Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

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Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Page 4

by Michael Berg

  “We are go for vehicle separation. Passengers please affix your restraints.”

  “See what your brooding has done! Instead of looking down Beth, you could have joined me at the window to take in the wind and appreciate the place you went on the mission for in the first place. Instead you have to take it so hard in your heart it is as if the whole world is against you and ending your dreams. What are those dreams Beth? As far as I can see, you are not even sure yourself. I have helped you. I want nothing in return, but I would appreciate seeing you be more intuitive than just acting out your emotions. We all have them so don’t think it is a matter of discarding emotions.”

  “Separation in three, two, one. Separation commenced. Enjoy your stay passengers, for this is a one way trip.” The transport captain aired his degree of sarcasm with a hint of malice as his own personal punishment to the disgraced women.

  Vindor was not entirely the planet of perfect persons as many on Earth believed. Contrary to their poorly informed opinions due to the very little actually known about the race so distant from them, there were elements in Vindor society who traced their roots elsewhere within the cosmos.

  Vindor was not the only planet housing advanced civilizations in this sector of the galaxy humans liked to call The Milky Way. They despised the absurdity of this name for a galaxy so grand, given it represented the maternal fluids extracted from cattle humans seemed to be addicted to consuming. To them, this aspect of humanity was amongst the most influential in Vindor people seeing their state of awareness as so much higher than humanity.

  Their call was of the galaxy Aduna, as the giver of light central to the imprint of self. Aduna was magnificent as a glittering array of light so arranged it founded an interwoven myriad of life forms, planetary types, habitable systems, and interstellar travel - they all played a part respective to their role in the universal play. Aduna was an act of preservation, creation, and an instrument of mind, body, spirit, sound, and sensation, upon which Vindor reconciled self, actualized self, and for many, to take pride in oneself.

  Vindors seeking gold manifested in almost their every breath. It was their driving force, their desire to obey commands, and their wish for their sole rising to be those closest to Aduna in spirit as the master race of the galaxy.

  “At least you can see the last views before we land in this thing Beth.”

  “They are nice Valeena. I am sorry…”

  “Be sorry to yourself. I can handle it. We have to stick together really close – we have been intimate baby, so let’s not allow it to waste away through a mind and heart of vengeance. We can come up with a way to enact vengeance without those awful angry feelings attached.”

  “You are lovely Valeena.” Beth motioned a kiss before the final hissing sound as the electric motors engaged landing levitation mode, interrupted their mood. A minute later they were standing outside the automated spherical craft surveying the landscape around them, provisioned with only sufficient currency to get by for seven days.

  “This craft ascending. This craft ascending. Please stand back.” The automated voice sounded the warning before it took to the skies on its way to reconnect for servicing and its next assignment.

  “Well, it is us alone together Beth. Let’s go and find somewhere to eat and perhaps we can find somewhere to stay at the same time.”

  “I’ll take your hand if you will take mine.”

  “Of course. Let’s go…and find some gold.”

  “Gold? Here?”


  Chapter 4

  Rocket flight simulation was both confronting to their sense of balance having been bound to Earth’s gravity all their lives, and also a marvel at how it precisely created the conditions of space. Bobby was on hand to help the other three assimilate operations in this environment until a time when experience would be sufficient for accommodating to their roles and flying the craft. Miss Candice was stationed at Bobby’s side as Weston took to the engineering panel, with Livingston situating himself at tactical. They were already a crew, now in manifest training as pilots of Earth’s latest electric space rocket.

  “Time to take off is at hand Miss Candice. Please engage main electric drive.”

  “Aye Captain Bobby.” She entered flight control mode – it was one of two buttons to choose, with the other being non flight mode. She pushed the large orange light in and the craft began to liftoff from its vertical launch platform. Smooth like silk it slowly moved upwards without any vibration and very little noise. The electric rockets of Earth were almost silent running where the only sounds were the initial wind up and then at landing, the winding down of systems connected to the electric motors. Soon enough when the simulation took them well beyond the launch tower towards the fringe of the atmosphere, almost all sound disappeared and it was then the three who were unaccustomed to command style space flight after only having transited as passengers to the Moon, first experienced the sense of silence in space and how it affected the psyche. Despite being a simulation, emergence beyond Earth ushered in concept they were all to recollect from this point onwards, thus changing their outlook, their peace of mind from experience, and their scope of projection – the vastness of space expanded a sense of self for all those who entered away from the atmosphere of their home planet, even on Vindor and the many other inhabited worlds.

  “Flight is nominal on projected path Captain.”

  “Thank you Miss Candice. Proceed with power up.”

  Thrusters pulled them all into their seats as the simulator worked hard to properly mimic the conditions of injection into space from Earth’s atmosphere. In moments they were travelling at mach five through the blue tinge contained about the planet rapidly receding beneath them. The moon was clearly visible and much sharper than the view distorted by the various gases and particles from ground level. Ironically they were flying towards a destination to which they had already arrived – it enthralled even Bobby as they all exclaimed the moment they unbuckled at the transition to weightlessness. Automatic training systems gave them a few seconds of this sensation before engaging gravitational dampeners to establish equilibrium.

  “How exhilarating Mister Weston.”

  “Indeed Miss Candice. These new sensations are to behold!”

  “Just how I imagined it would be Bobby.”

  “It is nice to feel every time Jonathon. Onward to station we fly.”

  At speed their trajectory took them directly to Hadley Rill – a canyon in the mid latitudes of the moon.

  “Slow to lunar approach Miss Candice. Mister Livingston, please standby braking thrusters and landing angle adjustment rockets for vertical placement.”

  “Aye Sir Bobby.”

  “Good man. I am elevated to see such spirit. We need all we can muster given the precision of our operations and the mission ahead.”

  “You can count on me.”

  “Summary specifications are being sent for landing Mister Weston. Please commence sequence once co-ordinates are set.”

  “I am on those now Mister Regal. Be assured of precision timing good sir.”

  “By your grace Mister Weston. Now…let’s land this rocket Miss Candice.”

  “All systems are nominal and we are go for landing procedure Mister Bobby.”

  “Good. Our first training mission is proving to be a resounding success. Earth high command will be pleased with our rapid progress.”

  “Landing confirmed. Rocket is ready to re-launch Mister Bobby.”

  “You work the readouts well Miss Candice and your intuition is so very evident.”

  “Your kindness is too much sir. This experience somehow helps me learn. It is as if my heart had been embraced.”

  “Then you truly are deserving of merit for your role in our mission today.”

  “Engineering readouts confirm status as reported Mister Regal.”

  “Thanks Weston. Your vigilance at the controls is duly noted.”

  “All checks out Bobby. We are as goo
d as can be.”

  “Livingston, I will need you to help me in a special task prior to our return to Earth. Are you at status to attend?”

  “Ready and willing sir.”

  “Nice to know we work so well together as a team.”

  “Our rapport does seem natural Mister Regal.”

  “I think you are right Mister Weston. Now if you and Miss Candice can remain standby at station, Livingston and I can get to work.”

  “As per orders Captain.”

  “Aye Mister Bobby.”

  Miss Candice and Mister Weston watched their station status intently as they glanced towards Bobby and Jonathon from their peripheral vision. The two men appeared to be engaged in some type of offensive and defensive conversation judging by their associated body postures, turns, and looks at various sections of the bridge. Miss Candice thought Bobby was secretly showing Mister Livingston these skills as a privilege of his rogue officer position. Events may call upon him as an individual to make amends for a poor situation – Mister Bobby was making the point of controlled operations during missions she was sure and so Mister Livingston would be their surprise should the Vindors look for ways to come against them.

  She was not sure how she felt about Vindors as a people, as a planet, and as a threat. Seeing herself at the front of some war non-existent during her life in Jonstown had never been in any of her visions or feelings of herself. Miss Candice had always retained a position of confidence and gentleness with an enquiring mind.

  Mister Weston would vouch for the virtues of her heart for he had known her long enough and now as she stood eager to mindfully complete the challenges ahead, he admired her values of tenacity a little more as her values also gave back to him for his own confidences in this new role in life in which he found himself.

  Green grocery was a fine career for to be the provider of food sustaining people’s health of mind and spirit, was as an important role in any place. He loved to work his garden of fresh produce where he found the elemental connection with the soil, the water, and the life. Bees pollinating, birds feeding on insects, dragonflies alone and in pairs, lizards under, around, and over stones, earthworms briefly finding themselves above ground before diving back into the soil– all were a part of the process and cycle and all were the same progress. As for lighting the street lamps – it was something he did for the people of Jonstown to provide them some light and some vision in an otherwise dark nineteenth century night.

  Being a man inclined to invention and of light and vision, the town paid him respect for this and his work filling and lighting the lamps each evening and then extinguishing those in the morning which had not died out in the early pre-dawn hours. They were also respectful through mind and heart in recognition of his values as a man of considerable motivation towards life and so demonstrated this through their willingness to embrace conversation with Mister Weston, and through purchase of his fruit and vegetables. Now in essence, the people had already begun to miss him.

  Mysteriously disappeared, his loss left them a legacy of the man who had first brought light to remote Jonstown. They would never reach closure on how Mister Weston was discovered as missing and then three days later after an extensive search, Miss Candice was also lost. There was no explanation. Foul play was not apparent in either case, but they could never rule it out entirely. Some speculated whether they had formed a romantic relationship and so had eloped from the town to start life anew in each other’s arms. Most doubted this though as neither had ever inclined such feelings and they were certain neither would simply leave alone or together without a last farewell in the least. Yet both had left their town and the people in almost an instant.

  This weighed heavy upon Miss Candice’s and Mister Weston’s hearts as they had left behind the town they had mostly only ever know their whole lives along with the people whom with they had shared many experiences. A little remorse had crept into both their psyches after the initial period of the dream like state traveling time with this adventure into the realm of space thrust into their lives. It brought forth fundamental changes preventing them ever to return from where and whence they came, and as Bobby wrapped up his intensive training session with Jonathon, both Mister Weston and Miss Candice stood waiting and comfortable.

  “Ready Miss Candice?’

  “Yes Mister Bobby.”



  “Alright, Commence launch sequence. Program in our co-ordinates Miss Candice and engage electric drive.”

  “Co-ordinates set Mister Bobby.”

  “Engineering on line sir.”

  “Then back to Earth. Fly Miss Candice.”

  The official watched their progress without faltering – he was pleased to see how Bobby could bring a team together so well. It had been one of the main considerations when the panel had chosen him as the Steward of Earth Defenses, and since then Bobby had proven the merit of their choice time and time again. This new team was a unique blend of personnel nothing like the drilled corps of the services. Taken from time and from place, they mixed oddly to create what he could see would be the right team for the first offensive plan by Earth to attack the planet Vindor twenty three light years away. It would depend on them greatly, and also on the work top scientists were currently refining to apply as technology for taking their rocket beyond light speed far distant to the purple planet.

  “You have all done very well. I have all the information I need to assess your training simulation. Take some time to relax and enjoy the base. I will be in contact when you are next required.”

  Inside the main recreation club in sector four of Moon Base, a crowd had gathered for the evening’s celebration – it was Saturday on Earth and almost everyone had tomorrow off work. Fashion and décor on the moon was somewhat of a growing culture as almost one thousand space command people were now stationed there as permanents with a few who came and left as part of research teams from Earth.

  Hues reflecting more the colors of Vindor where purples mixed with orange and silver were the main theme incorporated into circular designs about the base – highlighted in this section to create an atmosphere befitting the social venue. Booth seating, some decorations of space and of Earth, a few early twentieth century art pieces, and mood lighting accentuated the already heady atmosphere when they arrived as a group together, entering through the main round moon gate door.

  Miss Candice was swept away when she saw people dancing. She had always loved to dance, yet had found little to accommodate this desire in remote Jonstown. Mister Livingston took to the bar immediately, ordering them all a whiskey on ice. He was joined by Mister Weston offering help carry the drinks to the booth Miss Candice had chosen.

  “Surely we can dance after our drink Mister Bobby.”

  “I would be honored Miss Candice.”

  “What style is this music called? I find it moving like nothing I have ever heard before.”

  “I would call it psychedelic rock.”

  “Psychedelic rock. Now that conjures up two very distinctly different images in my mind Mister Bobby – one of a madman who has lost the senses of his psychology, and one of a stone.”

  “I understand your dilemma Miss Candice. If you give it time and you allow yourself to feel the music, you may gain more understanding.”

  “I do feel like jiggling about some. Perhaps it is more of this when we dance.”

  “I am sure it will be.”

  “Do you find my clothes befitting? I was so unsure of how to wear these modern clothes for going out at night. Does this green look nice on me Mister Bobby?”

  “It is a delightful colour on you Miss Candice. You could not have chosen better.”

  “It is ever so tight considering the bodice we wore during last century.”

  “Your figure is most suited to the dress Miss Candice. You can delight in feeling content with…”

  “It is sometimes hard for a woman to feel content when she is out presenting he
r best face Mister Bobby, but…I am trusting of your judgment and so I will embrace your words.”

  “Whiskey on ice all around.”

  “Thank you Jonathon…and Mister Weston. I propose a toast to our good fortune and an endearing presence for those whom we set forth to serve.”

  “And for our adventures together Mister Bobby.”

  “Indeed Mister Candice. Let us not look past the sheer excitement and spirit of it all.”

  “By no means shall any of us dwell in such a place Mister Weston.”

  Bobby watched as Miss Candice shuffled a little as she sat beside him. The music was having an obvious effect as was the whiskey, yet in no instance did she appear to lack the decorum of a respectable woman. He admired these qualities in her being so removed from those of Valeena and Beth. The way she wore the solid gold necklace she had been able to choose from a variety of pieces made available to her for the stay at Moon Base, elevated her aura as if she herself held a light of gold within and the metal itself was a manifest of her sub-conscious.

  “Come and dance Mister Bobby. We have finished our drinks.”

  “Allow me to escort you Miss Candice.”

  As a midnight event, the crowd was treated to a holographic live band. The technology to drive such vision was just beyond the developmental phase and so by fortune, those present were amongst the very few to witness the spectacle. Moon Base was the testing ground for the holographic team – a group of scientists advancing the next phase of electric devices for the benefit of all humanity. For now, it was being tested as a social medium which if successful, would serve as a means to give officers and space commanders those essential social events required to maintain morale and positive psychology. High command viewed the holistic appraisal of personnel and the provision of social contact experiences as a priority in maintaining a sense of motivational foundation.


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