Butterfly Style: The Dartmouth Cobras ~ A Cobra Short

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Butterfly Style: The Dartmouth Cobras ~ A Cobra Short Page 1

by Bianca Sommerland

  Butterfly Style

  The Dartmouth Cobras ~ A Cobra Short

  Bianca Sommerland


  Also by Bianca Sommerland

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  Game Misconduct

  Defensive Zone



  Delayed Penalty

  Iron Cross

  Goal Line

  About the Author

  Also by Bianca Sommerland

  * * *


  The Dartmouth Cobras


  Bianca Sommerland

  Copyright 2016, Bianca Sommerland


  Cover art by I’m No Angel Designs

  * * *

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Amazon and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The characters are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Also by Bianca Sommerland

  Sign up for my Newsletter for monthly prizes and teasers

  * * *

  The Dartmouth Cobras

  Blind Pass

  Game Misconduct

  Defensive Zone



  Delayed Penalty

  Iron Cross

  Goal Line

  Line Brawl

  * * *


  Deadly Captive

  Collateral Damage

  The End – Coming Soon

  * * *

  Celestial Pets: Evil’s Embrace

  Solid Education

  Forbidden Steps

  Rosemary Entwined

  The Trip

  Tamed (Feral Bonds 0.5)

  * * *

  Winter’s Wrath Series


  Chapter 1

  Being picky about handing out beatings could lead to a very boring night. Unfortunately, Chicklet wasn’t feeling the pretty boys. She sighed as yet another skinny young man in tight spandex shorts dropped to his knees in front of her.

  Screw it, I’m done playing nice. She tipped his chin up with the riding crop in her hand, her lips sliding into a cold smile. “Did I ask you to kneel?”

  His mouth formed a wide O. He popped up to his feet. “No, Mistress.”

  “No. Actually, I don’t think I gave any indication that I’m interested in you at all. Are you always this forward?” She trailed her gaze over him, not sure what she’d rather do. Ask for I.D or fix him a BLT with extra bacon. The boy needed some meat on him. Delicate bodies of either gender did absolutely nothing for her.

  But the fear in his eyes gave her a nice little buzz.

  “I’m sorry, Mistress. Please forgive me, I just…” He licked his lips and looked down. “I’ve never met anyone like you. Your demonstrations at C.A.K.E were…incredible. I would do anything to serve you.”

  Anything? Chicklet did her best not to smirk at the boy. We’ll see about that.

  Reaching down between his thighs, she gave his balls a tight squeeze, arching her brow at his whimper. He really wasn’t going to be much fun at all. “I only mentioned genital torture briefly in the workshop, but several in attendance wanted to see a proper demonstration. Meet me at the bondage frame and we can see what you’re made of.”

  “Genital torture?” His words came out as little more than a squeak.

  “Oh, nothing too intense. Weights on your balls, maybe a few clothes pegs…” She chuckled as he ducked into the crowd and out of sight.

  Almost too easy. Had the boy actually listened during her workshops, or had he been wacking off in the back?

  Either way, the brief distraction wasn’t enough to lessen her boredom. She’d been spoiled back home in Nova Scotia, playing at the private BDSM club, Blades & Ice. The club was owned by an experienced Dom and all members were carefully vetted. Not everyone enjoyed extreme play, but none were really shocked by it. Her suggested scene likely would have gotten a “Thanks, but no thanks,” from the majority, but they wouldn’t have run away.

  Then again, she’d already played with the few subs there who enjoyed the erotic bite of pain, who craved her twisted games. Being invited to C.A.K.E—Chicago Appreciation of Kink Expose—had been a nice change from her increasingly tame routine. That it was taking place while the Dartmouth Cobras played the Blackhawks made it even more appealing.

  A comped flight, hotel, and free tickets to the game made for a very nice vacation, even though it was still cold as fuck outside. She’d done workshops at a few BDSM conferences over the years, teaching everything from sensual mindfucks to the basics of RACK (Risk Aware Consensual Kink), and loved the opportunity to visit new places and make sure her fellow freaks didn’t end up maimed or imprisoned while getting their rocks off.

  Paying it forward a little, since she’d had some amazing mentors growing up in the scene. But she never expected much more than the chance to reach a few kinky people and help them play safe. In her twenties, she’d been open to toying with all different types, light players and intense, men and women—sometimes several at a time. Now that she was pushing closer to forty she found herself less interested in playing in the shallow end of the kink pool.

  Recently, her sex life—what little she had of one—had become …uninspiring. Physical attraction wasn’t enough. Not that she had any intention of settling down, but she needed more.

  But if pretty skinny boy was all this place had to offer, she might as well head to the hotel and watch some porn. Yesterday she’d gotten here too late to play, and while Friday night was usually her time to let loose, she just wasn’t feeling it. She should have come on Tuesday when there weren’t any workshops. Taken the day to shake travel blahs, then used Wednesday and Thursday night to unwind. Tomorrow night was devoted to the game. Looked like she’d have to do her thing back home.

  She slid onto a stool at the bar and ordered a CC and coke. Some might find choosing masturbation over a warm, willing body pathetic, but screw that. She was damn good, and when it was just her and her sweet self, she didn’t have to worry about whining and clinginess.

  All she had to worry about was how big and lonely her bed seemed lately. Both here and at home.

  The light faded abruptly as a large form stepped up to her side, and she caught the fresh scent of ice mixed with warm leather. She tipped her head and smiled as her best friend, Sloan Callahan, pulled up a stool beside her.

  Almost ten years younger than her, the captain of the Dartmouth Cobras was as deep into the lifestyle as she was. And as disinterested in settling. Lucky for him, he still enjoyed satisfying his sadistic urges with anyone who could take it. Which lately, strangely enough, seemed to be his close friend and teammate, Max Perron.

  Not that the two ever fucked—damn them, that would be hot to see—but Sloan was helping Perron explore his voyeur side as only a sadist could. Seeing the two negotiate with a couple before a scene was fascinating. Perro
n was fairly new to the scene, which of course meant Sloan played as rough and dirty as possible every time he had the man as his captive audience.

  Evil fucker.

  Chicklet grinned and lifted her glass as Sloan was served his own. “To many screams, a few tears, and a shutout tomorrow night.”

  Smirking, Sloan clinked his glass to hers. “Cheers.” He tipped the glass to his lips, one torn brow arched. “I saw you scare away one of your many fans. You not feeling it tonight?”

  Lifting her shoulders, Chicklet spun around on her stool to survey the room. A fairly typical setup. Too crowded after her time at Blades & Ice, but workable. There were the usual Saint Andrew’s Crosses, bondage frames, leather and whips and half naked bodies everywhere. Not much nudity here. Many had come from the conference to gawk at the regulars, which made for a decidedly tense environment. The crowds around different ongoing scenes reminded her a bit of a zoo during feeding time.

  Yep, you’re way too spoiled.

  “It feels a bit like a performance, doesn’t it?” Chicklet took a sip of her drink, tapping her metal pointed toe, leather boot against the floor to the beat of Inertia Creeps by Massive Attack. “I don’t usually mind, but tonight…”

  Studying her face with his sharp, black eyes, Sloan nodded slowly. “You’re looking for substance and this is a bad place for it.”

  His overgrown black hair fell over his forehead, making him look more boyish than badass. She grinned and brushed it back. “You’re adorable.”

  He growled at her, shifting back, then drained the last of his whiskey and coke. “And you’re avoiding the issue.”

  “Yes, I am.” She shrugged, sipping her drink and staring at herself in the mirror behind the bar. She looked tired, which annoyed her. Maybe telling others how to enjoy some hot kinky sex, while no longer being able to do so herself, was starting to get to her. “I didn’t come here to find something lasting, though. And I’m not the least bit interested in a relationship.”

  “I’ll drink to that.” Sloan motioned for another drink, propping his elbow on the bar as he focused on a flogging that had just started in the center of the club. His jaw ticked and he let out an irritated sound. “That guy shouldn’t handle anything more intense than a feather duster.”

  Chicklet snorted her last sip and followed his gaze. Then she frowned. Sloan might be a judgmental asshole sometimes, but in this case, he was right.

  The tall, bald, beefy man was dressed in a strange mix of 70s biker paraphernalia and spiked leather that could be right out of a KISS music video. He had two ridiculously large floggers—hopefully the weight would prevent swings hard enough to do real damage—and was laughing with a few buddies around him between sloppy swats at the bound woman’s bare ass.

  None of the Dungeon Monitors had gotten involved, yet, but she spotted them nearby, keeping an eye on the ‘scene’. They likely saw exactly what both she and Sloan had. The man wasn’t being violent, wasn’t hitting any dangerous spots, but he was paying absolutely no attention to the woman he’d cuffed to the hanging chains.

  Shifting her attention to the small, curvy brunette, Chicklet frowned, taking in the pallor of her cheeks and the lifelessness in her eyes. She was enduring the scene, wincing a little with each strike of the falls. Not unusual in itself, but she looked like a woman who’d been dragged off the streets and stripped down to her delicate white lace bra and panties to be beaten.

  After a few more clumsy swings, the man dropped the floggers and ran his hand over the woman’s ass. He slid his fingers down, and Chicklet bit into her cheek as the woman pressed her eyes shut.

  “Come on, baby. That didn’t get you a little wet?” The man pressed against her, talking too loud, grinning at his friends as they continued to watch. “Let’s get out of here. I’ve got some toys at home that might help.”

  Don’t you dare go with him! Chicklet caught Sloan moving to stand and grabbed his arm. Back home they could have gotten involved. They both took turns as DM and this scene felt wrong. But their best bet was to let the local DMs handle this.

  For now. If the woman didn’t stop looking terrified, Chicklet was going to pull the ‘chicks stick together’ card and take her aside for a little chat. At least make sure she wasn’t being coerced somehow.

  Blinking fast, the woman shook her head. She stared at the floor. “No. I’m sorry, Sir, but I don’t think this is working for either of us.”

  Lips curling with disgust, the man turned away from her, gesturing for his friends to follow him to the lounge area near the front of the club. He didn’t even bother untying her.

  One of the DMs strode up to the woman and quickly uncuffed her, supporting her with an arm around her waist when she stumbled.

  “Thank you.” Chicklet couldn’t hear the words, but she saw the woman’s lips form them as the DM guided her over to the bar. The bartender tossed him a blanket, which he draped over the pale woman’s shoulders.

  For some reason, even though she knew this was none of her damn business—the woman was in good hands—Chicklet couldn’t tear her eyes away from the woman’s face. Those big, blue eyes, like the moonlit ocean, held a strength Chicklet hadn’t expected after seeing that mockery of a scene. There was also something she recognized from some of the subs she’d dealt with in the past. Frustration. Almost as though the little brunette was searching for something she desperately needed, but couldn’t find.

  The DM handed the woman a glass of water, watching her silently as she took a few gulps. He brushed a hand irritably over his close-shaved scalp. “This is your second night here, Laura. Your former Dom assured me you have enough experience to be left to your own devices, but I’m not seeing it. That’s the third wanna-be you’ve let restrain you. You’re going to get hurt.”

  The woman, Laura, shot the DM a tired smile. “This is the first one who ditched me. The other two ended the scenes respectfully.”

  “Leaving you completely unsatisfied. Maybe if you told me what you were looking for, I could point you in the right direction.”

  Laura’s shoulders hunched as she tugged the blanket tight around her. “I don’t need much. I only want… Damn it, I wish you hadn’t talked to Mills. I’m only repeating what he’s already told you.”

  “Yes, he’s told me how deeply you escape into submission. How much you need the peace of giving up control.” The DM put his hand on her shoulder. “But what do you hope to find here, sweetheart? You’re far from home, and you can’t explore a scene like that with someone after knowing them for a few hours. Why don’t you explore your local clubs and—”

  “I can’t go to the clubs back home. I…” Laura shook her head and sighed. “I guess part of me hoped Mills would come.”

  “I think he wanted to.” The DM chuckled. “His pets have a tight leash on him. But don’t tell him I said so.”

  Facing the bar, Chicklet had to bite her tongue not to add her two cents to a conversation she hadn’t been invited in on. Almost twenty years as a bartender had gotten her in the habit of giving advice to those who needed it as they drowned their problems in their favorite brew. As a Domme, she couldn’t ignore that urge to give guidance even if she couldn’t take control.

  Apparently, Sloan didn’t have her restraint. He smiled at her over the rim of his glass, then met the DMs eyes. “Sorry, don’t mean to butt in, but I have to disagree with what you said earlier. I’ve done some very satisfying scenes with subs I haven’t known for very long. A good Dom should be able to communicate with his—or her—play partner and set limits even if they’re just meeting up at an event like this.”

  The DM’s eyes narrowed. “That’s not the way to—”

  “Are you saying there’s only one way?” Sloan’s tone was laced with amusement. He was having way too much fun making the other man uncomfortable. “For a newbie, yes, it’s advisable to dip your toes into the scene first, but it sounds like your girl has some experience.”

  That got Laura’s attention. She took ano
ther sip of water, then cleared her throat. “I do, but I haven’t played in a while. I’m trying to avoid anything serious. I don’t have the time or…or lifestyle to indulge.”

  “I understand. And I’ve played with women like you before. Sweet little housewives who need a break from their predictable lives. I usually only play with couples, though.” Sloan’s lips slanted as he met the DM’s eyes. “A single woman can’t possibly make that decision on her own.”

  All right, Chicklet didn’t know what Sloan was playing at, but she was about to crack the cocky sadist upside his bloated head. She folded her arms over her chest and kicked the back of his stool.

  “A single woman can absolutely make her own decisions. Can walk into a club and negotiate a fulfilling scene without anyone holding her hand. She just has to know what she’s looking for.” Which brought her back to the DM’s original question. She met Laura’s eyes and her pulse quickened. The way Laura looked back at her, as though she’d needed the support, drew out all her protective instincts. “If you’re not new to the scene, why did it look like you could barely tolerate that man? Why let it go so far?”

  Laura held her gaze for a moment, then lowered it slowly. “Because I was hoping it would be enough.”

  “Did you want him to hurt you?” Maybe Sloan would be good for her. He was right. With the right negotiations, an experienced Dom with an experienced sub could scene without going through all the preliminaries. People did it all the time, that’s why there were clubs like this. If one knew what they were doing, it didn’t demand much more than a dance.

  Not a good thing to advertise, since newbies would walk in expecting the same treatment. And for them, it could be dangerous. They could end up with a predator who’d use their eagerness to abuse them.

  This woman had found a man with less experience than her. Hadn’t cared about his friends watching. Had calmly told him ‘No’ when he’d offered to take her home. Hadn’t panicked when he’d left her bound. She’d known someone would free her.


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