Pumpkin Smoothie Murder (Harmony Cafe Cozy Mystery Book 4)

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Pumpkin Smoothie Murder (Harmony Cafe Cozy Mystery Book 4) Page 4

by Anna Lakewood

  “I don’t keep receipts, and most people pay in cash anyway.” Deano's eyes darted back to his novel.

  Thinking that was just one more reason the man should be out of business, Autumn set the book on the counter. “Okay…well, do you at least remember if Guy Horne has been through here? He’s the leader of—”

  “I know who he is,” Deano snapped, his tone changing for the first time since they’d entered the store. “And no, he hasn’t been in here.”

  “So, what kind of people buy your alien comic books then?” Autumn asked, wondering if she would be able to get even the broadest of answers.

  Deano narrowed his beady gaze at her. “Lots of people have been buying those kinds of books since Guy Horne came to town. Townsfolk included.”

  “Have any of the Cosmic Keepers made purchases here?”

  Deano nodded.

  Autumn looked back at Rowan and Skye.

  “I’ll buy it,” Autumn said.

  “Wait, wait, wait,” Skye said, rushing up to the counter.

  Deano sent Skye an annoyed look for the interruption.

  "What is it?" Autumn whispered.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t buy it,” Skye said, ignoring Deano's grumpy glance.

  “Why not?”

  Skye looked at Deano, uncomfortably.

  “Excuse us for a moment,” Skye said, ushering Skye away from the counter.

  Deano went right back to reading his book.

  “So, what’s the problem?” Autumn asked.

  “Well, if the Cosmic Keepers are attracted to junk like this,” Skye said. “Don't you think it might be dangerous to be in possession of something that could lead them to you? They might find out you bought an alien book?”

  Autumn laughed. “Wow, little sister, you’re beginning to sound like you actually believe the Cosmic Keepers are all they claim to be. They’re not, and I can guarantee you that they don’t have supernatural powers.”

  Skye still looked uneasy. "What if Deano is in on it?"

  “I’ll take my chances,” Autumn went on. “And I'll pay in cash.”

  “Deano will still know that you purchased a copy," Skye reiterated.

  “All the more reason to buy it and see if anything happens," Autumn muttered.

  True to her word, Autumn purchased the comic book with cold, hard cash and the group left the anti-social Deano in peace.

  Chapter 10

  “How can you read that stupid book?” Skye asked.

  Since arriving home, Autumn had been studying the comic she’d purchased, hoping to find a clue or at least discover the killer’s next move.

  Autumn took a sip of her late night super fruit smoothie before answering. “Why did you even come to the comic book store with us if you don’t care what we found?”

  “To be honest, I just find the whole thing stupid," Skye admitted. "I thought maybe if there was a real clue as to who had murdered Mick, that would be one thing. But, who would follow the plotline of a comic book? I mean, let’s be real….”

  “A man was murdered, and the events have played out exactly like in this book so far. That isn’t real enough for you?”

  Skye plopped herself down on the couch. “I'm still worried about you buying that book, okay."

  “As I said, the Cosmic Keepers do not have powers.”

  Skye released an exasperated sound. “This is just all too weird. Why don’t we just—”

  “Wait,” Autumn said, raising her hand to stop her sister as she continued to read. “I think I’ve found what we should look for next.”

  “You mean besides another crime scene?” Skye grabbed a throw pillow for comfort. “The Cosmic Keepers said you would be the next target, remember?”

  “And you believe them? No, I don’t think we need to look out for another crime scene. I think we need to watch for this sign.” She turned the book, pointing to the picture of a church.

  “A church?” Skye studied the comic book drawing.

  “It says here in the story that the church is the last place that the aliens make their mark before the invasion," Autumn stated. "I’m going to call Rowan. We’ll go check it out after dinner.”

  “Do you really want to creep around at night when those cosmic nutcases are on the loose?” Skye squeaked.

  “Safety in numbers,” Autumn said, dialing Rowan’s number. “Besides, we’re just taking a look around. There’s no indication that the invasion is happening tonight or anything.”

  “I'm still coming,” Skye grumbled. “But I'm keeping the police on speed dial."

  “That's fine with me,” Autumn agreed.

  Rowan sounded as if he were in the middle of eating dinner when he answered the phone.

  “Hey, Rowan," Autumn said. "I just read that comic book, and I have a hunch.” She explained her theory about the church, and he enthusiastically replied that he would be right over.

  “Well, I guess we’d better hurry up and eat dinner because, from the sound of it, Rowan will be here any minute.”

  Autumn threw together a quinoa and soybean salad that she knew Skye would have turned her nose up at on any other day. However, at the moment, she seemed too nervous about the upcoming investigation to care what they ate.

  Rowan entered Autumn's apartment ready to go, talking from the moment he'd stepped over the threshold. He asked so many questions that Autumn had finally just handed her comic book to him, letting him know that it explained everything. This gave Autumn and Skye enough quiet to finish their dinner before setting out.

  Rowan had a polar opposite view of the situation compared to Skye. While she thought the whole thing was ridiculous, Rowan was intrigued. He repeatedly said that though he thought that Cosmic Keepers were fakes and that people shouldn’t rip material off from comic books, he found it wickedly brilliant to follow the plotline of a comic book around town.

  By the time they had all reached the church, Rowan was more than worked up in favor of following this lead and Skye was worked up against it. Autumn opted to park a few blocks away keeping Mochi nestled safely in her lap.

  “Just in case,” Autumn said when Rowan and Skye sent her questioning looks.

  “Just in case of what?” Skye asked, her expression panicked.

  “In case someone does come they won't be able to see us watching them.”

  “Someone had better come or what are we doing here?” Rowan said.

  “What do we do if someone shows up?” Skye’s voice had risen a notch. Obviously, she hadn’t thought of what might be involved in this endeavor.

  “Let’s not lose our heads—we don’t know what’s going to happen,” Autumn cut in. “Let’s just hang out for a bit and see if we can pick up any clues that might relate to crop circles or Cosmic Keepers or--”

  “Aliens,” Rowan added.

  “Yeah,” Autumn hurried on, opening the car door and slipping out.

  Rowan ushered the group stealthily toward the church, and they moved as one to the back of the building, crouching down into the shadows. Even Mochi moved gingerly with detective-like quietness.

  “So, what are we waiting for exactly?” Skye whispered. Autumn hoped that Skye wouldn’t be this high strung during this entire venture.

  “Just wait and see if anything pops out at you,” Autumn said.

  “Like what? An alien?”

  “Speaking of aliens,” Rowan said. “That UFO smoothie was a pretty clever idea, don’t you think?”

  “Yeah, it would be good if it weren’t for the fact that everyone’s hysterical about those Cosmic Keepers already.”

  “All the more reason to have a special that suits the mood, you know?” Rowan added.

  “I guess,” Autumn agreed, reluctantly, unable to deny that it had been selling well.

  “So, we can keep it?” Rowan asked, hopefully.

  “Sure, why not?” Autumn figured that a smoothie wasn’t going to be what tipped Mineral Springs over the edge of mass obsession. “But, only until I finish drafting opt
ions for my winter drink special. I plan to put it up as soon as it starts snowing.”

  “Unless the Cosmic Keepers stick around for another holiday,” Rowan mused. He was so intrigued he looked like a child. “What kind of crime do you think they would commit next if they decided to stick around? Another murder?”

  “No,” Skye scowled. “They’re going to abduct someone or take over Mineral Springs, remember? Have you listened to nothing Guy Horne has said?” She shuddered, slumping her back against the side of the church. “He’s a maniac if I ever saw one.”

  “That man is full of baloney,” Autumn said. “You guys, keep in mind that we don’t even know if it’s the Cosmic Keeper who killed Mick. There hasn’t been much to go on so far, and it could be anyone….”

  Her words were cut short when there was a rustle in the bushes.

  Skye started to squeak in fear, but Autumn thrust the palm of her hand over her sister’s mouth. Skye stared wide-eyed as the other two members turned to look. A shadowy figure appeared. It moved stealthily closer, causing Rowan, Autumn, Mochi, and Skye to scoot further out of sight. It took a few moments before a streetlight illuminated the person’s face.

  Skye gasped and Autumn’s heart sunk.

  It was Nikki.

  “It’s Nikki,” Skye hissed. “But, it couldn’t be. It just—”

  Autumn covered her sister’s mouth again, pressing a finger to her own lips. The group watched as Nikki glanced around her. She jumped, looking over her shoulder when she heard a car start in the distance. A few moments later she took off, disappearing into the darkness. Thankfully, Nikki went in the opposite direction of where Autumn had left the car.

  “Come one, let’s go,” Autumn whispered, sitting up on her haunches.

  Still moving with quiet care, the group made their way the three blocks back to the car.

  “I guess it wasn’t the Cosmic Keepers after all,” Rowan said, dramatically the moment they were all inside.

  Skye’s eyes went wide. “You don’t mean to tell me that you think Nikki is responsible?”

  “No, no, I don’t think that’s what Rowan meant at all. Is it, Rowan?” Autumn gave her assistant a meaningful look.

  “Oh,” he exclaimed, realizing his error.

  Autumn resisted the temptation to roll her eyes.

  “No, I didn’t mean that Nikki did it. I just mean that….I’m starting to think there’s some other mischief-maker in this town who’s trying to stir up trouble. That’s all….”

  Autumn shook her head at the unconvincing cover-up. “We don’t know anything for certain yet. But, friend or not, we need to take into account that we saw Nikki at the church tonight.”

  Skye appeared none too pleased with the idea.

  “Just file it away,” Autumn said. “We can’t afford to ignore anything if we want to find the murderer, right?” She started the car. “We’re just gathering evidence.”

  “It couldn’t be Nikki,” Skye said, her voice soft with disbelief. “She has been crying her eyes out ever since the police called her with the news about Mick. She would never have a reason to kill him.”

  “I believe you’re right,” Autumn responded, thinking it best to bring closure to the conversation. There was no need for Skye to think any more into this until they knew more. Besides, her sister was right. Nikki didn’t seem to have a motive for killing her boyfriend.

  As they drove the rest of the way home, now in silence, Autumn thought about how skittish Nikki had seemed at the church—jumping at every sound. She’d acted guilty. There had to be a logical explanation for why she’d been sneaking around the church late at night. However, if there wasn’t, this could become a whole lot more complicated than it already was.

  Chapter 11

  After a great deal of contemplation, Autumn had concluded that it was best to break the news gently to Skye that she might have to get used to the idea that Nikki was guilty. She’d pondered the situation long after the group had returned from the church and realized that seeing Nikki at the next point of interest for an alien-related happening had been a big deal.

  Autumn convinced Skye to wear longer socks and go on a run with her the afternoon after they’d seen Nikki at the church. Skye was reluctant but finally agreed. In the spur of the moment, Autumn started running in the direction of the church. Arriving there would be a good way to bring up what had happened the previous night.

  The sisters made small talk about the café during the first part of the run, but Skye stopped short when they reached the church. She stared at it as if she expected aliens to descend in that very moment.

  “That was pretty eerie last night, wasn’t it?” Autumn said, hoping she was prefacing this conversation in the right way.

  Skye snorted. “You think?” She became lost in thought for a moment. “I just don’t know what on earth Nikki was doing out that late. The last time I saw her, she was still grief-stricken.”

  “You know what that could mean, don’t you?” Even to herself, Autumn sounded as if she were addressing a small child, but she wasn’t sure one could broach this subject with too much gentleness.

  “What?” Skye said. It looked as if she’d guessed her sister’s hunch, but was too reluctant to speak the words aloud.

  “The fact that Nikki was sneaking around here last night, looking one hundred times better than she has at any other time since Mick’s death and the fact that the crop circle symbol appeared this morning might mean that she had a part in the crime.”

  “It’s just like Rowan was saying,” Skye said, appearing close to tears.

  “I’m afraid that could be the case,” Autumn responded, slowly. “It’s just that….what other reason could she have for being there?”

  Skye thought for a moment before shrugging, averting her gaze.

  “So, I think it’s a good idea to keep in mind that she is a critical part of the investigation and I think—”

  “But, wait,” Skye interrupted. “We didn’t see the crop circle when she left.”

  "Well, no but—"

  Skye squinted at the church building. “What’s that on the front door?”

  Autumn took a few steps toward the church, looking closely. Her stomach became knotted when she realized that a symbol had been painted on the door. Though they were too far away at the moment to see it clearly, she had a pretty good guess what it looked like. “Let’s go and take a look.”

  The two women arrived at the front of the building to find a crop circle just like that one that had appeared at Foolish Dan’s and the ice cream shop.

  Skye gasped. “Oh, no. Oh, no.”

  “The comic books warned us that this would be next spot targeted,” Autumn said.

  “The comic book told us?” Skye repeated, appalled. “You’re trusting a comic book? I thought you were more sensible than that?”

  Autumn raised her hands in surrender. “Hang on. I’m not saying I believe the mumbo jumbo the Cosmic Keepers are dishing out, but the fact that the murderer has followed the outline of the story we found at the comic book shop is an important clue. For that reason, we need to pay attention to what comes next in the story. The murderer could very well be targeting someone else to take the blame. Following the comic book might be the only way to find out what the killer is up to. When we see Nikki, we’d better keep an eye out for anything that might suggest she did this. Paint or….”

  “No,” Skye suddenly burst out. “We’re not going to pin this on Nikki.”

  Autumn had believed the difficult task of getting her sister used to the idea of Nikki’s possible guilt had passed, but it appeared she’d been wrong.

  “Nikki would never have killed Mick—I don’t care what you say. They were planning to be married the night that Mick died.”

  Autumn blinked. This was news to her. “Really?”

  Skye nodded, wrapping her arms around herself. “They were planning to elope and go on a romantic backpacking trip through Europe for their honeymoon.” She looked
close to tears now as she shook her head in denial. “How could someone who loves a person like Nikki loved Mick kill him? It just doesn’t make sense.”

  “When a loved one is murdered, the police always investigate the significant other first.” Autumn realized the moment the words escaped her lips that it would have been best to bite her tongue.

  Skye gaped at her. “How can you say that? Nikki is devastated. She has talked to me every day since he was murdered. She feels like life is hopeless and that there’s no point anymore without Mick. You really think that someone who is that grieved could be the murderer?”

  Autumn wanted to point out that grief could be feigned, but she’d already put her foot in her mouth once during this conversation, and she didn’t intend to do it again.

  Skye wrung her hands.

  Autumn didn’t know what else to say and decided to try sympathy. Skye seemed overwhelmed by the entire situation, and perhaps all she needed was someone to listen.

  “Why were Nikki and Mick planning on eloping instead of having a real wedding?”

  Nikki shook her head. “A real wedding would have been a nightmare. Nikki’s parents have never liked Mick. They knew that eloping would be the only way.” She looked off into the distance, her expression growing even more distressed. “I hope they are satisfied with the way things turned out. Now that Mick’s dead they don’t have to worry about Nikki marrying someone they don’t approve of.”

  Autumn knew that there was no point in telling her sister that there was no need to get worked up because she already was. “Skye, all we can do is look at the facts. Bygones are bygones, and we can’t change the past. The truth will come out. It always does.”

  Autumn was glad to see that her words gave Skye visible comfort as some of the worry lines disappeared from her forehead.

  “I suppose you’re right," Skye commented. "The murderer will be found, and he will pay for his crimes.”

  Autumn said that her sister was right and suggested they continue with their walk. She was glad to turn her back on the crop circle painted on the church door.


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