Scandalous Deception

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Scandalous Deception Page 19

by Rosemary Rogers

  Boris dipped his head in agreement. “You take care as well. The traitors are keeping an eye on Meadowland. You must be on guard.”


  ALONE IN HER CHAMBERS, Brianna futilely commanded herself to go to sleep, tossing and turning for over an hour before she at last conceded defeat. Rising from the bed, she pulled on a thin robe and gave into the overwhelming urge to pace the floor.

  It was just because she was still angry at the knowledge that Edmond had visited a common tart, she told herself. That was the reason her stomach felt tied in knots and her mouth dry. It had nothing to do with the fact that Edmond had charged off into the night after some dangerous maniac.

  Of course, the reasonable excuse did nothing to explain why her pacing took her continually to the window to peer toward the dark mews, or why her ears were strained for the sound of Edmond’s footsteps in the corridor.

  Or why, when she at last heard them, she had to clutch at the mantle as her knees went weak with relief. She leaned her forehead against the cool marble. What the devil was the matter with her?

  The door to her chambers was quietly pushed open and then closed. Spinning on her heel, Brianna regarded Edmond in disbelief.

  “Edmond, for God’s sake, are you deliberately attempting to ruin my reputation? It is bad enough…”

  Her words faltered as Edmond stalked forward, his features hard with a lethal intent.

  Hastily she backed away, slamming into the wall. Edmond did not halt until he was standing mere inches from her, his hands landing on the wall on either side of her head.

  “When I decide to ruin you, Brianna Quinn, you will know,” he warned, his breath brushing over her cheek. “For now what I want is for you to pack your bags.”

  Brianna blinked in confusion. “What?”

  The brilliant blue gaze swept restlessly over her face, almost as if his thoughts were not entirely upon their conversation.

  “We leave for Meadowland within the hour.”

  “Meadowland? Why?”

  “What does it matter? You have been tediously demanding to be taken there since you stepped foot in this house.”

  Brianna shivered as the heat of his body warmed her through her sheer peach nightgown.

  “And you have pig-headedly refused my demands, if you will recall. So why have you suddenly decided to go in the middle of the night?”

  He paused, considering his words. “I have duties to attend to. You will be safer beneath Stefan’s protection.”

  Brianna stiffened. Of course. How stupid of her. He had visited his mistress, had he not? What use did he have for an untried female?

  “I see. You have had your fill of me and now I am to be handed off. Only to be expected, I suppose.”

  “Had my fill of you?” He growled deep in his throat, his eyes flashing fire as he used his hard body to press her against the wall. Brianna shuddered as he buried his head in the curve of her neck, his erection a hard thrust against her lower stomach. “You are a fool.”

  Brianna clutched at the lapels of his jacket, the feel of his lips caressing the tender curve of her neck sending sheets of fire through her willing body. The exquisite sensations were stealing any resolve to deny the fierce need that she could sense trembling in his taut body. She wanted this. His heat, his desire, his hungry demand that was more arousing than any amount of tenderness.

  “On that we both agree.” Her eyes squeezed shut as his mouth moved down to capture the tip of her nipple through the thin fabric of her robe.

  “Ma souris.” His ragged breaths rasped through the air as he tugged her robe upward. “You are driving me mad.”

  “Edmond…you said we were leaving…”

  “Shh.” He captured her lips in a silencing kiss, his hands clumsy as he dealt with the buttons of his pantaloons and positioned the tip of his erection at her entrance. “Do you want me?”

  Brianna swallowed a groan of frustration. Dear lord, he was so wonderfully close, and yet refusing to enter her completely.

  “Please, Edmond.”

  “Say the words, Brianna,” he demanded against her lips. “Tell me you want me.”

  Reaching up she shoved her fingers into his hair and arched her body against him.

  “I want you.”

  He kissed her with savage satisfaction as he tilted his hips upward and filled her with one smooth thrust.


  BRIANNA WOKE THE NEXT morning with a sense of bewilderment. It took long moments of studying the cherubs painted on the ceiling for her to recall she was no longer in her chambers at Huntley House, but instead in a pretty gold and cream room at Meadowland.

  A glance toward the window revealed that the sun was slanting across the Persian carpet. She had slept far later than usual, but that was hardly surprising given her eventful evening.

  After their sweetly furious bout of lovemaking, Edmond had watched in silence as Brianna had packed her bags and descended to enter the waiting carriage. Her hands had trembled as she had folded the various satin and silk gowns into her valise, but her composure had remained grimly intact.

  Edmond had chosen to ride beside the vehicle as it had rattled over the turnpike to Surrey, leaving Brianna alone to endure the curious questions of Lady Aberlane and Janet, who had been awakened to join her on the unexpected journey.

  Not that she had any answers. She was as confused as her companions as to why they had been forced to leave London in such a rush.

  With a disgusted shake of her head at being hauled about with no explanations, Brianna left her bed and rang for Janet.

  There was no point in brooding on Edmond Summerville or his autocratic dictates. With any luck, he would have left Meadowland.

  Near an hour later, Brianna was bathed and attired in a striped emerald and white gown that brought out the green of her eyes and the deep red highlights in her hair. She added brown leather half-boots and a cameo that she had threaded through a green ribbon and tied about her neck.

  Leaving her chambers, she headed down the long hallway, fondly noting the worn wainscot with carved cornices that had seen better days. The same could be said for the mahogany and gilt chairs that lined the frayed crimson runner. Despite her aggravation with Edmond at having been hustled out of London in the dead of night, she could not deny a flare of pleasure at returning to Meadowland.

  Her most cherished childhood memories were here. Memories of sneaking into the music room to listen to the Duchess of Huntley playing the pianoforte, of Stefan teaching her the rudiments of chess, of Mrs. Slater baking her lemon tarts.

  This house had been as much her home as her father’s. Perhaps more so, since there had always been such a warm feeling of a loving family, a feeling that had been decidedly absent beneath her own roof.

  Oh, her father had loved her, but his constant concern for his unpredictable wife ensured that he had little time to devote to his daughter, and her mother had never bothered to take note of her.

  Reaching the grand staircase, Brianna made her way down to the lower floor, a smile curving her lips at the familiar male form standing at the bottom.

  Stefan was an exact replica of his overbearing brother, but Brianna knew immediately who awaited her. It was in his kind expression and ready smile. And despite his resemblance to Edmond, Brianna realized that he did not stir thoughts of the arrogant, aggravating pain in her neck.

  It was with an uncomplicated affection that she stepped into his arms and returned his warm hug.

  “Good morning, Brianna.”


  Stefan pulled back. “My dear, I am so sorry.”

  “Why would you be sorry?”

  “Edmond has told me of all you have suffered at Thomas Wade’s hands. I never liked the man, but I did not dream—”

  “You could not have known,” she interrupted firmly.

  “But I should have, as Edmond has informed me in no uncertain terms. It was my duty to protect you, and I failed miserably.
” He dropped his hands and squared his shoulders. “I intend to do everything in my power to make it up to you. That much I promise.”

  “I am just happy to be here. Meadowland has not changed a bit.”

  “Yes, so I have been told.” He glanced around the foyer, smiling wryly. “I begin to wonder if I should halt living in the past and take steps to refurbish the old monstrosity.”

  “Oh, no,” Brianna protested, only realizing it was hardly her place to decide what should be done to the charming estate. “Well, obviously you must do as you please, but I have to admit that I prefer it to remain just as it is. You know, when I was in Thomas Wade’s home, I used to close my eyes and pretend that I was at Meadowland. It always made me feel…safe.”

  “My dear, sweet Brianna.” Brianna was once again tugged into Stefan’s arms. “I should have brought you home the moment your mother died.”

  Brianna happily soaked in Stefan’s comfort. “I have missed you, Stefan.”

  “As I have missed you. This place has been far too quiet without your laughter, and I have grown far too dull without your teasing.”

  “Well, well. What a touching scene.”

  Brianna and Stefan jerked apart, as if they were two naughty children rather than lifelong friends.

  “Edmond.” Stefan cleared his throat. “I thought you would be gone by now.”

  Edmond’s cold regard never shifted from Brianna’s face. “I have decided to stay until tomorrow morning. If I am not intruding?”

  “Of course not. I was about to take Brianna in to breakfast, will you join us?”

  Brianna refused to flinch beneath the diamond-hard glare. She had been doing nothing wrong and she would not allow Edmond to make her feel guilty.

  “I have some business I must attend to first.” His voice could have sliced through stone. “I will join you later.”

  “Very well.” Watching his brother turn away, Stefan slid Brianna a speculative gaze, taking her hand and placing it on his arm. “Come along, my dear.”

  Allowing Stefan to lead her into the magnificent dining room, Brianna took a moment to appreciate the glossy walnut table that could easily seat two dozen guests and the scrolled sideboard that was set beneath the large window that overlooked the distant lake. The ceiling had been painted during the reign of Charles II; it portrayed the Huntley coat of arms in glorious detail.

  It was a beautiful room that still echoed with the laughter of glittering guests.

  With a wistful sigh, Brianna moved to take her seat, only to come to a startled halt when she was nearly bowled over by a large dog that bounded around the table.

  With an exclamation of delight, Brianna leaned down to rub the floppy ears, her mood lifting as the hound wiggled with open delight.

  “Good heavens, this cannot be Puck?”

  “Actually it is Puck the Second.” Stefan heaved a sigh of disgust, even as a fond smile curved his lips. “He is just as worthless a hunter as his father, but I could not have him put down.”

  “Of course you could not. You have far too tender a heart.”

  “Hmm. Should I be flattered or offended, I wonder?”

  “Flattered. Most certainly flattered.”

  Stefan waved aside one of the numerous uniformed servants and held out a chair.

  “If you will have a seat, I will fill you a plate.”

  Brianna took her seat and flashed him a teasing smile.

  “Why thank you, Stefan. It is not often that a woman is waited upon by a Duke.”

  “Think nothing of it,” he murmured, moving to rapidly fill two plates with the buttered eggs, toast, kippers and thickly sliced ham. Returning to the table, he placed one of the plates in front of her before taking a seat at her side. “After all, a man is expected to tend to the needs of his fiancée.”

  “Oh lord, I had almost forgotten about that.” She reached to place her hand on his arm. “I assure you, Stefan, it was not my notion. I would never want to put you in such an awkward position.”

  “I am assuming that Edmond had his reasons, although he has yet to fully explain them to me. And in truth, I do not consider it awkward to have my name coupled with such a beautiful woman. It can do nothing but elevate my reputation in society.”

  Brianna grimaced. “Hardly that. Do not forget, I shall always have the taint of Thomas Wade upon me.”

  “Do not say that, Brianna.”

  “Why not? It is true enough. If it had not been for the power of the Huntley name, I would never have been allowed into society. And who could truly blame them?”

  “I do. Your father was an honorable gentleman who was well-respected throughout England. You have every reason to be proud, Brianna.”

  She briskly thrust aside the threat of tears. “It does not matter. Once you announce that the engagement is at an end, it will soon enough be forgotten.”

  He studied her determined expression, his eyes far kinder than Edmond’s, but no less intelligent.

  “There is no hurry.” He reached for his fork. “Now tell me, my dear, did Edmond treat you well while you were in London?”

  “Well enough.” She took a bite of toast, vividly aware of Stefan’s gaze. “You know, Stefan, I feel as if I have been gone forever. I simply have to know all the news from Surrey. I heard Sarah Pierce married Sir Kincaid’s youngest son. Did you attend the wedding?”

  Stefan’s expression warned that he was aware that there was something she was hiding. Unlike his brother, however, he possessed enough manners not to press her. Instead, he readily distracted her with the various news he thought might interest her, allowing her to keep her secrets without censure.

  Brianna wondered, not for the first time, how two men could look so much alike and be so completely different.

  LEAVING STEFAN AND BRIANNA, Edmond stalked through the study to the terrace beyond the French doors. Once away from prying eyes, he shoved his fingers through his hair and sucked in a deep breath.

  Mon dieu, when he had walked into the foyer to see Brianna in his brother’s arms, his fury had been so swift and so violent he had very nearly lost control. He trembled with the need to charge across the floor and beat his brother for daring to lay a hand on Brianna. She was his. And he would prove it in the most basic and savage means possible.

  Only the shock of his reaction kept him frozen in place.

  Christ, why had he not left at dawn as he had intended? With Brianna and his Aunt Letty safely in his brother’s care, there was nothing to keep him from returning to London and his duties.

  Nothing but that damnable reluctance to allow Brianna out of his sight.

  Once again, that throbbing fury raced through him and Edmond paced the terrace as he struggled to contain the primitive emotions.

  As if to prove her ability to torment him, Brianna walked out a side door to enter the sunken gardens directly below the terrace. Edmond stiffened, hungrily drinking in the sight of her slender body as she moved past the marble statues that lined the path, her hips swaying with provocation and her hair shimmering with autumn fire in the morning sunlight.

  He was moving down the steps of the terrace before he realized his intent, his chest squeezing in the oddest manner.


  She froze at the sound of his voice, her shoulders tense. Coming to a halt directly behind her, Edmond sensed her desire to flee from his presence and wisely resisted the urge to reach out and touch her. It might very well send her bolting back to the house.

  After a long moment, she at last grudgingly turned.

  “I thought you had pressing business to attend to?”

  “Why were you in my brother’s arms?”

  She jerked, as if caught off guard by his question. “We have always been close friends, you know that. And it is hardly the first time Stefan has given me a hug.”

  “You were a child then.”

  Her lips twisted in a humorless smile. “And you have made very certain I am no longer that child, haven’t you, Edmond?

  “Do you hope Stefan will wed you?”

  “How dare you!”

  “Just answer the question, Brianna.”

  “Why should I?” She wrapped her arms about her waist, her expression defiant. “It is none of your concern.”

  “It is very much my concern. Do you truly believe I would allow my lover to marry my own brother?”

  “I am not your lover,” she stated. “And I am most certainly not the sort of woman who is constantly angling to land a husband. There are a rare few of us who comprehend the benefits of a life that is not confined by the dictates of some man.”

  Edmond dismissed her words with a wave of his hand. “Even presuming I believe you would not leap at the opportunity to become the next Duchess of Huntley, my brother is not a monk,” he muttered.

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Stefan lives a life of near isolation here. To bring a young and exquisitely beautiful woman beneath his roof is bound to stir temptation.”

  “Ah, I see.” Her anger shifted to outrage. “Because he is desperate and lonely, he might mistakenly believe he is attracted to me?”

  “He would have to be dead not to be attracted to you, but my point is that he is vulnerable. And he already possesses feelings for you.”

  “Unlike you, Stefan is a gentleman of honor. He would never attempt to seduce his own ward.”

  “No, he would not seduce you. He would insist upon marriage.”

  “And having me as a sister-in-law is, of course, unacceptable,” she mocked.

  His breath hissed between his clenched teeth.

  “Completely unacceptable.”

  She turned her head to glare at the pretty fountain that sprayed water from the head of a marble angel, but not before Edmond caught sight of the hurt in her eyes.

  “So I am good enough to warm your bed, but not good enough to wed your brother.”

  Edmond belatedly realized he should never have approached Brianna while he was still raw with anger at having seen her with Stefan. Dammit. He had made a muck of the entire situation and he had no one to blame but himself.


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