by Dorothy Wall
“I can’t swim. I told you I couldn’t,” Blinky wailed.
“Oh, well, sit on the bank and watch me put the class through their paces. By the way, what’s that funny looking thing in the middle of your face?”
“That’s my nose,” Blinky replied, trying to look very unconcerned.
“A queer looking nose,” said Mrs Spotty rudely. “But never mind, I’ll call the class for the swimming lessons.”
She gave three loud croaks, and at once dozens and dozens of frogs popped up from beneath the water and out from the rushes. They eyed Blinky nervously, until Mrs Spotty told them he did not eat frogs.
“Now, you young gentlemen with the slender legs, take your places ready for the diving.
“Don’t push and crowd, it’s very rude and if I find any frog standing on another’s tail or causing an unprepared-for jump, I’ll punish him severely.”
The frogs arranged themselves on the leaves and waited for the word to start, A great commotion was taking place up in the shallow end of the pool, and Mrs Spotty looked sternly in that direction,
“Tadpoles!” she cried, “stop that mud-larking and pay attention to your lesson.”
“Now! One, two, three — Dive!” she called at the top of her voice, and dozens of green slippery legs flew through the air and into the pool.
“Too much splashing!” Mrs Spotty declared. “Again: one, two, three — Dive!” And once more the green legs and bodies sprang into the pool.
“That’s better. Now for a swim.” And leaning over the leaf she called her directions to the frogs.
“Scissors! Scissors! Scissors!” she cried as they swam round her leaf, and back again to the starting-point.
“Now for the Tads.” And Mrs Spotty lined them up in a row, the fattest ones to the front and the tiny ones at the back.
They behaved like young outlaws — pushing and wriggling and flipping about in a very bold way.
“Not so much of that tail waggling; and, Jimmy Tadpole, don’t use your tummy for pushing. Oh! dear, I’m sure I’ll never make ladies and gentlemen of you,” sighed Mrs Spotty. “You’re the most brazen lot of Tads I’ve ever had in my school.”
But the tadpoles didn’t care, all they thought about was swimming.
Mrs Spotty gave them their lesson and sent them back again to their own end of the pool, much to the relief of the frogs, as no self-respecting gentleman could swim in the same place as a tadpole.
Blinky by this time had come right to the edge of the pond, and was enjoying himself immensely, until an extra large frog suddenly leaped right on his back.
“Oh, oh, you gave me such a fright!” Blinky cried. “Get down please. I’m not a log!”
The frog took no notice whatever, but hopped on his head instead. Blinky touched him with his paw, and jumped with fright. He was so cold and slippery — not a scrap like touching Snubby.
“Get down at once!” called Mrs Spotty in a stern voice. And to Blinky’s further surprise the frog went helter skelter down his nose and into the water.
“Let’s use his nose for a spring-board,” the frog called out at the top of his voice.
The very thought of such a thing sent shudders down Blinky’s back. Just imagine hundreds of frogs sliding down his nose, one after the other!
“You’ll do no such thing!” retorted Blinky indignantly.
“Well let’s use his back for leap-frog,” another cried.
“I don’t mind that,” said Blinky, “as long as I have a turn too. I could jump over one of your backs.”
“That is a fair thing,” said Mrs Spotty. “Now get in places, please.”
One after the other the frogs lined up behind Blinky croaking and hopping about, treading on one another’s toes and goggling their eyes with excitement.
“Bend down, please,” Mrs Spotty called to Blinky. He bent over, making sure his nose was well out of the way.
“Flip — flop —” and the frogs started, one behind the other, jump after jump; and the highest hops were greeted with croaks from the onlookers.
“I wish you’d warm your toes first,” said Blinky. But still they came. Flip-flop-flip-flop.
When the last frog had jumped over his back, Blinky raised his head.
“It’s my turn now,” he cried. “And I want to jump over the biggest frog of all.”
Mrs Spotty’s pupils looked rather nervous and eyed one another to see which was the largest.
“Go on, Fatty,” they called to one big fellow. “You know, you had more mosquitoes for tea than anyone else.”
Fatty looked very uncomfortable and glanced at his tummy.
“It’s not mosquitoes,” he said crossly, “it’s muscles —”
“All the better,” called Mrs Spotty. “Stand over here and be ready.”
Fatty frog hopped beside Mrs Spotty and stood there quaking. What if he slipped! That bear on top of him would be nothing to laugh about.
Plonk! right on top of Mrs Spotty.
Blinky stood ready, and Mrs Spotty, who was standing in front of Fatty, called out in a loud croak:
“Ready! Go!”
Blinky made a funny little run, then a few stumbles and with a grunt he flopped over Fatty, and plonk! right on top of Mrs Spotty. She fell with a dreadful thud, and tried to croak; but she was smothered in fur.
Blinky rolled over and over with laughter. When he managed to stand up — there he saw a very flat looking frog that had once been Mrs Spotty.
“Oh, I’ve killed her!” he cried in a frightened voice. “Come and pick her up!”
All the pupils hopped to Mrs Spotty’s assistance. She certainly did look flat; but her throat was puffing and one eye moved a little.
“Water! water!” the big frogs called as they dragged her to the edge of the pool.
“Push her in!” cried naughty Blinky, and before any frog had time to think, he gave her a push with his paw, and in she went, head first.
“Now you’ve done it!” called the frogs in cries of horror. “We’ll tell the policeman.”
“Policeman,” thought Blinky, “where have I heard that name?” And then he remembered Miss Pimm’s store.
In the excitement, while the frogs were hopping about and trying to rescue Mrs Spotty, he hurried away to the edge of the bush. Peeping behind a log he saw the frogs hunting everywhere for him; under leaves, behind the rushes and even down in the pool.
The Rebbits’ Party
Think I’d better be going home,” thought Blinky. “Anyway I’m not sorry for Mrs Spotty, she had such googly eyes.”
He glanced at the sky and noticed the moon was sinking, so thought it time to make haste, as perhaps his mother may be looking for him by now. Past the gum-trees and thick bushes he scrambled, and just as he reached a clearing in the trees he paused to listen.
“The crickets are busy to-night,” he thought, as their chirruping came through the bush. “I’ll just see what they’re up to.”
Quietly he tiptoed into the grass, and suddenly stood quite still. In front of him, not many yards away the crickets were holding a cricket match.
Blinky chuckled as he looked at them. The batsman had a leaf for his bat, while the bowler had a spider’s cocoon for a ball. They were too interested in their game to notice Blinky; but he missed nothing. A deafening chirruping rent the air. Most of the spectators were perched on the blades of grass, as high up as they could climb, and were waving their legs in the air, and shaking the grass they stood on.
The batsman had a leaf for a bat.
“He’s bumping the ball!” they shrieked in cricket voices,
“Pull him out! Pull him out,” they shouted, and at once the umpire hopped over to the bowler and soundly boxed his ears with his front leg.
The bowler lost his temper, and jumped on the cricket ball, breaking it in pieces.
“Shame! Shame!” shouted the crickets. And in the next instant they surged on to the ground. Springing in the air they pounc
ed on him and gave him a terrible kicking; and as Blinky turned to walk away he saw them piling earth on top of the bowler.
“I must hurry now, as I’m sure it’s getting late,” he thought, and he was beginning to feel very shaky. What if his mother found he was missing. That Mrs Grunty could be very cross at times, and she might persuade his mother to use a stick round his hind parts, as she once suggested. In his haste he stumbled over a stone and hurt his foot, so sat down to wait until the pain left him. Just behind the stump he was sitting on, a rabbit had made her home, and as she came scurrying through the grass she did not notice Blinky sitting so quietly. Between her teeth she carried some flannel flowers and a sprig of boronia.
“Good evening,” said Blinky.
“Oh! What a fright you gave me!” whispered the rabbit. “I know who you are all the same.” “Who?” asked Blinky.
“You’re Blinky Bill, and my mother knows your mother,” said the rabbit.
“Then you are only a bunny,” said Blinky gladly. “How old are you and where do you live?”
“I’m one year old, and I live in that burrow right behind this log.”
“What’s your name?” Blinky asked. “Bobbin!” the bunny replied. “That’s a silly name,” said Blinky quite rudely. “That’s my christened name, and my mother says it is very suitable for me.”
“What does suitable mean?” Blinky asked.
“Well, mother says I’m always bobbin’ about, and never still. I make her quite nervy at times.”
“What does she do when you run away?” Blinky asked rather anxiously.
“Run away!” said Bobbin, looking very surprised. “I never run away. Only bad children do that!”
“Well, where have you been, and why have you those flowers? You look very stupid carrying them in your mouth,” Blinky remarked.
“I’ve been gathering flowers for the birthday party,” replied Bobbin; “and how can I carry them without breaking their petals, if I don’t hold them between my teeth?”
“Haven’t you a pouch or a pocket somewhere?” Blinky retorted. “But am I mistaken? Did you mention a birthday party?”
“Yes,” said Bobbin excitedly. “It’s my brother’s party, and ever so many friends are coming, and there’s lots and lots to eat. Thistle cakes, with the prickles all over the tops; dandelion milk, lovely and frothy, that’s to be drunk through a grass straw; daisy creams with pink edges; and, oh! best of all, buttercups, full of butter. And I nearly forgot — gum-leaves to chew, for those who like chewing-gum. Then last of all, there’s grass salad for the mothers and fathers,”
Bobbin hopped about with glee and twitched her ears in a most surprising manner, while Blinky’s eyes bulged with excitement.
“Could I come to the party?” he inquired breathlessly.
“You haven’t a present to bring!” Bobbin answered.
“I know that,” replied Blinky sorrowfully; “but I’ll let them play with my ears if they like.”
Bobbin looked at his ears and considered the matter for a moment.
“Well, perhaps that will do,” she replied. “We could hide the peanut in them when we play ‘hunt the slipper’.”
It sounded rather a muddle to Blinky; but he was prepared to take any risks if only he could get to the party.
“Could we go now?” he inquired anxiously.
“Yes, but wipe your feet on the grass, before we go inside, as mother’s been cleaning all night long,” Bobbin advised.
Blinky did as he was told, and followed Bobbin through the doorway. Fortunately for him the burrow was a large one, so he had no difficulty in crawling along.
“Isn’t it dark!” he said in a frightened voice.
“You’ll soon get used to that,” Bobbin replied cheerfully, as she padded ahead. “Do you hear the scraping and thumping? That’s the party,” she said excitedly.
“What are they doing?” Blinky asked.
“Dancing!” Bobbin replied. “Let’s hurry…”
In and out of passages they ran, round corners, up and down, and at last came to a large cave. The floor and the walls were bare earth, but over the ground a carpet of grass was spread, and the ceiling was bright with flowers. From the centre a bunch of Christmas bells hung, and directly underneath, the table was spread with all the party cakes and drinks. In the middle of the table a birthday cake stood, glittering with dewdrops that fell from the flowers surrounding it, It was made from corn husks and thistledown, so you can imagine how crunchy it must have tasted.
As Blinky and Bobbin appeared the guests stood and gazed in wonderment; their large brown eyes opened very widely and nervous noses sniffed the air.
“Here’s Blinky Bill,” Bobbin called as she hopped to the middle of the cave, “and he’s come to see the party.”
“You’re very welcome, I’m sure,” kind Mrs Rabbit said, as she took Blinky’s paw. “Come along and meet my friends. This is Madam Hare; shake paws with her. She is very shy, but is an old friend of mine; and this is Brer Rabbit, my husband, who is a great hunter; and here is Bunchy, my son, whose birthday it is.” Each one shook paws with Blinky, and he wondered if it would ever come to an end, and the party start, as he was feeling very hungry and wanted to taste those gum-tips. Bunchy thought it great fun to have a bear at his party and followed Blinky wherever he went.
“You’ve lost your tail!” he said in surprise as he hopped round him.
“Don’t wear a tail,” Blinky mumbled.
“Why does everyone pass remarks about my tail or my nose,” he wondered.
“Tea’s ready,” Mrs Rabbit called. And everyone made a rush for the table.
“Don’t rush, and don’t grab,” Brer Rabbit thundered in a loud voice.
Madam Hare may have been shy, but Blinky noticed she reached the table as soon as he, and rather rudely pushed her way right beside Brer Rabbit.
“The bold hussy,” someone whispered and gave her tail a nip.
She gave a little scream and spitefully bit the ear of the rabbit who sat next to her; but it wasn’t Brer Rabbit’s ear.
“Order! Order!” Brer Rabbit commanded. “This is a party, and no fighting, please. If your tails are in the way, sit on them.”
The party went on pleasantly after that command. Everyone nibbled and munched, except Blinky who forgot his manners completely and gobbled the gum-leaves as fast as he could. It was just as well nobody else liked them, for in a very short time they had all vanished. The cake was a great success and Bunchy handed a piece to each guest, quickly taking a nibble from one or two when nobody was looking.
His mother gave him a sharp nip on the ear when she found him poking his paw in the dandelion milk, and slyly sucking it when he thought he was safely hidden from view.
“You naughty young rab!” she exclaimed. “Didn’t I tell you a dozen times to behave yourself, and not to poke the cakes and things, and not to put your paws on the table? And while I think of it, eat with your mouth closed, and don’t lick your whiskers. Now take that dandelion milk that you’ve had your paws in round to Madam Hare; only don’t tell her what you did.”
“No, mother,” said Bunchy obediently, and he hopped to Madam Hare and handed her the milk.
“You dear little rab!” she cried in a very high voice. “I do like dandelion milk.”
“So do I,” remarked Bunchy as he hopped away.
“What’s that? What’s that?” said Brer Rabbit in between mouthfuls of grass salad.
“Father, you’re speaking with your mouth full; and it’s so bad for the children to see,” gently reprimanded Mrs Rabbit, much to Blinky’s amusement, as his mother had often corrected him for exactly the same thing.
“Can’t we have games, Mrs Rabbit?” he asked when at last he sat before an empty plate.
“Games and dancing — that’s the idea,” roared Brer Rabbit. “Clear the floor.”
Everyone helped, and Blinky gave Madam Hare’s tail another pull as he passed her with an armful of grass.
nbsp; “Dear, dear, I think there are rats about,” she said in an injured tone. “My poor tail has been pulled again, and you all know it’s moulting time, I’ll catch a dreadful cold if I lose any more fur.”
Nobody seemed to take any notice of Madam Hare’s complaints, and Blinky and Bunchy both agreed to give it another pull later on in the evening.
When the last piece of grass was cleaned from the floor Mrs Rabbit clapped her paws three times and a dozen large locusts appeared out of the ground. It was a surprise, as nobody expected anything like that to happen.
“Who are they?” Blinky whispered to Bobbin.
“That’s the orchestra,” she cried jumping up and down excitedly.
Each locust walked to a corner of the cave and quietly sat down with an expectant look on his face. The conductor, who was a “double drummer”, scraped his hind legs on his wings. “Gurra-gurra-gurra” came the vibrating notes. That was the signal, and instantly all the other locusts started scraping their legs.
“Girr — girr — girr — gurra — gurra — gurra.” The cave echoed with the drumming noise and beads of perspiration rolled down the conductor’s face as he worked himself up (or down, to be correct) to a slow deep “Gurra”. The air throbbed with the music. It was really inspiring, and soft furry rabbit feet began to thump the ground. Lady rabbits looked coyly at the gentlemen, and odd little twitches of the ears and twinks of the whiskers were to be noticed.
“Take your partners for ‘The Bunny Hug’,” Brer Rabbit called in a deep voice.
There was a scampering and rushing, as each rabbit grabbed a partner. Madam Hare didn’t even wait to be asked to dance, but seized Brer Rabbit in her arms and began rolling from one side to the other, also jerking her arms up and down in a forward manner,
“That Madam Hare is not as shy as I thought she was,” murmured Mrs Rabbit as she was led away by an elderly partner.
Blinky was delighted. His very first dance. Now he would have something to tell Snubby when he reached home. Taking Bobbin in his paws he rolled from one side to the other, just like Madam Hare, whom he kept watching closely.