Daily Life of the Aztecs

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Daily Life of the Aztecs Page 36

by Jacques Soustelle

  Archers, 210

  Architecture, 11- 12, 14- 25, 228 - 229

  Armour, 209- 210

  Army--see Military affairs; Warriors

  Arsenals, 11, 23, 45

  Artisans--see Craftsmen

  Atemoztli (sixteenth month), 129, 171; rites of, 247

  Atizapan ('whitish water'), 6

  Atlampa ('the water's edge'), 6

  Atlatl (spear-thrower), 3

  Atlaua (god of fowlers), 3, 116

  Atl caualo (first month), rites of, 246

  Atocpan, xxiii

  Auianime (courtesans), 46, 131, 135, 171, 184

  Auitzotl (water-creature), 18, 200

  Auitzotl, Emperor, 89, 90, 92, 182; and temple-building, 17, 18 ; palace of, 23, 31 ; and aqueduct-building, 30 - 32 ; and merchant-warriors, 62 -63, 65

  Axayacatl, Emperor, 45, 114, 160, 182, 183, 209 ; palace of, 14, 15, 22 23; and building of temple, 16 ; attacks Tlatelolco, 183, 205

  Ayopechcatl (goddess of childbed), 188 - 189

  Azcapotzalco, xvi, 5, 6, 9, 60, 205, 206, 212

  Aztacalco section, 8

  Aztlan, 218, 219

  Ball-games, 22 - 23, 76, 159 - 160

  Banquets, 63, 154, 158, 173 - 174

  Baptism, 56, 157, 163 - 167

  Barbarians, 216 - 220

  Bathing, 129 - 130, 131


  Bathing-places, 124, 125

  Bathrooms, 121

  Battle, honour of death in, 44

  Battles, mock, 146, 184, 247

  Beans, 148, 152, 154


  'Binding of the years', xiii, 101, 109

  Bird-houses, 24, 124

  Birds, 124, 125, 126 - 127 ; as food, 149, 151 ; hunting of, 158

  Birth, 56, 112; ceremonies, 163-167

  Blow-pipes, 158

  Bologna, Father Francesco di, 201

  Bonampak frescoes, 139

  Books, xviii, 229

  Bows and arrows, 210, 218

  Boys: dedicated to war, 42, 163- 164, 166; naming of, 165 - 166 ; dress, 168; education, 168-173

  Bridges, 12, 13

  Burial, xvii, 200-202

  Business, 141 -144

  Cactli (sandals), 138

  Cactus, myth of, 1 - 3

  Calendar, 109-111, 246-247

  Calixtlahuaca, round tower of, 21

  Calmecac (monastery schools), 11, 22, 48, 51, 53, 64, 169 - 172

  Calpixque (tax-getherers), 49 - 50

  Calpullec (head of calpulli), 7, 13; election and duties of, 40- 42

  Calpulli (territorial unit), 7 - 8, 20, 40, 86, ownership of land, 79 - 80 ; election of city council, 93

  Camargo, Muñoz, 152, 161, 179

  Canals, 6, 10, 11, 12, 20, 121, 125

  Cannibalism, 98

  Cano, Juan, 178

  Cardinal points, 111 - 112, 117

  Causeways, 10, 12 - 13, 15

  Centeotl (god of maize), 104 ; feast of, 246

  'Century', 101, 109

  Centzon Mimixcoa (northern stars), 203

  Centzon Totochtin (Four Hundred Rabbits), 116, 156

  Ceremonies, 46 - 47, 54, 55, 144 - 147 ; birth, 163 -167, 189-190; wedding, 175 - 177 ; funeral, 200 - 202 ; of months, 246-247. See also Ritual

  Chairs, 122

  Chalchiuhticluc (goddess), 103

  Chalchiuhnenetzin, Princess, 183

  Chalco 5 16, 60, 220 ; poem from, 240, 241

  Chapultepec, 9, 229 ; aqueduct from, 10, 22 ; springs of, 29 - 30

  Chichén-Itza, 159

  Chichimeca (hunting nomads), xv, xxi

  Chichimecapan, 6

  Chichimecs, 204 ; barbarism of, 217 - 221

  Chicomecoatl (goddess of maize); song of, 239 - 240 ; feast of, 246

  Chicomoztoc, 219

  Childbirth, 56, 107, 189 - 191

  Children: education of, 167 - 173 ; dress, 168 ; of secondary wives, 180, 182 ; birth of, 187 - 190 ; sacrifice of, 246, 247

  Chimalli (shield), 209

  Chimalpahin, Queen, 72, 91


  Chimalpopoco, Emperor, 16, 88, 224

  Chinampas (floating gardens), xvii, 12, 140

  Chinancalli (territorial unit), 7

  Chinanteca highlanders, xxi

  Cholula, 118, 220; temple of, 19

  Cihuathán, xxi, xxiii

  Cihuatlanque (marriage go-betweens), 175, 177

  City-states, xx- xxii, 6, 23, 37, 71, 93, 116, 220

  Ciuacoatl (goddess), 194 ; temple of, 21; song to, 239

  Ciuacoatl (vice-emperor), 90 -92

  Ciuapipiltin (princesses), 190, 193

  Ciuaquacuilli (priestess), 55

  Ciuatlamacazqui (priestess), 55

  Civil courts, 24

  Class distinctions, 37 -93, 117, 138, 140 -143, 182. See also Rank

  Cleanliness, 128 -131

  Cloaks, 132- 134, 168

  Cloth-making, 137

  Clothes, 131-138, 168, 231

  Cloud-Serpents, Four Hundred, 203

  Coaapan pool, 22

  Coacalca (pantheon), 21, 22

  Coatepantli (serpent-headed wall), 19, 20, 23

  Coatlicue (goddess), 102; feast of, 246

  Coatlinchan, 60

  Cocoa, 49, 60, 149, 150, 154

  Codex of 1576, xix, 2, 33, 130

  Codex Azcatitlan, 3, 33, 131

  Codex Florentino, 221

  Codex Magliabecchi, 133, 160

  Codex Mendoza, 2, 24, 82, 152, 167, 168, 169

  Codex Nuttall, 209

  Codex Telleriano- Remensis, 17, 18, 33, 78, 114

  Coffers, 122

  Coixca people, xxiii

  Colhuacán, xvi, 9, 16, 29, 66, 220 ; lords of, 87 - 88

  Collective labour, 41, 71, 148, 170 -171

  Colleges, 10, 11, 169 -173

  Comets, 114

  Common people--seeMaceualli

  Communal property, 80, 81

  Concubines, 173, 178, 179 - 183

  Confession, 104, 199 - 200

  Cooking, 150 - 151

  Cortés, Hernan, xviii, xix, xx, 10 - 11, 12, 13, 14, 25, 27, 29, 49 - 50, 91 126 - 127, 231

  Cost of living, 76, 83

  Cotton, 59, 60, 132, 137 - 138

  Council, supreme, 92 - 93

  Councils, 142 -143

  Courtesans, 46, 131, 171, 184

  Courtesy, 222 - 224, 225

  Courts, civil and criminal, 24, 143 - 144

  Courtyards, 121

  Coyoacán, 5, 9, 12, 13, 16 ; causeway to, 20 ; water from, 30 ; war against, 46, 204 - 205

  Coyolapan, xxiii

  Coyolxauhqui (goddess), 102


  Coyotlinaual ( god of feather-workers), 67, 116

  Craftsmen, 24, 65 - 70, 140, 141, 147, 230 - 232

  Creation myths, 96, 108

  Cremation, xvii, 200 -202

  Crime, 75, 142, 143

  Criminal courts, 24, 143-144

  Cuapanoayan, battle of, 209

  Cuauhtemotzin, Emperor, 14

  Cuauhtitilán, 60, 122

  Cuepopan section, 8

  Cuetlaxtlan, 18, 83

  Cuitlahuac, Emperor, 16, 33

  Cuitlatec people, xxiii

  Dances, 46 - 47, 135, 140, 144 - 146, 147, 158, 171, 240, 243

  Day: signs, 109 - 111, 165, 167; rhythm of, 161 - 162

  Death, 105 -108, 112, 198- 202

  Death penalty, 57, 61, 142, 143, 185 - 186

  Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, xviii -xix, 9, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 32, 49, 68, 122 - 123, 126, 127

  Dikes, 13, 32

  Disease, 33, 191 -198

  District: headship of, 38- 39, 40; councils, 40; priest, 41

  Divination--see Sorcery

  Division of labour, priestly, 54

  Divorce, 187

  Doctors, 56, 192, 194, 195 - 198

  Dogs, 26, 128, 152

  Drama, 240

  Dress, 131 -138, 168, 231

  Drink, 149, 155-157, 190, 218; gods of, 54
  Drinking-water, 22, 29 - 30, 32

  Drunkenness, 143, 155 - 157, 218 ; gods of, 54

  Duality, 96, 106, 108, 112, 116

  Dürer, Albrecht, 68

  Eagle and serpent, myth of, 2, 4

  'Eagle-knights,' 43

  Earth symbol, 103

  Earthquakes, 114

  Education, 11, 22, 42, 48, 51, 53, 56, 64, 142, 167 - 173, 234

  'Elders, precepts of the', 223 -224

  Election: of tecuhtli, 38 ; of calpullec, 40 ; of emperor, 52, 88-90

  Electoral college, 89, 91, 92

  Embroidery, 135 - 136

  Emperor, 37 ; election of, 52, 88 -90; and distribution of military honours, 43 -44; military functions of, 44 - 45, 87, 91; land possessions of, 81; share of tribute, 83 - 84, 91 ; titles of, 87 ; duties of, 90, 225-226; ministers of, 90 - 93 ; palaces, 121, 124 - 126 ; costume of, 133, 138, 139 ; and social order, 225 - 228 ; as protector, 226 - 227

  Epcoaquacuiltzin (priest), 54

  Etiquette, 222 - 224

  Etzalqualiztli (sixth month), 129 ; rites of, 246

  Exchange, 81 - 82

  Exchequer, 24


  Family life, 178 - 191

  Famine, 49, 101, 153

  Farming, 72 - 73, 79 - 80, 140- 141

  Fasting, 170, 246

  Fatalism, 108-115

  Feasts and festivals, 46 -47, 54, 55, 129, 144-147, 154, 158, 175 - 177, 246-247

  Feather- workers, 66, 07, 68-69, 230, 231, 232; god of, 67, 116

  Feathers, 138, 139

  Fire, 247; New, feast of, xiii, 101, 109

  Fire-god, 103; feast of, 47; sacrifice to, 98

  Fires, 122-123

  Fish, 150, 152

  Floods, 31 -32

  Flowers, 10, 12, 24-25, 121, 124-128; war of, xiv, 101, 214- 215

  Food, 27, 147-148, 149 - 154, 168

  Food-plants, 148, 152 -153, 155

  Footwear, 138

  Fowlers, 116

  Frescoes, 123, 139, 229

  Furniture, 121-122

  Gambling, 159 -161

  Game, 151

  Games, 22 - 23, 76, 157 - 161

  Garbage disposal, 32 - 33

  Gardens, 10, 12, 24- 25, 121, 124- 128 ; floating, xvii, 12, 15, 140

  Ghosts, 113, 115

  Girls: dedicated to home, 164; naming of, 166 - 167 ; dress, 168; education, 168, 170

  Gladiatorio sacrifice, 97

  Glyphs, 1, 4, 17 - 18, 95, 203, 233

  'God-bearers' , xvi, 37, 42

  Gods and goddess, xv, 2, 38, 42, 47, 51, 52 - 53, 67, 96 -119, 156, 164 ; temples to, 19 - 21, priests assigned to, 54; feats of, 54 - 55, 64, 144 -147, 246 - 247 ; sacrifice to, 97 - 101, 105, 145 - 146, 214; local deities, 104, 116-117; synthesis of, 117 - 119 ; of education, 171 - 172 ; of disease, 192- 193, 195 ; healing, 194; and war, 203, 211, 212, 214 ; and sovereign, 225, 226 ; songs to, 237 - 240

  Gold, 138, 139, 230, 231, 232

  Goldsmiths, 66, 67 -68, 147, 230

  Good breeding, 221 - 224

  Government buildings, 8, 11, 24

  Governors, city, 48 - 49

  Granaries, 153

  Guilds, 60, 61, 66, 68, 69, 103, 147 ; deities for, 116

  Hades, 106, 108, 202

  Hair, care of, 130, 131

  Hallucinations, 194

  Harvests, gods of, 104 - 105

  Head-dresses, 138 - 139

  Healing-women, 192, 194

  Hearths, 123- 124

  Heating, 122 - 123

  Heavens, 102 - 103

  Hell, 106, 108, 202


  Hereditary distinctions, 47 - 48

  Hernández, Francisco, 197 - 198

  High priests, 52 - 53, 169

  Hospitals, 54

  Hours, marking of, 161

  House of the Eagles, 11

  House of Javelins, 23

  Household, average size of, 9

  Houses, 10, 11 -12, 120 -128

  Huaxtec people, xxi, xxiii, xxiv, 116, 130, 132, 135 - 136

  Huexotzincatzin, Prince, 181 - 182

  Hueypochtla, xxiii

  Humility, 222

  Hunting, 158, 247

  Hymns, 64, 67, 104, 237 - 240

  Ichcahuipilli (tunic), 210

  Ichpochtli (grown girl), 55

  Icpalli (chairs), 122

  Icpatepec, 209

  Ideograms, 209, 233

  Ilamatecuhtli (goddess), 247

  Ilancueitl, 183

  Immortality, 106 - 107

  Incense, 195, 199

  Inheritance, 88

  Inns, 23

  Intoxicants, 155 - 157

  Invocations, 195 - 196

  Islets and lakes, 4-5

  Itzcoatl, Emperor, xiii, 16, 34, 45, 74, 180, 205

  Ixcozauhqui tzonmolco teohua (priest), 54

  Ixtle (agave-fibre), 137

  Ixtlilton (god), 194

  Ixtlilxochitl, King of Texcoco, 201, 219

  Ixtlilxochitl, Fernando de Alva, 31, 66, 84, 114, 124 -126, 160, 179, 186

  Iyac (warrior's title), 43

  Izcalli (eighteenth month), rites of, 247

  Iztacalco, 9

  Iztacciuatl (priestess), 55

  Iztapalapan, 9, 12, 13; causeway from, 10, 15, 20, 30 ; palace, 126

  'Jaguar-knights', 43

  Jewellers, 66, 67

  Jewellery, 59 - 60, 138 - 139, 230-232

  Judges, 50, 128, 142, 143

  Justice, 24, 39, 75, 91, 92, 142 - 144 ; traders and, 27 - 28, 61

  Kitchens, 121

  Labour; collective, 41, 71, 148, 170 - 171 ; priestly, division of, 54

  Lakes, 4 - 5, 12 - 13, 125, 126 - 127, 151

  Land: tenure of, 40, 72-73, 79- 81, 141; cultivation of, 72-73, 79- 80, 140 - 141 ; as basis of wealth, 79

  Landless peasants, 72 - 73

  Language, xvi, xxiii, 223 - 224, 232- 235, 245

  Lapidaries, 230, 232


  Latrines, 32

  Law--see Justice

  Liberty, renunciation of, 76

  Lighting, 123

  Lightning, 114

  Literature, xviii, 234 - 235, 236 - 243

  Living, cost of, 76, 83

  Living standards, 85 - 86

  Loin-cloth, 131-132, 133, 134, 168

  Looking-glasses, 130

  Maceualli (plebeian), 43, 47, 70-73; able to enter priesthood and other honours, 51, 72, 93, 169, 173; aristocratic reaction against, 58 ; rights and obligations, 70 -71, 82 ; marriage to royalty, 72, l84

  Macquauitl (sword), 210

  Macuilxochitl ( god of pleasure), 104

  Magic - see Sorcery

  Maize, 104, 105, 106, 148, 149, 150, 152 -153; cakes (tamales), 27, 145, 147, 150, 153, 168, 175, 177 ; grinding of, 120, 168; festival of goddess of, 145 ; porridge, 149, 153, 196

  Make-up, 130 -131

  Malinalco, 229; temple at, 21

  Manners, 222 -223

  Manuscripts, pictographic, 229

  Maps, 14

  Market-place, 25 -28

  Marriage, 173 - 178, 187 ; between plebeian and royalty, 72, 184; between slaves and free, 74

  Matlaltzinca people, xxiii

  Mats, 121 - 122

  Maxtlatl (loin-cloth), 131 - 132, 133, 134

  Maxtlaton, 212, 224

  Mazahua people, xxiii

  Mazatec people, xxiii, xxiv

  Meals, 149 - 151, 154, 168, 223

  Mecatlan (musicians' school), 23

  Medicine, 196 - 198

  Merchants, 26 -28, 59 -65, 129 ; as warriors, 62 - 63 ; rise of, 64 - 65 ; deities for, 116 ; veneration of fire, 124 ; banquets, 154. See also Traders

  Metzli (the moon), 104

  Metztitlán, xxi

  Mexicaltzinco, 9

  Mexicatl achcauhtli (surrender official), 92

  Mexicatl teohautzin ('vicar-general'), 53, 169

  Mexico (see also Tenochlitan): Spaniards' conquest of, xvi, 213 - 215 ; meaning of word, 1 -2; origin of, 2 -5; extent
and population, 5 -9; quarters of, 7 - 8 ; appearance, 9 -13;plans of, 13- 14 ; buildings, 13 -28; water and sanitation, 28 - 33 ; spread of dominion, 100 - 101 ; claim to suzerainty, 204

  Michoacán, xxi

  Mictlan (underworld), 107- 108, 112, 202

  Mictlantecuhtli ( god of underworld), 38, 107

  Midwives, 56, 163 - 164, 165 - 166, 184, 189 - 190

  Military affairs, 23, 24, 38, 39, 42 - 47 ; emperor and, 44 - 45, 87, 91 ; obligatory service, 71, 73. See also Warriors

  Missiles, 210


  Mixcoatl ( god of Milky Way), 103, 117 ; temple of, 55; feast of, 247

  Mixtec mountains, 67, 229, 232

  Mixtec people, xxiii, xxiv, 67, 68

  Mizquic, 16

  Mock battles, 146, 184, 247

  Moderation, 222, 224, 227

  Monarchy: replaces tribal democracy, 37, 39 ; origin and nature of, 87 -90; and social order, 225-228

  Monasteries, 22, 169 - 172

  Monastery schools- seeCalmecac

  Montezuma, Doña Isabel, 178

  Months: reckoning of, 109; rites of, 144- 147, 246-247; names of, 246 -247

  Moon, and vegetation, 104

  Moquiuixtli, King of Tlatelolco, 6, 114, 183

  Motecuhzoma I, 16, 29, 32, 83 -84, 90, 91, 128, 224

  Motecuhzoma II, 10, 45, 62, 63, 72, 114, 129, 138, 158, 178, 228, 231 ; palace and pleasure-houses of, 14, 15, 20, 23- 25, 85, 126- 127 ; promotion of officers, 46 ; officials of, 48-50; statue of, 69, 229 ; and freeing of slaves, 74; living standard of, 85, 149 - 150

  Motolinía, Father, xix, 73, 174

  Moyotlan section, 8

  Music and musicians, 23, 24, 140, 158, 240, 243

  Nahuatl language, xvi, 223 - 224, 232 - 234

  Nahuatl people, xxi, 116

  Name-giving, 157, 165- 167

  Nappualtlatolli (eighty days' speaking), 142

  Narcotics, 155

  Naualoztomeca ('disguised traders'), 61

  Nemontemi days, five, 144, 247

  New Fire, feast of, xiii, 101, 109

  Nezaualcoyotl, King of Texcoco, 84, 88, 173, 219 ; poems of, 115, 225, 236 ; and cult of 'unknown god', 118 - 119 ; palace and gardens of, 124 - 126 ; statutes of, 143, 156 ; death of son, 180 - 181 ; an enlightened monarch, 227

  Nezaualpilli, King of Texcoco, 31, 74, 77, 84, 88, 133 - 134, 179, 181- 182, 186

  Night, 113 ; 'lords of the', 111 ; ryhthm of, 161 - 162

  Nobility: rise of, 45-48; care of estates, 141

  Nomadic tribes, 217 - 220 ; religion of, 53 ; gods of, 116

  Oaxaca, xxi, xxii

  Oaxtepec, 128

  Obsidian, 196 ; wind of, 108

  Ochpaniztli, 55 ; distribution of honours in, 43 ; rites of, 247

  Octli (alcoholic drink), 155 - 157, 198

  Ocuilan, xxii

  Offices, plurality of, 92


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