Narratives of the Sioux war

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Narratives of the Sioux war Page 2

by Satterlee, Marion P

  Sunday morning, August 31, they marched to Glencoe, their objective point, and arrived in time for the church meeting. As matters were reported serious at the settlements lying to the northwest, it was decided to return to Forest City, so on Monday they marched back to Cedar Mills, where camp was pitched. On Tuesday they went leisurely to Acton, and considerable time was spent in repairing a bad slough crossing, a fortunate job. On that afternoon they entered the Acton woods from the east, and after inspecting the Baker place, where four persons had been murdered, they marched on to the Jones place and pitched their camp. The place was surrounded by timber, and the tents were set in the yard about the house.

  Captain Strout has been criticized for camping in these woods, despite the fact that no damage resulted from the act. In reply to his critics, let us note that the Sioux were prairie Indians, and there is no record of their selecting a battle ground in timber. Birch Coulie and Wood Lake were fought

  on the prairie; Ouster's command was slaughtered in the open. The two latter fields were selected for battle by the Indians. At Acton the Indians had the command surrounded in the dense timber, and could have forced battle had they so desired. The opening tragedy of Birch Coulie is a sample of what Strout might have met had he camped in the open prairie.

  The Sioux strong point in fighting was to make themselves invisible by covering their heads and bodies with prairie grass, which practice has caused men time and again to testify that ''the Indians seemed to rise out of the ground." Furthermore, the attack was not made next morning until the company was a long mile from the woods, though Indians were in the timber at the time. It is not known that Captain Strout considered the question, but his judgment is not censurable if he did.

  On this Tuesday, September 2, Captain George C. Whit-comb and a squad of the Forest City Home Guards were at Hokan Peterson's place, about twelve miles from Forest City. He was watching Indians at the Acton woods, some three or four miles off, when suddenly about 150 Indians rose from the grass a few rods away. The squad escaped in short order but lost a wagon which stuck in a miry place. On arriving at Forest City, Captain Whitcomb found Strout's messenger, saying that his company would camp at Acton that night. From what he had seen, Whitcomb knew that the Indians were preparing to entrap Strout's command. He at once called for volunteer scouts to warn Strout of his danger and tell him to examine his ammunition. Three brave fellows, Jesse V. Branham, Jr., Thomas G. Holmes, and Albert H. Sperry, stepped forward.

  A digression here is needed for the benefit of the present generation, regarding conditions of those days. Sioux Indians on the prairie were as treacherous as snakes in grass. They were absolutely noiseless in action, would crawl as fast as white men walk, and were nearly as fleet of foot as a horse. There were no roads, as we know them now; such as there were consisted of trails following the high ground to avoid the marshes, and leading to the best places to cross prairie streams, which often made long detours necessary. Every Indian knew them, foot by foot, and also knew every short cut which might be traveled under favorable conditions of weather or season.

  It was the duty of these men to find a roundabout way to get to Acton, to avoid usual crossings where they might be waylaid, keep away from the prairie groves where they might be ambushed by straggling parties, discover any Indians endeavoring to cut them off on the prairies, and lastly to discover and approach Strout's camp wherever he might be by breaking through the Indian lines, which they knew were drawn about him waiting only for daylight to give battle. Those who appreciate the conditions will wonder that men would dare to undertake it. The squad was placed in charge of Branham, a man of undoubted ability and courage. Captain Whitcomb wrote later, "I feared I would never see them again." They went east several miles passing between Litch-field and Darwin, as now known, then southwest passing between Round and Minnie Belle lakes, far down into Greenleaf township, thence northwest by Evanson lake, where they struck the Henderson-Pembina trail. At the outlet of the lake they hunted on hands and knees, in the mud, till they found evidence that Strout's train had passed and was following the trail toward Acton.

  Nearly the entire time they traveled on the grass outside the road to deaden the sound of the horses' hoofs. Finally they approached the Acton woods after passing Kelly's Bluff. All was deathly still about them until as they reached the Baker cabin the dogs rushed out barking loudly, no doubt revealing their presence to the Indians, but not to the sleeping company. There is little question, judging from developments and Indian tales, that a score of warriors slunk from the road and permitted the scouts to pass in, believing their prey would be increased just that much. After the noise and alarm they felt their way more cautiously than ever. Branham put his hand on Holmes' shoulder, as they reached the Jones place, and asked if he could not see the white tents in the yard. Holmes assented, they hailed the guard and were admitted, where they delivered to Captain Strout their message. Captain Whitcomb writes:

  It has been shown beyond the shadow of doubt that when Bran-ham, Sperry and Holmes were within six rods of Strout's camp, a head warrior, brother-in-law of Little Six (Shok-pay), with his warriors

  stood on the road, and at their approach eleven on each side stepped back, allowing them to pass in. Red Dog was to lead the attack on the north, Mic-aw-pan-eta on the east, Little Six on the south, and Bald Eagle, a renegade chief of the Standing Buffalo band, on the west. Signals were to be given by hooting, in imitation of an owl from tree tops, to show the location of the leaders. Little Crow had the supervision of the attack. At 3 a. m. the final signal was to be given and the harvest of death to begin, but the awful consequences were averted by the timely message carried by these three brave men who proved themselves the bravest of the brave.

  A council was called, and a detail was set at pounding down the large caliber bullets to fit the guns. After consultation it was decided not to break camp till daylight, though some favored an immediate retreat to the open prairie. Instructions were given, in case of attack, "to hug the ground and fight, each for himself." There is some criticism placed on Captain Strout for this misfit in ammunition. The facts are, that the state had a number of Austrian and Belgian muskets, bored 62 and 59 (lOOths inch) caliber, and ammunition to fit. Criminal carelessness on the part of the issuing officer transposed the sizes. Captain Grant and Company A of the Sixth Minnesota were confronted with the same mistake, and this in the midst of the bloody battle of Birch Coulie. The proper cartridges for these guns were sent to Fort Abercrom-bie, where they were too small to be of service, and the bullets flew wild from the guns. The first lot issued by Strout was right, and he had no reason to suspect that the rest was different. That night each man had twenty rounds perfect, the reserve was all wrong.

  Camp was broken early in the morning, and Branham, on Strout's advice, was to lead them out without a battle if possible, on account of the poor arms and ammunition. He was placed in charge of the mounted men, consisting of his detail and scout A. H. DeLong, and led the way some distance in advance. Branham intended to go to Forest City by the route the scouts had taken. The command left the woods and proceeded on the trail across a rolling prairie, with Long lake on their left. Passing through a swale and while ascending to higher ground, the scouts saw a peculiar glisten in the morning sunlight and soon became convinced that it was caused by

  guns in the hands of Indians, who were skulking along a fence in a wheat field near Kelly's Bluff. It was afterward found that these guns were Springfields from Captain Marsh's company, massacred at Redwood Ferry August 18th. Word was sent back to Strout to prepare to fight, and to spread his men in wide open order. The scouts and Indians exchanged shots.

  Indian signals, waving blankets and yelling, were commenced ahead; and soon a large body of mounted Indians, from the woods, charged the rear. Sergeant Kenna was ordered to charge them with a squad of twenty men ; as he did so the Indians spread out from the trail and came up on each rear flank, trying to encircle the command. At this point the company wer
e on very low ground, and the losses were severe. Privates George W. Gideon and Alva Getchell were killed, several others were wounded, and for a short time there was confusion of both men and teams. Scout Branham was shot through the lungs and thus a valuable aid was put out of the fight. In a few moments Strout had matters in hand. The company was divided into four squads, under Lieutenant Clark and Sergeants Getchell and Kenna, and placed at the front, rear, right and left of the wagon train, and they soon spread out, driving the redskins back, at the same time making less of a target of themselves. By strenuous fighting the left squad kept the Indians from getting between them and the lake, while the others, by driving them back, permitted the wagons to reach the higher and more advantageous ground. It was good maneuvering, and most gallantly performed. Reaching the base of Kelly's Bluff, it was debated whether to entrench or to retreat toward Hutchinson, and it was decided to go to that point. Scout DeLong had already gone through the Indian lines for reinforcements from Captain Harrington at Hutchinson.

  Along Kelly's Bluff Private Edwin Stone was killed and several more wounded. The dead were left behind and their bodies were horribly mutilated, when buried by a detachment from the Third Minnesota a few days later. Every wounded man was placed in the wagons, and the retreating fight was continued to Cedar Mills. At the marshy crossing repaired the previous day, the Indians pressed them hard and captured

  one team and two wagons. In fact they had calculated to capture or kill the whole outfit at this point, and would have succeeded if those repairs had not been made. Everything that could be spared was thrown from the wagons, and the way the Indians fought each other for the food was amusing even in battle. About fifty noble warriors on hands and knees fought for a half barrel of sugar like pigs, and the pursuit lagged. Scout DeLong with reinforcements met the company a short way out of Hutchinson. On that night the wounded were placed in a hotel, just outside the stockade, and at daylight next morning the Indians attacked the town and their quarters were riddled with bullets, but all were safely taken into the stockade.

  The losses of the company in the battle were three killed, eighteen wounded, nine horses, two wagons, and all commissary supplies. The battle was the fiery baptism of a number of good soldiers of the civil war, some of whom fell in battle, some perished in Andersonville, and some, thank God, still live. The result of the campaign was the discouragement of Little Crow and his followers. This was the fourth and last battle which he personally conducted in the massacre war of 1862.

  It is but fair to say that fortune was kind to Strout and his men, but none the less must we commend th,e noble intentions and acts of those heroic citizens who placed their lives in jeopardy for the stricken, outraged settlers. The savage hordes have gone; the commander and most of his company are beyond the veil of death; and glorious Minnesota has risen from an unknown wilderness to a peerage among the States.

  This account is as accurate as can be given at this time, and is verified by several members of that gallant body of home defenders. On the 21st of August, 1909, a monument was placed at Acton, at the Baker place, by the state, marking the site of the ''First Bloodshed." There were present, of the survivors of this battle, A. H. Rose, DeWitt C. Handy, Milton C. Stubbs, James Marshall, Scouts Jesse V. Branham, Albert Sperry, and A. H. DeLong; of people interested in the event, Evan Evanson, who accompanied the party to the Jones house after the murders of the 17th, Nathan Butler, who built the Baker house in 1857, Hon. G. A. Glader, who assisted in bury-

  ing the bodies of Stone, Getchell, and Gideon, a few days after the battle, and Mrs. Ellen, widow of Capt. Lewis Harrington, of the Hutchinson Home Guards. To all of these thanks are due for the details of this account. The exercises were under the supervision of Senator J. W. Wright of Litchfield, and were participated in by several thousand citizens.

  About a year after the foregoing narrative was read in the meeting of this Society, a banquet was given at the Nicollet House in Minneapolis, on the evening of November 20, 1912, to commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Battle of Acton and to honor its survivors.

  At the appointed hour the tables were filled by groups of men whose past career or present relations made them congenial company, and not the least in the pleasures of the evening were the visits of friends recounting the events of a half century ago. After the repast, which was accompanied with patriotic selections by veteran Charles H. Freeman's orchestra, President Anton Knoblauch opened the meeting with the following words:

  "Friends and Members: We are guests of the Center Improvement Association, whose object is not only that which its name implies, but also to preserve and perpetuate the history, traditions, and landmarks of this section of our city. We are here this evening to honor Captain Strout's Company of citizen soldiers, partially made up of business men from this part of the city, who in September, 1862, went to battle at Acton and Hutchinson against the Sioux Indians, so that the settlers might pursue the tilling of their lands unmolested."

  Mr. Knoblauch then introduced Marion P. Satterlee as master of ceremonies for the evening, who, by the aid of Edward A. Bromley's stereopticon views, told of the upbuilding of the Association district since 1858. Then followed a description of the organization of Strout's Company, during the excitement of the massacre tidings of murder and destruction; of the sacrifices of these men, who left their families and homes to fight the savages. A detailed statement of their marches and the battles was given, also an account of the killing of Chief Little Crow by Nathan Lamson and his son Chauncey, near Hutchinson, on July 3, 1863.

  A most able address was given by Ex-President William W. Folwell of the State University, on '' The Causes leading to the Massacre of 1862."

  The roll of the men composing the Company was then called; ten responded to their names, eleven were reported absent, 27 were reported dead, and for 22 no report was made.

  In response to the toast, "To the Dead," Ex-Governor Samuel R. Van Sant gave a fine eulogy of the men who died for their country fighting rebellion in the South or the Indians at home. He declared that the present generation is receiving the benefits of the deeds of patriots, Union, Confederate, and civilian soldiers, whose work lives after them.

  To the toast, "To the Absent," Edward A. Bromley responded, comparing the sad absence long ago of loved ones "gone to the war" with our regrets for those absent from this reunion.

  The toast, "To those Present," was responded to by J. H. Crandall, a member of Strout's Company, who encouraged all to show their appreciation of our triumphal progress as a nation, in war and in peace, by true manhood and right living.

  At the call for soldiers of the Sioux War present, twelve men who fought at Birch Coulie, and four or five each from Fort Ridgely, New Ulm, Forest City and Wood Lake battles, responded by rising and were heartily cheered.

  ROSTER OF CAPTAIN STROUT'S COMPANY AT ACTON. At the Roll Call after the banquet those present responded to their names; for the dead and the absent, response was made by members of the Company.

  Adkins, F., dead. Corratt, C., no report.

  Allan, William C., present. Crandall, James H., present.

  Ames, James A., dead. Gushing, M., no report.

  Beadle, Frank, sergeant, dead. Day, J. W., in California. Bennett, Abner C., died of wounds.Doherty, A., in city. Blondo, Lyman, dead. Douglass, C. H., no report.

  Bostwick, R. C., dead. Florida, Joel, dead.

  Brown, W., quartermaster sergt., Friederich, A. A., present.

  dead. Gemasche, George, no report.

  Carr, Ezra T., sergeant, dead. Getchell, Alva, killed at Acton. Chambers, Thomas, dead. Getchell, D. W., sergeant, in city.

  Clark, W. A., lieutenant, dead. Gideon, George W., killed at Acton.


  Green, John, dead. Ham, C. D., no report. Handy, DeWitt C., present. Handy, Joel, dead. Hanscomb, A. B., no report. Hawkins, D. C., no report. Hart, Joseph, no report. Higgins, Judson C., in city. Hoag, A., no report. Hubbard, R. R.,
no report. Huckins, J. W., Northfield. Hunter, William, no report. Jacques, Winter, in city. Johnson, C., in city. Kenna, Michael, sergeant, dead. Kirtz, Fred, no report. Laraway, Albert, dead. Larkins, J. K., no report. Little, George W., no report. McConnell, J. C., no report. McNeill, Neill, dead. Marshall, James, present. Marshall, Thomas, dead. Mayer, Robert, no report. Merritt, L. W., in city. Morrison, George H., dead. Muir, Robert, no report.

  Murch, J. P., no report. Murray, John W., present. Perkins, J. H., dead. Rose, Anson H., present. Smith, H. A., no report. Snell, S. D., no report. . Stone, Edwin, killed at Acton. Strout, Richard, captain, dead. Stubbs, Milton C., present. Sweeney, James, Robbinsdale. Sweesing, Fred, present. Thompson, N. R., dead. Tippin, F., no report. Weeks, N. R., died of wounds. Wise, A. H., no report. Wolverton, J. A., dead. Worthingham, Emory, dead.


  Jesse V. Branham, Jr., Fargo,

  Thomas G. Holmes, Long Beach, Cal.,

  Albert H. Sperry, present, these being of Captain Whitcomb's Company, Forest City.

  Albert H. DeLong, Forest City, Citizen guide for Captain Strout.


  Tay-o-ah-ta-doo-tah (His Scarlet People) was the third chief of the Kaposia band of Medawakantonwan Dakotas (Sioux) to be known by the name of ''Little Crow." This tribe was divided into eight bands. The lower band, called Kiuska, lived where Winona now stands; the Kaposia band, just below St. Paul; Black Dog, just above Fort Snelling; Pinisha, at Nine Mile creek on the Minnesota river; Reyata Otonwa, at Lake Calhoun; Tewapa, at Eagle creek; and the Tintatonwan, at Shakopee, the largest village of the tribe. Little Crow had six wives and at least twenty-two children. He put away his first two wives when he married the third one. His mother was named Minne-okha-da-win (musical sound of water running under the ice). His family history was one of


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