Shadows of Doubt

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Shadows of Doubt Page 4

by Corcoran, Mell

  “Well hello boys! I didn’t think you were going to grace us with your presence today!” She clutched at the edge of the desk for a moment to regain her balance, then gleefully popped up and out of her chair. After grabbing a clipboard from a drawer and what appeared to be a stack of sticky-notes at least an inch thick, she pulled a pencil from behind her ear and skipped over to the men that hulked over her by well more than a foot. “Well?” She tapped the eraser of the pencil to her cheek and offered it to them. One by one, starting with Max, each of the men bent down low, kissed her cheek and grinned.

  “Abby, these public displays of affection are highly damaging to our bad-ass image.” Finn said as he leaned down to give her his kiss.

  “Not to mention undermine our authority.” Max added with amusement.

  The pixie of a woman snorted and swatted at Max’s shoulder. “Oh silly boys! You’re bad-assness and authority will be undermined the day I hit five feet tall, without heels. Besides, if anything, it reminds people you are not complete ogres.” She smiled up at Max sweetly. He couldn’t help but laugh at the statement while the other men attempted to restrain their own chuckles and snorts.

  The large circular desk where Abigail LaRue sat at the helm was known simply as “Admin”. The central hub of the hive. All of the desks in the room were high-tech, high-gloss black and sat atop plush black wall-to-wall carpeting. Soft, soothing indirect lighting bathed down along the brushed silver walls and a long silver backless s-shaped couch sat in the middle of the room for the rare visitor to wait comfortably.

  Abby was the Executive Administrator of all things. She was the Gatekeeper who would either handle a matter herself or filter things as needed to a specific department of which each lieutenant was in charge. Each lieutenant had two administrative assistants, or “ad-asses” as Abby liked to call them. These were the ones who were seated at the desks flanking each of the five doorways. Much like sentries at the gate. The doorways off to either side led to each department’s command center then further on to each lieutenant’s private office. The double doors at the far end of the hive, however, were where the buck ultimately stopped. As Dominor of the U.S., and the whole of North America for that matter, everything lived or died by Max’s word, or fist. Whichever the case might require.

  Max headed toward his doors with Abby at his side and his lieutenants close behind him. Abby pointed to the “ad-ass” known as the apparently colorblind Karl. He nodded, knowing that this meant he was to watch the gate while Abby was with the Dom. As they walked, Abby slapped sticky-notes, one after the other, to Max’s chest while rattling off the current state of affairs, bringing him up to speed. She was the only person in the universe who could get away with such shenanigans with Max. Though he grimaced with each slap, he endured the torture, peeling off each note as they came, giving it a cursory glance. Max truly adored Abby’s sense of humor and looked forward to seeing her every day. He often felt she was the daughter he wished he could have had.

  “Abby...” He tried to interrupt her rant. “... Abby...” The double doors to his office opened before they could break stride and Abby continued her dissertation and sticky-note dispensation, unaffected.

  “... then your video conference in an hour with London and I am fully aware you are leaving for L.A. tomorrow for an undetermined amount of time.” She ended her rant with the knowledge of events that had only minutes ago been decided.

  “Oh?” He stopped and stared down at her with raised brow.

  “I know. Frankie notified me immediately so that I could assist with logistics and supplies. “Her sweet smile was forced this time and he knew it. She hated it when he was gone.

  “It shouldn’t take long. “He offered the small consolation. “I will conference with you every morning, I promise.”

  “Oh I know. That doesn’t mean I have to like it.” She turned her cheek to him and he smiled softly as he bent down to give her another kiss. “If you were the all supreme genius Dom that I know you to be, you would take me with you.”

  “Abby, how could I feel comfortable, ever, leaving all this without you here to oversee things?”

  “That’s a load of crap, with all due respect, my Dom. You know perfectly well that I can do what I do here while doing what I need to do for you, with you.” The batting of eyelashes was added to the sweet smile for dramatic effect.

  Niko plopped down into one of the overstuffed sofas and grunted. “What are we? Chopped liver? Last time I checked the four of us were the Aegis Council, no?”

  Abby walked over and patted Niko softly on the shoulder. “Of course you are, Niko, of course you are.” She spoke in a deliberately soothing, tone as one would to a small child.

  Finn plopped down next to Niko and slung an arm around his comrade’s shoulder. “Bro, you and I both know damn well that half the time we can’t find our own asses without calling Abby for directions.”

  Niko smiled wide and looked up at Abby, echoing her words to Max only moments ago, imitating her voice uncannily. “Oh I know. That doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  Laughter erupted around the room and Max shook his head and grinned as he moved around to his desk, slapping the pile of sticky-note down on his blotter. “Abby, my sweet, would you please get Frank? I need both of you to come take a seat with us. We have business to discuss. Also, have Drew hold everything but the London call, have him buzz when that comes in.”

  “You betchya my Domaliscious.” She twirled around and skipped out the door as only Abby could.

  “Domaliscious?” Max looked at his lieutenants. “I know I should be offended by these pet names...”

  “Its Abby, she can tell us to go screw ourselves and we think its cute.” Niko smirked. “And I say that from personal experience.”

  Yuri snickered and nodded in agreement. “She is a treasure. I would rather lose my foot than her.”

  “Which brings me to an issue we are going to have to face, gentlemen.” Max took his seat in the large glossy black leather chair that sat behind his enormous ebony wood desk. “If my suspicions about the West Coast are confirmed, the time may have come to erect a formal operations base out there.” He could see the disgruntled looks pass between the men and was not surprised in the least. The process of establishing a formal base out west meant massive logistics and massive manpower. “This isn’t a new issue.” He continued. “We’ve been mulling things over for well over a decade now. I need you all to be thinking and preparing for that time. Whether or not it is now, it is coming.”

  “We know that Max, but its not something we really are looking forward to.” Niko shifted in his seat uncomfortable with the topic.

  “We have a tight ship here.” It was stating the obvious but Max felt it bore acknowledging. “Abby has this administration running like a dream, as she continually reminds us. If we find that Los Angeles is necessary, seating a new council could play in perfectly with the longevity issues.”

  The implication of Max’s words had them sitting up in their seats, muttering and looking at each other in shock. The normal course of seating a new council meant splitting them all up, the two senior lieutenants being assigned to the new council and a new Dominor, which meant someone that was not Max.

  “Splitting us up? But we are the Aegis! No, we are family!” Connor looked sad as he admitted the weakness they all shared. There was more then camaraderie, there was true family and admiration among them and that was a precious thing in their world.

  “Dominor! A new council?!” Niko struggled to find the appropriate words. “Max, I pledged my fealt
y to you! You cannot expect me.... us...”

  “Wait, wait!” Max interrupted him even though it did his heart good to see the loyalty and care in his First Lieutenant’s face. “It may not be necessary to split the council.” The four men looked at him curiously. “At least not permanently. There are a few provisions in the Law that actually work in our favor here. I won’t bore you with specifics right now but the bottom line is I will petition the Senatus to allow me to preside over both councils. In similar fashion to what was done with Canada. If that is acceptable to you all. It must be unanimously agreed by each of you, of course.”

  “Holy crap don’t do that to me bro! Of course we agree!” Finn stood up and went straight to the bar across the room, pulled a large decanter from the fridge and poured himself a drink.

  “No shit man!” Connor rose from the couch and followed Finn to the bar. “Pour me one of those, would ya?”

  Finn grabbed four more glasses as he saw his comrades approach. “I think we all could use a drink after that little hiccup.” He pointed a finger at Max and motioned for him to join them.

  “You all realize it will be more work for all of us, not just me. I also need you all to keep a lid on this until the time comes. Abby will freak out a thousand times worse than any of you just did and she won’t calm down unless my petition is granted.” All four of his lieutenants nodded in understanding and with that Max rose from his chair and strode to the bar. “And I am sorry. I obviously didn’t articulate my thoughts very well. I should have opened with the provisions rather than the way I did.” Although he was their leader, they were very much his brothers after all these years and all they had been through. It couldn’t have been any other way. He raised his glass to them. “Brothers, aeternitas!”

  “Aeternitas” The men echoed his words, clanked their glasses together then drained them dry. They all slammed their glasses down just as Abby and Frank entered the office, securing the doors behind them. Abby skipped up to the bar and looked at the empty glasses with a pout.

  “Aww, I missed a toast!” Looking at Finn behind the bar with puppy dog eyes, he grabbed a pair of fresh glasses and poured her and Frank a drink.

  “My Dom, my Lords.” Frank greeted the men with the formal fist-over-heart salute and bowed his head respectfully before stepping up to the bar stoically. He was a well built man of six feet, two inches and looked every bit the Irish boxer he once was. Waves of chestnut hair fell in choppy layers to frame the strong angular face and wily hazel eyes.

  “All the arrangements have been taken care of, my Dom.” There was the faint lilt of Ireland in his voice. “All your usual personal effects are packed and ready to go. All the gear you may or may not require is packed and ready to go as well. The jet leaves Dulles at 12:00 p.m. Eastern time and arrives in Burbank rather than LAX at 2:43 p.m. Pacific. Your preferred suite at the Chateau is being prepared according to usual specification as we speak and I’ve arranged for a separate car to take your things to the hotel since I was certain you would want to deal with business immediately.”

  Max nodded in approval. “And the meetings?”

  “My Dominor, ass kissing shall commence in you’re suite at precisely 7 p.m..” Frank’s face remained formal and all business as he continued his sardonic recital despite the muffled snickers and snorts within the room. “With an estimate of one hour for each report and ritual brown nosing, I anticipate that you’re ass should be thoroughly kissed and tuckered out by 1 a.m..”

  “Excellent.” Max had long grown accustomed to Frank’s colorful embellishments and only cracked a slight grin. “Grab your drinks and let’s get down to business. We have much to discuss and sort out before I leave.”

  Weather conditions in Washington had been close to blizzard-like and delayed their departure by several hours. With that and the infamous Los Angeles rush hour traffic, they were seriously behind schedule when they finally arrived at the Department of Coroner well after dark. Peter Carpesh ushered Max and Frank nervously through the corridor and back into a large storage area that was icy, smelled of antiseptic, formaldehyde and death. The walls were lined with cantilevered shelving, stacked with dozens of bodies stuffed in bags either waiting to be claimed or otherwise disposed of. They approached the stainless steal rolling cart that the body-bag in question was placed on and Carpesh unzipped it to reveal the body of one Angela Talbott. Max’s body began to vibrate with rage as he took in the level of brutality inflicted upon the girl. Though there was no signature left by the killer, Max knew instantly from the very depths of his core that this was his guy.

  “And what of the previous victim?” Max growled.

  “Mm.. my Dominor...” Carpesh stuttered nervously and shrank at the anger in Max’s voice. “...that was over two months ago. No next of kin was located, no one claimed her. There was little I could do to stall so she was cremated a few weeks ago.” The Ukrainian’s eyes darted about as he tried to think of something that would appease his Dominor. “But! Detailed photos are in the file I sent, along with copies of all reports, as well as my notes.” He looked at Frank apprehensively.

  “The report is at the suite along with copies of the data on this one here.” Frank interjected on Carpesh’s behalf, which was clearly appreciated.

  “I contacted the local agents, three times before the body was disposed of.” Carpesh’s accent was growing thicker by the minute once again. “No one came or followed up with me. So when this girl came in, I contacted the Council directly. Miss LaRue requested everything I had and then, well, you know the rest since you are now here.” Stuffing his hands into the pockets of his crisply ironed lab coat, Carpesh waited for Max to begin reprimanding him.

  “Frank, bring the car up and make sure our guests for this evening are on time.” Max’s eyes never left the body of the brutalized girl as Frank nodded, then hurried out of the room to comply. “Mr. Carpesh, I am deeply disturbed that you were not properly addressed by our agents here.” The small man winced at first, then looked up at Max with puzzlement. “I want a detailed report by the end of the week of any and all other instances when local agents neglected to respond to reports out of this facility.”

  “Ye.. yes... Of course my Dom.” Carpesh stammered. “You will have it without delay.”

  Max turned and met Peter Carpesh’s wide eyed gaze. “I promise you there will be no further dereliction, ever. You have done well here and I am pleased with entrusting you with this station.”

  “My Dominor.” The little man seemed to grow in stature before Max’s eyes as he gave him the fist-over-heart salute and bowed his head. “You honor me with your words.”

  “You honor yourself by your diligence.” Max spoke sincerely then turned toward the exit pausing once more to look at the body of Angela Talbott. “Keep me apprised of anything further. You know how to reach me.” Without waiting for a reply, Max made his way out.

  Though time held little meaning for the dead, it had been an important factor in planning Max’s visit to the morgue. Fewer employees roaming about meant fewer chances for someone to question who he was and why he was there. Fortunately, a lone man in coveralls diligently mopping the main corridor and Peter Carpesh had been the only two people Max had encountered on his way in. Unfortunately, on his way out, Max stepped through the double doors into the main corridor just as a woman was entering. Noting the worn jeans and clunky boots she was wearing, he deduced she was not an employee who would question his presence in a restricted area and was therefore of little concern. But as they came closer to one another he couldn’t help but take notice of her. She
was a petite young woman, perhaps thirty years or so if he had to make a guess. She strode through the hall with a strong and confident gait, shoulders back and head held high. Her hair was cropped in sharp angles, a style reminiscent of one many women had worn in the 1920’s and 30’s. The glossy color was that of rare, well aged cognac and contrasted nicely with her lightly bronzed skin. Though her clothing was grubby (the jacket she wore looked to be a man’s second-hand blazer that was at least two sizes too big for her) there was something elegant and regal about her. Her nose was delicately carved and balanced nicely with her fine cheekbones. The line of her jaw was strong yet graceful and her lips were full and lush with the perfect hint of cupid’s bow. Just before they passed each other he caught her eyes looking back at him. The piercing green caught him and for one instant he felt his heart skip a beat. The shock of it made him look forward immediately and he picked up his pace as he headed down the hall, resisting the urge to look back. What on earth was he doing? A woman making his heart skip, an average stranger; it was nonsense. Pushing the door to the parking lot open with conviction, he scolded himself for his momentary lapse into the ridiculous. Frank stood at the car with the door open, waiting for him.


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