A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire Page 38

by Alice A Bailey

  The fifth Kumara, the Lord of the seventh Ray (for it is necessary to keep in mind His dual position as one of the points of the five-pointed Star of Brahma, and as one of the Triangles in the sevenfold logoic body) has a unique position as the “Ruler of the Building Devas” of the physical plane, the devas of the ethers, in cooperation with their Deva Lord. He guides and directs the production of the form by means of certain occult words. He works, therefore, through the etheric body of all forms and it is through His inflowing force that we may look for that increased stimulation of the matter of the etheric brain which will make the physical brain receptive to the higher revealing truth, and will put into the hands of scientists the secrets of the fourth and third ethers. The development of the matter of the brain parallels the stage of development of its atomic correspondence, and in the vitalisation of the fifth spirilla and the consequent reflex action of the seventh, we may look to see the mind of man assume proportions, and attain achievement, as yet unthought and undreamt.

  [442] We might consider the effect of this incoming force along three lines:

  First. The type of force, or the logoic quality, with its function and aim.

  Second. Its work in relation to:

  a. The animal kingdom.

  b. The human kingdom.

  c. The deva kingdom.

  Third. The results to be looked for during the coming centuries.

  The type of force, or the nature of the Heavenly Man of the seventh Ray, is fundamentally constructive. It will be necessary here to touch somewhat upon His character and His place in the logoic scheme, calling attention to the need of refraining from personalisation and externalisation. The Heavenly Man of the scheme in which the Ray of Ceremonial Magic is embodied is one of the main transmitters of radiation from the Sun to the system and has a close connection with logoic kundalini. Herein lies a hint. The Raja-Lord of the etheric levels of the physical plane works in close alliance with Him and this will be apparent if we bear in mind that the Lord of a plane is its embodied activity. He is the energising force that expresses itself as a unified Identity in the matter of a plane, and we might therefore get some idea of the coherency of Their mutual work if we bear in mind that

  The Raja-Lord of a plane is the sum total of the substance of that plane.

  The planetary Logos Who is most closely connected with any particular plane is its quality and colouring.

  By the united action and work of these two Entities all is accomplished,—the Lord of the Builders constructing [443] the forms which the Lord of Life utilises to develop consciousness within.

  The force or vibration of any Ray might be summed up as:

  a. The intelligent purpose of an Entity, a planetary Logos.

  b. His life energy working in, through, and upon His body of manifestation.

  c. His magnetic radiation as it affects (though in lesser degree) His Brothers in manifestation.

  d. His peculiar colouring or quality, His main psychological aspect, demonstrating through His own activities within His own scheme.

  e. The effect of the same as it influences His Brothers within the body corporate of the solar Logos.

  f. His life force as it radiates beyond His own periphery as active energy and stimulating activity—being literally one of the aspects of Fohat. The activity aspect of a Heavenly Man is as much an aspect of Fohat as Brahma is the sumtotal of Fohat. The Heavenly Men are, by virtue of physical manifestation, Fohat and His Brothers.

  When this is borne in mind it will be seen that each of the planetary Logoi, equally with a solar Logos, and with Their reflections, human beings, demonstrate through the aspects.

  In their totality all these are the expression of the incarnating Logos; in the one case His fohatic energy builds the kingdoms of nature, giving them Body; in the other He gives them their psychical value, and finally through them all He demonstrates as Existence or Being.

  Similar tables can be worked out for a Heavenly Man and a human being, laying the emphasis always upon the development of the middle or psychic aspect. [444]



  Aspect Manifestation Objectively Subjectively Evelutionary Aspect

  Activity The Seven Brothers Seven etheric centres Seven types of force Involution and evolution of the kingdoms of nature.

  Sumtotal Fire by friction. The Mother. The Brahma or Matter aspect.

  Love-Wisdom Dragon of Wisdom. Seven Heavenly Men Seven schemes Seven Rays Seven types of deva and human Monads.

  Sumtotal Solar fire. Vishnu aspect. subjectivity or the psyche. The Son in Manifestation.

  Will Seven Cosmic Entities Seven Heavenly Men Seven qualities Seven Hierarchies.

  Sumtotal Electric Fire, the One Life. Mahadeva. Spirit

  With these thoughts in mind it should be possible to [445] see more clearly what the coming in of a Ray, such as the present one, or its passing out, may involve. In the particular case under discussion, we have the coming in of a Ray that is intimately connected with the plane of manifestation, the physical plane, which is (within the greater cycle) responsible for man’s very existence, and the source of his future hope.

  This seventh Ray (fifth) ever manifests in a period of transition from one kingdom to another, and this holds hid the mystery of the particular form of service of its planetary Logos. He governs the processes of:




  In these three words His life-work is summed up; in these three words is embodied the nature of this great Entity, Who presides over the processes of blending and merging and adaptation; Who, through His knowledge of cosmic Sound, guides the life forces of certain solar and lunar entities from form to form, and is the link between the soul awaiting incarnation, and its body of manifestation. This is equally true whether we are considering the incarnation of a man, of a group, of an idea, or of all entities of lesser grade to the solar Being Who manifests through a globe, or the regent of the globe under the planetary Logos. All entities of higher rank than this great evolutionary Being come into incarnation through the linking work of an extra-systemic Being. In all periods of the transference of the life from

  System to system,

  Scheme to scheme,

  Chain to chain,

  this cosmic Deity pours forth His power and influence. In all periods of lesser transition of the life from [446]

  Globe to globe,

  Plane to plane,

  Kingdom of nature to another kingdom,

  the Lord of the seventh Ray plays a similar part.

  Herein lies the reason for His inflowing force at this time, for a profound movement is in order of accomplishment, and a transference is in progress which calls for His particular type of energy. A transference is being effected of certain groups of human and deva Monads out of the human kingdom into the fifth or spiritual kingdom. During His cycle of close on two thousand five hundred years, a specific number of men will pass on to the Path of Initiation, and take at least the first Initiation, thus transferring their centres of consciousness out of the purely human into the early stages of the spiritual.

  During this same cycle, a transference of units from out of the animal kingdom into the human will proceed in the fifth chain and from thence on to another chain, thus producing a period of even greater activity than on our own globe. Similarly I may point out (even though it is not possible to give more than a hint) that the force of the cosmic Transferrer is being called into activity by the transference during this cycle of a special group of highly advanced units of the human and deva kingdoms (members of the occult Hierarchy) to another scheme altogether. Certain units also—from among the Lipika Lords—are taking advantage of this cosmic influence to transfer their activity to another system, giving place to others Who will work out the karma of the new age. The power of these agencies permeates the entire globe and extends throughout the chains and schemes which lie in the line of its
path. It will fundamentally affect the vegetable kingdom, obscuring old types and bringing in new; it will work in the mineral kingdom and give a new impetus to the chemical processes, causing incidentally [447] a setting loose of radioactive units, and a consequent accretion of knowledge by the scientist. In the elemental kingdoms and the group souls found therein, it produces facility in the transference of atoms.

  So far-reaching are the effects of this Ray, both on the deva and human units in their different kingdoms that entirely new environments will evolve for the utilisation of the new types and entirely new characteristics will be found emerging in the race of men.

  We have somewhat considered the type of force which expresses itself by means of the seventh Ray and have seen that it is the great transmuting, and transferring agent of the Logos. We have seen that it has a powerful effect both on deva and human units; we have found that the prime function of the Logos of the seventh Ray is beyond all else, that of adaptation, or the moulding of the form and the rendering of it suitable to the needs of any particular Entity. In all the constructive work of form-building, certain factors enter in which must here be enumerated as they concern vitally this particular Heavenly Man, and the particular plane, the physical, on which we undergo experience. These are:

  First. The will or the one-pointed purpose of some entity.

  Second. The material through which the life proposes to manifest. This material, as we know, is found within the ring-pass-not in seven grades, and in forty-nine subgrades.

  Third. The Builders who are the vehicle for the divine purpose, and who mould matter upon a particular plan. These Builders evolve the forms out of their own nature and substance.

  Fourth. A plan by which the work is carried out and which is imparted to the Builders, being latent in their consciousness. They evolve the form of the Grand Heavenly Man, of the Heavenly Men, of the human units, [448] and of all forms from within outwards, and produce the self-identified Existences as a mother builds and produces a conscious Son out of the matter of her own body, carrying certain racial earmarks yet independent, self-conscious, self-willed and threefold in manifestation. The fact of the identity of the deva evolution with the essence they manipulate must ever be borne in mind.

  Finally. Certain Words or Mantric Sounds, (151) which—[449] uttered by a greater Life—can ever drive the lesser lives to the fulfillment of constructive purpose.

  These Words are uttered by

  A solar Logos. The threefold Word gives rise to a sevenfold vibration.

  A Heavenly Man, Who—through utterance—sweeps into evolutionary objectivity His scheme and all that is therein.

  The Monad, whose threefold word gives rise to a sevenfold vibration.

  The Ego, who—through sonorous utterance—produces a human being in the three worlds.

  The analogy existing between these four should be carefully noted.

  Certain Words belong to the different aspects, and the Words of the first aspect set in vibration the matter that evolves through the seven cycles of solar systems. Their relation to the Words of the present solar system is analogous to the primordial substance which lies back of our present creation. The Words of the second aspect concern us closely, but the Words of Brahma are at the present stage more closely connected with our work upon the physical plane. These Words, where the three worlds are concerned, very largely fall into a group of mantrams, hidden in the consciousness of the Lords of the fifth and seventh Rays; by their intelligent utterance the third aspect (the Brahma or manasic aspect) is brought into contact with the first aspect and produces that which we call the “Conscious Son” or Sun. Upon the mental plane they are sounded by the Lord of the fifth Ray, causing a vibration not only in what we might call “the lower levels” but producing response on the first or archetypal [450] plane and on the cosmic mental plane likewise. On the physical plane the words, uttered by the seventh Logos, produce the following results:

  First. The anchoring of the permanent atoms within their group soul, or the union of matter and consciousness.

  Second. The guidance of the stream of life into any particular kingdom, or the blending of form and consciousness.

  Third. The transference of the conscious, sentient life from form to form, from group to group, from kingdom to kingdom within the hierarchies.

  In connection with the human kingdom, the fifth Ray had to function or pour forth its influence in order to produce self-consciousness within the conscious form.

  It will consequently be seen that the utterance of sound along the line of force by the trained adept can both utilize deva activity to effect certain results in connection with the form side of manifestation, and can drive the life within to definite action. Hence the extreme danger—as has been frequently pointed out—of the knowledge of these mantrams and the need to safeguard them from interference and misuse. Power over form and over force lies always ready in the hand of those who have done three things:

  First. Developed the consciousness of the group in which they themselves find place.

  Second. Learned the secret of the notes and tones to which that group responds.

  Third. Apprehended certain set words and phrases and the due method of chanting and intonation.

  They cannot bring about results outside the periphery of the group whose consciousness is theirs. For instance, an adept can work with forms and force within [451] the ring-pass-not of his own planetary Logos within the three worlds, within the ring-pass-not of the polar opposite of his Logos, or within the ring-pass-not of three planetary Logoi who form a systemic triangle. He cannot exhibit this power in the higher planes nor within the spheres of the synthesising and neutral schemes. After the sixth Initiation his power extends to the two planes beyond the three worlds, the buddhic and the atmic, and within the spheres of the entire Brahma aspect as we visualise it as the totality of the schemes of the five Kumaras who are Brahma. At the seventh Initiation he has power on all the seven planes and within the entire number of schemes; all the Sacred Words are then his and he can work in matter of all grades, sound all notes, and control all types of force. He stands ready then to guide the life to regions outside the solar sphere of influence. But on the physical plane he works primarily with the Words of the seventh Logos, which fall naturally into five groups:

  1. Mantrams which deal with etheric matter, and control the devas of the ethers.

  2. Mantrams which deal with dense physical matter and control the sub-human evolution through certain groups of devas.

  3. Words specifically connected with the human Hierarchy, and which are very carefully guarded from the knowledge of man himself.

  4. Words concerning the deva evolution which control, and bring different groups of devas into the line of the will of the utterer. These are in many ways the most dangerous and all knowledge of them is withheld from men below the rank of initiates of the third order.

  5. Words which affect the life side of manifestation and which drive it into, or out of, form.

  [452] There is a sixth group intimately connected with electrical manifestation, which is beginning to work out in the formula of scientists, and students of radio-activity and electrical phenomena, but fortunately for themselves they remain formulas on paper and are not as yet embodied in sound.

  In dealing very briefly with the question of mantrams, it is to be recognised that “The time is not yet” for their general publication. No purpose would be immediately served by the impartation of mantric forms. Inevitably the time will come when they will be known, but at this time no one would be benefited by the knowledge of them for the following reasons:

  Knowledge of things occult does not suffice for their wise utilisation.

  The development of the intuition by means of aspiration, endeavour, failure, and renewed effort ending in success is of far more profit to the Ego than the quick results brought about by the use of sound.

  The “Words” are used for the manipulation of matter and its bending into form
along the line of evolution. Until the inner faculty of clairvoyance is somewhat developed, this knowledge of mantrams remains practically useless and may be even a menace. When a man can see a need for correction and for adjustment in a brother’s vehicle, and can awaken in his brother a desire to adjust that which is amiss, wise assistance can be given by the one who sees and sounds. Think this out, for it holds the key to the reason for the safeguarding of the words.

  Selflessness, sight, and sincerity of purpose must all three exist before the sounds can be imparted. Selflessness and sincerity are sometimes found but the occult use of the inner vision is still rare.

  We must keep closely in mind (as we take up this matter of the incoming Ray and the effects to be looked for from its influence) that we are only considering the mind [453] aspect in the three evolutions. I do not purpose to say much anent human development as much has been already hinted at in the preceding pages, and a hint suffices for the true student, but it may be possible to state in broad outline the coming developments and to tabulate the results to be expected. Suggestions only are possible.


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