “If there’s even a hint that of anything at all over the next two years, there will be no more chances, Solomon. I don’t know the full scope of what you’ve been doing, and to be honest, I don’t think I could stomach knowing. What I do know is your actions must stop immediately.”

  “Are you threatening me, Kara?”

  “Of course not. I’m doing what you hired me to do. I’m protecting you, Mandy and your son…and I’m insulating my firm. I’m not finished yet, Solomon. I will help you close the Warrior deal, with Mandy’s financial assistance. You’ll sign whatever her divorce attorney wants you to sign. No negotiating. You’ll also bring Jonathan into Sloan as an executive VP and major shareholder.”

  “What?” He gets to his feet. His wide eyes are searing virtual daggers at Kara, and for a moment, he looks over at me. I’m at a loss. This is the first we’re both hearing about this condition that includes me. “What does Jonathan have to do with this?”

  “You always intended to have Jonathan play a key role in Sloan Sports and Entertainment, Solomon. You said this yourself. I’m simply making it official. This gives your son a soft place to land after Fairchild’s.”

  “Hold on, Kara.” Now it’s my turn to speak up. “This is the first I’m hearing of a specific plan for me at Sloan…and away from Fairchild. Are you telling me someone at Fairchild Industries wants me to resign?”

  Up until Thursday, I was fairly certain I had a place at Fairchild Industries—indefinitely. It appears I don’t.

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself, Jonathan. No. Fairchild knows nothing of this. I’m not saying you have to leave Fairchild right away. Your move can be a year or two down the road.”

  “I don’t understand why.

  “You’re not a Fairchild, Jonathan. You can stay if you want, but you’ll never make the strides that are possible in Sloan. In the long term, you’re better off. I’ve also included this term to protect the firm. Having you both as major shareholders will ensure you and your father avoid the risks of future takeover bids. This is a big picture move, gentlemen, and it’s not negotiable. I’m your legal counsel, and you may think I have no right, but at the moment, I have the leverage. So you both will have to trust that this is the best way forward for all parties.”

  “I don’t have to do this, Kara,” Dad shouts.

  “True, and I have a duty to report what’s in that trunk,” she says to him, eyes steady, voice even calmer and more confident than when she started. “Do you have any idea what I’ve had to do to protect you? I will not risk my firm’s reputation. Frankly, this Rushton case has exposed us more than any other client, and it’s still under investigation.” She picks up her purse and stands. “Take the week to think about it, Solomon. You’ll realize it’s everything you want, everything you need, and it’s all in your favor. Use the week to take a step back and ruminate.”

  My father is speechless. He has just been cornered because of his own actions, and he doesn’t like it one bit. He looks at her as she walks to his front door.

  “Enjoy your weekend, gentlemen.”

  After Kara leaves, Dad slumps into the sofa, defeated. “Do you believe this?”

  “Well, Dad, when you think about how bad it could be right now, we’re both getting off pretty easy, don’t you think?”

  “She has no right dictating terms like that to me.”

  “You heard her, Dad. She’s calling the shots. At some point, you’re going to have to accept responsibility.”

  “Oh. You’re taking sides with her?”

  “Come on, Dad. You know I’m not. She’s right. She’s protecting you. You’ve got to see that.”

  “You’re taking her side. Is that why she rewarded you as a major shareholder in Sloan?”

  “I knew nothing about this before now. I had no part in it. You know Kara—she has a mind of her own. Tell me something. Why is this shareholder thing such a big deal to you now? Just two days ago you were telling me you wanted me to join Sloan. I think you’re just resentful she gave you no choice. The truth is, it’s everything you really want anyway. Plus, now you get to turn a new leaf. Just imagine, Dad. If the NYPD eliminates us as suspects in the Rushton case, as long
as you never do anything like it again, we’re both free. Isn’t that what you want?”

  “I don’t want to think about this anymore.”

  I can take a hint, so I stand up to head into his kitchen and make us some coffee. Before I go, I beg him not to do anything he’ll regret. He eyes me and grumbles something. I don’t wait to ask for clarification. I never realized how much Dad resents being controlled, even if it’s for his own good. I may not agree with Kara’s terms, but I know better. If I were Dad, I would do everything she says.

  Chapter 49


  I wake up from a restful sleep and Jonathan isn’t around. I read the note he left me, and I can’t help thinking about how thoughtful and kind he’s been. I have a shower, and before I start to dress, my phone rings. I’m intrigued when I see who’s calling, despite my desire to actually have the morning off.

  “Hi Rob,” I answer.

  “Hello Rebecca. Is this a good time?”

  “What’s up?”

  “I’m wondering if you can meet me to talk.”

  “About what?”

  “I’d prefer to meet in person. I’m just five minutes from your place,” he tells me.

  “I’m…I’m not at home, Rob. Can we meet in front of my office in twenty minutes?”

  “I can come to you, if you’d like,” he offers, but I’m not ready to start another confrontation between him and Jonathan.

  “No,” I answer a little too abruptly. “Give me twenty minutes and I’ll see you outside my office.”

  I hang up, and then I remember I have no key for Jonathan’s place. I send him a short text to let him know I have to leave, and hope it’s okay if I don’t lock up. He replies that he’s not far away and offers me a ride. I tell him it’s better if I get to work myself, that I’ll see him soon. The less drama between him and Rob, the better. A few cabs are waiting when I get down to the lobby, so I head out.

  Rob is standing outside my office building when the taxi lets me off. He’s holding two cups of coffee from my favorite place around the corner.

  “Hey,” he says when I jump out of the cab.

  “Hi. You got me coffee?”

  “Think of it as a peace offering.”

  “Oh. You mean for Friday, when you and your cop buddies busted into our offices to burn Jonathan at the stake?”

  “No…for everything.”

  “Thank you.” I don’t want to entertain myself with questions on his cryptic answer, so I get to the point. “What’s going on, Rob?”

  “You still want to be filled in on the Rushton investigation, don’t you?”

  “Of course. That hasn’t changed. What do you have for me?”

  “Your Sloan clients are not out of the woods yet, but we’ve been given instructions to widen the suspect net.”

  “Good. How wide?”

  “Miller and the captain are meeting with the DA and Judge Lawson for a special warrant that covers the entire building.”

  “What? There’s no precedent for that.”

  “Apparently there is. Doreen Rushton’s body was found in the parking garage, which is accessible by all building residents. If the Judge signs it, we will search Solomon Sloan’s condo first. Today, Rebecca.”

  “On what basis? The circumstantial evidence that she had dinner with him?”

  “Yes, and camera footage from that night shows she went up to his floor.”

  “That’s absurd.” I pause to get a hold on my defensive tone. He didn’t have to give me the heads-up. “I guess I can see where they’re coming from. Thanks for the information, Rob.”

  “Look. I’m also here to let you know…the tap is turned off.”


  “I won’t be passing on any more information, Rebecca. I’ve crossed the line already. I can’t be responsible for tipping off your people any more than I’ve already done. Especially if it turns out they had some sort of involvement.”

  I nod. I can’t blame him for doing the right thing. “I understand. Thanks for your help, Rob.”

  I turn to leave, but he stops me. “Can I take you to breakfast or something?”

  “I…I’m sorry, Rob. Things are hectic today.” I want to let him down easy.

  “Alright. How about dinner a night next week?”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea, Rob.” He’s out of line for being this direct. He’s never come out to apologize for how things went back then, and I moved on. I get the sense he’s trying to corner me so I’ll admit I’m seeing Jonathan. I’m not ready to pass on that information. “I have to go. See you, Rob.”

  “You won’t give me a chance, will you?”

  I hold his gaze, but I don’t answer. I don’t see the point of rehashing the distant past. And he’s probably only interested again because he suspects I’m seeing Jonathan. I look down at his arm, and he gets the hint and lets go of me.

  “Take care,” I tell him, and head inside my office building. He doesn’t follow, and I’m grateful.

  I had not intended to come in to work at all today, and it’s still really early, but as I’m already here, I head up to my office. Not even the receptionist who gets in before eight is around. I phone Kara to let her know about this development. She doesn’t answer her mobile phone. What’s unusual is I could swear I’m hearing her phone, and it’s ringing here in the office. She’s the only one I know who has the LA Law soundtrack as her ring tone. This time, I open my door and phone from my desk line. I hear the ring tone again, so I head to her office to see if she’s here, or if she just forgot her phone at work.

  I’m dumbfounded when I walk into her office. It’s more like I barged in, because I didn’t knock. I make the mistake of assuming that if she’s here this early, she would be alone. Boy, was I wrong.

  “I’m…I’m sorry for charging in here like this,” I say, wishing I could back up and leave like I never saw a thing. “I didn’t realize you were in a meeting.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Kara replies. “Come in. Rebecca, I’d like you to meet Senator Arnold Rushton. Senator, this is Rebecca Clark.”

  “Great to meet you, Senator,” I say with hesitation.

  “It’s a pleasure,” he replies, arm outstretched to shake my hand.

  Usually I can roll with the punches, but why is Kara meeting with him? It’s times like these that I question Kara’s motives. I’m fairly certain no one in Rushton’s family is a client of our firm. This means his visit is mostly likely related to Doreen Rushton’s death.

  “Was there something you wanted to discuss?” Kara asks.

  “It can wait until you’ve wrapped up your meeting. I’ll be in my office. My apologies again for interrupting.”

  I hurry out of her office and dart down the hall to get to mine. I wish I hadn’t seen that. All I have now are questions. None of them could possibly have reasonable answers. Knowing Kara, she’s working an angle. There’s an agenda. There has to be. If Senator Rushton has even the slightest bit of information from the NYPD, he’ll know that Solomon and Jonathan Sloan have both come up as possible suspects in his niece’s murder.

  My concerns may be blown out of proportion, but I doubt it. The way the two of them were leaning in close for that conversation of whispers—and Kara does not whisper—well, their secrecy is telling. Suddenly, all the office gossip about Kara surfaces, and I’m hoping I can trust her to pick a side.

  I’m shuffling through my files when Kara pops her head in at my door.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks.

  “I had a short meeting with Rob Bateman downstairs.”

  “What did he say?”

  “They got the DA to push for a search warrant of all the residents in Mr. Sloan’s condo building.”

  “Has it been signed?”

  “He wasn’t sure.”

  “I wouldn’t bet on it, Rebecca. Who’s the judge?”


  She lets out a short burst of laughter, stepping inside m
y office with her arms folded. “That’s never going to happen.”

  “Rob said the DA had a team pore over related jurisprudence. They found a case that may have precedence.”

  “That’s highly doubtful. Still, get Solomon up to speed. He needs to be prepared if the judge signs the warrant.”

  “I’ll phone him now.”

  “No. Don’t phone. Take my limo and get over there. Wait a minute. Weren’t you travelling?”

  “Not anymore. We went to Atlantic Beach instead. We got back last night.”

  “If you still want to go, there’s always next weekend. Take next Monday and Tuesday off if you’d like.”

  “Are you sure?” I can’t help but feel slightly pressured to not be around. The timing still isn’t great.

  “Yes,” she answered. “I’m positive. I believe it’s about to come to resolution soon.”

  “I’m not sure I can convince Jonathan to leave.”

  “Suit yourself,” she tells me. “You’d better get over to Solomon’s.”

  Kara has managed to completely avoid the Senator-sized elephant in the room. I bite the bullet and raise the question. “What was Senator Rushton doing here?”

  She stiffens up and says, “That’s an unrelated confidential matter.”

  What can I ask her now? She’s effectively telling me his visit has nothing to do with the Sloan’s. I may have a hard time believing it, but I’m not about to push the issue with my boss. I nod, grab my purse, and leave. On my way to Mr. Sloan’s condo, I text Jonathan to tell him I’m on my way to his Dad’s condo.

  Chapter 50


  I get Rebecca’s third text as I’m about to leave my Dad’s condo—again. This situation has me coming and going so much, my head’s spinning. As Rebecca’s on her way here, I let Dad know I’ll hang around until she comes. She gets here and fills us in, and Dad gets arrogant. He goes on to say there’s no way anyone’s searching his place, and Kara had better get her ass over here to earn her legal fees.


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