Saved by Love (Bachelor Billionaire Kids #1)

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Saved by Love (Bachelor Billionaire Kids #1) Page 1

by Sharon Cummin

  Saved by Love

  (Bachelor Billionaire Kids #1)

  By Sharon Cummin

  Copyright © 2017 Sharon Cummin

  All Rights Reserved

  Warning: This story contains explicit sexual content that is not intended for those under the age of 18. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious and the age of 18 and older. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Check out my Amazon Author Page – Sharon Cummin

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  Table of Contents

  Bachelor Billionaire Family Tree


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Bachelor Billionaire Family Tree

  Gavin and Becky

  1. Jessie (twin)

  2. Julie (twin)

  3. Gavin Jr.

  4. Nate

  Ethan and Julie

  1. Ethan John

  2. Ben (twin)

  3. Danny (twin)

  4. Sophie

  5. Emily (twin)

  6. Elizabeth (twin)

  Josh and Lisa

  1. Jack

  2. Gracie Rose

  Heath and Tara

  1. Jordan

  2. Jason

  3. Heath Jr.

  4. Brianna

  John and Sandy

  1. Kelly and Eric – Eric, Sarah, John

  2. Kyle and Jenny – Melissa, Kyle Jr.



  He was sitting on his bed in his parents' house in Hawaii, looking out the window down onto the beach. There were people everywhere, and they all belonged in his family. Not all of them were blood relatives, most of them actually weren't. His dad, who he was named after, had four very close friends in his younger years. They'd all gotten married and had families. Those families owned seven houses between them along one strip of beach. Sometimes it felt like they had their own little island. That part was pretty amazing.

  Between the five guys, they had twenty-three kids and grandkids. Gavin had two older twin sisters names Julie and Jessie and one younger brother named Nate. Ethan and Julie had six kids. They were the craziest group. There was Ethan John, twin boys Ben and Danny, Sophie, and twin girls Emily and Elizabeth. John, Ethan's brother, and his wife Sandy had two kids, Kelly and Kyle. Kelly and her husband Eric had twins Eric Jr. and Sarah and Little John who was the same age as Gavin. Kyle and Jenny had Melissa and Little Kyle. Heath and Tara had Jordan, Jason, Little Heath, and Brianna. Josh and Lisa had Jack, Gavin's best friend, and Gracie Rose. Between them, they all ranged in age from eleven to twenty-four. All of the kids were close. Not one of them would turn their back on another. They were a crew and always would be.

  Each of the couples had a crazy love story. Gavin wasn't even sure how some of them made it after everything they'd gone through to find love. Did he want that? One day he did, he just had to get through high school and figure out what it was he wanted to do with his life.

  Gavin was thirteen and his dad was already talking about him taking over the family business. Both of his parents were software developers. He'd been around it, lived and breathed it, every moment of his life. His entire family was built around that company. It was spread through his whole house, he'd been to the company a million times, and his parents talked about it all day long. Even though his dad didn't go into work as much as he'd used to, it was still everywhere he was. The only problem was that Gavin wasn't into it like either of his parents were. He'd heard his dad telling his mom he just needed time. When he grew up, he'd change his mind. Gavin wasn't as sure as his dad on that one.

  His bedroom door opened, pulling him from his thoughts, as Jack walked in.

  “What are you doing up here?” Jack asked. “Get down there. That girl from down the beach is out, and she has a friend with her.”

  Jack had just turned sixteen and girls were all he talked about, that and driving of course.

  “I don't know,” Gavin said.

  “What's up with you?” Jack asked, as he walked over in his wet shorts and sat down on Gavin's bed.

  Jack knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life. He was going to be a firefighter like his dad, before his dad retired and started building restaurants all over Pennsylvania. The more Gavin heard his best friend talk about helping people, the more Gavin thought he wanted that as well.

  “What do you think would happen if I decided to join the service when I graduated?” Gavin asked.

  “I think your dad would flip his shit,” Jack answered. “What are you talking about?”

  “You know I don't want to work at their company,” he answered.

  “I know,” Jack said.

  “I want to help people too, just like you,” Gavin said. “The more I learn in school, the more I think I might want to fight to keep us all safe.”

  “Do you really?” Jack asked. “I've thought about that a bit myself. Sometimes I think I could help more people that way, but I also want to be a firefighter, at least to see what it was like for my dad. I've loved going to the station with my mom to take the stuff she baked.”

  “I don't know,” Gavin said. “I really think it might be what I want.”

  “You still have five years to figure it out,” Jack said. “I'll tell you what, when I graduate, I'm going to be a firefighter. I'll have at least two years in before you graduate. If you decide you really want to join the service, we'll take that leap together.”

  “Really?” Gavin asked with surprise in his voice.

  “Of course,” Jack said. “I'd fight right there beside you. That sounds pretty great actually. Now get your ass up and out on that beach before my girl goes back home. We only have a few more days before we have to get back to school. Help me out, man.”

  Gavin thought about what Jack said. Would his best friend really do that for him, he wondered? What a great guy. Gavin was sure he'd change his own mind by the time he turned eighteen. His dad would make sure of it. Gavin stood up and looked over at Jack.

  “I'm so glad our crazy parents met,” he said. “Now come on. Your girl's out there waiting. Her friend better not be as goofy as the last one. I'm not sure I can sit and talk to another one for hours while you try to make out with yours.”

  They both burst into laughter.

  “That was pretty funny,” Jack said, as they walked out of the room and headed fo
r the beach.

  Chapter 1


  Five Years Later

  It was a beautiful day in Hawaii, and Gavin's huge, extended family was spending the day on the beach. Every one of the couples and all twenty-three kids were there. It was their week, the same one they'd spent together every year since Gavin could remember. There was noise everywhere, and he wouldn't have had it any other way. He loved every single person there more than they'd ever know, even the ones that got on his nerves on a daily basis.

  “Hey man,” his Uncle Ethan said, as he smacked his shoulder. “How's it feel to be a man?”

  “Pretty good,” Gavin answered honestly.

  “You ready to take that step?” his uncle asked. “You ready to take on the business world? Your dad is so damn excited to get you in there. He can't wait to hand over the reins. I'm actually not sure if it's that or if he just wants to spend time with you.”

  Gavin liked having so many aunts and uncles most of the time. They all loved him, that he knew, but he was feeling pressure from each of them. He'd just turned eighteen and graduated from high school and wasn't sure what he wanted to do with his life. He knew most of the pressure was just his imagination working on him, but that didn't change how he felt. His Uncle Ethan wasn't the only one mentioning him working with his old man, and he wasn't sure what to say.

  Gavin's parents met on a cruise and went home without exchanging last names or any other personal information. That wasn't something Gavin asked any questions about. Both of his parents went home to regret that decision. Then his mom walked into her new job to find that his dad was her new boss. Both of them were very passionate about their work. She was supposed to be an awesome coder, even his Uncle Ethan had tried to steal her away for his company. It never worked though. Gavin's parents made it through being boss and employee and her thinking he had a girlfriend that ended up being his sister. They were just as in love all those years later as they ever were.

  Development was in Gavin's blood, those were his dad's words anyway. Why didn't he feel the same way, he wondered? His dad was still pushing just as hard as ever for him to take over the company. He said he needed young blood around. There was one thing his dad was definitely wrong about, giving him time hadn't changed a thing. He didn't want to run the company, and he didn't want to sit behind a desk all day, every day.

  Gavin spent his entire week in Hawaii hanging with his best friend Jack, who'd been a firefighter for over two years, and thinking about his life. It seemed like everyone around him knew where they were going. Was he the only one lost in the group? Jason, the second oldest of Heath's kids, raced cars for a living. Jason's older brother Jordan had just gotten a job at a top law firm. Ethan had just graduated with Gavin and was starting college that fall. He was going to be a doctor like his mom. Gracie was Jack's sister. She was a year older than Gavin and had jumped in to run the restaurants with her dad. Both of Gavin's sisters were in college and seemed to know where they were going. Julie wanted to work with their father. Gavin had hoped that his dad would turn to her to run the company, but he hadn't. Jessie wanted to be a nurse. Gavin knew he wanted to help people, even though he wanted to do it in a way different than what Jack was. He wanted to fight to keep the world safe. Would he want to do it forever, he wasn't sure, but it was definitely what he wanted right then. As the years had gone by, he'd wanted it more and more. Should he follow what he wanted, or should he give in and follow what his father wanted for him? It wasn't an easy decision.

  How could he tell his parents that he wanted to join the service? It was something only his best friend knew about. They'd talked about it several times since he'd first mentioned it. Each time Jack told him he'd go with him, and each time Gavin told him he didn't have to. Gavin was sure his parents were going to freak, that was why he knew it was then or never. He knew his crew would have his back. No matter how much they all pissed each other off, they'd never turn on another member of their group, especially not when the parents were involved. That was an unspoken rule between them all. It didn't matter if they agreed or not, they never sided with the parents. There were too many parents, each one more demanding and stern than the next. If one of the kids caved, the parents would find a way in and take over the whole group. That would never happen.

  The entire family was sitting around for their last dinner together before heading back to reality. It had been an amazing week that had given Gavin a lot of time to think. So much had stayed the same through his years of going to Hawaii, but so many things had changed. Gavin looked around again at all of his friends, the ones he'd grown up with since the day he was born, and hoped he was right about them all. Would they have his back? He was surely going to need the support.

  When he stood up and looked down the table at his parents, he felt sick to his stomach. He saw Jack look across the table at him with a huge smile on his face, surely because he knew there was going to be an explosion of epic proportions, and knew he'd be fine with his friend right there with him. His mom was looking up at him, and he saw the look of happiness leave her face. She tapped his dad who looked up at him as well. Gavin had to get it out. There was no waiting, or he knew he might lose his nerve.

  “I'm joining the service,” Gavin said through a shaky voice.

  All of the noise from chatter and forks tapping plates stopped. It was one of the first times he'd ever been with his family and been surrounded by silence.

  “Gavin,” his dad said, as he stood up. “What the hell are you talking about? I can't believe I'm hearing this. I thought you were...”

  Gavin saw Josh stand. Then Jack followed.

  “I think it's great that you want to fight for our country,” Josh said, interrupting Gavin's dad.

  “I'm joining too,” Jack announced.

  “What?” Josh snapped. “What are you talking about? You're already a firefighter.”

  “I thought it was a great idea,” Gavin's dad snapped out at Josh that had quickly changed his tune.

  “I want to be there with my best friend helping to keep our families and everyone else safe and free,” Jack said.

  Before Gavin knew it, every single person at the table was on there feet and giving their opinions. It seemed to go on forever. He could hear his mom and Jack's both sniffling through all of the noise and felt so bad. Just as it all finally started to die down, Gracie spoke.

  “You're really going to do this?” she asked her brother in a sad tone.

  “I am,” Jack answered. “You won't miss me. You just got your own place, and besides, Ethan will be here if you need anything.”

  Gavin and Jack both burst into laughter. They'd both seen her chase Ethan around and make comments about how cute he was when she thought nobody could hear.

  “What does that mean?” Gracie asked with an embarrassed look on her face.

  “He can protect you,” Jack said in a serious tone.

  “The hell he will,” Josh yelled out.

  “What's wrong with my son protecting her?” Ethan's dad said as he rounded the table toward Josh.

  “He's your son,” Josh replied sternly. “If he's half what you were at his age, that shit won't happen, ever.”

  “My son is an amazing guy,” Big Ethan spat back. “He's going to be a doctor. He's a million times better than I was at his age.”

  “Still not happening,” Josh said. “My little girl will not be dating any guy here. Close that shit and walk away. I might not be a firefighter anymore, but I'm still fit enough to kick your ass.”

  Gavin could see his mom being hugged by Lisa as tears streamed down both of their faces.

  “Knock it off,” Gavin yelled loud enough to startle the obnoxious bunch. “He was just playing. We've both known she's had a crush on his ass for years.”

  “Have not,” Gracie yelped, as her arms moved across her body protectively.

  “Anyway,” he said, as he looked over at his mom. “I want to do this. I swear I didn't try to talk Jack into it.
He told me when I was thirteen that he'd go with me if I went.”

  “Thirteen,” Gavin's dad said, as he looked over. “Why is this the first I'm hearing of it? I thought you were taking over the company.”

  Gavin watched his sister Julie get up and growl at their father before walking up the beach toward the house. Jason, one of Heath's boys, was up and walking after her.

  “I was worried about disappointing you. You were so set on me taking over. You said I needed time to change my mind. It didn't work. I know you, mom, and Julie like sitting behind desks talking about code all day. I don't want that, at least not right now. How I'll feel four years from now, I don't know. I need to do this. I want to do this.”

  “Why take him with you?” Gracie asked roughly, as she motioned toward her brother.

  “Because that's what I want. You know I want to help people. Joining the service is helping an entire country. I want to do it. I've actually been talking about it with him since I was sixteen. I told him if he still wanted to go when he turned eighteen, I'd go too. He said no so many times, but I'm doing it. We're doing it together.”

  Lisa looked at Gavin's mom.

  “I've been worried every day since I got with Josh, even though he saved me in a fire. If it wasn't him, it's been our son. It won't get easier, but you'll get used to it,” she said.

  “I'm proud that my boy wants to go,” Gavin's mom said. “I just wasn't expecting it. I just wish you would have told us how you were feeling. Your dad really has pushed you.”

  “I have not,” Gavin's dad said, as he looked back at his wife. “Maybe I have.”

  “You have someone that wants that company more than anything. You're going to screw that up if you're not careful,” Gavin said, as he looked right at his dad. “She knows what she's doing. Don't lose her to the competition.”

  “I've already offered Julie a job,” Big Ethan said. “She turned me down.”


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