by Diane Taylor
Carmen wrapped an arm around both men and hugged them. “I take it the father didn’t go unpunished?”
They both laughed. “Ever see an angry shifter community go after an abuser? By the time they were done with him, the law enforcement people had no trouble arresting him for any number of crimes. I believe he is still doing time in an Indonesian prison.” Duncan grinned.
Sean sighed, “What our elders didn’t expect was the telepathic bond between the two of us. We were separate, but never apart. He would sneak into my bedroom at night and show me how he changed forms.” He shook his head. “Unfortunately, we were caught and I was sent off to a set of foster parents in the States. They knew of my heritage and took great pains to remind me how much of a freak I really was.”
Carmen kissed Sean. “You are not a freak, any more than I am.”
Duncan smiled, “Well, they didn’t expect me to take off at the same time. In tiger form, I roamed the jungles and mountains of the region.” He paused and shrugged, “I also walked through the bazaars and cities as well so I could know what it was like to be human. It was all good until the poachers trespassed in the jungle.”
She looked at them both and arched an eyebrow, “The ‘Accident’?”
Sean nodded. “Yeah. Apparently the village, to celebrate some odd event, went out en masse as tigers... straight into a killing zone.”
Duncan patted his arm, “I found them too late to save any of them. I lost myself in my own feline form and hid in the bushes. Unfortunately, I did my hiding a bit too well. When the poachers were taken off and Sean found me, the wildness of my cat form reacted to the human and... well” He indicated, Sean’s face.
“I managed to keep Duncan from being killed outright by my guide because I managed to get him calmed down mentally. Unfortunately, the deed was done and I had to do some very fast talking to get my best friend out of trouble and safely tucked away.” He scratched the scars. “Thing is, when in tiger or half tiger form, we are like a virus. Our saliva, and the secretions in our claws will act as a transfer point for the shifting gene to be given to the victim.”
Now Carmen was beginning to understand a few things. “So this is the reason why you told me to lower my eyes when I got angry and told me about my kitty cat eyes.” She let go of Duncan and blipped Sean in the nose with a finger. “Lemme guess, the turkish bath in San Francisco? I distinctly remember two sets of very sharp teeth.”
They both nodded. Sean blushed, “We sort of got a bit carried away. We had meant to explain it to you afterwards and apologize, but...”
Carmen nodded, “Yeah, the phone rang.” She sighed. “So, who all knows about this and what can I expect from being a shape shifter?”
Duncan smiled, “Enhanced strength, faster healing, better eyesight and your hearing will improve. If it gets too much just think about turning down the dial when it comes to your hearing. Drawbacks are, you can’t go near catnip.” He laughed when she hit him with a pillow. “You’ll be craving more meat, the bloodier the better. As for caffeine and chocolate? I don’t know about you but I’d go nuts if I couldn’t have my White mocha java grande in the morning.”
Sean laughed. “You’ll also have to keep a tight reign on your emotions for a while until you get the hang of it. Strong emotions tend to bring out the tiger and it would be very bad for business if you poofed into tiger form during a job.”
Carmen nodded, her thoughts getting fuzzier as the drugs began to take over, “I have to ask this one last question. Can I tell my team, and I know David Marshall will want an explanation as well.”
Sean looked confused, “David Marshall?”
She grinned, “My dad.”
Duncan smiled, “You’d better tell your dad and your team because we know they can keep the secret.”
Sean smiled, “Yeah, well, we have to tell her dad. I dunno about you, but I’d rather not have the man after my hide for any reason. His team is just downright scary.”
Carmen laughed, “They are definitely scary good. He trained the entire team, and I ran them ragged because they needed to know how danger can come in attractive packages. As a teenager, Dad always took me down to the training grounds and let me give them lessons in how to not get killed by cuteness.” A huge yawn caught up with her as her eyes started to close, “Enough for now guys, I’m about done in. Kiss me you fools and let’s get some sleep.” She pulled them close, planting kisses on each one of them.
They both leaned down to kiss either side of her cheeks. Two midn voices reached out to her. “We love you, Carmen Marshall”
“I love you both as well and I have a feeling this will become a purr…fect relationship.” Her words slurred slightly, but the message got through.
Laughing, Sean beat Duncan to the punch and claimed her lips in a soul searing kiss which left her breathless.
Duncan followed up with one of his own and, together, they curled up against her, flesh to flesh. In this manner, they slowly drifted off to sleep, each knowing they would be together, forever.
At the foot of the bed, a white tiger cub uncurled from his warm spot, looked over at a corner where a ghostly feline form sat. Both cats dropped their jaws in Cheshire Cat smiles, before the ghost disappeared and the cub went back to sleep.
The End