Doctor's Orders

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Doctor's Orders Page 23

by Deanna Ashford

  Colin towelled the sweat from his face and slipped off his singlet. After spending time with Zara, he planned to hang around near theatre round about midnight, as it was more or less definite that the new arrival from the annex would be undergoing surgery tonight. Fran had left him a message on his answerphone: Jack was due to work this evening and intended to get to the operating theatre just after 11p.m., when most of the night staff would have carried out their evening routine and be settling down for a quiet few hours of relaxation.

  Wondering if anyone was in the gym, Colin peered through the glass panel in the gym door. He was surprised to see both Ben and Sandra working out on the machines. Both were wearing only brief shorts and singlets, and it was obvious that Ben had no pockets to keep his keys in. If the keys were in Ben’s bag, here in the locker room, Colin thought he might have just enough time to steal them, break into Justin’s office, then replace the keys before Ben finished his workout. Pathology closed at 5 p.m., so he was more or less safe from discovery.

  Glancing round the locker room, Colin spotted two bags close together, one pink, one navy. Dropping his sweat-stained top on the bench, he began to rifle through the dark-blue canvas bag. The first thing he found of any interest was Ben’s wallet, with a number of credit cards and nearly five hundred pounds in cash; a lot of money especially for a none-too-well-paid doctor. Rifling deeper, Colin still couldn’t find any keys, but he did pull out a loose-leafed, leather-covered book about the size of a personal organiser. There were lists of names and dates, even brief medical notes on some of the patients, probably all pertaining to his Ampesoman trials. However, there were thirty to forty names on the list, far more than Helen had found so far. Also there was a word, written in capital letters in a red felt-tipped pen on the back page of the book: PANDORA. Colin had no idea what that meant.

  If Colin’s instincts hadn’t been honed by the years he’d spent in the army, he would never have heard the faint sound of someone approaching. He dropped Ben’s stuff back in the bag and turned around to see Justin stroll casually into the locker room.

  ‘Hi, Colin,’ Justin said, not appearing at all suspicious of Colin as he stepped nonchalantly away from Ben’s bag. ‘Planning a workout?’ Justin asked

  ‘I was,’ Colin replied. ‘But my run took longer than I initially intended. I haven’t much time to spare so I think I might just take a shower.’

  ‘Nothing like strenuous exercise to work out one’s demons,’ Justin joked.

  ‘I don’t have any demons,’ Colin replied, stepping away from Justin.

  ‘Don’t forget this.’ Justin picked up a navy towel edged in scarlet. ‘It’s yours isn’t it?’

  ‘No, it’s not,’ Colin replied hurriedly. ‘I came over here to examine it, because I thought it was the towel I left here by mistake a couple of days ago.’

  ‘Any stuff left around at the end of the day gets gathered up by the cleaners, and lodged with matron’s secretary,’ Justin pointed out .‘Didn’t you know that?’

  Colin shrugged his shoulders. ‘Guess I forgot.’

  ‘Guess you did.’ Justin eyed him thoughtfully. ‘By the way, could you do me a favour?’


  ‘Yeah. With all your service training, you must be able to give me a few pointers on body building. I’m having a little trouble with my bench presses.’

  ‘Sure,’ Colin confirmed, hiding his reluctance to have anything to do with Justin. ‘When?’

  ‘Now, if you wouldn’t mind.’ Justin looked at him expectantly. ‘It’ll only take a moment.’

  ‘It’ll be my pleasure,’ Colin said with a fake smile, then followed Justin into the gym.

  Ben and Sandra, both sweating and breathing heavily, turned to look at Colin. He had never seen Sandra out of uniform before, and he couldn’t believe the skimpiness of her shorts and top. The brief white singlet clung damply to the curves of her large breasts, and her nipples stood out like organ stops. Her shorts were so tight that they rode up at the crotch, the fabric slipping tautly between her pussy lips, drawing Colin’s eyes like a magnet. Sandra seemed equally fascinated by him as she stared at his muscular chest.

  ‘Colin’s going to give me a few pointers,’ Justin announced.

  ‘Is he?’ Sandra stepped forward and squeezed Colin’s muscular upper arms. ‘Very impressive.’ She glanced downwards, as if also trying to gauge the size of his sexual organs.

  Justin moved over to the first weights bench, and placed a number of weights at either end of the thick steel bar. ‘One hundred kilos OK?’

  ‘I can manage that,’ Colin agreed, feeling a little self-conscious as he lay down on the bench, tucking his knees down over the end, while all three of them stared at him expectantly. ‘I usually work with a little less weight and do more reps.’

  Ben moved to the head of the bench, ready to help Colin if the need arose, watching him intently as he positioned his hands on the bar.

  ‘That’s the right position, is it?’ Justin asked.

  ‘About perfect, I’d say.’ Sandra moved closer to Colin.

  ‘Now lift, and lower slowly, keeping your breathing just right.’ Colin demonstrated, his muscles bulging under the weight, as he eased it down across his chest then lifted. ‘Don’t forget to exhale as you lift it up from your chest.’

  Colin did four more reps, then went to replace the bar, thinking he must do this more often, as his arms were feeling a trace weary. He’d not been exercising much recently; first there had been the course on aromatherapy, then Zara.

  ‘Don’t stop yet,’ Justin pleaded. ‘A few more, just so that I can really get the hang of the technique.’

  Colin didn’t like to refuse – he was a well-built guy and didn’t want to appear weak in front of Ben and Justin. He did three more reps, now able to feel the faint burn as the lactic acid built up in his muscles.

  Just as he lowered the bar to his chest for the last time, Justin stepped astride his prone body, and placed his hands between Colin’s on the steel bar, pushing down with his entire weight. If Colin had been fresher, he could have easily pushed Justin off and lifted the bar back on to its rack. But Justin had timed his move well, and Colin was just a shade too tired to gather enough momentum to lift the bar away from his chest. All he could do was tense his muscles and keep a tight hold on the bar to prevent the entire thing slipping forwards and crushing his throat.

  ‘Ease off, Justin, the joke’s over,’ Colin gasped, staring up at him.

  ‘It’s not over by a long chalk,’ ‘Justin sneered. ‘I want to know why you were rummaging around in Ben’s bag. I didn’t figure you as a thief, Colin.’

  ‘My bag?’ Ben exclaimed in angry surprise.

  ‘Thief,’ Colin muttered, finding it hard to speak as he struggled with the weight, trying to prevent it crushing him, his muscles screaming under the pressure. ‘I’m no thief.’

  ‘Then what were you doing in Ben’s bag?’ Justin challenged. ‘Tell me, and this can be over.’

  ‘I’m no thief,’ Colin insisted, unable to tell Justin the truth without compromising himself and Helen.

  ‘Tell me,’ Justin pressed. ‘Or I’ll have to force it out of you.’

  ‘By killing me?’ Colin’s muscles were threatening to give way, but he dare not let go if he wanted to survive.

  ‘We don’t want to harm you,’ Sandra assured him.

  ‘We just want the truth.’ Justin eased his weight from the bar, still applying just enough extra pressure to stop Colin from lifting it. ‘Think how unhappy Miss Dawn would be if there was an unfortunate accident.’

  ‘No, Justin,’ Sandra said sharply. ‘This has gone far enough.’

  He flashed her a sullen, angry look. ‘I can make him tell me, eventually.’

  ‘Ease off me, and I’ll tell you,’ Colin begged, desperately trying to retain control of his aching muscles. He could feel them trembling now under the pressure, and feared they could give way at any moment.

  ‘For God’s
sake, help him, Ben.’ Sandra sounded genuinely concerned. Colin summoned all his strength and, without waiting for Justin’s approval, Ben somehow managed to help him lift the hundred kilos and place the barbell back on its stand.

  Colin lay there, panting with exertion, his arms feeling weak and shaking slightly, while Ben rolled the stand back, away from Colin’s head. Justin didn’t move, he just sat heavily on Colin’s chest, making sure his weakened captive wouldn’t be able to sit up. Colin was past caring; he was giving his body time to recover its strength, while he desperately tried to think of an innocent reason why he would be rifling through the contents of Ben’s bag. Unfortunately he could think of nothing convincing, other than the truth, and that wasn’t a viable option.

  ‘If you’re not a thief, what are you, Colin?’ Justin taunted. ‘How about a spy?’

  ‘Spy?’ Colin repeated. ‘Spying on what in a bloody hospital? I’m just a staff nurse, Justin.’

  ‘Who rifles through other people’s belongings,’ Ben accused.

  ‘And chooses to mix with the wrong kind of people. You seem very pally with Dr Dawson. Why, may I ask?’ Sandra quizzed.

  ‘Because I like her,’ Colin retorted. ‘My friends are, after all, my business.’

  ‘Not in this hospital.’ Sandra stepped closer, running appreciative hands over Colin’s bare chest. ‘You’ve found yourself a rich older woman. You’ll be leaving soon to live off her millions. Wouldn’t it be safer to keep your nose clean until then?’

  ‘You wouldn’t want anything to jeopardise your future,’ Justin added, as Colin felt something touch his legs. He realised, way too late, that Ben was fixing a thick leather weight lifting belt around his calves, strapping his lower limbs to the legs of the bench.

  ‘Hey,’ Colin growled. ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘Didn’t you hear what Justin said?’ Sandra trailed her fingers over his nipples. ‘You don’t want to compromise your position with Zara, do you?’

  ‘Of course I don’t,’ he gasped. Sandra was pulling on his nipples, teasing them into pert peaks, and Colin began to feel very nervous – everything was getting way out of control. ‘I’ve no intention of doing that.’

  ‘I think you might have already compromised your position,’ Justin said softly, easing himself back so that he was sitting astride Colin’s stomach. ‘Getting dismissed for attempted theft might make Miss Dawn think twice.’

  ‘Do you think it would scare her to know that her gigolo was also a thief?’ Sandra leaned closer, her breast pressing against Colin’s side, while she trailed her fingers down his arm. He didn’t realise what she was up to as she circled his wrist, not until the warmth of her finger was replaced by the cold hardness of metal. Hearing a slight click, Colin tried to move and discovered that she had handcuffed his wrist to the underside of the bench. He struck out with his one free arm, but Justin and Ben acted swiftly. Catching hold of his forearm they manhandled it down, just managing to confine his wrist in a similar fashion.

  ‘This is insane,’ Colin gasped, watching in disbelief as Sandra slipped off her clothing. She was amply built and as she moved, her breasts jiggled enticingly.

  ‘Insane?’ Justin grinned wickedly. ‘There are many ways to compromise people, Colin. If one doesn’t work, we try another.’

  Sandra rubbed her full breast against Colin’s chest, and he tried to fight his arousal, all too aware that this exercise was designed to compromise rather than cause physical harm. But his body didn’t appear to want to do what his mind told it. He tensed, struggling to keep tight control over the sudden overpowering sensation of lust, but almost of its own accord his cock begin to harden.

  ‘Zara might not be willing to believe you are a thief, but I bet she won’t be too happy to learn that when you’re not with her, you spend your time engaged in hedonistic pursuits with other members of staff,’ Sandra purred.

  ‘Perhaps photographic evidence,’ Ben suggested.

  Colin stared at Sandra’s breasts, never having seen such huge nipples on a woman. As she rubbed them teasingly across his small paps, he experienced an even stronger surge in his libido, knowing that the very positive evidence of his arousal now distended his tight jersey shorts.

  ‘Let me see his cock.’ Sandra tried to peer past Justin. ‘Is it hard yet?’ she asked, grinning wickedly at her erstwhile boyfriend.

  She gave a delighted laugh as Justin stepped aside and jerked down the captive’s shorts to allow Colin’s rampant cock to rear away from his flat stomach. ‘Deliciously hard,’ Justin replied.

  ‘You’ll enjoy yourself, Sandra,’ Ben said, eyeing Colin’s cock. ‘He’s pretty well endowed.’

  ‘You’d be amazed, Colin. Lots of muscular guys have tiny dicks,’ Sandra confided, seeming pleased with herself as she settled down by his side again. ‘It’s the steroids they use.’ She tweaked his nipple, then pinched it until it turned red. ‘Does Zara like to feel your big cock thrusting inside her, or does she like you going down on her best?’

  Not waiting for an answer, Sandra lapped at his nipples sucking on one, gnawing at it with her teeth. Colin felt the blood rush to his groin, as sexual need overwhelmed his senses. There was something perversely arousing about being tied down and forced to endure this, however much he disliked and despised his tormentors. Then he felt hands stroking his private parts, hands that could only belong to Justin or Ben. They cupped his balls, caressing them gently before teasing fingers slid up and down the shaft of his penis. He felt his balls tighten, and his cock stiffen even more. He was being touched by a man, yet those gentle fingers knew how to titillate beyond endurance. Colin had never had a homosexual experience, but he had always wondered what it would be like.

  He closed his eyes for a second, thinking that, male or female, it made no difference – the tantalising touch felt delicious all the same. There was no point in trying to resist, or fight the onslaught on his senses. He was bound and totally helpless. Colin relaxed, allowing the caressing movements to further seduce his senses, as his cock stiffened even more.

  Sandra stroked his chest, sucking greedily on his nipples, while he felt other lips touch his sex; a soft, wet mouth, kissing, licking, inciting his passions, sending them spiralling out of control. A moist tongue circled his penis, lapping at his balls, then his cock-head was pulled between willing lips. They sucked so hard on the shaft that his insides cramped. The pleasure was utterly exquisite and he wanted it to continue forever. So many hands, so many mouths, all pleasuring him at the same time.

  Colin’s cock was buried deep in the warm, moist cavern of Ben or Justin’s mouth, while Sandra kissed him, stabbing her tongue against his. Colin allowed himself to drown in the sea of hedonistic pleasure, surrendering himself completely as somewhere in the distance he heard a man moan, never realising it was him.

  Justin, Ben and Sandra toyed with his senses, taking him higher and higher and Colin’s desire rose swiftly, quick and sudden lust ripping through him as his balls tensed ready for climax. Then nimble fingers squeezed his cock head, and he felt his passion start to deflate, stifling his rush of pleasure, preventing him from coming.

  Colin groaned in frustration, but was compensated by the sight of Sandra’s shaved quim as she straddled his chest. She moved her body forwards, gradually lowering her open sex on to his face, almost smothering him with her soft, ample flesh. She smelt stronger and muskier than Zara but good all the same.

  He pressed his lips to the scarlet slit, pulling the fragrance of her pussy deep into his lungs. Sliding his tongue between her labia, he ran the tip of it along her moist slit, pausing to circle her generously sized clit. Colin pulled it into his mouth, sucking on it hard, only vaguely conscious of Sandra’s moan of pleasure.

  He needed to tear his arms from his bonds and thrust his fingers deep into her, to finger-fuck her beyond endurance. Instead, he stabbed his tongue into her moist fleshy depths, caressing her soft internal walls until her belly trembled with bliss.

  Sandra was
close to coming when she pulled away from Colin, sliding down his prone form to straddle his hips. Colin wanted her desperately, yet he still despised the physical hunger that consumed his senses as she sheathed herself on his sex. Colin felt her soft, wet flesh embrace his cock, tightening around it until strong sensations of lust flooded his body, blocking out all negative thoughts.

  He strained upwards with his hips, thrusting deeper, but his movements were held in check by his bonds. Sandra responded, pushing her hips downwards so that her pelvis was jammed hard against his pubic bone. As Sandra continued to ride his body, thrusting wildly up and down, Colin lost himself in the lewd pleasures of the senses.

  Suddenly Justin stepped astride his upper chest and Colin found himself facing an engorged prick, which waved tantalisingly in front of his face. Colin was surprised to discover he was far from repulsed, and instinctively he reached forwards and pulled it between his lips, turned on by the feel of the silver balls that pierced its head.

  Lust overtook his entire being, and the lewd carnality of the experience was so powerful that it blocked out everything but the search for ever increasing pleasure. Sandra continued to bounce up and down on his throbbing dick as Colin pulled Justin’s penis deeper into his mouth, sucking on it tenderly, while Ben moved behind his head, leaning forwards to push his organ into Justin’s willing mouth.

  All four of them were melded together in a tableaux of intimacy so exquisitely hedonistic that the logical part of Colin’s brain couldn’t even begin to believe this was happening. Justin’s cock slid deeper, forcing Colin’s throat muscles to contract around the head. Colin sucked hard with his lips, filled with the sudden need to draw Justin’s spunk into his mouth at the very moment he achieved his own release. Tension built swiftly, then a sudden surging pressure swept through Colin’s groin, shooting out of his cock, as Justin’s creamy offering spurted down his throat.


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