Yngve, AR - The Argus Project

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Yngve, AR - The Argus Project Page 10

by The Argus Project (lit)

  The Fleet's standardized, multi-purpose guard robot could think on the level of a trained dog. It was as loyal to any Fleet officer as a dog to its master. While usually not programmed to kill, a guard drone knew more than 100 ways of stunning, injuring, or incapacitating a human being. The machine generally measured about six feet in height, and walked on two clunky, clawed feet with a great amount of noise.

  When not in active duty, it rolled around on small wheels. Its gray plastic-and-aluminum hull could withstand some laser fire and small explosions, and sported a dozen slits and portholes from which various eyes and arms protruded. The guard robot mostly resembled a rotund, enormous Swiss Army Knife on legs.

  Before Venix could run back the way she came, the reinforced front door was slammed shut and locked. In the gloom, strong spotlights from eight robots lit up in her face. She was only briefly blinded; with a quick mental command, she set the light-sensitivity of her artificial eyes down and switched to ultraviolet vision.

  The eight guard robots became audible to her as they began to march with the speed of a running man; Venix could not run as fast as Argus, and was surrounded in seconds. She didn't speak, nor did her breathing reflexes increase. All she needed to do, she knew, was to distract these goons until Argus could get away from the prying eyes of the Fleet's agents. Thirty padded metal arms stretched and elongated out to grab her.

  She took a high jump into the air, and got hold of a rusty iron beam. She heaved her weight onto the old beam, and stood up. It immediately began to bend under the weight of her metal skeleton and electromagnetic muscles. Balancing without difficulty on the creaking beam, Venix paced toward the wall, just thirty feet away...

  The robots shot out taser-hooks, and sent several hundred volts through the beam. Venix felt a prickling sensation; her artificial skin and hull insulated her internal workings almost perfectly. In one second, her hands could almost touch the wall... and were held back.

  The drones hosed riot-foam - a transparent stream of superglue bubbles that glued her feet to the beam, and the foam dried almost instantly. She lost her balance, fell over and hung by her feet from the bent beam. Still struggling to buy time for her lover, Venix bent forward and writhed to get free.

  A letter display on a robot's face plate thrust out on a telescopic arm and flashed a series of warnings to her: STOP. YOU ARE UNDER ARREST. FLEET POLICE AUTHORITY. SURRENDER. BE QUIET. YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW. AWAIT INTERROGATION BY FLEET OFFICIAL.

  She reached out at one of the padded robot arms, and pulled with all that she got. The machine was very strong, but easily fooled - when she suddenly pulled in the other direction, it tumbled to the side, clanking into a second drone that also fell over. Suddenly, a dozen robot arms pinned her down, and sent multiple electric shocks through her, overriding the insulation. She began to really feel the shocks, and shook in a spasm -

  Argus came flying through the front door, feet first, smashing its hinges like tinfoil. In a second, he was lunging at the large drones surrounding the twisting Venix. He grabbed the largest drone with both his arms, and emitting a furious grunt he threw it back over his head - into the smashed doorway, where it crunched stuck like a cork. The other nine guard robots turned to meet Argus with taser-rods, riot-foam and brute mechanical force - in the space of a few moments, he ripped several of them apart.

  The flashing messages on the robot screens rapidly changed: STOP. STOP. HELP. TAKE ME TO A REPAIR CENTER. POWER FAILURE. LOSS OF ARMS, LEGS. HELP.

  The remaining two robots ran away into corners, shooting riot-foam in all directions. By simply moving very fast and shaking himself, Argus shrugged off the glue-bubbles before they stuck on his black hide. He leaped up, pulled down the beam so that the hanging Venix could reach the floor, and pulled her free of the superglue. She hugged him, even then knowing he should not have returned, loving him all the more.

  "Please run. You must."

  "No more running away," he said tersely. "We're still human beings. We have rights. Time to let them hear it." A flying tank crashed in through the front entrance, shoving the smashed-up robots aside. Venus made a move to retreat, but Argus held her close. "This abuse must end," he said, loudly enough for the men in the tank to pick up through its sensors. "I will not allow her to be treated this way in my absence."

  A familiarly accented voice came from the tank's door as it opened and soldiers spilled out: "You disappoint me, you two. I arranged for you to meet, as a reward for your work and loyalty. We cannot have obstinacy in the Fleet's elite, Argus. Time to remind you who created you... and who commands you."

  Abruptly, Venix felt Argus go limp; she gasped in terror as he slumped down on the floor as if dead; a few snapping noises came from his limbs as the major electric circuits in his cyborg body shut down.

  She knelt down, caressed his paralyzed face, and pleaded: "Gus? Speak to me! Please..."

  "He can hear you, Venix," said the voice, and she glanced over her shoulder to see the Kansler appear in hologram form. She understood at once, how afraid the Kansler was of "his" creations, and he ought to be - she wanted to kill him with her bare hands.

  "What've you done to him, you monster?"

  "Just a simple shutdown of the major motor systems. It is only mildly painful... had I wanted him to suffer, I would have induced muscle cramps instead. Argus belongs to the Fleet, to his allegiance to Mother Earth. Argus, I know you can hear me. Don't fight us; fight the real enemy. Remember your duty. Remember that whatever harm comes to Earth, befalls Venix too... and she stays in protective custody, under Fleet guard, until you return from your first tour. She shall be watched over. No other human being shall touch her, that's a promise."

  Through the paralysis Argus stayed conscious, feeling Venix touch his face, hearing her pleas. He had let her down. And he hated the Kansler - who somehow knew a way of shutting him down by remote, and had presented a covert threat against Venix. It seemed to Argus as if he was regarding himself from outside; the squad of Fleet men rushed in, and carried him and Venix away. He saw her being held by more robots that pushed her into a personnel carrier in the street.

  Venus looked at him through the windshield as the craft took off, and he could read her lips forming the words "Love you" before she disappeared from view. Another, larger carrier landed on the canal to ship him off... into space, to the waiting flagship and its commander.

  14: Forward Top Speed

  "This is your ship, Argus, sir, modified in accordance with the simulation results."

  "It's smaller than I imagined. How much fuel can it hold?" The flight-deck commander of the E.S.S. William Jefferson stood next to Argus, and consulted the datapanel in his own Fleet uniform.

  "The ship's drive uses ionized deuterium pellets plus antimatter-hydrogen micro-pellets, that are fired by electromagnetic cannon into the reactor force-field... and the result comes out the main booster-rocket with an output efficiency of near one hundred percent. Damn near the most perfect propulsion-system in the universe. We're all damned impressed here... sir."

  The flight-deck commander stepped back to make way for the Kansler and the flagship's First Admiral Sergei York.

  Here in space, with only soldiers and officers, the Kansler used no hologram presence. Or, Argus suspected, holding Venix hostage on Earth had made the Kansler more confident. Even so, as Argus had come to detest the man, he tried to concentrate on his mission. Perhaps understanding this, the Kansler kept himself more in the background than usual, and let the other officers talk for him.

  York seemed a little pasty and out of shape next to the Kansler - most likely due to prolonged spaceflight, which took an inevitable toll on Earth-born bodies. York's eyes were prematurely aged, and scars dented his shiny, balding forehead where he had plugged into consoles far too many times.

  "Colonel Clarke," said the admiral, saluting the tall, hulking cyborg, "welcome on board. We're honored to finally have you here among us. Your personal ship has been worked over like you couldn't im
agine, to finish on time. All is set for your first test flight."

  Argus walked past them all, and gazed into the hangar ceiling from which the ship was being lowered toward him. It really was rather small. The cockpit section at the front, similar to his simulation capsule, took up almost one-fifth of the ship's total volume. The rest was all armor-plating, sleek flat surfaces, massive rear boosters and ominous-looking gunports.

  And the whole ship's armor plating was painted white, with a garish red stripe running from nose to rear. On the top of the craft, intersecting the red stripe, was painted the seal of the Fleet and a red eagle silhouette stretching its wings across the seal... another "brilliant" design touch from the Kansler. Argus found this choice of color odd - all other military ships, including the flagship wherein they stood, came in dull black stealth-paint.

  This little ship would stand out like a bright, flying sports car in any ordinary optic telescope. Flying this crazy thing must be like boxing Ali-style, Argus thought spontaneously: teasing the opponent to try and hit you, while letting your guard down.

  Two feet above the hangar floor, the ship stopped; Argus opened the side hatch and got into his pilot-seat. "Nav?" "Navbutler here," the familiar voice from the simulations said rapidly. "This is Terran Fleet craft F-3020, all systems ready for real-space test flight one."


  At the pilot's com-link request, the hangar was evacuated. Yellow warning lamps flashed everywhere. Dozens of crewmen in spacesuits scrambled out, and in a minute all atmosphere was pumped out of the hall. The rotation of the hangar section slowed down to a halt, so that the artificial gravity shut down. The floor below the suspended craft opened, slid away, and exposed black space outside.

  Argus could glimpse the stars - and in the distance, the far side of the Moon facing the flagship. An accident now would not hit Earth, or not that hard, he thought, but he wasn't too sure about those living on the Moon...

  "Argus to Control, requesting flight release for F-3020 Flight One."

  "Yes, Argus, prepare for freefall. Moorings away."

  The giant crane arms opened, and the white ship floated freely on the verge of the open hangar entrance.

  "Argus to Control, do you recommend auto or manual takeoff?"

  The Kansler's voice sounded over the Control com-link: "Recommend a slow manual exit. Slow and steady, Argus."

  The cyborg felt his hands and feet tremble ever so little, as he moved them to activate the engines and force the retro-thrusters open. The ship turned around its center, the nose pointed out into open space, the rear boosters aimed at a blast-pad in the "ceiling". Gently, Argus nudged the ship outside, and let it float a few hundred meters.

  In the rearview display, he saw the flagship recede - slowly, for it was almost 400 meters long. From outside, this dreadnought showed nothing of its insides; the outer hull was an almost featureless dark-gray block of armor, shielding the 200-man crew against radiation, enemy attacks and the strain of G-forces.

  And here he was, for real this time, in bottomless space. Argus was not used to weightlessness and his small ship could not hold a centrifuge for simulation of gravity.

  "Relax your limbs," Navbutler suggested. "You are suffering a common psychological reaction to freefall."

  "I'm cool. I'm so cool my butt freezes to the seat."

  "Control to Argus, you ready to initiate the first test?"

  The list of test missions appeared on the control display.

  "Yeah, yeah, I mean yes, Control. Initiating first test... course plotted... so-and-so many degrees off the ecliptic, target star: Alpha Centauri. If the Jovians are watching us now, they're in for a surprise..."

  His ship felt very responsive and light. Argus noted that the control servo could be set as slow or fast as he wanted. If he just set off and kept accelerating, would the flagship be able to stop him? He could blast off and never return. Then again, what business had he on Alpha Centauri, without Venix? He prepared the antimatter reactor, and could feel a tingling of excitement grow in his limbs. Argus double-checked all the reactor and rocket-booster readings, and told Control that he was ready.

  "Argus, engage prime booster, acceleration rate at 1 to 30 G, absolutely no higher."

  "Yes. Engaging..."

  It was strange to risk one's life with an untried ship, knowing that it wasn't flesh and blood that would get killed if it blew up. What was he supposed to feel? Risking an expensive investment? The pride of the Fleet? His life, his duty to "Mother Earth"? He could only think of one risk that mattered right then: if he failed, Venix would be alone again.

  Slowly, he stepped on the throttle lever and the large booster awakened. The rocket vibrations could be felt through the cockpit, despite the vibro-dampers canceling most of them out with counterwaves. Argus felt the G-force press him back into his padded seat - but that was all. No rush of blood to or from his brain - for not a drop of blood flowed through him, just some lubricant and coolant.

  He stepped harder, pushing the acceleration to 5, then 10 G. Still he felt clear-headed, but heavier. The stars in the black sky, being so incredibly distant, did not move at all.

  But... a warning signal came from the radar panel. Thousands of kilometers ahead, objects ranging in size from 1 meter to 1 mile were crossing the ship's path.

  "Alert - incoming small asteroid cluster." Navbutler activated the response menu.



  1. STANDARD LASER, 5-10,000 C

  2. GAMMA LASER, 10-100,000 C
















  "Zero! Three! Four! Five!"

  The hours spent in simulation training with Navbutler paid off; cyborg and computer program used their private shorthand jargon. Immediately, the shield appeared in the forward view. The Leydenfrost shield looked to him like two shimmering thin plumes of ejected smoke, spreading out ahead then outward like two vast transparent umbrellas.

  Normal human eyes could not discern the shield without artificial aid. The ship radar indicated that the ship passed through the outer part of the asteroid cluster; smaller particles were annihilated as they collided with the shield's ultra-thin spray of antimatter ions.

  At this speed and acceleration, even a grain of space dust could punch a hole in the craft's armor plating.

  In the next second, the electromagnetic repulsion field powered up as Argus had ordered - the plume of the Leydenfrost shield was caught up in the field, shot out much further outward, and faded out of Argus's view. The radar showed the larger objects, only a second away from collision, and Argus fired the proton cannon, twice.

  For the first time, he could actually see how fast he was flying. The first asteroid to get hit, 1,000 kilometers ahead, exploded in a bright ball of white-hot gas and fragments. In a fraction of a second, the expanding cloud of gas engulfed the ship - and even though the fireball thinned out to almost nothing, the shield sparked and flickered, as particles were forced away or collided with the antimatter ions. Just as quickly, the fireworks around the ship ceased, and the cloud was gone, scattered into nothing.

  The ship was still accelerating at 10 G. Argus looked back, and he could not see the vast flagship anymore. Behind him, the Moon and Earth had receded into two small balls, illuminated by an ever-so-slowly shrinking Sun. The view ahead was
empty, except for the stars of the Milky Way and the bright Alpha Centauri straight ahead.

  "Status?" he asked.

  "Acceptable," Navbutler replied. "Suggest slight increase in acceleration?"

  Argus just nodded, and carefully pushed the acceleration toward 20 times Earth's gravity. Now he was really getting to feel uncomfortable with the pressure of acceleration. This, he imagined, must be what it felt like for those unfortunate gas-miners in Jupiter's atmosphere, who occasionally were dragged down by freak storms, then crushed by gravity and pressure in the darker depths.

  The vibrations from the rocket booster ceased; the countermeasure had tuned itself perfectly. Minutes passed... or was it hours? His eyesight focus began to blur, and his eyes felt like they didn't quite fit into their sockets.

  "Cyborg... status?" he asked in a strained voice.

  "Maintain muscle strain to counter G-forces, Argus."

  "And what if... I don't strain against... it?"

  "Scenario: your structure will start to flatten into your pilot-seat, which will also become deformed around you. It might become necessary to cut you loose from the seat upon return to flagship."

  A vague sense of physical fatigue was starting to set in, and he couldn't quite tell if it was a ghost reflex or a genuine warning that his batteries ran low. Argus kept fighting the G-forces and blurring eyesight. And his head was still clear, only a little light.

  His sense of time was starting to feel slightly off-kilter: at merely a fraction of the speed of light, the minute effects of time dilation affected his hyper-sharp senses.

  The light from outside the ship seemed just a hundredth of a degree warped; the radio and laser signals from the now so distant flagship became fainter, but played faster - just enough so he noticed. A low-level warning came up on his internal eye-display.






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