Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

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Moon Escape: Book Two in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander Page 10

by Michael Berg

  “In contrast to what was planned with a major roadway and township at their edge Miss Candice. It is lucky the attempts of the lords of land and money to rule did fail.”

  “Indeed. To lose wonder for the sake of control and power mongering is quite distasteful Mister Bobby. Imagine the loss not only of the archeology, but also of conscience.”

  “I agree…” Bobby trailed off thinking of Miss Candice’s mention of conscience. The feelings he was having of their mission ahead meaning a great deal more than just victory against Vindor, was a growing sensation buoyed by this moment as he felt a stronger affiliation with the direction of his heart and psyche. Miss Candice, Jonathon, and Mister Weston were together here with him as those who were to be instrumental in bringing great change – he kept this in thought, determined to find out why as soon as he could.

  “Oh look Mister Bobby, it appears as though our timing is right for there is a festival at Stonehenge these next three days,” Miss Candice remarked with delight when they passed by a street pole where a poster advertising the festival was affixed.

  “Salisbury comes to life – times of the ancients. It appears as though we are to step backwards in time Mister Regal. All this chop and change could see one become confused.”

  “I’ll say Mister Weston. Our step backwards here appears to be far greater than the traverse of years I was sent on to find you.”

  “No doubt there will be enough taverns and pubs open to quench our thirsts. In fact, I feel quite thirsty now.”

  “Alright Mister Livingston, we’ll grant you your wish. You choose the pub and I’ll make these two other men follow.”

  “Thank you Miss Candice. The Frog and Toad Tavern looks good enough for me.”

  “Ugh! Toads are ugly Mister Livingston. Are you certain?”

  “As much as a thirsty man can be.”

  “It must be scotch whiskey this time Mister Livingston. I am quite sick of the sour mash.”

  “Anything you like Miss Candice. Please allow me to take your arm.”

  “To be in the company of such fine gentlemen is truly a dream being lived.”

  The Frog and Toad turned out quite pleasing for Miss Candice’s sake, offering a delightful atmosphere where they found a corner table to enjoy their first moments in the town of Salisbury. Jonathon looked happy to be away from training and enjoy some recreational time. His trait of seeking solace with a whiskey in hand was not one of a drunkard given to addiction for spicing life where they failed themselves. A friendly reminder to settle back and enjoy the gentle sway of a whiskey or three either alone in contemplation, or with those he trusted in conversation, founded his taste for indulgence.

  Mister Weston was reminded of times past when he noticed some antiques placed here and there showing the story of the Frog and Toad. Dating to eighteen eleven, the pub’s history included a rich ménage of characters and visitors, both as locals and as travelers seeking the mysteries of the stone circle in the fields nearby. Strange old maps, sun dials, geometrical metal ornaments designed for casting shadows, and old posters featuring past festival events, drew his intrigue as he sipped his own drink.

  Bobby admired Mister Weston’s ways of noticing a lot of detail around him, where he would take particular notice of the smallest intricacies. He regarded these attributes as befitting a man who was for all purposes was destined to expand his notion of engineering and invention, gaining a wisdom when he saw sense to apply himself immediately if required. As Bobby’s eyes then moved to Miss Candice, he was reminded of their intimate encounter. It had never been like any other he had experienced, and yet there was barely intimacy. Something moved them both deeper and they realized this, choosing to be mindful in approaching what their destiny held for them. It was significant enough to inspire a myriad of almost entirely new feelings they both experienced when they were less formal. They offered each other mystery, excitement, and a connection in sexual expression. During love, Bobby felt the fullness from alignment of two souls reaching for the creative force driving life across the galaxies and beyond, and he felt as if Miss Candice had given to him similarly through her deep blue eyes.

  “Marvelous choice Mister Livingston. I do regret having questioned your idea of drinking here at The Frog and Toad.”

  “Think nothing of it Miss Candice. I am not much of a fan of toads myself. Frogs I like. Many nights in my house in the sparse forest, I would listen to their croaking under a carpet of stars.”

  “Coming from the pond those fifty odd steps from your house?”

  “You may be surprised to hear them in the forest as well Miss Candice. Some live in the pond and others find home amongst the detritus on the forest floor.”

  “And in trees Mister Livingston. I have shown them to Miss Candice at my small property on the outskirts of Jonstown.”

  “We do know of Vindor amphibians and other wildlife with purple frogs the size of small dogs, dragon flies with wings at both ends, and fish rising to the water’s surface for mimicking the sounds of their prey, effectively luring their prey to them.”

  “Very intriguing Mister Regal. How do you come by this information?”

  “Vindor works off a central database system where all information about the planet, people, and culture is stored. Space command has been able to crack their code in some places, but our endeavors have only turned up general information so far. Anything of tactical relevance is still out of our grasp.”

  “Do you think we will access this database on our next mission?”

  “Quite likely. Now we have the basic understanding of time travel, we have a view into how their systems work. The science team will advise when we return to the moon.”

  “Now Mister Weston and Mister Bobby, this is meant to be a break from duties. We can discuss the mission later. For now I suggest we enjoy our drinks and then embark to discover this local festival.”

  “You are right Miss Candice. Forgive my intrusion. When Mister Regal starts divulging feats of engineering, I…”

  “I know you well enough Mister Weston. There is no need to explain. Now, Mister Livingston, how is it you are already finished and I am but half way through?”

  “I have a keen taste Miss Candice.”

  “Then order another round of these whiskies and then we must be off.”

  “By your leave Miss Candice.”

  “And Mister Bobby, please tell me more about life as it is in this time.”

  “Anything specific Miss Candice?”

  “Yes. I want to know more about how women are in this time. All whom I have seen have mostly been attending official duties. What are the social ways for women?”

  “A difficult question to answer Miss Candice. I would say with humanity now equal in opportunity, respect, and creativity, then women in general would live unhindered by the burdens of what was autocratic rule in your time. Where men dominated the decision making, often seeking to service their own agendas, now we have a much richer expression of both sexes without the bind of prejudice or anything related holding back their authentic enjoyment of life.”

  “And the dress?”

  “As you are Miss Candice.”

  “I do love these modern clothes and how they fit snugly without all the excess of my time.”

  “This is yours and my time now Miss Candice.”

  “Of course Mister Weston.”

  Bobby again admired Miss Candice’s shape in her firm fitting clothes. He was being taken to obsession at times, particularly now as he admired her lithe figure in proportion with an energy emanating from her eyes. As he noticed more of her, he once again returned momentarily to the feelings of connection they had begun to share. He could see the whiskey was having an effect as she relaxed allowing her poise to loosen a little.

  When they had finished and returned outside, the streets were abuzz with festival feeling. People everywhere held a light in their eyes – one seeking mystery, some seeking answers, and others wide open to the spectacle of both visio
n and mind. Decorations were draped across most buildings central to the town square, with many featuring images of the nearby stone circle, depictions of past ceremonial rites from over the many centuries Stonehenge had drawn people in, and others of the flavor and style where colors mixed with geometries to create graphics of intrigue and sub-conscious activation.

  The Salisbury festival was world renowned for its evocation of insightful almost evolutionary modes of concept adored by humanity at large. It was an exploration of the senses as a meeting of people and a festival as Miss Candice led them all away from The Frog and Toad.

  She headed immediately for the stall providing guides to the festival, eager to extract as much as they could without wasting time. Bobby noticed how she took to this directive as an extension of her emerging and burgeoning space officer skills. Miss Candice was becoming a leader without her knowing yet she knew all along what she had to do in order to fulfill the deep desire and quest for knowledge she could feel growing inside.

  “After reading our guide…hey Mister Livingston, please pay attention.”

  “Sorry Miss Candice, my mind was wandering away. Maybe those whiskies…”

  “No excuses now Mister Livingston. Anyway, as I was about to say, we should go to the stones first and take in the day’s festivities there and then return later to our accommodation and celebrate with the rest of the town this evening.”

  “It reminds me of our spring festival we used to enjoy in Jonstown Miss Candice.”

  “They were lovely festivals Mister Weston. Perhaps it is some deep lament I have for those times giving me spirit now.”

  “I too share your spirit Miss Candice. This is all so wonderful after arriving here from late last century.”

  “It does have an air of mystique. When I look around, I realize how much I miss Earth when I am away on those deep space missions,” Bobby said with a reflective look on his face.

  “Then you have something to make up for Mister Bobby.” Miss Candice hooked her own arm through Bobby’s as she steered him and the others towards the street signposted as leading to Stonehenge a mile or so away. “It will be a lovely walk for us all after being cooped up in the base and the rocket ship. Come Mister Livingston, we need you to be in on this as well.”

  “Of course Miss Candice. I am eager to explore this too. After so long wondering where I was to end up, finding myself amongst present company is all I need to invigorate my sense of discovery.”

  “Then don’t let it sway through too much whiskey will you?”

  “I would never consider such a thing as reasonable Miss Candice. Come on Weston.”

  “What! Another delay. What is it this time Mister Weston?” Miss Candice exclaimed.

  “Nothing to concern yourself over Miss Candice. Just another new distraction.” Mister Weston picked up his pace to catch up with the others half a dozen steps ahead of him.

  People from all around the world greeted them as they walked alongside bidding their best for the fest – it was a gathering for which Bobby had never previously been interested. He felt the warmth of those around him and of Miss Candice as she continued to hold his arm. Bobby was by no means alien to feeling and the virtues of emotion, compassion, empathy, and the energy of people, yet he had never explored them in the way Miss Candice seemed determined for them to find. He could feel his previous sense of self slipping as his space command demeanor adjusted and evolved to this new reality he was no doubt set upon to experience as personal growth. Though not beset with any discernible psychological condition, Bobby was normally reserved with his guise when in situations as he now found himself as demands were placed on him as such.

  Never void of feeling, Bobby would conduct his stature as if he was slightly always on duty as Steward of Dearth Defenses, and now Miss Candice, the others, and the atmosphere was bringing him back to himself where he found this outward projection of feelings and loosening from space command to be reassuring, thus adding to his confident levels of mindfulness. This frivolity was an integral aspect of the human dynamic spirit – a release Bobby now felt he had been missing. It encouraged him to be adventurous with this loosening, so he gave Miss Candice a run for her money by suddenly picking up their pace and sweeping her a long a little.

  “Oh Mister Bobby, so swift. You must feel the same urges I do.”

  “Indeed Miss Candice. I feel them and I want more of them.”

  “Then come along you two. Mister Weston and Mister Livingston, you appear to be dawdling deep in conversation. Our commander has decided to make haste to our next objective, so pick up the pace please.”

  “Lead the way to where you feel it is best Miss Candice. I will make sure Livingston and Weston follow.”

  “You trust my intuition with this then Mister Bobby?”

  “Like no other Miss Candice. Something tells me we are going to discover some revelation courtesy of your intuition.”

  “It is spectacular being here Mister Bobby, and yes, I am so happy you are trusting of my guidance for this matter. It is with growing anticipation I yearn to discover something much deeper than we know and soon enough it will present to us.”

  On approach, the spectacle of Stonehenge drew their attention as its magic began to work on them. A complete set of two circles - the stones had held their place since their original positioning thousands of years earlier. Not a single stone was missing. At the circle’s centre was situated an elongated pyramid with a metallic sphere affixed at the top used to harness the energies generated by the stone circle grid for re-direction into the minds and bodies of those who gathered for this once per year celebration and ignition of the megalith’s energy field.

  “Have you heard of the stone circle legends Miss Candice? I heard you and Mister Regal speaking about guidance to the place within the stones you feel most aligned with finding intuition.”

  “How do you know of these legends Mister Weston?”

  “Oh you know me Miss Candice. Always looking here and there searching for something new. I could not resist looking some up when we knew our destination would be Salisbury.”

  “Then be assured I will call on your intellect should the need arise during my own discovery. I do know the alignment and geometries can guide your intuition to new levels. They are really quite accessible if one has the potential to allow connection with…”

  “Be wary of the legends though.”

  “Why Mister Weston? Surely they are mere stories.”

  “Not quite. Within the fields of existence found when one explores the aspects of the stone circles, one can find they come face to face with adversity, with something devilish, and with notions of ill intent.”

  “He is right Miss Candice. I too know of these traits within the circles. We must be careful.”

  “Surely you jest Mister Livingston. Why, all others here would also face the same peril.”

  “They are likely aware of the legends Miss Candice and so proceed with poise, consistency, and above all, the connection to their sub-conscious calling forth feeling.”

  “It is required if one is truly find some evolution of awareness Mister Livingston.”

  “The festival helps as so many here to do similar and bring such energy with them. It builds to a nice medium where it becomes a bed on which to lay one’s own journey without the extra work of creating the foundation energy of the ride.”

  “Then our calling for ourselves and as a team under the command of Mister Bobby sees us placed here at this time for this purpose. Thank you Mister Livingston.”

  One by one they sat at the base of the heel stone located away from the main circles of posts and lintels. Certain their place was within the circles where almost all other visitors had gathered, they were surprised when Miss Candice led them away.

  “We need to look into the circles Mister Bobby. Mister Weston, can you sense the field? It reminds me of how we helped Mister Bobby come into this century.”

  “I have a sense of how you speak Miss Candic
e. The formation is similar.”

  “Yes, and we must look in as we did into time and our understanding will be clearer.”

  “It reminds me of the device. Perhaps there is a connection between this type of formation here on Earth and those of Vindor.”

  “There is our reason Bobby. We are really working not holidaying, but…we have the pleasure of doing both. Do you see how they relate? I can feel something I bet those two harlots knew about. It is as if there is a stirring in the forces defining creation. Women would be more connected to this than men as we are the ones who give birth.”

  Miss Candice had addressed Bobby informally for the first time in front of Jonathon and Mister Weston. They smiled to each other having both sensed her and Bobby were establishing relations beyond those of a rocket ship crew. On cue, they looked to see Bobby’s eyes flicker to them – an instant later Bobby knew both men realized. Whilst confronting, it was also relaxing for him. Now the pretense could dissipate a little. As for Miss Candice, she continued speaking knowing what she had said but focusing on what she was saying.

  “Are you saying there is evidence of some place beyond what we can see into the fields of energy defining the cosmos?”

  “Yes. What you did in returning to your time and bringing us here too, is of the same idea. It stirs the spatial and time definition and this is a code you find in the birthing of life for it is within and part of the same definition. If we allow ourselves to just sit and stare through or beyond the circles at first focusing on the spaces between the stones, we will find answers to questions we do not know at this time.”

  “Answers before questions? Aren’t the questions then the answers Miss Candice?”

  “We all know such to be true, but to find those questions we need to find ourselves more than being at the mercy of what Vindor does to Earth. We need to direct the action and make a plan to overcome…”

  “True but very difficult. Perhaps our next mission will lay the foundation of future success.”


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