Doctor's Orders

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Doctor's Orders Page 10

by Deanna Ashford

  ‘That’s so good.’ She opened her legs wider and moved her hand restlessly across the bulge at his groin, feeling incredibly horny and eager to savour his unusual cock again.

  ‘Do you really want to go somewhere more private?’ Ben asked.

  ‘No.’ She rubbed urgent fingers across the fabric of his trousers, smiling to herself as she felt him immediately harden.

  Ben gave a low growling laugh and spun her around so that she was facing the bench, and pushed her forwards until the rolled edge of the bench dug into her belly. For a moment Helen tried to resist, the submissive pose reminding her too much of Max. However, Ben was far stronger than he looked. He held her imprisoned there while he pulled up her white coat, followed by her skirt, leaving them rucked untidily around her waist.

  ‘Don’t fight me,’ he whispered, kissing the nape of her neck. While on duty she always wore her long blonde hair up in a French pleat. When he stroked the sensitive spot with the moist tip of his tongue Helen shivered with desire, filled with an unquenchable need he could easily satisfy.

  She could feel his bulge pressing against her buttocks. Her cunt was wet and hungry for invasion, so aroused she wanted him even if half the hospital was watching.

  Ben jerked down her panties, letting them fall in a flimsy heap around her ankles, while he gently forced her upper body down across the bench. She heard the hiss of his zipper, then felt the hot smooth head of his cock slide intrusively between her buttock cheeks, and tenderly rim the tight entrance to her anus. She tensed, half fearing the invasion of the sensitive opening, yet craving the painful intrusion, all at the same time.

  ‘Relax, sweetheart,’ Ben muttered, as his prick slid lower, pushing its way between her eager pussy lips. The warmth of her own fluid flooded her sex, as Ben’s beautifully adorned cock slid slowly inside her, delving deeper until the root of his penis was jammed against her buttock cheeks, the sac of his balls brushing heavily against the back of her thighs.

  ‘Tense now, tighten that pussy – feel my cock,’ he commanded, leaning forwards so that the weight of his upper body held her pinned down.

  She obeyed without thinking, her internal muscles tightly embracing his rigid organ, feeling the line of hard nodules. They pressed against the inside of her sex, setting her senses alight with pleasure.

  Ben began to thrust hard, grinding his belly against her buttocks, and Helen instinctively stretched her arms forwards, gripping the back of the bench as he rode her in a wild gallop of lust. Her every nerve ending stretched taut as she writhed beneath him consumed by the absolute pleasure. Ben’s body tensed and shuddered and he groaned loudly as he achieved his release.

  For a moment they remained fused in a union of sated contentment, then very gently Ben withdrew and straightened. Too drained to move, Helen remained where she was for a moment, sprawled half naked across the laboratory bench, only half conscious of the faint rustle of fabric as Ben straightened his clothing. She lifted her head, just detecting a faint flicker of movement in the open doorway. As her eyes came into focus, she saw Justin standing there watching them, a leering, almost satanic grin on his face.

  Helen straightened and pulled down her skirts, feeling awkward and exposed now that she knew Justin had been watching them. Too embarrassed to glance again in Justin’s direction, she stepped out of her panties. She was about to reach down and stuff them in her pocket, but Ben got there first.

  ‘These are mine,’ he said with a chuckle. ‘If you don’t see me tonight, I’ll have the second best thing. I can smell them, then wrap them around my cock and use them to wank myself.’

  Helen gave an uneasy laugh, forcing herself to glance again at the open doorway. To her relief Justin was gone. ‘You’re sex mad, Ben.’

  ‘We’re all a little sex mad around here,’ he said, grinning. ‘Let’s go to the restaurant, we can discuss what we plan to do later this evening.’

  Chapter Five

  HELEN WAS APPROACHING the nurses’ station, in the East Wing, close to the Rochester Suite, when she overheard one of the junior nurses chatting to her colleague. ‘He’s gorgeous and so charming. I checked his pulse and touching him made me feel so horny. I swear my panty gusset got soaking wet.’

  The nurse giggled, then coloured in embarrassment as she realised that Helen might have heard what she said.

  ‘Can I do anything for you, Dr Dawson?’ she asked, casting an uneasy glance at her friend, who had also gone pink.

  ‘I’ve just examined Mrs Lichen,’ Helen replied rather curtly. ‘Her dressings need changing. They should have been done first thing this morning.’ Despite feeling irritated, she consciously softened her expression. ‘We all like a chat now and then, nurse Barker. But our patient’s needs must come first,’ she added, wanting to impress her authority without unnecessarily antagonising the staff working for her.

  ‘Of course, Dr Dawson.’ Nurse Barker nodded earnestly. ‘I’ll do the dressing straightaway.’

  Helen dumped the papers she was carrying on the counter as the young nurse hurried off, while her companion moved over to the medicine trolley. Helen had deliberately left Duncan until last, but she could prevaricate no longer; she had to check up on him now. Mr Hyatt, accompanied by Ben, had seen Duncan earlier that morning, and the records showed he was recovering well from his surgery.

  It would be the first time she had faced him while he was awake and alert. After her encounter with Ben in histology, she’d checked up on Duncan twice before going off duty. Both times he’d been asleep, and Helen had kept the visits brief and very professional – she’d not allowed temptation to overcome her again.

  Part of her regretted that lost opportunity, while logic told her that her decision to desist had been correct. What she’d contemplated would have in a way been akin to rape. A pang of conscience overcame her and she felt more than a little nervous as she walked over to Duncan’s room. Of course he would never know what happened, but she did and her heart began to beat a shade faster, her mouth growing dry with apprehension as she pushed open the door. She found Duncan sitting up in bed, leafing through a magazine, looking incredibly tasty in his black silk pyjamas. He looked to be in the best of health, but after such accidents appearances could be deceptive.

  ‘Helen,’ Duncan said, seeming to be pleased to see her.

  ‘So you remember me,’ she said, smiling.

  ‘Who could forget someone like you.’ His smile made her heart do a nervous somersault, and her knees tremble. ‘I didn’t know you worked here.’

  ‘A short-term assignment only,’ she explained. ‘Max arranged for me to come here after our NHS hospital closed.’

  ‘Why not? After all, he is the major shareholder here, so I’m reliably informed. You decided not to accompany him to the States, then?’

  ‘I may join him eventually, if everything works out OK,’ she replied cautiously. ‘But nothing’s set in stone.’

  ‘Come to think of it I had the weirdest dream last night,’ Duncan said thoughtfully, as he put down his magazine. ‘I dreamed an angel came to care for me. She 7looked just like you, Helen.’

  ‘Really?’ She laughed. ‘And I think you should get a new scriptwriter, Duncan.’ She picked up his chart and perused it, doing her best to appear cool and unconcerned.

  ‘Sounds pretty corny, I admit.’ He shrugged his shoulders and grinned. ‘I wasn’t lying. I did have a weird dream and the woman in it looked just like you – perhaps not in the guise of an angel though.’ He looked pointedly at her white coat. ‘But she was wearing white.’

  ‘Drugs do strange things to the mind,’ she said dismissively, trying not to think that her actions might have had something to do with his dream.

  The way Duncan was looking at her made her feel unsettled and slightly out of control. She fancied him like crazy, more than she’d ever fancied Max, or any other guy for that matter.

  Helen could understand why the nurses had been so overcome by his looks and charm. All the celebrities she ha
d ever come across had been somewhat of a disappointment, but not Duncan. He was even better looking in the flesh and was quite charming, not at all big-headed like most of the famous actors she had met. Perhaps she was being a bit harsh on the others she decided, after all she had looked in on Zara Dawn last night. She had proved to be very beautiful and far more pleasant and friendly than Helen had expected her to be.

  ‘How are you feeling, today?’ Helen asked.

  ‘Not bad, considering.’ Duncan looked down at the wire cage protecting his damaged foot. ‘My ankle aches and I’ve still got a headache. The nurse gave me some pills but they haven’t worked completely. There’s still a slight throbbing pain at the back of my head.’

  ‘You hit it pretty hard I understand. You were lucky to escape more serious injury. The headache is to be expected after a concussion,’ she told him as she clipped his chart to the foot of his bed. ‘If the pain in your head gets worse or you feel dizzy, or have any problems with your vision, tell the nurse at once. All the tests show you are fine, but with head injuries we can never be too careful.’

  ‘I feel so bloody stupid,’ he admitted, smiling wryly. ‘I mistimed a perfectly simple move and ended up in hospital, like this!’

  ‘A stunt, I understand?’

  Duncan nodded. ‘Yeah.’

  ‘I didn’t think high-profile movie stars did their own stunts.’

  ‘Some do, some don’t. I do as much as our insurers and the director will let me. I feel I’m cheating the moviegoers if I don’t.’ He ran a hand through his hair. ‘To be honest I enjoy it – the rush – the brief moment of fear.’

  ‘And your public love you for it. Your movies always seem to be high in the popularity stakes,’ she commented, trying to retain her professional manner as she moved to the side of the bed.

  ‘Yeah, I suppose they do.’ Duncan seemed almost embarrassed to admit it as he added, ‘The powers that be reckon I can open a movie. That means if my name’s on the credits it’s more or less bound to do well at the box office. I think it’s because the male punters love the spectacular action sequences.’

  ‘And the ladies?’

  ‘They are supposed to prefer the romantic bits – the sex scenes,’ he added with a faint grin. ‘To be honest I quite enjoy those myself. Most actors are lying if they say they don’t.’

  ‘And how does it feel to be every woman’s fantasy?’ she teased.

  ‘Am I your fantasy?’ he asked, his voice taking on a deeper seductive note.

  ‘I never said that.’ Her heart was now racing out of control, every fibre of her being conscious of his close proximity as the heat inside her pussy increased.

  Helen noticed that his eyelashes were incredibly long as he stared at her with his beautiful dark brown eyes. Her quim suddenly began to feel even hotter and incredibly moist as she noticed the way the thin silk of his pyjamas clung to his chest, revealing the muscular lines of his well-developed physique. She knew all too well what was hidden by his bedclothes, and as she recalled the sight of him helpless and naked, she began to feel a trace light-headed almost as if she were intoxicated by his presence.

  ‘You said every woman,’ Duncan reminded her.

  ‘I meant most,’ she amended, rather unconvincingly, as her mind was wracked by erotic thoughts. Sex seemed to be continually on her mind these days, and however much she had it never seemed enough.

  ‘Now you’ve disappointed me,’ he teased, his eyes sparkling. ‘Do you know I’ve always had a thing about lady doctors?’

  ‘Have you? So you like to see women in positions of authority?’

  ‘They fascinate me,’ he confessed. ‘Probably because I so often portray the dominant aggressive male.’

  ‘And would you like to be dominated, Duncan?’ Helen felt she was playing with fire as she leaned towards him and smiled suggestively.

  ‘I’ve not thought about it. I suppose the idea is titillating. Maybe I would find it a turn on – who knows?’ His expression held the hint of a challenge as he added, ‘Have dinner with me tonight, Helen. We can discuss it in more detail then. I’m told the food here is as good as any high-class restaurant, and I can promise you that the company will be stimulating.’

  Beneath the handsome movie star image there lurked an intelligent, very interesting man. Helen would love to get to know him better in any number of ways, but she didn’t want to appear too eager. ‘I don’t know,’ she said cautiously. ‘You’re supposed to be resting.’

  ‘You’re a refreshing change. Most women jump at my invitations, but only because I’m famous, not because they want to get to know who I really am. To be honest I’m just a regular guy who wants to enjoy the company of a charming, intelligent woman –’ he paused ‘– who also happens to be incredibly beautiful.’

  ‘You think flattery will convince me to say yes?’

  ‘I doubt that it would,’ he replied. ‘You strike me as very self-assured. I should guess once you’ve made up your mind nothing will change it.’

  That didn’t sound much like the person she’d been in the past, but since coming here, away from Max’s influence, she had started to change. ‘You may be right, Duncan. But as it happens, I’ve decided to say yes.’

  Helen was feeling restless and a little up-tight. She longed for the evening to come as she was looking forward to spending time with Duncan. But, despite the fact that he’d said she was beautiful and clearly wanted to spend time with her, she was still feeling incredibly nervous and insecure. She had not felt like this since she was a teenager, anticipating her first date. She had forgotten how stimulating and nerve-wracking such emotions could be.

  In the circumstances she decided to go down to the pool for a swim. Exercise calmed and relaxed her, and she’d taken none since being here, apart from her sexual athletics with Ben. Unfortunately all she had was a skimpy bikini that she used for sunbathing. During vigorous swimming the top had a tendency to slip off. However, it was doubtful that at this time of the day the pool would be crowded.

  The indoor swimming pool was Olympic size and very impressive. It was surrounded by palm trees and other exotic plants. Helen stripped off in one of the changing rooms and padded across the smooth marble floor towards the inviting blue water. The place was very warm, the atmosphere sultry and sub-tropical, and as far as she could see the pool area was totally deserted. To her right was a large alcove containing couches and loungers, along with a limited range of lightweight exercise equipment. The more complex machines were next door, in the gym.

  Helen heard a faint sound. She turned, glancing past a thick row of greenery and saw Ben standing by one of the couches in the alcove. To her amazement he was totally naked. Helen paused, and smiled, thinking that Ben had a rather cute bum; small but perfectly formed. It was then that she discovered Ben wasn’t alone, as another naked man strolled into her line of vision. This time she wasn’t surprised to see it was Justin. Looking at him totally nude for the first time, she discovered that Justin had a more well-developed physique than Ben’s, but he was still quite skinny compared to the muscular build of Duncan Paul.

  There was something very arousing about the sight of two naked men standing together, one so pale skinned, the other with a dark Mediterranean complexion. She had always been turned on by the sight of a good pair of masculine buttocks, and Justin’s were curvier, more well defined than Ben’s. Her excitement increased as Justin moved, and she caught sight of the chains on his nipples, his black pubic curls, and his flaccid, silver-decorated cock swinging enticingly between his slim thighs.

  Did they always swim in the nude? she wondered. She found that idea a tad surprising as patients used the pool as well. Some of the female patients might be shocked, while others might enjoy it, she thought smiling to herself.

  Helen paused for a moment, hidden from their sight by the row of plants, unsure whether to make her presence known to them or creep quietly away. However, something about their position, the way they were looking at each other in
cited her curiosity, making her decide to stay and watch. Justin spoke softly to Ben, then put his arm around his shoulders to pull him close. Tenderly Justin stroked and caressed Ben, sliding his hands downwards to cup his buttocks. His fingers kneaded and squeezed the firm flesh until Ben gave a faint groan of pleasure.

  She could barely believe her eyes as she watched Justin’s hand slip between Ben’s bum cheeks. Then she heard Ben’s gasp of delight as Justin’s fingers continued their even more intimate exploration, sliding teasingly inside his anus. Before this it had never crossed Helen’s mind that Ben might be bisexual, let alone that he and Justin were lovers. She watched transfixed as Ben responded by stroking Justin’s cock, gently caressing the shaft and the domed head, running his fingers teasingly around the base until the organ visibly stiffened.

  Justin turned so that they were belly to belly and took possession of Ben’s lips, kissing him passionately. This prequel to further intimacy stirred Helen, arousing previously unbidden erotic thoughts, wild lustful desires. She felt she was intruding on something private, but that only served to increase her need to stay.

  She crouched silently behind her veil of plants eager to see what would happen next as Justin led Ben to a low couch. Ben lay down on his back and Justin straddled his head, facing down towards his belly. Justin, his sexual organs dangling invitingly down over his companion’s face, stretched forwards until his head was level with Ben’s pelvis and they were in the perfect position to perform mutual fellatio. Helen waited with bated breath, her pussy hot and aching, aroused by the eroticism of the moment.

  Ben took hold of Justin’s cock and guided it between his lips, just as Justin pulled Ben’s penis deep inside his mouth. The two men were fused together in a tableaux of lust, their bodies held stretched and tautly perfect as they started to performed their rite of worshipful intimacy.

  Helen watched with hungry concentration as Justin’s lips slid up and down Ben’s fat prick, leaving it slick and shiny, moistened by its coating of saliva. At the other end of the couch, Ben energetically sucked and licked Justin’s cock and Helen felt her quim tingle with excitement as a warm wetness seeped into her bikini bottoms. She had to stay and witness the conclusion, wishing she could fling off her own clothes and join in this supremely masculine act of pleasure.


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