Shadows of Doubt

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Shadows of Doubt Page 26

by Corcoran, Mell

  “I could hack it and let you listen.” Frank chimed in. “That way she’s off the hook, and if I am getting this whole weird woman love rationalization thing, Lou might think it was romantic if she ever found out.”

  “Oh Frankie, you make me so proud!” Abby hugged him again.

  “That’s really quite brilliant.” Caroline looked at Frank, completely impressed.

  “Do it.” Max ordered and Frank pulled a laptop over and started clicking away furiously. “So if I am catching on at all, you need to back me up if Lou ever finds out and explain that I only did it because I was trying to find out how she felt. Okay? He looked at both women.

  “By George I think he’s got it, too!” Caroline did a little dance.

  “Geez, I don’t know if I ever want to get this kind of logic.” Niko got up and went to the bar.

  “Okay, here we go.” Frank turned the laptop around so the speakers were facing Max then hit a key to play the messages.

  The first message Lou left Caroline started to play and it had been before Max and she actually met.

  “Yummy Morgue Guy?” He looked at Caroline but everyone shushed him. The next message started to play.

  “Caroline, its Lou again. I totally blew it. I am such a total ass I can barely stand it. This guy has got to think I am a total mental defect. You are going to so freak out on me when I tell you how bad I blew it today. I’m on my way home from the club now to drown myself or smother myself or something. Please call me as soon as you get this.”

  Max couldn’t help but smile, but he felt horrible that Lou was feeling bad. He wanted to go right now and tell her that she could never blow anything with him, ever. But he sat and listened as the third and latest message started.

  “Hey woman, where the hell are you? I’m starting to worry. Your parents had better not have kidnapped you and taken you back to Georgia. Listen, I need to talk to you because I am doing my usual mind-screw thing over Max. That’s his name by the way. Anyhow, I know I blew it and that’s just that. The bigger issue is why the hell was he at the morgue in the first place? According to Joe he had just landed so he had to have gone straight there from the plane. Then what the hell was he doing at the Winslow crime scene? He knows something or he’s in it some how. I need you. Call me. Please.”

  “See?!” Caroline looked at him and gloated. “She is such a cop. The way to her heart is to get you two working on the case together. You indoctrinate the cop, not the woman you love. The rest will just pop, I know it. You just cannot be afraid for her to know how you feel and you have got to stop being afraid of how you feel yourself! So what if you let slip the whole she’s beautiful thing. Let it flow if it wants to. She is so worth it.”

  “I gotta tell you bro, after hearing that last message, I think she’s totally right.” Niko said as he leaned against the bar.

  Max considered the situation for the millionth time. “Bring me a drink, would you?”

  “My Dom, the way Caroline has it planned, the worst case scenario is I wipe Lou if she freaks and we figure another way around this.” Frank got up and sat next to Max. “I can plant that she got drunk with Caroline so the night is not a total blank but I have to say, after seeing how Caroline reacted when she got read in, if they are anything similar to each other, Caroline is right. Lou’s sense of justice will override the rest. Plus I know she’s nuts for you so that will kick her in the door whether she likes it or not. By the way...” Frank handed Caroline his cell phone. “...if it’s okay with Max, just hit send and it will call Lou’s voice mail directly without risking her answering.”

  Caroline looked at Max pleadingly.

  “What do you plan to say?” He asked.

  “I thought about that.” Her mischievous smile reappeared. “I have it all planned. So we are going to set this for Tuesday night, right?” Max nodded in the affirmative. “Then will you trust me here?”

  He thought for a minute as he studied Caroline’s face. He had gotten where he was by following his gut all his life and he had only dug himself a hole when he started second guessing himself. The people in the room with him now had done nothing but help him dig himself out of that hole. Caroline, a near stranger to him, had proven the biggest surprise of all. Trusting him implicitly, when he had forgotten to trust himself.

  “I trust you.” He finally answered. Caroline smiled at him then hit send on the phone.

  When she spoke she made herself sound weak and groggy. “Hey sweetie, I am so sorry for missing your calls. I got food poisoning at dinner last night with my parents. Bad clams. Anyway, just give me another day to recoup and I am all yours. I love ya girlie and I’m sorry for worrying you.” She made a kissing sound then hit the button to disconnect and beamed a smile at them all. “So how was that?”

  Abby clapped and bounced. Frank and Niko were apparently impressed with the performance.

  Max looked at her with an eyebrow raised. “You remember part of the Oath was never to lie to me?” Caroline shrank a little and nodded. “That includes those little white lie performances too.” He grinned at her and she relaxed.

  “Hey, I have an idea to add some pressure here that would work in your favor.” Niko said as he handed Max a drink. “I need you to okay it first, though. It will involve a phone call.”

  Niko sat down in the only open chair and gave Max his idea. The girls both thought it was complete genius. Brilliant psychological warfare and, frankly, Max did too. So after a phone call was made it appeared that Caroline’s plan was a green light. Now Max needed to be patient and let certain things play out on Monday. He was even more happy that Niko had made the arrangements to go and deal with the bastard that had hurt Lou since that would give him a nice distraction. The man had to suffer according to Max’s laws. Because of the way it had affected Max to learn of everything, he understood now why Joe wouldn’t tell him at the Country Club. One thing Max knew without a shadow of a doubt was regardless of what happened, whether Lou rejected him and the Sanguinostri and he had to be wiped completely from her mind, no one would ever hurt Lou again so long as Max could draw breath.

  Lou had given up trying to sleep around four-thirty that morning. She was angry that she dozed off earlier and missed Caroline’s call. She hadn’t been able to get back to sleep since. Instead she spent most of the morning drinking coffee and staring across the meadow through binoculars at the construction that was going on. Before she knew who the neighbor was, she could have cared less that they had gotten special permitting and dispensation from the Association to work around the clock. Lou would have been livid and have staged protests to stop it. Now that she knew it was Max’s home being built there, she wasn’t setting foot anywhere near it. Lou did wish she had paid more attention to those plans her mother approved, though.

  To his credit, they were being exceedingly careful not to infringe on the meadow and had graded the plot to weave through the oaks rather than move any. They had also stuck to what she did remember of the plan and she would see about one-quarter of the actual structure. Lou remembered her mother mentioning last week that they had dug down for a huge basement which seemed just silly to Lou what with California and its earthquakes. But as she peered through the lenses it looked like they had not only finished digging, but had already poured the foundation with some seriously massive re-bar reinforcement. She wondered how many times Max had been over there to check on things or if he just had people to do that for him.

  “The house finished yet?” Her mother’s voice startled her.

  “Maybe by lunch.” She turned to her mother and smirked at her laugh

  “They are working around the clock on that sucker. Fortunately, they are being polite about noise and keeping it restricted.” Shevaun stood next to her and tapped on the binoculars. “Let me have a peek.”

  Lou passed her mother the lenses and noted that she was all dressed, bright and shiny. “Why are you all dressed so early?”

  “I’ve been drafted to the Park Committee.” Her mother turned and grinned at her.

  “Park? What park?

  “Well, our little Max bought off the Association and all the neighbors by purchasing the acreage adjacent to him. He is turning it into a park for the community.” Shevaun resumed watching the construction through the binoculars. “Complete with a little lake and everything.”

  “Are you shitting me?!” Lou was astounded. “How many acres is that?”

  “Roughly thirty-eight or so.” Shevaun handed her daughter back the binoculars and went to sit and sip her coffee. “Anyway, a committee was established to approve everything and we have our first meeting this morning, here.”

  “Who’s on the committee?” Lou set the lenses on the fireplace mantle and gave up spying since it was almost eight and Vinny would be there to pick her up soon.

  “Well me, Sandra Arthur and Max. But!” She stuck her hand up before Lou could freak out. “Max is having his assistant Abigail sit in for him today instead. You met her the other day.”

  “Yeah, I liked her a lot.” Lou wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed that Max wouldn’t be there.

  “Oh I just love her. She reminds me a lot of Caroline actually.” Shevaun could see the dark circles under her daughter’s eyes and it broke her heart. “So did you get any sleep last night?”

  “Some, sure.” Lou started to gather her things. “I need to get downstairs before Vinny gets here.” She leaned in and kissed her mother goodbye. “Have fun planning the park. Hey, try to plan for plenty of plants that are food sources for the animals would you? Please?”

  Shevaun smiled at her daughter. “It was one of Max’s stipulations that the park be planned and designed so that it can be certified as a wildlife preserve. He even has a fellow from the Audubon Society coming this morning to help.” She was glad she could get that in for Max. Another little thing to tug at Lou’s heartstrings. “Have a good day and be safe out there. Love you.”

  “Love you too, Momma.” Lou headed downstairs just as she heard the doorbell ring. “I’ll grab it, get your shoes.”

  When Lou opened the door she had expected it to be Vinny because he had finally worn out his horn. Instead it was Abby La Rue and Sandra Arthur.

  “Morning, Lou!” Sandra Arthur was a lovely petite woman with perfectly coiffed copper hair and deep brown eyes that always smiled. Lou often wondered how anyone could ever be in a bad mood around the woman since she was always so infectiously cheery.

  “Good morning!” Abby smiled brightly and hugged Lou without warning. “You alright? You don’t look well.”

  “Good morning, please come in. Uh...Yeah, I just didn’t sleep well.” Lou suddenly felt very self-conscious remembering that Abby worked for Max and was apparently very close to him.

  “Oh no! Was it the construction that kept you awake?” She laid her hand on Lou’s arm and looked at her with deep concern.

  “No, not at all. I even forget that they are there so don’t worry, it’s fine.” Luckily for Lou, Marta came in to escort the women to the room where they were going to conduct their meeting. “You girls have fun planning the park. My mother will be down in a minute. Marta will take care of you until then.”

  “Thank you dear.” Sandra followed Marta into the other room.

  “Lou...” Abby stopped her before she could escape outside. “I know you don’t know me very well, or at all really! But, if you need anything please know you can always count on me.” She smiled a knowing smile at Lou then turned to follow where Marta had taken Sandra. The woman’s genuine caring had made Lou’s heart ache a little as she closed the door behind her and headed to the driveway.

  Lou was grateful for Vinny’s rambling as they drove in to work. He was giddy as hell about the new nursery that, thanks to her uncle and cousins helping move all of Vinny’s junk out, they were able to complete all the yellow painting and start shopping for baby furniture on Sunday. It was really nice to see Vinny excited about the situation after his extreme panic the week before and their escapade with the grease monkeys on Saturday evening. By the time they had gotten to Homicide, Lou knew exactly what the nursery was going to look like in excruciating detail. Before Lou had the chance to put her jacket on the hook, one of the other detectives informed them that the captain wanted to see them both immediately. Looking dubiously at each other, they made their way up the hall.

  Twenty minutes later Captain Davidson was still handing their asses to them. It was all Lou’s fault and she simply had to do something.

  “Sir.” She abruptly interrupted him. “Forgive me for being rude but I cannot in good conscience allow Detective DeLuca to be reprimanded for something that I did. Please sir.”

  Davidson regarded her carefully then looked at Vinny. “Detective DeLuca, you’re dismissed.”

  “Captain, I was just...”

  “DeLuca!” Davidson cut him off flat. “Don’t you have a test to study for?”

  Vinny looked at Lou and grumbled before he got up. “Yes sir. Thank you, sir.” He reluctantly left the Captain’s office, still grumbling as he closed the door behind him.

  Davidson looked at Lou in such a way that it made her shift in her seat. “Detective, I am not going to drag this out any more than I already have. You are on desk for the rest of the week.”

  “But Sir..”

  “Lou do you comprehend how much I dislike being called up by LAPD brass and scolded? I mean scolded as though I were eight years old, about my detectives nosing around in their cases?”

  “Sir, I was just tying up loose ends so I could hand over a complete file to the assigned officers.” She was completely aware he knew that was bullshit.

  “Lou, cut the crap. You interviewed the victim’s roommate, coworkers and employer when there was absolutely no protocol that dictated the need for such. Now, if you had not come to me just a few days ago with the whole pitch to get me to push for you to keep the other two cases, I might have been able to sell that and actually believed it. You and I know better and you crossed the line. Now get out of here and I expect all your files and desk to be neat and tidy by the end of the week because you are so damn bored of sitting on your ass there. You get me Detective?”

  “Yes, sir.” Lou didn’t apologize. She started to make her way out of her Captain’s office without another word but he stopped her before she hit the door.

  “Detective..” His tone was decidedly different from just a moment ago. “I need to inform you of one more thing before you go.”

  Lou turned and faced him once again, itching to get the hell out of there before she had to endure another moment of being dressed-down.

  “The suspect you apprehended on Saturday, Teddy Monroe...” He shuffled some papers on his desk in what appeared to be an attempt at stalling.

  “Yes sir? He lawyered up. Something pop on him?” Lou took a step closer, curious now.

  “Trustees found him hanging naked in his cell this morning. Used his own coveralls.” He blew out a breath as he acknowledged her confused expression. “There’s still no c
lue why he attacked you and DeLuca but the detectives that have been assigned the case will figure it out.”

  “But sir..” Lou tried to protest in vain.

  “What part of desk duty do you not understand, Detective?” He cocked his head sideways at her. “Dismissed.”

  Lou turned on her heel and used every ounce of willpower she had not to slam the door behind her.

  When she got back to her desk, Vinny grabbed her by the arm before her butt could hit the chair.

  “Come out with me while I have a smoke.”

  She nearly tripped as he dragged her. “I thought you quit years ago?”

  “I did but with the stress of finding out I was gonna be a dad, I bought a pack last week. Don’t tell Vera.”

  When they got outside he looked around to see who was within earshot. “First of all, yeah I heard about Monroe. I’m not gonna bother with that crap right now.” When he decided it was clear he marched up and glared down at her. “What the hell was that Lou? We are partners! You can’t expect me to feel good about you taking the heat for something we did as partners.”

  Lou grinned at Vinny, then went and sat down on a bench while he lit up his smoke. “Listen Daddy, things are changing. You know it and I know it. I am too old for you to keep doing this babysitter thing so you need to take your damn test and make lieutenant, sit your butt in a nice desk chair and get home to your wife and baby in one piece every night. I’m not gonna let you screw that up if I can help it.”

  “Ah geez, Lou.” He inhaled deeply of the cigarette, then dropped it and smashed it under his foot forcefully as if taking all his anger out on it. “I didn’t want to deal with this just yet.”

  “Well ya gotta pass the test first, you know.” Lou got up and pinched his cheeks. “Stop feeling guilty like your abandoning me or something! You’ll still be bossing me around, it will just be official. Now lets get out of the cold and you can buy me a cup of coffee.”


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