Shadows of Doubt

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Shadows of Doubt Page 37

by Corcoran, Mell

  “The boys should be finishing up with their manicures right about now.” Abby informed her as she sat in the chair next to her while the straws in her hair were carefully removed. “I left strict orders for the manicurist to beat them if necessary to make them submit.” She smiled sweetly at the genius of her plan.

  Lou snorted and the stylist that was taking out the pins in her hair growled at her to hold still. “Somehow I cannot see Niko submitting to a manicure.” Lou ignored the woman at her head but tried to stay still anyway.

  “Oh I’m not worried about Niko, he gets a manicure at least once a month. It’s Frank and Max that are going to moan and groan over it.” Abby rolled her eyes with annoyance.

  Caroline chimed in from her seat on the other side of Abby. “I would have thought Max was a manicure guy.”

  “No no, Max is a man’s man, I am sure. Dressing impeccably of course but being fussy about his hands? I can’t see that.” Lou’s mom tossed in her thoughts.

  “And you would be right!” Abby grinned at Shevaun. “I force mani-pedies on those guys once a month. I cannot stand snaggle toes or grungy hands on a man. I simply will not have it if I have to be around them all the time.”

  “And we thank you for it!” Caroline tipped her champagne glass toward Abby. “Nothing worse than holding hands with a guy who has cheese grater hands.”

  They all laughed at Caroline’s analogy for a rough handed man but were promptly scolded by their respective stylists for bobbing around in their chairs. Forty-five minutes later they were allowed to turn around to look at one another and more importantly to look at the finished product of themselves.

  “Lou...” Caroline gasped as her friend turned to face them. “You look amazing!”

  “Wow! You are just a knockout!” Abby concurred.

  “Oh stop you guys!” Lou got up out of her seat to go take a look at herself in the mirror.

  “They are not kidding sugar pie, you look so beautiful, I may cry!” Shevaun’s eyes welled up but the make-up artist snapped at her not to ruin her work.

  Lou walked over to the mirror and took a look at herself. Her dark auburn hair had been lit up subtly with soft copper highlights in all the right places. They had done pin curls on her which had made her nervous but the finished product was soft tousled waves like the leading ladies from the 1920’s. Like her all time favorite, Greta Garbo. Her make-up was soft, not overdone at all, but definitely glamorous. She couldn’t help but smile at herself. She turned from the mirror and looked at her stylist and make-up artist who were holding their breath waiting for her to say something.

  “You two are geniuses!” I love it!” She told them.

  The stylist and artist bounced up and down and hugged each other while Lou realized how selfish she had been not looking at her salon-mates. Caroline looked stunning as ever with a her shimmery platinum locks swept into a sophisticated up-do. Her make-up was fresh and perfect for her. Abby’s flaming tresses were a mass of cascading ringlets that were pulled up on each side and fastened by combs that were encrusted with jewels. Her eyes were smokey and alluring with a hint of forest green on the lids. Lou could only imagine all the socks that would be knocked off when Abby walked into the room tonight. It was her mother though that took her breath away when she looked at her. The strawberry blond was swept away from her face in graceful glossy loops. Her lips were polished with the perfect shade of red lipstick and her eyes were done in an understated sultry kohl. She was simply gorgeous.

  “Okay so we must swear not to cry and screw up all their hard work!” Shevaun ordered.

  “Shit!” Abby squeaked when she looked at the clock. “It’s four-fifteen! We need to hurry!”

  The stylists all shrieked as if the world were coming to an end and started gathering little bottles and stuffing them into plastic bags. The make-up artists did something similar, gathering the lipsticks and glosses, mascaras and little compacts and put them into silky little black pouches. The four women tore off their protective smocks and clamored for shoes, jackets and purses. As they filed out the door, each two-man team that had worked on each of the women presented their bags of gifts to them and wished them a wonderful time at the ball. If the day was any indicator of the evening to follow, Lou knew it was going to be a blast.

  It had finally quieted down in Max’s suite after all the bitching and moaning the men had done over Abby arranging a proper barber and manicurist to come to them. Once sufficiently buffed and shorn, the men left to their respective quarters to finish getting ready. It was half past six and the quiet wasn’t really a good thing for Max. The chaos that accompanied having his top people around tended to keep him grounded. Focused on one matter or another that needed to be handled. He was excellent at juggling the chaos that accompanied governing, it was much like playing godfather to everyone. When it came to tending to himself and acknowledging anything of his own on a personal level, he lacked considerably. In his mind it was about his duty to others first and foremost, until very recently that is, and whether he liked it or not.

  After a long hot shower he pulled on his robe and meandered about his room. He couldn’t remember the last time he cared about his appearance for an event, and even now he felt silly for being concerned. He did love his clothing, his suits and shoes especially. They were his secret weakness from long long ago when he was lucky for any scrap to cover himself with. When he was able to afford his first pair of sandals, he swore he would never ever go unshod again. So he had to admit he had another weakness, his secret pedicures with Niko once a month. That too was something he did because of his early years, before his turning. The first fifteen years of his life had been barefoot and barely a day had gone by that his feet were not bloody. Surely his indulgence was justified. He wandered into his bathroom and stared in the mirror at himself, long and hard. No matter how many centuries passed, he would always see the slave boy he once was. He wasn’t certain why women had found him attractive over the years. Truth be told, he hadn’t cared lately, and certainly not about just any women, only Lou. His naturally tanned skin was courtesy of his Greco-Roman heritage and he had to admit that the proper shave had been a wise idea on Abby’s part. He honestly felt his features were average. Not a weak jaw, he would concede that and perhaps a relatively straight nose despite it having been broken more times than he could remember. All in all he saw nothing special when he looked at himself. He was a big man, but that didn’t count for much, nothing to make a woman like Lou weak-kneed by a long shot. Max didn’t see his chiseled features the way Lou did, or the eyes of warm honey. He didn’t see the symmetry the way she did, he just saw plain brown hair, light brown eyes and two arms and legs of the slave boy grown into a man.

  He grabbed a bottle of goop and poured some into his hand, then worked it through his towel-dried hair until it was glossed back and off his face. He brushed his teeth and used the skincare products that Abby had lined up on the vanity and numbered with huge white stickers. So far he had completed everything on her list, right down to the spritzes of the cologne she left him, so it was time to get dressed and be done with it already. By the time he was nearly dressed and fastening his cufflinks, he had worked himself into a nervous pitch and it was infuriating him.

  “You’re thinking too much.” Abby startled him as she walked into his room. “If it makes you feel any better, so is she.” She grinned at him as she approached to help him with his cuffs.

  “You look stunning as ever.” He smiled as he admired her finery. Her hair was a mass of curls and the combs she wore were rich in jewel tones that matched the twinkle in her eyes. The deep forest green velvet gown she wore was lovely on her and reminded him that she wasn’t the little girl he always saw her

  “I do, don’t I?” She grinned at him. “You know I love these kind of things. I think I have dresses stored up for the next ten events in anticipation.”

  “I am sure you have more than that, but it’s the shopping for them that you love, don’t think I don’t know it.”

  “And this would be another classic example of why you are my wise and beloved Dom.” She started on his tie once she finished with the last cufflink. “The boys are ready when you are.”

  Max sighed and fidgeted while she fixed his tie. “Do I look ridiculous?”

  How the man was not riddled with conceit over how gorgeous he was would always baffle Abby. “Ridiculous is definitely not what comes to mind. You look dashing, I promise.” She grabbed his jacket and helped him into it as he snorted.

  “I’d settle for presentable.” He turned to inspect himself in the mirror. The bespoke tuxedo fit him perfectly and the three button with vest was Abby’s personal favorite, which is why she set it out for him.

  “More than presentable, so lets get a move on and present you already!” She grabbed his gloves and overcoat and headed for the door.

  When they entered the living area of the suite, Finn, Connor, Yuri, Niko and Frank were all there waiting. Properly pressed and polished. It was times like this that Abby remembered she was constantly surrounded by magnificent looking men. Too bad they were all virtually her big brothers.

  “Abby give that to me!” Max ordered as he snatched his coat and gloves from her. “You are the lady, I should be fetching your things.”

  “Allow me.” Finn stepped up, holding Abby’s wrap up for her to step into.

  Abby grinned. “Why thank you!”

  “I have your bag.” Frank waved the small clutch that was encrusted with the same jewels as her combs.

  With a deep sigh, Max waved his hand toward the door. “Then I guess we are off.”

  Niko chuckled and slapped a hand on Max’s back then pushed him out the door.

  Lou had been standing in front of the mirror for at least ten minutes and still was unable to calm herself. She felt ridiculous. Like she was looking at a stranger in the mirror and that Max would laugh the minute he set eyes on her. There was no way in hell she was going to this gala. Unfortunately for Lou, there was also no way in hell her mother or Caroline would allow her not to.

  “Whoa!” Caroline gasped as she walked in to the closet and saw Lou all dressed and ready to go. “You look utterly amazing!”

  Lou looked as if she had stepped off a movie screen in her bronzed dress and matching shoes. The earrings and bracelet that her mother had suggested could not have been more perfect. While Lou did in fact feel pretty, it was too far off the beaten path from her normal jeans, lip-gloss and go. Insecure was far too light of an adjective for how she currently felt.

  “I can’t do this.” She said as she turned to her friend who in her mind was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, besides her mother, of course.

  Caroline wore siren red satin that was cut just low enough to be tasteful with a slit up the side that was just high enough not to be tacky. Giant pearls surrounded in diamonds adorned her earlobes and on her wrist was a matching three strand bracelet. The up-do she had chosen along with her bare shoulders just added to her already long and graceful stature. Lou felt small and drab next to her.

  “You can and you will! So come on, we are going to be late.” Caroline grabbed Lou’s coat and bag then shoved Lou out of the closet with a body check.

  “Ow! Seriously?” Lou nearly fell over.

  “Seriously. Now move, we don’t have time to cover up another black eye, so move before I send for your mother. They are waiting for us at the door.”

  The look on Joe and her mother’s face when she came down the stairs made her feel a little better. They were smiling proudly like they had when she walked up on stage at her graduation from the academy. Her stomach stopped flopping but continued the flipping.

  “You look so beautiful!” Joe gushed when she finally made it to the door.

  “I feel ridiculous.” She huffed as Joe helped her into her coat.

  “Of course you do sweetie pie, you’ll get over it.” Her mother gave her no solace as she ushered her out the door.

  Limousines and town cars inched their way up the boulevard with the direction of traffic cops to take their turn letting off passengers that ranged from rock stars to foreign dignitaries to homicide detectives. Lou watched the searchlights pan the sky from out the car window and cringed at the logistical nightmare this event must have been for local law enforcement. When the top hat and tails clad valet opened the door to the limo, Lou stepped out onto the sidewalk to the barrage of flashbulbs from the paparazzi that lined the barricades on each side of the pathway. It was a bloody zoo.

  They were immediately met by a formally dressed gentleman wearing a headset who was typing and stabbing his finger at his tablet while trying not to look immensely frazzled. To his credit, he knew precisely who they were and escorted them up the pathway to the reception area where a horde of guests were already mingling and sipping from cut crystal champagne glasses. After being relieved of their coats by another attendant, they stood at the top of the steps before descending down into the sea of other guests and took in the spectacle of it all. The reception area was actually the front gardens of the museum that were tented for the occasion like a circus big top, but in creamy white rather than primary stripes. Soft string music played just below the din of chattering guests and tinkling of water from the myriad of fountains that jutted up out of the streams and ponds that were dotted and woven throughout the gardens. Huge gilded freestanding candelabras that stood at least eight feet tall and held candles the size of Lou’s leg, were placed strategically about and gave an ethereal glow to the setting. Clearly no expense had been spared for the event.

  Lou looked out at all the people, the beautiful and finely dressed people and wondered once again, what the hell was she doing here? It was precisely then that something instinctual led her eyes to his. Across the throng of people, at least thirty yards away, Max beamed a smile at her that made her feel warm and instantly lightheaded. Dear God, he looked like something off the pages of a magazine and she had to grip the railing to steady herself. Max was surrounded by people nearly clawing to get to him, but he seemed not to notice or care as he started to make his way toward her. She had forgotten her mother, Joe and Caroline and descended the stairs to meet him without thinking. Lou hadn’t noticed the thousands of eyeballs that had landed on her, clearly wondering who had captured the attention of their Dominor. Max could care less about protocol or manners and could only think about getting to Lou. She took his breath away when he saw her.

  When they met at the bottom of the steps, he extended his hand, which she took without thought. He drew her closer and breathed in her jasmine and vanilla perfume as though it were the only thing that could sustain him.

  “You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” It slipped out of his mouth without hesitation.

  Lou blushed instantly and grinned despite herself. “You clean up pretty good yourself.” Her eyes met his and they both were lost for several moments. The whole of the affair melted away into the distance as they took each other in. Not a word was spoken between them but volumes were said in that stare.

  “Uh, hello?” They both started as Caroline butted her way in. “Remember us?”

  Lou’s face grew hotter as she turned to Caroline and her parents. “Sorry.”

  “Caroline, you look ravishing.” Max took Caroline’s hand and politely kissed her knuckles, turning to Shevaun to do the same. “And you my dear Shevaun, look magnificent as always.” He smiled brightly to Joe. “To borrow a recent quote, you clean up pretty good too Joe.”

  Lou chuckled as Max greeted everyone and couldn’t help but notice how he postured himself close to her as if tucking her under his arm. It
made her feel warm and lightheaded again.

  “Where is the gang?” Caroline asked him as her eyes scanned the crowd looking for signs of the others.

  A waiter approached them to offer glasses of champagne, which they all were happy to accept. Max took two glasses and handed one to Lou with a beaming smile. She didn’t think there was enough champagne in the world to calm the flutter in her stomach.

  “As you all are fashionably late, I am sure they are moving about the garden politicking as per proper form.” Max sipped from his glass.

  After a carefully measured sip of her own, she looked up at him again. “I’m certain you have a good deal of that to do yourself. Please don’t feel obligated to hang out with us.”

  Max looked down at her with a whimsical grin. “I don’t think I could ever classify hanging out with you as an obligation. More an indulgence.” Shevaun and Caroline grinned at each other as they watched the invisible sparks flying between Lou and Max.

  “It’s quite remarkable all those in attendance tonight.” Joe observed. “A veritable who’s-who of Sanguinostri. Have you seen Albert yet?”

  “No, not yet.” Max absentmindedly turned to face Joe, placing his hand on the small of Lou’s back without thinking. Lou nearly melted into a puddle at the sensation and bit her tongue to refrain from humming aloud. “His assistant told us when we arrived that he will be making some grand entrance once all the guests have checked in. I shouldn’t imagine it will be much longer.” Max nodded and smiled as people passed and greeted him with a degree of reverence that only added to Lou’s fluster.

  Lou had begun to notice the eyes surveying her and it was becoming a bit disconcerting. When a couple finally approached them that looked like old world royalty, the woman looked down her nose at Lou as she extended her hand for Max to take. She was a good bit taller than Lou, probably due to the impossibly high stilettos she was wearing. Her skin was pale as porcelain and her long mane of hair was equally pale. It was styled to sweep around the nape of her neck and cascade down in front in rolling waves. Her dress was a nude satin that was so tight it left nothing to the imagination, which was probably the plan all along. Her ears and neck dripped in diamonds that were obviously real since the woman was definitely the type who would never have stood for anything imitation. The only color she wore was the red lipstick that was far too bright for her skin tone but her continued pursing and pouting made it clear to Lou that the woman felt it was the perfect shade.


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