Scandalous Deception

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Scandalous Deception Page 10

by Rosemary Rogers

  It took a moment before Brianna realized that the maid was referring to Boris, a man definitely rough around the edges.

  “Janet!” she breathed in shock.

  “What?” The maid planted her hands on her hips. “He’s a handsome enough brute, and when he’s not stomping about breathing fire, he can be pleasant enough company. And if we’re to be stuck here for the next few weeks, there’s no reason not to have a little fun.”

  Brianna grimaced, struggling not to allow her opinion of Edmond to rub off on poor Boris. It could be that, beneath his rather brutal facade, he was a lovely man. Not bloody likely, but possible.

  “Oh, we are definitely stuck here, Janet. At least for the time being.”

  “Has something happened while I was away?”

  “It has not yet happened, but it soon will.”

  “What? What is it?”

  Brianna shivered, the words tumbling from her lips without consideration to the impact they might have on her companion.

  “Edmond is about to send notice of my engagement to the Duke of Huntley.”

  A shocked silence filled the chamber, but before Janet could find her voice and demand an explanation, there was the sound of approaching footsteps and what might have been the thump of a wooden cane on the carpet.

  “No, no,” a soft, but relentless female voice echoed through the silence. “This bedchamber, I believe.”

  “But, the master…” the rumbling voice of Boris began, only to be overruled by the twittering, unyielding female.

  “Lavender is just so comforting, do you not think?”

  Brianna hurried across her bedchamber, quite astonished to realize that she recognized that sweet voice.

  Of all of Edmond’s aunts, Lady Aberlane was by far Brianna’s favorite. Oh, it was true she could be extremely annoying when she desired, but unlike most, Brianna was not fooled by the woman’s vague, fluttering manner and preference for being dismissed as a silly old woman.

  Beneath all the fluff was a rapier wit and an uncanny ability to see to the truth of any situation.

  Which made Edmond’s decision to call for her as a chaperone exceedingly strange. Surely he must know that the woman would not be deceived by his charade for a moment?

  Reaching the door, Brianna watched Boris haul the large chest into the bedchamber across the hall before turning her attention to the tiny woman with a puff of silver hair and a heart-shaped face. Although it had been years since she had caught sight of the elder woman, Lady Aberlane did not appear to have changed a wit with her plain but well-tailored gray gown and large gold locket that held a miniature of her beloved husband. And of course, the ebony cane that she never seemed to actually use. At least not unless it was to smack the leg of some unfortunate soul who stirred her temper.

  She had never been a lovely woman, but the faintly olive features were well-formed and there was a sweetness in her expression that more than compensated for any lack of beauty.

  Perhaps sensing Brianna’s presence, the woman slowly turned, a delighted smile touching her lips.

  “Oh, hello, my dear,” she breathed, her dark eyes twinkling. “Did I disturb you?”

  “Not at all.” Performing a deep curtsey, Brianna straightened with an answering smile. “Lady Aberlane, it is a pleasure to meet you again.”

  “Lovely, lovely Brianna.” Lady Aberlane heaved a soft sigh. “So kind of you to remember an old lady.”

  Brianna chuckled. “Of course I remember. You always brought me the loveliest marzipans.”

  “A pretty treat, for a pretty girl.” She tilted her head to the side, looking precisely like a quizzical bird. “And now, here you are, a grown lady engaged to my beloved Stefan.”

  “So I am. Quite a surprise for everyone, I would think.”

  There was a long pause, as if Lady Aberlane were giving the offhand words serious consideration. And no doubt she was. Despite Brianna’s best intentions, she found it incredibly difficult to lie beneath that dark, penetrating gaze.

  “Not a surprise precisely,” she said slowly. “Stefan, after all, has always been very fond of you. Still…” A faint frown touched the wrinkled brow before Lady Aberlane was giving a shake of her head. “Well, never mind.” She reached out to lightly pat Brianna’s hand. “How delighted your father would have been. Oh, and your mother as well, of course.”

  Brianna smiled wryly. It had been the deepest wish of her parents that she wed into the Summerville family. Her father because he truly believed that Brianna would be happy and well cared for at Meadowland and her mother…well, Sylvia Quinn’s motives had never been quite so honorable.

  “Certainly my mother would have been pleased,” Brianna muttered, a lingering bitterness in her voice. “It would have taken her at least a few years to have gambled away the Summerville fortune.”

  “Ah, yes.” Lady Aberlane gave a click of her tongue. “Poor Sylvia. Such a beautiful, fragile creature. I always knew she should never have married your father.”

  Brianna stiffened at the subtle implication that her father was somehow to blame for her mother’s despicable weakness. Fredrick Quinn had been the finest, most honorable gentleman that Brianna had ever known.

  “He loved her very much,” she retorted.

  Lady Aberlane offered a sad smile. “Oh, yes…quite, my dear. And Sylvia loved Fredrick. But there are simply some restless souls who should not bind themselves to another. As much as they might wish to settle down and devote themselves to a family they cannot help but feel somehow imprisoned. Really, it is no wonder they seek excitement in unfortunate ways.”

  Brianna’s lips thinned, recalling her mother’s brittle gaiety that did not quite hide the discontent smoldering just below the surface. Perhaps Lady Aberlane was correct. Perhaps her mother was one of those people who could not be happy when confined by a husband and family. But that did not excuse the fact that she had gambled away her own fortune and then Brianna’s dowry, before wedding a hideous creature who became a danger to her own daughter.

  Nothing could excuse that.

  “More than merely unfortunate,” Brianna said, sharply.

  Once again Lady Aberlane reached out to pat Brianna’s hand, her expression faintly dismayed.

  “So stupid of me to bring up such a painful subject,” she said. “Especially one that is all in the past.”

  “Yes. Yes, it was long ago.” Brianna sucked in a deep breath, thrusting aside the pain of old wounds. It was futile to wish her mother could have been different. And it was most certainly futile to direct her ancient frustration toward sweet Lady Aberlane. “It was very kind of you to come and be my companion.”

  The elderly woman swiftly returned to her fluttering, although Brianna did not miss the hint of speculation in the dark eyes.

  “No, no, my dear, I am deeply grateful for the invitation. I have been living much too quietly,” she assured the younger woman. “It will be a wonderful diversion to be surrounded by society again. And of course, I always enjoy the pleasure of your company. We shall have a grand time together.”

  Brianna smiled wryly, more convinced than ever that the wily old fox missed nothing. She would bet her last quid that Lady Aberlane already suspected this was no simple engagement.

  “It should at least be interesting,” she murmured.

  The woman smiled and gave Brianna a wink. “That it will, my sweet Brianna, that it will.”


  EDMOND CHOSE TO VACATE the town house and enjoy a quiet dinner and lovely bottle of burgundy at his brother’s club. Situated on St. James’s Street, the club designed by Henry Holland was a place of comfort with leather chairs and tables set about the Great Subscription Room that allowed a gentleman the opportunity to share a quiet conversation.

  He told himself that it was necessary to follow Stefan’s routine, not to mention that it would be beyond foolish to remain secluded in the town house when he could be out seeking information about his murderous cousin.

The foremost reason, however, was the necessity of being rid of the unnerving distraction of Miss Brianna Quinn.

  How the devil was a gentleman to think clearly when his thoughts were consumed by the memory of satin skin and the enticing scent of lavender?

  Unfortunately, distance seemed to do nothing to ease his aggravation, and at last conceding that there was nothing to be discovered at the quiet gentleman’s club, Edmond had returned to the town house and the temptations that awaited him there.

  The household was abed when he silently slipped through the front door, and climbing the staircase to his bedchambers, he was greeted by a thin, balding servant with a narrow face and shrewd black eyes awaiting his return.

  Edmond smiled as the man hurried to assist him with his tightly fitted coat. The son of a Russian scholar, Nikolai was not only a skilled valet, but capable of deciphering the most formidable codes. On more than one occasion, he had assisted Edmond in uncovering a plot intended to bring an end to Alexander Pavlovich’s position as Czar.

  Perhaps his finest talent, however, was his dislike for meaningless chitchat. Unless he had information to pass on, Nikolai preferred a stoic silence.

  Within moments, Edmond was stripped of his elegant attire and wrapped in a brocade dressing gown. Pausing just long enough to ensure that Edmond had no further need of his services, Nikolai quietly slipped from the room, leaving Edmond alone with his glass of brandy.

  For a time, Edmond considered the wise notion of simply seeking his bed. It was late, and Brianna was no doubt asleep. She would hardly thank him for waking her at such an hour.

  It was only a brief time, however, and draining the last of the brandy, Edmond walked toward the far wall of his chamber, then removed a Reynolds painting to reveal the hidden latch. With a sharp tug, a portion of the wall opened to reveal the dark passageway.

  Pausing to pluck a lit candle from the mantle, he entered the passageway and made his way the short distance to Brianna’s chambers. There were a few tense moments as he struggled to recall the precise spot of the lever, then, after brushing aside the years of dust, he was at last pushing open the narrow bit of wall.

  Edmond made no sound as he stepped into the shadowed bedchamber and closed the secret door behind him, but almost as if capable of sensing his presence, Brianna rolled over on the bed, her eyes snapping open in baffled shock.

  “Edmond?” With an awkward motion, she sat up in the middle of the bed, holding the covers to her chest.

  Edmond sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of her.

  Christ, but she was exquisite.

  Even with her astonishing hair in a tight braid, it gleamed with autumn glory in the light of his candle. And her face…so elegantly carved that it appeared to be the work of a magnificent artist rather than the luck of nature. His attention shifted to the pure green eyes that revealed the relentless spirit that smoldered within her.

  A spirit that was as captivating as her beauty.

  Blushing beneath his intense scrutiny, Brianna nervously dampened her lips, wrenching a groan from Edmond’s throat.

  “How did you…”

  “Shh,” he commanded as he crossed to perch on the edge of the bed, setting the candle on a French lacquered side table.

  She pressed herself against the headboard, clutching the blankets even tighter. Absurd woman. As if a tiny bit of space and a few scraps of cloth were going to protect her.

  “How did you get into my room?” she demanded again, although in a rasping whisper.

  “My grandfather had secret corridors installed during the Reign of Terror in France. I believe he feared that it was only a matter of time before the English peasants instigated a similar uprising.” Edmond smiled wryly. “He was quite prepared to flee, rather than stand his ground and have his head lopped off. A wise, if not very courageous, decision.”

  “Secret corridors? How very convenient.”

  Before she could guess his intention, Edmond shifted to plant a hand on either side of her hips, not only preventing her escape but bringing him closer to the sweet, lush mouth that had haunted his thoughts all day.

  “I had no idea how convenient until tonight,” he murmured softly.

  He watched her visibly resist the urge to wet her lips again. Clearly, she sensed the hunger surging through his tense body.

  “What do you desire?” she asked.

  Edmond chuckled, moving forward to steal a kiss before moving back to watch the blush deepen on her ivory cheeks.

  “That is a foolish question, ma souris. You know precisely what I desire.”

  “Have you taken leave of your senses? Your aunt is just across the corridor. If she even suspects you are here, I will be ruined beyond all repair.”

  “Which is precisely why I used the secret doorway,” he drawled. “No one will ever know I was here unless you are foolish enough to attract unwanted attention.”

  Brianna sniffed in disdain at his logic. “You can use all the secret doorways you like, Edmond, but nothing escapes your Aunt Letty’s notice.” Her gaze narrowed in suspicion. “You must know she is far and away the most intelligent of all your relatives. She will never believe this farce. Indeed, I doubt very much she will even believe you are Stefan.”

  Edmond shrugged. “She can be tediously insightful.”

  “Then why did you choose her as my companion?” Brianna pressed, her brows drawing together as he considered refusing to answer the simple question. “Edmond?”

  “Because I knew that you liked her.”


  Taking swift advantage of her obvious bemusement, Edmond shifted even closer. Close enough to feel the soft curve of her thigh against his hip and the brush of her breath on his cheek.

  “You sound surprised.”

  She struggled to summon her usual prickly nature, but it was obvious she was still caught off guard, and not a little bewildered.

  “Why shouldn’t I be? You have not devoted much effort to pleasing me.”

  Edmond breathed deeply of her sweet, lavender scent, his body already stirring in anticipation.

  “On the contrary, Brianna, I have exerted a great effort into pleasing you,” he retorted, his voice thickening. “It has been you that has halted those efforts.”

  Edmond sensed her tremble, even as she sought to deny the powerful attraction between them.

  “You mean pleasing yourself.”

  “If that is what you believe, then allow me to prove otherwise.”

  With a smooth motion he shifted to capture her lips, his tongue urging hers to part and allow him entry into the sweet depths.

  She trembled, briefly yielding to his soft ravishment before her hands were lifting to press against his chest.

  “Edmond…no. You must not do this.”

  “Actually, I must.” Denied her lips, Edmond allowed his mouth to trail along the line of her jaw to discover the sensitive hollow behind her ear. “I have been aching to touch you again since we were so rudely interrupted by your stepfather.”

  Brianna sighed softly, her head tilting back to allow him greater access. A part of her, however, refused to surrender to the inevitable.

  “I think there has been quite enough touching.”

  “Oh, no, not nearly enough.” He trailed a path of kisses down the curve of her neck, lingering on the frantic pulse that beat at the base of her throat. “As you will soon agree.”

  “You are so certain of your skill?”

  He chuckled at her attempt to sound disdainful. “I am certain of this fire that burns between us. This is not about skill, but sweet—” he lightly nipped her shoulder “—aching…” His tongue traced along the edge of the tiny ribbon that held up her nightgown. “Need.”

  Her moan filled the air as her hands slipped beneath the robe to lay flat against the bare skin of his chest. Edmond jerked as if he had been burned. And in a way it felt as if he had. As if her mere touch were branding him in some indefinable way.

  Ignoring the dangerou
s sensations, Edmond gently tugged the covers lower. She briefly resisted, but Edmond was swift to distract her with tiny butterfly kisses spread over her face, until he was able to pull the covers away from her shivering body.

  It was only when the offending blankets were shoved off the bed that Edmond at last eased back to savor the sight of her.

  “Mon dieu,” he rasped, his gaze traveling over the slender form that was perfectly revealed within the champagne nightgown. The bits of lace and satin were barely decent. “Your maid possesses a wicked sense of humor.”

  “What?” her voice was vague, as if she were having difficulty forming the words.

  Edmond smiled, sensing her need was overcoming her virginal reluctance.

  “This gown was obviously created to stir a man’s deepest fantasies.”

  Running a reverent hand over the smooth skin of her shoulder, Edmond tugged aside the gold satin ribbon that held the gown in place. It was a simple act, one he had performed on more occasions than he could recall, but never before had he felt the strange vibration that echoed deep inside him. It was as though a perfect symphony was being played between them. A stirring, sweeping tidal wave that was building to a mighty crescendo.

  Edmond closed his eyes as he captured her lips in a raw, demanding kiss. This was no time for absurd fancies. Nothing was going to distract him from the beckoning pleasure.

  Drinking deeply of her willing lips, Edmond brushed aside the remaining ribbon and lowered her bodice so his hands could cup the gentle rise of her breasts. His shaft instantly swelled as Brianna moaned, his fingers finding the peak of her nipples to tease them into hardened nubs.

  Her hands jerkily moved over his chest, as if torn between the desire to explore his flesh and the tentative embarrassment of any virgin. Edmond smoothly shrugged off his robe in silent encouragement, murmuring his approval as her touch became bolder, sliding over his tense muscles and down the flat of his stomach.


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