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Scandalous Deception

Page 17

by Rosemary Rogers

  Her words were lost in a startled gasp as Edmond reached out to grasp her upper arms and jerk her roughly against his chest.

  “But these are not your chambers, are they, Brianna?” he growled. “They belong to the Huntley family, just as everything in this town house belongs to us. Everything from the attics to the cellars.”

  “So now I am just a piece of Huntley property?”

  “Not Huntley property.” His hands loosened their grip on her arms to run a possessive path down her back to the curve of her hips. “My property. You belong to me, ma souris. Body and soul.”

  “Not bloody likely,” Brianna rasped, ignoring the tiny flare of panic at the absolute certainty in his voice.

  “You seem to forget, my dear,” he mocked, “that was the cost for allowing you to remain beneath this roof and away from the clutches of Thomas Wade.”

  Her hands lifted to press against his chest, a futile effort as his fingers tightened on her hips to yank her even closer. His gesture of pure ownership, however, did at least remind her of the danger of giving even an inch to this man.

  “Ah, of course,” she drawled. “Giving you my virginity was the payment for not being raped by my stepfather. How stupid of me to forget.” She narrowed her gaze. “That doesn’t mean, however, I sold you my soul. That, you will never, ever have.”

  “Mon dieu. What is this?”


  “You are deliberately attempting to rile my temper, why?”

  “I merely pointed out that it is common decency to allow me some privacy.”

  “That is what you truly desire?” His arms wrapped firmly about her waist as he steered her backward, deliberately toward the bed behind her. “Privacy?”

  Grimly she remained behind her walls of detached control. She might not be capable of quashing the lust this man could stir within her body, but she would be damned if he would stir anything else.

  When he walked away, as he most certainly would, she would feel nothing but relief.

  “Yes,” she muttered even as Edmond pressed her against one of the heavy walnut bedposts.

  His hands skimmed up her back, his hips shifting forward to press his thick erection against her lower stomach. A smug smile curved his lips as she instinctively shivered at the electric sensations of pleasure that shot through her body.

  “You can tell as many lies as you want with those pretty lips, Brianna, but your body will always speak the truth.”

  “And what truth is that?”

  “You want me. You want me to strip off your clothes and kiss every inch of that satin skin. You want me to lay you on that bed and thrust myself deep inside you.”

  Dear God, her blood felt as if it were on fire as it rushed through her body.

  “Of course I do,” she said, her voice remarkably even. “You are obviously a master at seduction. How could a poor innocent like me possibly resist?”

  For some reason, her calm composure appeared to infuriate him. As if he preferred her to be ranting and raving, rather than aloof.

  “I see.” His expression was dangerously tight as he shifted enough to turn her in his arms, so that she was facing the bed with him pressed against her back. While she was still caught off-guard, he took her hands and placed them against the bedpost, caging her with his much larger frame.

  “Edmond?” She struggled to free her hands, not afraid that he would hurt her, but that she would be even more deeply ensnared in his seductive web.

  “No,” he growled next to her ear. “I am the master, do you not remember?”

  “But we are expected downstairs.”

  “Dinner can wait.” His fingers tightened on hers. “Do not release your grip on the post.”

  “What are you…” She caught her breath as she felt Edmond lower himself to his knees behind her, then with a shocking intimacy, he was beneath the folds of her skirts, his lips coursing a searing path up the back of her thighs, while his hands were firmly tugging her legs farther apart. Brianna’s fingers dug into the wooden post as a shudder of sheer delight shook through her. “Oh, dear lord.”

  “It is too late for prayers,” he muttered, nipping at the sensitive curve of her backside before he gave her legs one last tug and he was able to find the damp heat he was searching for.

  Brianna gave a strangled scream, her body clenching with shocked joy. There was something extraordinarily erotic in being fully dressed as Edmond made love to her with his tongue and teeth.

  Her eyes slid closed as she concentrated on the building tension in the pit of her stomach. She had already accepted she could not be rid of her desire for this man. Why not enjoy what he could offer?

  Over and over, his tongue teased at her sensitive peak, occasionally dipping into her opening with a skill that had her swiftly tumbling toward her climax.

  Attuned to Brianna’s low moans and quickening pants, Edmond abruptly rose to his feet, hiking up the back of her dress and fumbling with the fastening of his elegant breeches.

  “Keep a hold on the post,” he rasped, his hand tugging her leg up until her foot rested on the edge of the mattress, leaving her feeling open and vulnerable.

  Expecting Edmond to lay her on the bed, Brianna glanced over her shoulder in confusion, her heart jerking at the stark determination etched on his dark features. It was as if he were utterly focused on providing her the pinnacle of satisfaction.

  “I do not understand.”

  “You will,” he promised, his hand sliding down her inner thigh at the same moment his erection nudged at her slit from behind.


  Her head fell back to lie against his shoulder, her neck boneless with pleasure as he thrust deep inside her. Oh…dear heavens. She’d thought he had taught her all there was to know about passion. Obviously, there were still delicious lessons to be learned.

  Holding on to the post to help support her weak knees, Brianna groaned as his clever fingers spread her folds, stroking through her damp heat in pace with the fierce, relentless pump of his hips.

  Downstairs, Lady Aberlane was no doubt waiting alone in the salon while the servants kept a close watch on the passing time, but at the moment Brianna did not care. Let them speculate on what was keeping her and Edmond absent. Right now, all that mattered was the beckoning release that hovered just on the horizon.

  With a rasping moan, Edmond buried his face in the curve of her neck, his mouth branding savage kisses against her damp skin.

  “Tell me what you feel,” he demanded. “Tell me this is more than passion.”


  “Tell me, Brianna.” He thrust deeper, faster. “Tell me.”

  “It is…just…” Her body bowed and she instinctively reached back to shove her fingers in his hair as the shattering bliss clutched at her body. “Lust.”

  EDMOND LEANED AGAINST the mantle, sipping the tepid champagne and ignoring the speculative glances cast in his direction by Lord Milbank’s numerous guests. He knew they were simply curious at the presence of the elusive Duke of Huntley. Stefan so rarely attended these tedious functions, it was bound to stir excitement.

  Especially considering he had arrived with a fiancée dangling upon his arm.

  So far as he was concerned, they could gawk all they liked. There was nothing to be read on his mild expression. Years of experience had enabled him to master the skill of keeping even his most violent emotions concealed.

  And his current emotions were most certainly violent.

  Forcing himself to take another sip of the champagne, Edmond slid a brooding glance toward the woman who was entirely responsible for his foul temper.

  Mon dieu. He should be utterly, blissfully satisfied.

  Not only had he managed to fulfill his insistent desire for Brianna Quinn, but he had demonstrated to the aggravating, stubborn minx that she was incapable of resisting him.

  That she belonged to him.

  It had been proven with each tremble of her body, with the damp readiness she could
not disguise as he had penetrated her, and the soft cries of pleasure that he could still hear ringing in his ears.

  So why, by God, did he desire to storm across the room and toss Brianna Quinn over his shoulder so he could haul her back to his town house?

  Because while he had revealed that she was a willing slave to his passion, she had managed to keep her innermost self hidden behind her guarded barriers.

  Damn the wench.

  He was not quite certain why he should care. Brianna was nothing more than a pawn to be used in his hunt for his brother’s stalker, was she not? And if he was fortunate enough to have the use of her delectable body without the burden of worrying that she might complicate matters with her tedious emotions, well…so much the better, surely?

  But it was not for the better. In fact, it was downright maddening.

  She should believe herself hopelessly in love with him. Young maidens always confused lust with those ridiculous, tender, sentimental emotions. It was the greatest danger to any practiced rake. And why most wise gentlemen went to such an effort to avoid innocents.

  But despite using his every seductive skill, some that would have made the most experienced woman weak in the knees, he had been unable to force her to admit that she felt more than mere passion.

  The fact that she could keep herself emotionally aloof was like an aggravating thorn in his side he could not dislodge.

  Seemingly unaware of his hooded gaze, Brianna moved among the guests with a remarkable ease. There were few who would ever be able to guess that she had lived such an isolated life with her mother. Or recall that she was in any way connected to a lout like Thomas Wade.

  She possessed an innate sense of charm and genuine interest in others that easily allowed even the highest sticklers to forget her unfortunate connections.

  And, of course, it did not hurt that she was currently engaged to one of England’s most powerful gentlemen.

  She was busily endearing herself to Lady Roddick when Edmond grimaced at the sight of his aunt forging a determined path in his direction. There was no mistaking the ominous expression on her elderly face.

  Halting at his side, Letty snapped her spangled fan open, practically quivering with disapproval.

  “Well, I hope you are pleased with yourself.”

  Edmond’s gaze was ruthlessly lured back to the autumn-haired wench across the crimson and ivory room.

  “Not particularly.” He battled to keep his expression from revealing his smoldering annoyance. “In truth, it would be difficult for me to be any less pleased with myself at this moment.”

  “Good,” the older woman announced with a faint smile. “I am pleased to hear it.”

  With a humorless laugh, Edmond returned his attention to Letty. “Is this just an overall pleasure in seeing me tortured, or is there a more specific reason to wish me ill?”

  Lady Aberlane lifted a silver brow. “Brianna did not tell you?”

  “Brianna is barely willing to be in the same room, let alone tell me anything,” he muttered.

  “Not surprising, I suppose, considering the circumstances.”

  He stiffened, his eyes narrowing at his aunt’s mysterious manner. It was bad enough to endure Brianna’s aggravating, unpredictable behavior. He’d be damned if he would tolerate any more.

  “If you have something to say, Aunt Letty, then simply say it. I am weary of puzzles.”

  The older woman sniffed at his clipped demand. “You desire plain speaking?”

  “It would make a refreshing change.”

  “Very well. As Brianna and I returned from our shopping trip this afternoon…”

  “Shopping?” Edmond interrupted, a chilled fear twisting his gut. Taking Letty’s arm, he tugged her into a nearby alcove, well aware that not even his considerable control was capable of disguising his furious disbelief. “Do you mean to tell me that less than a day after she was nearly killed, Brianna Quinn was prancing through the streets of London as if nothing had happened?”

  Letty’s stern expression became one of wariness as she realized the true extent of Edmond’s anger.

  “Hardly prancing.” She frowned. “We visited a few shops and returned home.”

  “She knows that she is not to leave the town house unless it is in my company, or that of Boris.”

  Letty searched his harsh expression with a hint of confusion. “For goodness sakes, she is not your prisoner.”

  “She might very well be in danger, and I will not have her risking her bloody neck with such reckless stupidity,” he rasped. “Obviously, she needs a reminder that my orders are to be obeyed.”

  Edmond turned, intent on reaching Brianna and informing her that she was to be locked in her chambers when he was forced to an abrupt halt as Letty darted directly in his path.

  “No, Edmond,” she said, her tone low but firm.

  “Letty, move aside.”

  “No.” She poked his chest with a bejeweled finger. “You have already humiliated Brianna enough for one day. You will not create a scene among those who will decide whether or not she is to be accepted among society.”

  Humiliated Brianna enough for one day? What the devil did that mean? Surely the chit had not told Letty of their passionate encounter? And even if she had, it was hardly humiliating. It had been…earth shattering.

  He gave a shake of his head. Whatever slight Brianna thought he might have given her would have to wait until later.

  First, he intended to make sure she never risked her foolish neck again.

  “Society, be damned,” he growled. “Brianna will not be allowed to disobey me. Not when I very nearly—”

  He abruptly cut off his words, knowing that they would reveal more than he was prepared to admit. Even to himself.

  Letty, of course, was too intelligent to have missed his telling admission.

  “What? When you very nearly lost her?” she demanded softly. With a sad smile, she lightly touched his arm. “It was not your fault that Brianna was wounded. The guilt lies squarely upon the shoulders of whoever it was that pulled the trigger.”

  “It does not matter who is at fault, Aunt Letty.” He cut off her words, grimly banishing the guilt that festered deep inside. “Not so long as Brianna understands that she will not be allowed to leave Huntley House until I am certain that the danger has passed.”

  Something that might have been pity rippled over Lady Aberlane’s face before she was heaving a sigh and stepping back.

  “I suppose there is no attempting to dissuade you from this ridiculous overreaction, but I do insist that you wait until we have returned home before informing Brianna she is to be put upon such a short leash.”

  “I told you I do not give a damn about society.”

  “Well, I do.”

  He arched a brow. “You fear I will create a scene? Surely you know me better than that.”

  “Not at all. I would simply prefer to have fewer witnesses when Brianna murders you. She is far too sweet to be hauled off to the gallows.”

  “Good lord, whatever happened to family loyalty? Should you not be closing ranks with your favorite nephew?”

  She snorted as she began to move away. “Whatever makes you think that you are my favorite nephew?”

  Edmond chuckled as the spry matron moved toward the clutch of fellow dragons near the window.

  How the devil had he allowed his life to become so cluttered with women? He of all men knew the dangers of allowing such complications. They were distractions at best and downright pests at worse.

  No doubt if he had the least amount of wits, he would send them packing at the first opportunity.

  Ignoring the strangest pang that tugged at his heart at the thought, Edmond started across the room, only to be halted once again. This time by a uniformed servant who performed a deep bow as he reached his side.

  “Your Grace.”


  “This message was delivered for you.”

  “Thank you.” Taking the fold
ed note, Edmond opened it to swiftly scan the neatly printed words, sucking in a deep breath of surprise. “Please have my carriage brought around,” he commanded the waiting servant.

  “At once, your Grace.”

  BRIANNA STIFFENED THE MOMENT she sensed Edmond moving in her direction. For the majority of the evening, he had been content to lean against the mantle, his burning gaze so focused upon her that it was a wonder she had not gone up in flames.

  Dear God, how could society not realize that the man posing as the Duke of Huntley was a fraud?

  Stefan was so kind, so eager to put the happiness of others above his own. His goodness was a shimmering beacon, while Edmond…even across the room she could feel the potent danger that smoldered about him with a restless energy.

  Light and dark. Opposite sides of the same coin.

  A renegade excitement tingled through her blood as she felt the heat of Edmond’s hard frame halt at her side, his hand possessively landing in the middle of her back.

  “My dear, may I have a word?” he murmured, smoothly.

  Brianna battled back a jaundiced frown as the elegant ladies who surrounded her heaved a collective sigh of appreciation. What woman would not be enchanted by Edmond’s compelling beauty? Or the raw, untamed sensuality that the dark, elegant evening attire could not entirely disguise?

  It was impossible not to react.

  Gathering the cool composure that was her only defense, she curled her lips into a meaningless smile.

  “But of course.”

  Lady Roddick gave a twittering laugh, leaning forward to lightly tap her fan on Brianna’s arm.

  “A word of warning, Miss Quinn, it is never wise to always give in to your husband’s demands.” The older woman slid an undeniably hungry glance over Edmond’s chiseled body. The tart. “They are far too likely to run roughshod over a poor maiden who does not possess a bit of pluck.”

  Brianna forced herself to meet Edmond’s smoldering gaze. “I fear his Grace prefers a more spineless creature as his fiancée, is that not so…Stefan?”


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