Kyle's Reveal

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Kyle's Reveal Page 23

by Royal Blue

  “I’m smarter than the others. I’m not going to bow down to your bullshit. I’m not going to let you ruin my life or anyone I care about.”

  I let a right hook fly, followed by an upper cut. His head whips back; his body sways right. I dance back, plotting my next blow. When he pulls it together he looks at me, shooting venom with his eyes.

  “You ruined your life. You walked away from me! You were so worried about everyone knowing the truth, knowing that you loved me. Now look, they all know,” he says with sinister grin on his split lips.

  “That wasn’t love. You don’t know how to love. You’re so fucked-up in the head from your biological parents, you don’t know the meaning of love. That is if any of that shit was ever true. You’re a fucking pathological liar. And nobody knows anything! All you did was plant seeds, but they don’t know me. You don’t even know me.

  “If you did, you wouldn’t try to force anything on me. I make the decisions in my life and do things when I’m ready. Instead of trying to rush me, you should have taken the time to understand me,” I seethe.

  “You are so wrong. I know everything about you. I know exactly how you think. This thing with that little schoolteacher isn’t going to last,” he snarls, tossing another punch.

  I dip back out of the way. He throws another, but I block it quickly. His next one misses my face, but brushes my shoulder. It’s not even enough to make me flinch. I rain blows on him, backing him across the ring into the ropes.

  I back away, glaring into those cold eyes. I don’t know what I ever saw in him. I snarl at him in disgust.

  “Let me explain something to you. Yes, Michael, I’ve been broken a few times. I met the devil when I was a boy, much too early in my life to be afraid of shit now. If you wanted to come for me, you should have done so with guns blazing. This is only a taste of what I’m capable of. You can get touched, Michael.

  “Stop thinking you’re God. You’re not. Don’t play with me, my family, or my man. Do yourself a favor and forget all about me. Walk away, last time I’m going to tell you,” I say in a calm I don’t feel.

  I throw a hard punch to his jaw, knocking him on his ass. From the look in his eyes as he struggles to sit up, I know I’ve made my point. At least, if he has any sense he’ll take heed.

  “We good, Michael?” I ask through clinched teeth.

  “Oh, you’re good. Good and fucked,” he spits.

  However, his confidence is as shaken as his voice. His eyes aren’t glowing with that air of control. Michael looks like he’ll think twice about fucking with me from now on.

  “Wrong answer,” I reply. “You fucked up, Michael. Your arrogance has caught up with that ass. Unlike you, I don’t bluff. You never had a tape. It was a nice play, but again, I’ve never slept on you. In the back of my mind, I always knew you were going to show your true colors. We’re done.”

  “We’ll see.”

  “Yeah, we will,” I toss over my shoulder as I turn to Mitch and nod.

  This is a waste of my time. I’ve made my point. Although, with people like Michael it will never fully sink in. The world will always owe him something because he’s so damn insecure and hateful.

  Mitch nods back and puts his phone to his ear. This should be interesting. I can’t wait to see what Mitch has in store.


  MICHAEL’S CHEEKS are red with rage. Bruises are already blooming on his face. Yet he doesn’t move from the floor as he glares at Kyle’s back. I’m the nearest to him outside the ring as I watch him closely.

  It’s the reason I’m quick to react when he gets up to charge Kyle. Moving nimbly, I reach into the ring and grab his ankle, tripping him onto his face. Kyle turns swiftly at the sound of the crash.

  “Ow, fuck,” Michael hollers.

  “I’d stay down if I were you,” I hiss.

  “The things I plan to do to your life,” he snarls. “Both of you!”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Beau taunts, waving Michael off. “We almost done here?”

  “Aye,” Mitch says simply, his eyes narrowed on Michael. “Ya should have given up while ya were ahead.”

  “Fuck you,” Michael barks. “You thugs beating up on me will never stop me. As for you, pieces of shit, you’re all fired.”

  If you ask me, I think his men quit well before he stepped into the ring. The only reason they are still here is because we haven’t allowed them to leave. Who knew a group of athletes could look so intimidating?

  “You have a big mouth,” Daniel grunts.

  “I’m coming for you, too, all of you,” Michael hisses.

  “Aye, figured that, asshole. Good thing I know where ya buried that body,” Mitch retorts.

  “By the way, you killed the nephew of a kingpin, dipshit,” Beau spits at him. “Good luck in prison.”

  Michael freezes, his reaction to Beau’s words registering on his face. He closes his eyes.

  “You’re lying,” he hisses. “You’re bluffing.”

  “You wish,” Daniel replies.

  The blood drains from Michael’s face. This is more satisfying than I thought. Seeing that look on his face is worth it.

  “You’re one twisted son of a bitch,” Ray mumbles.

  Trusting my brother was the right thing to do. With some more digging he found Fernando’s body. It was a long shot, but my brother has good instincts. He followed his gut.

  The feds enter through the front of the gym headed for Michael. My smile spreads across my lips. This is what he deserves. I hope he rots in jail.

  A few calls and Mitch found out there were some feds salivating to get their hands on Michael. Wire fraud, money laundering, and racketeering are just a few of the crimes adding up against him. It turned out to be a win-win.

  “Thanks, Connor,” one of the feds says, walking up to shake Mitch’s hand. “We’ve been looking for something to stick on this one for a while.”

  “Take him, then. We have no use for him,” my brother says.

  “I can’t believe you betrayed me like this,” Michael starts to shout at Kyle as they slap the cuffs on him. “After all I did for you. I loved you and you repay me like this? So ungrateful and selfish.”

  Kyle ignores him, moving to step out of the ring. He comes to me, hovering over me as he looks down into my eyes. I smile up at him.

  “You can’t even look at me while they do this. That’s how I know you still love me,” Michael continues to shout. “You’ll forever have to live with this. I don’t deserve this. I did nothing but love you all. Each and every time, you all were the ones that tried to leave me. You will always love me.”

  I search Kyle’s eyes. His disinterest with this scene is clear as he stares back at me. He looks thoroughly over it. I’m right there with him. It’s time to start a new chapter.

  “I believe I’m done here.” He confirms the look I see.

  “Let’s go home,” I say.



  I SIT silently beside Kyle on the bed. He has been lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling since his shower after returning from Beau’s gym. I haven’t said a word. I’m waiting on him to finish processing it all. Michael is one sick man.

  “I want to buy a new house,” Kyle says, breaking into the silence.

  “Really? I thought you loved this place.” I turn to look at his expression. He’s watching me as always.

  Yet I see something else in his eyes. The anger and tension from earlier are gone. His gaze is soft, and his face is open, almost hopeful.

  “When it was just me, it was cool. I mean, I thought it would be just me.” He takes a pause and frowns. “It was my first place. I had all these dreams of the perfect bachelor pad.”

  “Bringing home a different groupie every night,” I tease.

  He pulls a pillow from beneath his head and slaps me with it. I burst into laughter. It feels good to be able to joke around with him. Things were strained at the end of our time in Greece. I snatch th
e pillow and wrap myself around it, shifting in the bed to face him. He reaches for my left leg, placing it to over his stomach.

  “Truth be told, I just wanted a safe place to get away after a long day. A spot to call my own. Shut out the world and think by myself,” he replies.

  “Okay, so you want something different for Mas now. I can see that.”

  This place is beautiful, but it’s not the type of place I would think of to raise a family. When I first started to come by, I used to worry about Mas running around in here. The stairs freaked me out, with their openings and wide railings.

  “No, I want something different for us,” he says pointedly.

  He pulls the pillow from me, tossing it aside. Lifting to place his back against the headboard, he then shifts me to straddle his lap. His hands go to massage my back.

  “When you say us, you mean you and Mas, right?” I say cautiously and swallow hard.

  I feel like I can’t breathe. I don’t want to get my hopes up, but it’s hard not to wish for more. I know good and well Kyle doesn’t want to expose Mas to our relationship. It’s something I’ve compromised on. I knew what I was getting into. I’d never force him to change that.

  If he ever changed his mind, it would have to totally be his decision. Yet I can’t say there haven’t been nights that I sleep alone in my bed in my apartment longing to be next to him. It’s so much worse when I know he’s here in the state. So near, but seemingly so far away.

  He cups my face in his large palm, his warmth filling me. I take in the nervous look on his features. His thumb brushes over my lip, stopping in the center of it on the return pass. He applies slight pressure, watching the action as he does it. His eyes lift to mine again, and I see a new determination.

  “Us means us. You, me, and Mas. My family,” he says.

  “Y… you want me to move in with you and Mas?” I stammer out.

  “Yeah, Mas, and I want you to move in with us. I was hoping you’d be cool with that. Emma scheduled an appointment for us to go house shopping next week,” he replies.

  “You’re sure this is what you want? What about Mason? He’s only seven. We can wait. Give him more time to understand,” I say.

  My heart is in my throat. I want to say yes and give him the blowjob of his life, but I don’t want to be selfish. This needs to be right for everyone involved.

  “That kid took over for the tour guide in Greece. Corrected him on several occasions, giving him references to read and watch. Do you really think Mas doesn’t understand?” he scoffs. “I’ve been underestimating my nephew. He knows. He told me the day we spent on the beach.”

  “Really?” I ask, my brows drawing in. “We’re always so careful.”

  “And, babe.” He gives me a pointed look. “Have you paid attention to how we gravitate toward each other? I had to be honest with myself. After Mas told me he noticed that we have a different kind of relationship, I watched. To someone who’s not paying attention we may hide it well. And still… the way we love each other fills a room. My love for you is undeniable. I can own that now.”

  My mind is reeling. This is happening. I rub my hands on my thighs, while Kyle still has a hand on my back rubbing circles. I’ll admit he’s keeping me from spiraling into a panic attack. This relationship has just become real. I’ve been living a fairy tale for over two years now.

  “Say something,” Kyle says in a deep whisper.

  “I don’t know what to say. I don’t think I’m awake,” I reply honestly.

  He draws my face to his, searing my lips with a passionate kiss. He bites down on my bottom lip before he pulls away. The look in his eyes sends a flame burning through my belly.

  “You’re awake. I can give you more proof if you like,” he says, a lopsided grin on his lips.

  “Yes,” I blurt out.

  “Yes, to what? Moving in or more proof,” he asks.

  “Both,” I breathe, grasping his face and kissing him again.

  I’m a bit thrown when he allows me to take over the kiss. He yields to my invasion of his mouth, sharing in the kiss, but not dominating it. I think to pull back at first, but my instincts when it comes to Kyle drive me forward.

  I reach for his shirt, pulling it up over his head. My fingers are back over his waves as soon as the shirt is discarded. Again, he allows me to guide the kiss, taking direction from me. It’s an empowering feeling. However, at the same time it’s a humbling one.

  This man has a need for controlling his environment and experiences. His ability to control his life is something that I love about him. It’s a part of his charisma and charm. I learned early on in our relationship the buttons I could and couldn’t push. This shift is a new level in our bond, and that fact is not lost on me at all.

  I break the kiss to move my trembling hands to my shirt buttons. We watch each other as I slowly free myself of the fabric. I clasp his hand, placing it over my heart.

  “This beats for you. I was born to be with you. Wherever you go, I go,” I say.

  He nods, lifting his other hand to stroke my face in the tenderest caress. His eyes speak a thousand words, all of love and trust. He was right—the way we love one another is enough to fill a room. Or better yet, an entire home.

  “I’ve never needed to broadcast who I am. I just needed the right person to help me carefully unfold the many layers. Someone safe, someone loving, someone for me,” he says. “Someone like you.”

  Our lips are locked again, but I can’t tell which one of us initiates the kiss. We cling to each other like lifelines. I pour all of my love into the connection. He is just as much my safe place as I am his. We’re the balm for each other’s scars.

  I pull back when, again, he’s allowing me to take the lead. Searching his eyes, I find the unspoken answers. I’m filled with a profound level of love for him.

  Kyle is handing me a gift, and I intend to cherish and worship it. We slow things down, taking in the connection and elevation in our relationship. No words are spoken; none are needed. We remain in the moment, sharing an intimacy not meant to be shared with anyone else.

  Kyle’s trust in me sets my blood on fire. However, this is something we both approach with care and love. The entire experience leaves me breathless and filled with mixed emotions.


  COMING DOWN from my climax, I stare up at the ceiling. My mind is conflicted. While that was amazing—I mean, a spiritual connection was evident, and Andy took his time with me—I wouldn’t say that was the best sex of my life. I did come. That’s not the issue.

  I’m not sure if it’s my aversion to anal or Andy’s timid and cautious touch. Something was… it didn’t take me all the way there the way our sexual connection usually does. I can’t say it was traumatic. It was just… I can’t find the words or thoughts to sum it up.

  We’re always honest with each other, especially when it comes to sex. However, I don’t know how to tell him what’s on my mind, while sparing his feelings. The last thing I want is for him to get in his emotions, allowing those insecurities to surface.

  “Can I be honest?” Andy says nervously.

  “Always,” I murmur.

  “That wasn’t what I thought it would be. I mean, the connection was there. That part was amazing. I’m just not…. Thanks for sharing that with me. But… yeah, I’m not sure I liked it,” he says cautiously.

  I tighten my arms around him, looking down we come eye to eye. With a smile on my lips, I peck his. We both burst out laughing, tears rolling out the corners of our eyes as we lie there. I’m glad he said something.

  “Yeah, I feel you,” I say through my laughter.

  “It’s not you,” he starts. “I—”

  “We’re cool. Might be something to work on or revisit at another time,” I reassure him.

  “Maybe,” he says, not sounding too convinced.

  I laugh some more. I love the honesty we have. With the past now officially out of our way, we can move forward into our future. We’ll fig
ure out what’s right for us. As long as we do it together, I’m good.



  I WIPE the sweat from my face as I climb the stairs from the basement. I’ve been working out while Andy and Mas went out for ice cream. Emma is taking a much-needed vacation before life gets crazy around here. I’m grateful for all of the time she’s put in with me and Mas.

  Emma’s vacation has also given Andy and me time to see how we’ll all adjust to Andy living with us full-time. So far so good. If I were to be honest, Mas seems to be happier than ever. Rumor has it he even has a little girlfriend at camp. He’s been asking for an extra snack every morning.

  So much for me shielding his innocence. That kid is seven going on twenty-one. I think I’ll settle for protecting him and his happiness rather than covering him from the world. He’s wise beyond his years and teaches me something new every day.

  The doorbell rings as I get to the top of the stairs. A smile comes to my lips. Andy must have forgotten his key. Mas was talking his ear off when they left. I watched him have to double back for his wallet.

  I jog to the front of the house. When I open the door, my smile falls from my face. I go from zero to hundred in seconds. I was peaceful and content. Now, I’m raging mad, praying Andy returns soon to calm me down.

  “Please, I just want to talk,” Aunt Bethany pleads when I go to slam the door in her face.

  “Have your lawyer call my lawyer,” I say, continuing to shut the door.

  She steps in the doorway barely quick enough to keep me from closing the door. Her eyes look up at me pleading. I only pause because a memory of my mother singing and dancing around the living room enters my head.

  I frown and hold the door open enough for her to enter. She moves slower than I’m used to. Instead of making her way to the living room, she takes a seat in one of the gold-and-white decorative wingback chairs I have in the foyer. I lean up on the door with my arms folded across my chest.


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