Trusting Sydney: The Temptation Saga: Book Six

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Trusting Sydney: The Temptation Saga: Book Six Page 5

by Hardt, Helen;

Sam cleared his throat. “Thing is, I’m no Chad McCray, but I’ve had my share. But that night with Sydney stands out as the best.”


  “I thought maybe I was just having fond memories of my one and only one-night stand. But she and I got together last night, and it was just as good. Better, even.”

  “And that’s bad because…?”

  “You don’t know the half of it.”

  “Tell me.”

  “She’s engaged. A little fact she neglected to tell me.”

  Zach raised his eyebrows. “I don’t recall seeing a ring on her finger.”

  “That’s because she wasn’t wearing one. But she’s engaged to some pretty-boy businessman. He showed up at her hotel room this morning while I was still there.”

  “How did she explain your presence?”

  “I haven’t the foggiest. Didn’t stick around to find out.”

  “Well, if you want to know what’s going on, go on up to the house. She’s having coffee with Dust.”

  Sam shook his head. “Can’t. She flat out lied to me. Who has sex with another man when she’s engaged? That’s crazy shit.”

  “Maybe there’s an explanation.”

  “What kind of explanation can there possibly be?” Sam shoved his hands in his pockets. “We had great sex. Twice. But great sex doesn’t make up for a lack of trust.”

  “Are you looking for something with this girl?”

  “I thought I might be. Hell, I don’t know. Life’s gotten kind of boring, Zach. Which is why”—he took a few steps forward and held out his hand—“I’ve decided to take you up on your offer. Coming here to Colorado, being near my sister and nephew, might be just what the doctor ordered.”

  Zach shook his hand. “Good. We’re all thrilled to have you on board here at McCray Landing. When can you start?”

  “After the rodeo, I’ll head back to Montana to make sure the Double D is taken care of. I think I can persuade my foreman to take over. Once things are settled, I’ll get down here as soon as I can.”

  “Would you like to see the house for the foreman?” Zach asked. “It’s vacant. You can move in anytime.”

  “I’d love to.”

  “Good. You saddle up Midnight there, and I’ll get Attila ready. We can ride on over and take a look at it.”

  Yes, this would be just what he needed. Once the rodeo was over and Sydney Buchanan went back to Nevada, he could concentrate on starting his new life.

  * * *

  Dusty’s mouth dropped open. “What do you mean you can’t see Sam again?”

  Sydney’s heart ached. Sam was amazing, and such a nice man. And she adored Dusty and her little boy.

  God, her little boy.

  Some hurts never healed.

  “It’s not something I can talk about.”

  “I guess I don’t see the problem. You broke up with your fiancé. You’re a free woman now.”

  “But I neglected to tell Sam I was engaged.”


  “Well…we spent last night together.”

  “You told me that. And yes, the guy showed up. But you can just explain to Sam that you were planning to break up with him, which is the truth.”


  “My big brother is a great guy, Syd. If he’s interested in you, don’t let him go.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “Then don’t. Whatever’s going on, be honest with him. If he cares for you, and I think he does, he’ll help you. He was there for me all those years when I needed him. He sacrificed his own happiness so I was taken care of.”

  Sydney nodded. She’d known for a while that Dusty had been ill when she was younger. “Your leukemia.”

  “Yeah. It’s also the reason I can’t have more children. It left me nearly infertile. Sean was a gift from heaven.”

  “Oh, Dusty, I had no idea. I’m so sorry.” Here she was complaining. How selfish could she be?

  “Don’t be. I’m fine now. I’m ten years out and considered cured. But my point is Sam was there for me when I needed him. He took care of me. My father passed away during that time, and Sam was all I had. So when I tell you he’s a special man, I’m not just saying that because he’s my brother.”

  Sydney looked at her lap. Sam was wonderful. She’d always known that. Sometimes she looked back at her life and wondered why she’d made the decisions she had.

  Perhaps he’d forgive her for not telling him she was engaged.

  But other things could never be forgiven.

  “I’m sorry to keep you so long,” Sydney said, rising. “I need to get to the rodeo and warm Sapphire up. I’ve got a race this afternoon.”

  Dusty took her hand. “I’m glad you came over. Whatever is bothering you, I promise it will work out. Trust me, I’ve hit rock bottom before and come out swinging. You will too.”

  Sydney wasn’t so sure, but she smiled halfheartedly. “Thanks.”

  “And I’ll be there cheering you on in the stands this afternoon. Good luck.”

  “Thanks. That means a lot.” She walked out the door and drove away.

  * * *

  Sydney took a deep breath and smoothed Sapphire’s soft white mane. She hadn’t hit her personal best of 14.1 in seven years. She was last to go in the competition, which only made her more tense. But at least she knew what she was up against. So far, the fastest time belonged to a local girl at 14.5. She could still take first, but it would require intense concentration and perfect form.

  She had to win. She needed the money. Especially now that Rod was out of the picture for good.

  One more deep breath and she closed her eyes. In her mind, she and Sapphire ran like the wind, skating around every barrel with perfect ease.

  She opened her eyes, signaled to the judge, and then kicked into high gear. She and Sapphire crossed the electric eye and raced toward the first barrel. Sydney clenched her teeth as she set the mare up to turn the first barrel without knocking it over. Then, in a whirlwind, Sydney took Sapphire around the first barrel perfectly. Pursing her lips, she looked straight ahead and galloped toward the second, taking Sapphire around in the opposite direction. Excellent. One more to go. Running toward the backside of the arena, she and the mare aimed toward the third and final barrel, the sweet rush of adrenaline empowering her.

  Yes, yes, she was doing it! Sapphire was in fine form as she rounded the last barrel.

  Thundering applause echoed from the stands. She ignored it. Only the race mattered. She and Sapphire were alone in the universe. Alone to conquer the world.

  A microsecond later, Sapphire rounded the final barrel and they headed back down the center of the arena.

  She crossed the electric eye but didn’t see her time.

  Had she made it?

  Had she beaten 14.5?

  She didn’t know. But right now it didn’t matter. Sapphire had worked hard and needed Sydney’s attention. She dismounted and petted the mare’s nose. “Great job, sweetie.”

  Within a few seconds, the local girl, Sandra something or other, approached her. “Good race.”

  “You too.”

  “Congratulations. Fourteen-three is a great time. “

  I won? Warmth flooded her. “Thank you.”

  “It’s a fine purse you’ll be getting.”

  “Congratulations to you, too. You had a great score.”

  Sandra smiled. “Thank you. See you next race.”

  Sydney’s heart leaped. She’d done it! Not her personal best, but as close as she’d gotten in seven years. All those hours working with Sapphire had paid off.

  She led the mare to the grooming area and got to work. Soon her parents and Duke joined her.

  “That was great, Sassy!” her little brother exclaimed.

  Sydney smiled. When Duke had been learning to talk, he couldn’t say Sydney, so he called her Sassy. It had stuck. Though he was five, they all still used the nickname. She pulled the little boy into her arms and kissed his apple-re
d cheek. He was such a beauty, with light brown hair and dark walnut eyes.

  “One day you’ll be the best bronc buster in the world.”

  Duke turned to his mother. “Can’t I please do the mutton busting, Mama?”

  “You’re still a little too young,” his mother replied.

  “I’m five. I’m allowed.”

  “Now we promised Mama you wouldn’t do it till you were six, “ Sydney said. “Next year will come soon enough.”

  “It’s bad enough I had to watch you and Blake fall off animals and nearly kill yourselves when you were older than Duke. Let me keep my baby for one more year.”

  All the talk meant nothing to Duke, who sulked in Sydney's arms.

  “Don’t worry, partner.” His father patted his head. “You’ll be big enough next summer.”

  “Sydney!” Dusty ran forward, dragging Sean by the hand. “You were incredible. Congratulations!”

  “Thank you,” Sydney said. Her nerves ricocheted. Now what? It would be rude not to introduce her family. “These are my parents, Roy and Carrie Buchanan, and this is my baby brother, Duke.”

  “It’s wonderful to meet you.” Dusty held out her hand. “I’m Dusty McCray, and this is my son, Sean.”

  “One of the infamous McCrays.” Roy Buchanan smiled. “Great to meet you.”

  “I’m so sorry we missed you at our gathering last night.”

  “Yes, well—” Roy cleared his throat. “Duke here wasn’t feeling all too well, but he’s much better now.”

  “I’m glad. He and Seanie look about the same age. We’d love you to bring him over while you’re in town. I’m sure they’d get along great.”

  “Thank you so much for the offer,” Carrie said. “We’ll take you up on it if there’s time.”

  “Even if you can’t, we’re having another big party at the end of the rodeo. If you’re still in town, you must come.”

  Sydney fidgeted. Why did Dusty have to have another party?

  Before Sydney could formulate an excuse not to attend, Dusty spoke again. “There’s my brother. Sam! Over here!”

  Good God, no.

  Sam loped up, black Stetson on his head, his sandy hair curling along the outside. His gorgeous physique was apparent in his black western shirt and dark denim jeans. Was that the outline of his sculpted abs under the shirt? Sydney’s heart raced.

  Sam smiled.

  It wasn’t a real smile. It looked pasted on.

  “Good afternoon.” He removed his hat.

  “Sam, these are Sydney’s parents, Roy and Carrie,” Dusty said. “And this gorgeous little creature is Duke.”

  “You have a little brother?” he said to Sydney.

  She looked down. “Yes.”

  “He’s a mighty fine-lookin’ young man.”

  “Thank you,” Duke said with a smile.

  “I’m sure you’re right proud of your big sister.” He turned to Sydney. “That was an amazing race.”

  Her cheeks warmed. “Thank you.” She turned. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to take care of Sapphire.”

  “Of course,” Dusty said. “We’ll see you later.” She and Sam walked off, Sean in tow.

  “We’ll meet you down by the concessions,” Roy said, taking Duke.

  “Okay, I’ll be there in about half an hour, soon as I get her settled.”

  A few minutes later she was currying Sapphire. Her mare was beautiful, pure white. She’d wondered, when she bought her, why the previous owner had named her Sapphire.

  No longer. The name fit. The mare was a jewel.


  She turned toward the deep timbre. She didn’t have to. She knew exactly who it was.

  Sam O’Donovan.

  She cleared her throat. “Hello.”

  “Congratulations again on the race.”

  “Thank you.” She went back to work on Sapphire. “Is there something you wanted?”


  She looked back up at him. Why did he have to be such a beautiful man?

  And why couldn’t her heart stop pounding?

  “What?” she asked.


  He stalked forward, grabbed her, and crushed his mouth to hers.

  Chapter Six

  Sydney couldn’t let this happen. She knew that, in her rational mind.

  Problem was, her rational mind didn’t control this part of her.

  Right now she wanted this kiss. Wanted Sam with an astounding passion that surprised even her.

  When he ripped his mouth from hers, she whimpered at the loss, but his nips and kisses on the nape of her neck soothed her.

  “Oh God,” she whispered.

  “I want you,” he said against her neck. “I want you so much.”

  “I want you too.”

  Sam pressed his mouth on hers again. The kiss was demanding this time, almost punishing. He took from her, marked her.

  When he paused to take a breath, his gaze penetrated her. For a second, she could actually feel it boring beneath her skin.

  “Why?” he said. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Her tummy plummeted. “What?”

  “That you were engaged? I thought we had something special. Last night was just as amazing as it was five years ago. Can you stand there and tell me you didn’t feel something?”

  She gulped. Shook her head. “I felt a lot. I… You have no idea how much I felt.”

  “Why did you do it?”

  She averted her gaze. “I don’t know.”

  That was a lie. She did know. She could at least tell him that much.

  He cupped her cheek and returned her gaze to his. “Look at me, damnit.”

  “I’m sorry,” she choked out. “I do know why I did it. I did it because I wanted you. Because I’ve never forgotten what it was like with you.”

  “But your fiancé—”

  “Is gone. I broke up with him this morning.”

  “Don’t you mean he broke up with you? I’m sure you had a hell of a time explaining who I was.”

  “Actually, no. I did the breaking up. I had planned to do it before I came here but I didn’t. I‘m not sure why. But I did it this morning. He was willing to forget the whole thing.”

  Sam arched his eyebrows. “What?”

  “That’s the kind of guy he is. It was never going to be a marriage in the real sense. I never even had sex with him.”

  “What?” Sam said again.

  “I never had sex with him. I told him I was saving myself for marriage. I haven’t had sex with anyone since—” She clamped her hand over her mouth.

  “Since when, Sydney?” Sam gripped her shoulders. “What are you trying to say to me here?”

  The truth burst from her lips. “Since you, damnit! I haven’t had sex since that night with you five years ago.”

  His brown eyes smoked. “Is your horse taken care of?”

  “Yes. I just finished.”

  “Good. You’re coming with me.”

  * * *

  Sam’s lovemaking was forceful, as though he were marking her, making her his.

  Yet it was wonderful at the same time. Sydney wanted to be his. Wanted the passion and desire she’d only experienced with this man.

  Could she dare have it?

  As she straddled atop him, his cock embedded deep inside her, his fingers pulling her hard nipples, she thought, for an instant, that it could work.

  He wanted her. That was obvious.

  “Ride me, sweetheart. Just like that.”

  His deep voice was so sexy.

  “God yes, Sam, I love how you feel inside me.”

  “I love it when you talk like that, baby. You make me hard.” His hips rose from the bed and he pushed farther into her.

  Sydney reached down to her own special spot and began rubbing in time with Sam’s upward thrusts.

  “Yeah, sweetheart, you’re so hot when you touch yourself there. God, you’re beautiful.”

  “You’re beautiful
too, Sam. So gorgeous. I’ve never seen a more beautiful man.”

  He thrust into her. “Never like this. Never before or after you.”

  He had no idea. “Amazing with you. Only with you.”

  “I’m gonna come, baby.” He thrust harder.

  As his shaft pulsed within her, her own orgasm blasted through her veins like boiling honey.

  So good. So right.

  Could she have this? Could it work?

  They hadn’t said a word as they rushed to her hotel room. It wasn’t far from the rodeo arena. He’d dragged her by the hand up to the room and nearly thrown her on the bed. Frantically they’d stripped each other, and within seconds she was on top of him, impaled on him.

  Now she slid off him, mourning the loss of his cock. She lay down next to him.

  He propped up on one shoulder and looked at her. “We need to talk.”

  Oh God. She waited.

  He cleared his throat. “I want to be able to trust you.”

  “I know.”

  “You should have told me you were engaged.”

  “You’re absolutely right. And I shouldn’t have gone to bed with you while I was engaged to someone else, even if I was intending to end it.”

  “You’re right.”

  “This isn’t an excuse, but…I couldn’t resist you, Sam. I couldn’t resist you five years ago, and I couldn’t now. I’m not afraid to go after what I want, but I’m not the type who goes around having one-night stands.”

  “You invited me to your room that night, Sydney.”

  “I know. And it wasn’t like me at all. There was something about you.”

  He nodded. “I understand, believe it or not. I never believed in chemistry before. I never believed in love at first sight.”

  Her heart lurched. “Love at first sight?”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t want to scare you.”

  Adrenaline spiked through her. “I’m not scared, just a little confused. What exactly are you saying?”

  “We know little about each other, but I can tell you one thing. I have never in my life felt the way I do when I’m with you.”

  “Neither have I.”

  “Then is it love we’re feeling?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “From my end, it sure seems to be.”


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