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Tolstoy Page 64

by A. N. Wilson


  Diary, September 12, 1910


  Alexandra Tolstoy 487


  Ilya Tolstoy 261


  Alexandra Tolstoy 541


  Gusev (1960) 187


  Alexandra Tolstoy 502


  Ibid. 503


  Letter to A. L. Tolstaya, November 1, 1910


  Alexandra Tolstoy 516


  Letter to S. A. Tolstaya, November 3, 1910


  Alexandra Tolstoy 520


  Diary, November 2, 1910


  Tatyana Tolstoy 246


  Ilya Tolstoy 279


  Deutscher 119


  The Times, December 12, 1910

  Select Bibliography

  Those wishing to survey the huge extent of books by and about Tolstoy are advised to consult the relevant volumes of Tolstoy bibliography. The range and availability of Tolstoy’s works published in Russian and other languages or dialects of the Soviet Union between 1917 and 1953 can be seen in Bibliografiya proizvedenii L. N. Tolstogo, ed. E. E. Zaibenshnir (Moscow 1955) and others. Books and articles about Tolstoy are listed in the following:

  N. G. Shelyapina and others, Bibliografiya literatury o L. N. Tolstom 1917–1958 (Moscow 1960)

  N. G. Shelyapina and others, Bibliografiya literatury o L. N. Tolstom 1959–1961 (Moscow 1965)

  N. G. Shelyapina and others, Bibliografiya literatury o L. N. Tolstom 1962–1967 (Moscow 1972)

  N. G. Shelyapina, Bibliografiya literatury o L. N. Tolstom 1968–1973 (Moscow 1978)

  David Egan and Melinda A. Egan, Leo Tolstoy, an Annotated Bibliography of English-language [sic] Sources to 1978 (1979)

  Garth M. Terry, ‘Tolstoy Studies in Great Britain: a Bibliographical Survey’ in New Essays on Tolstoy ed. Malcolm Jones (1978)

  My own bibliography is limited to those works which I have found especially helpful in writing this book. For the purposes of simplicity, I have divided it into three sections: the works of Tolstoy himself; studies specifically devoted to Tolstoy; and works not specifically concerned with Tolstoy, but which I have found of help or interest. In this last category, in particular, selection has been fairly rigorous. It would not be possible to understand Tolstoy without some reference to other nineteenth-century Russian writers. But although I have alluded, for example, in my text, to Lermontov, Leskov, etc., I have not thought it necessary to include their works in my bibliography except for the purposes of identifying specific quotations. Similarly, I have only given a selection of historical works. Place of publication, unless otherwise stated, is London.


  The Works of L. N. Tolstoy

  The standard edition of The Complete Works of Tolstoy is the one put in hand by V. G. Chertkov in 1928, the centenary, or jubilee, of Tolstoy’s birth. This vast enterprise, which grew to ninety large, blue, cloth-bound volumes, was finally brought to completion more than twenty years after Chertkov’s own death (1936) and contains the fruit of many people’s scholarly labours. Ironically, considering how much they regarded one another as enemies, it grows out of Countess Sofya Andreyevna Tolstaya’s edition of her husband’s works, and it is an unacknowledged monument to her, as well as to Chertkov, and to two generations of Russian scholars. Because it is the only complete text of Tolstoy’s works in existence, it is the one to which I refer in my notes, abbreviated, as is conventional, ‘JE’.

  Also invaluably useful is the twenty-volume Soviet edition of Tolstoy’s Works (Moscow 1960).

  There is an excellent selection of Tolstoy’s correspondence with his fellow writers, which also prints the replies of Turgenev, Fet, etc.: L. N. Tolstoi Perepiska s russkimi pisatelyami v dvukh tomakh (Moscow 1978).

  Every English reader owes a vast debt to Louise and Aylmer Maude for their contributions to Tolstoy scholarship. Not only does every biographer of Tolstoy stand on the Maudes’ shoulders, but it was they who gave the bulk of Tolstoy’s work to the English-speaking world. I first read Tolstoy in their World’s Classics translations (Oxford) and I have had countless occasions to refer to them in the course of writing this book. In general I have attempted my own versions of the Russian when quoting from Tolstoy’s fiction, but I have often relied to a large degree on the Maude translations.

  A similar debt is owed to Professor R. F. Christian for his translations of Tolstoy’s diaries and letters. Since these volumes contain so much useful historical and biographical information, as well as Tolstoy’s own writings, I have listed them with the secondary material as books in their own right about Tolstoy.

  Leo Islavin’s The Letters of Tolstoy and His Cousin Countess Alexandra Tolstoy (1857–1903) (1929) is helpful in the same way as Perepiska s russkimi pisatelyami because it gives both sides of the correspondence.


  Books about Tolstoy or studies of his work

  Mark Aldanov, Zagadka Tolstogo (Brown University Slavic Reprint 1969)

  N. N. Ardens, Tvorcbeskii put’ L. N. Tolstogo (Moscow 1962)

  Matthew Arnold, ‘Count Leo Tolstoi’ in Essays in Criticism, Second Series (1887)

  Cynthia Asquith, Married to Tolstoy (1960)

  Michel Aucouturier (ed.), Cahiers Léon Tolstoi I. Anna Karénine (Paris 1984)

  John Bayley, Tolstoy and the Novel (1966)

  Isaiah Berlin, Russian Thinkers (1978) (This contains the famous essay ‘The Hedgehog and the Fox’.)

  Y. A. Bilinkis, O tvorchestve L. N. Tolstogo (Moscow 1962)

  Pavel Biryukov, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy biografiya (3 vols. Moscow 1906–1910, revised Berlin 1921)

  P. Boyer, Chez Tolstoi: Entretiens à Iasnaia Poliana (Paris 1950)

  S. N. Bulgakov et al. Sbornik statei o religii L’va Tolstogo (Moscow 1912)

  V. F. Bulgakov, The Last Year of Lev Tolstoy (1971)

  B. I. Bursov, Lev Tolstoi, Ideinye iskaniya i tvorcheskii metod 1847–1862 (Moscow 1960) Lev Tolstoi i russkii roman (Moscow-Leningrad 1963)

  T. G. S. Cain, Tolstoy (New York 1977)

  David Cecil, ‘Some Reflexions on the Art of Leo Tolstoy’, Oxford Slavonic Papers XI, eds. S. Konovalov and J. S. G. Simmons (Oxford 1964) pp. 60–68

  Vladimir Chertkov, The Last Days of Tolstoy (London 1922)

  R. F. Christian, Tolstoy’s War and Peace: a Study (Oxford 1962)

  —— Tolstoy: a Critical Introduction (Oxford 1969)

  —— (ed.) Tolstoy’s Letters (1978)

  —— (ed.) Tolstoy’s Diaries (1985)

  John Stewart Collis, Marriage and Genius (1965)

  —— Tolstoy (1969)

  Martine de Courcel, Tolstoi l’impossible coïncidence (Paris 1980)

  Rev. Alexander H. Crauford M.A., The Religion and Ethics of Tolstoy (1912)

  The Hon. Ernest Howard Crosby, ‘Two Days with Count Tolstoy’ in Progressive Review, August 1897

  Edward Crankshaw, Tolstoy: the Making of a Novelist (1974)

  Martin Doerne, Tolstoj und Dostojewskij. Zwei Christliche Utopien (Göttingen 1969)

  S. S. Doroshenko, Lev Tolstoi, Voin i patriot (Moscow 1966)

  Anne Edwards, Sonya (1981)

  B. M. Eykhenbaum, Molodoi Tolstoi (Prague-Berlin 1922)

  —— Lev Tolstoi, kniga pervaya, 50-e gody (Leningrad 1928)

  —— Lev Tolstoi, kniga vtoraya, 60-e gody (Moscow-Leningrad 1931)

  —— Lev Tolstoi, semidesyatye gody (Leningrad 1960)

  Hugh I’Anson Fausset, Tolstoy: the Inner Drama (1927)

  Alexander Fodor, Tolstoy and the Russians (Michigan 1984)

  René Fulop-Miller, New Light on Tolstoy (1931)

  Ettore Lo Gatto, Storia delta Letteratura Russa (Florence 1943) pp. 306–325

  Vincenzo Gibelli, Puškin e Tolstoi (Milan 1964)

  Henry Gifford, Tolstoy (1982)

Alexander Goldenweiser, Talks with Tolstoy (1923)

  Maxim Gorky, Reminiscences of Tolstoy (1920)

  E. B. Greenwood, ‘Tolstoy, Wittgenstein, Schopenhauer’, Encounter XXXVI (April 1971) pp. 60–72

  —— Tolstoy, the Comprehensive Vision (1975)

  N. K. Gudzy, Kak rabotal L. Tolstoi (Moscow 1936)

  —— (ed.) Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoi. Sbornik statei o tvorchestve (Moscow 1955)

  —— Lev Tolstoi (Moscow 1960)

  N. N. Gusev, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoi, Materialy k biografiis 1828 po 1855 god (Moscow 1954)

  —— Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoi, Materialy k biografiis 1855 po 1869 god (Moscow 1957)

  —— Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoi, Materialy k biografiis 1870 po 1881 god (Moscow 1963)

  —— Letopis’ zhizni i tvorchestva L’va Nikolayevicha Tolstogo 1828–1890 (Moscow 1958)

  —— Letopis’ zhizni i tvorchestva L’va Nikolayevicha Tolstogo 1891–1910 (Moscow 1960)

  Richard F. Gustafson, Leo Tolstoy, Resident and Stranger (Princeton 1986)

  Käte Hamburger, Leo Tolstoi: Gestalt und Problem (Bern 1950)

  Ronald Hayman, Tolstoy (New York 1970)

  E. Heier, ‘Tolstoy and Nihilism’, Canadian Slavonic Papers XI No. 4 (1969) pp. 454–465

  Laura Jepsen, From Achilles to Christ: the Myth of the Hero in Tolstoy’s War and Peace (Tallahassee, Florida 1978)

  Malcolm Jones (ed.), New Essays on Tolstoy (Cambridge 1978)

  M. N. Katkov, ‘Chto sluchilos po smerti Anny Kareninoi’, Russkii Vestnik CXIII No. 7 (July 1877) pp. 448–462

  E. Kassin (ed.) and others, Lev Tolstoy and Yasnaya Polyana (Moscow 1978)

  George Kennan, ‘My Visit to Count Tolstoy’, Century Magazine (1902)

  Walter Kerr, The Shabunin Affair, an Episode in the Life of Leo Tolstoy (Cornell 1982)

  A. V. Knowles (ed.), Tolstoy: the Critical Heritage (1978)

  E. N. Kupreyanova, Estetika L. N. Tolstogo (Moscow-Leningrad 1966)

  Tatyana Kuzminskaya, Tolstoy As I Knew Him: My Life at Home and at Yasnaya Polyana (1948)

  S. Lafitte, Léon Tolstoi et ses contemporains (Paris 1906)

  V. Lakshin, Tolstoi i Chekhov (Moscow 1975)

  Janko Lavrin, Tolstoy: an Approach (1944)

  V. I. Lenin, Stat’i o Tolstom (Moscow 1960)

  F. R. Leavis, Anna Karenina and Other Essays (1967)

  Derek Leon, Tolstoy: His Life and Work (1944)

  Ernst Lübben, Leo Tolstoi, der Führer von Jung-Russland (Berlin-Leipzig 1909)

  Victor Lucas, Tolstoy in London (1979)

  M. Markovitch, J. J. Rousseau et Tolstoi (Paris 1928)

  —— Tolstoi et Gandhi (Paris 1928)

  Aylmer Maude, Tolstoy and His Problems (1902)

  —— Family Views of Tolstoy (1926)

  —— The Life of Tolstoy (Oxford 1929)

  Harry J. Mooney Jr., Tolstoy’s Epic Vision (Tulsa, Oklahoma 1968)

  T. L. Motyleva, O mirovom znachenii L. N. Tolstogo (Moscow 1957)

  M. V. Muratov, L. N. Tolstoy i V. G. Chertkov po ikh perepiske (Moscow 1934)

  L. M. Myshkovskaya, Masterstvo L. N. Tolstogo (Moscow 1958)

  George Rapall Noyes, Tolstoy (New York 1968)

  Zoë Oldenbourg, Anna Karenina Tolstoi (Paris 1965)

  Tikhon Polner, Tolstoy and His Wife (1946)

  Cathy Porter (ed. and trans.), The Diaries of Sofia Tolstaya (1985)

  Theodore Redpath, Tolstoy (1960)

  R. Rolland, Tolstoy (London 1911)

  S. Rozanova, Tolstoii Gertsen (Moscow 1972)

  A. A. Saburov, Voina i mir L. N. Tolstogo: problematika i poetika (Moscow 1959)

  R. V. Sampson, Tolstoy: the Discovery of Peace (1973)

  Sidney Schultze, The Structure of Anna Karenina (Michigan 1982)

  Frank Friedeburg Seeley, ‘La nemesi di Anna Karenina’, Annali Sezione Slava II (Naples 1959) pp. 121–146

  Antoni Semezuk, Lew Tolstoi (Warsaw 1963)

  P. A. Sergeyenko, How Count Tolstoy Lives and Works (1899)

  Lev Shestov, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Nietzsche (Ohio 1969)

  Viktor Shklovsky, Material i stil’ v romane L’ va Tolstoga Voina i mir (Moscow 1928)

  —— Lev Tolstoi (Moscow 1963; English trans. Moscow 1978)

  Ernest J. Simmons, Leo Tolstoy (1949)

  —— Introduction to Tolstoy’s Writings (Chicago 1969)

  Marc Slonim, ‘Four Western Writers on Tolstoy’, Russian Revolution XIX (April 1960) pp. 187–204

  Boris Sorokin, Tolstoy in Prerevolutionary Russian Criticism (Ohio 1979)

  G. W. Spence, Tolstoy the Ascetic (Edinburgh 1967)

  Logan Spiers, Tolstoy and Chekhov (1971)

  Jonas Stadling and Will Reason, In the Land of Tolstoi (1897)

  George Steiner, Tolstoy or Dostoevsky: an Essay in Contrast (1959)

  Elizabeth Stenbock-Fermor, The Architecture of Anna Karenina (Lisse 1975)

  G. Struve, ‘Tolstoy in Soviet Criticism’, Russian Review (April 1960)

  Tatyana Sukhotin-Tolstoy, The Tolstoy Home (1950)

  Alexandra Lvovna Tolstoy, The Tragedy of Tolstoy (New Haven 1933)

  —— A Life of My Father (1954)

  Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy, Tolstoy My Father; reminiscences (1972)

  Lev Lvovich Tolstoy, The Truth about My Father (1924)

  Nikolai Tolstoy, The Tolstoys (1983)

  Serge Tolstoi, Tolstoi et les Tolstoi (Paris 1980)

  Sergey Lvovich Tolstoy, Tolstoy Remembered (1961)

  Sofya Andreyevna Tolstoy, see Porter supra

  —— The Autobiography of Countess Sophie Tolstoy (Richmond 1922)

  —— The Diary of Tolstoy’s Wife 1860–1891 (1928)

  —— The Countess Tolstoy’s Later Diary 1891–1897 (1929)

  —— The Final Struggle, being Countess Tolstoy’s Diary for 1910 (trans. Aylmer Maude, 1936)

  Tolstoi Aujourd’hui (Bibliothèque Russe de l’Institut d’Etudes Slaves, Tome LVII, Paris 1980)

  Henri Troyat, Tolstoy (New York 1967)

  B. E. Vatsuro (ed. et al.), L. N. Tolstoi v vospominaniyakh sovremennikov (Moscow 1978)

  Edward Wasiolek, Tolstoy’s Major Fiction (Chicago 1978)

  E. Wedel, Die Enstehungsgeschichte von L. N. Tolstojs Krieg und Frieden (Wiesbaden 1961)

  Nicolas Weisbein, L’Evolution Religieuse de Tolstoi (Paris 1960)

  A. N. Wilson (ed.), The Lion and the Honeycomb: Tolstoy’s Religious Writings (1987)

  Thomas G. Winner (ed.), Tvorcheskie raboty uchenikov Tolstogo v Yasnoi Polyane (Providence 1974)

  V. A. Zhdanov, Tvorcheskaya istoriya Anny Kareninoi (Moscow 1957)

  —— Tvorcheskaya istoriya romana L. N. Tolstogo

  Voskresenie (Moscow 1960)

  —— Ot Anny Kareninoi k Voskreseniyu (Moscow 1968)


  Books of general relevance to the life and times of Tolstoy or which are quoted in the text

  Edward Acton, Alexander Herzen and the Role of the Intellectual Revolutionary (1979)

  A. E. Adams (ed.), Imperial Russia after 1861: Peaceful Modernization or Revolution? (Boston 1965)

  Serge Aksakoff, A Russian Schoolboy (Oxford 1924)

  Ambler, Russian Journalism and Politics 1861–1881: the Career of Aleksei S. Suvorin (Detroit 1972)

  Joe Andrew, Writers and Society during the Rise of Russian Realism (1980)

  —— Russian Writers and Society in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century (1982)

  John W. Atwell Jr., ‘The Russian Jury’ Seer LIII (1975) pp. 44–61

  P. Avrich, The Russian Anarchists (Princeton 1967)

  Maurice Baring, An Outline of Russian Literature (1915)

  A. J. Barker, The Vainglorious War (1854–1856) (1970)

  John Bayley, Pushkin (Cambridge 1971)

  Hilaire Belloc, The Campaign of 1812 and the Retreat from Moscow (1924)

  Nicholas Berdayev, Dostoievsky: an Interpretation (1934)

  —— The Russian Idea (1947)

ginald F. Bigg-Wither, A Short History of the Church in Russia (1920)

  J. Billington, The Icon and the Axe (1966)

  Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Ethics (1979)

  Jeffrey Brooks, When Russia Learned to Read (Princeton 1985)

  W. H. Bruford, Chekhov and his Russia (1948) Henry Chadwick, Augustine (1986)

  Anton Chekhov, Letters (ed. Avrahm Yarmolinsky, 1974)

  Claudia Clark, ‘Chertkov and the Tolstoyans at Tuckton’, Britain-USSR No. 68 (September 1984)

  Peter Collins, Dickens and Education (1963)

  Peter Coveney, Poor Monkey: the Child in Literature (1951)

  Edward Crankshaw, The Shadow of the Winter Palace (1976)

  John Shelton Curtiss, Church and State in Russia 1900–1917 (New York 1940)

  —— The Russian Army under Nicholas I (1825–1855) (Durham, N. Carolina 1965)

  Alex de Jonge, The Life and Times of Grigorii Rasputin (1982)

  —— Stalin (1986)

  Henri de Lubac, The Un-Marxian Socialist: a Study of Proudhon (1948)

  Isaac Deutscher, Stalin (revised Harmondsworth, 1969)

  Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov (trans. D. Magarshack 1958)

  —— The Diary of a Writer (1984)

  John B. Dunlop, Staretz Amvrosy: Model for Dostoevsky’s Staretz Zossima (Belmont, Mass. 1972)

  Jane Ellis, The Russian Orthodox Church: a Contemporary History (1986)

  A. A. Fet, Moi Vospominaniya (1848–1889) (Moscow 1890)

  —— Polnoe sobranie stikhotvorenii (Leningrad 1959)

  D. Field, Rebels in the Name of the Tsar (Boston 1976)

  Louis Fischer, The Life of Lenin (1965)

  R. M. French (trans.), The Way of the Pilgrim (1943)

  G. M. Fridlender (ed.), Istoriya russkogo romana (2 vols., Moscow-Leningrad 1962)

  L. Gerstein, Nikolai Strakhov (Cambridge, Mass. 1971)

  Henry Gifford, The Hero of his Time: a Theme in Russian Literature (1950)

  —— The Novel in Russia from Pushkin to Pasternak (1965)

  F. V. Greene, Sketches of Army Life in Russia (1881)


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