Forbidden Omega

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by Caitlin Ricci

  For these two to find happiness, they’ll need the help of an omega.

  Logan is worried about his mate, Sebastian. For months now Sebastian hasn’t been sleeping well, is barely eating, and is becoming increasingly distant. Logan has no idea what’s wrong with him, but his last hope is to bring an omega into their home. It’s an unconventional choice, but Logan will do anything to help Sebastian.

  Logan’s uncle, an alpha who lives a few hours away, has an omega who isn’t fitting in well with his large pack. Connor isn’t good in crowds and he’s lost in Allen’s pack. When Logan offers him a new life with just the two of them, he wants the change, but he’s not sure what to expect.

  Life with Logan and Sebastian is quiet and Connor loves seeing the two of them together. As he grows closer to them both, Connor knows he’ll do anything to help the two of them mend their relationship. And, slowly, that relationship begins to include him as well.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Forbidden Omega

  Copyright © 2019 Caitlin Ricci

  ISBN: 978-1-4874-2726-9

  Cover art by Martine Jardin

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by eXtasy Books Inc or

  Devine Destinies, an imprint of eXtasy Books Inc

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  Forbidden Omega

  Omegas Book 1


  Caitlin Ricci

  Forbidden Omega

  “I don’t want him here,” Sebastian said, again.

  It was an argument that was quickly getting old, and Logan hadn’t even brought their new omega home yet. He sighed and tried to think of a reason to have Connor with them that he hadn’t yet voiced. There wasn’t one. Sebastian had heard them all before, and he was still apparently just as adamant about not having a stranger in their home as ever. “We need to do something. You’re not sleeping—”

  “It’s too hot in our bedroom most nights,” Sebastian broke in.

  Logan knew that wasn’t the case, regardless of his mate’s excuses. “You’re not really eating. You can’t tell me it’s too hot to eat.”

  Sebastian didn’t have a counter for that.

  “And,” Logan pressed on, “you’ve been distant from everyone, even me. We barely touch anymore.”

  Sebastian shot him a hard glare. “So because we haven’t had sex in a while, you’re bringing in some cute little omega fuck-toy to replace me? Real nice, Logan.” Sebastian pushed too far that time and now he was being mean. Logan got up from the lounge chair he’d been sitting on while they had tea on the back deck. He was almost angry enough to just go inside without saying anything more to Sebastian. Certainly his mate deserved that much from him for his outburst, but Logan wasn’t like that. He knew Sebastian’s anger was coming from his insecurities. He was lashing out, and Logan wished that he knew how to help him without bringing home an omega, but he had no idea what more to do when everything else had failed.

  He bent down and kissed Sebastian on top of his head. His red curls tickled Logan’s nose and he lingered there against his mate’s scalp, breathing in the wild honeysuckle and lilacs. He must have gone for a walk early that morning before Logan had woken up. “He won’t replace you,” Logan promised. “He’ll help make sure I don’t lose you.”

  Sebastian reached up and gently touched Logan’s hand. The brief contact was more than Logan had received from his mate in hours. “You aren’t going to lose me.”

  Logan wasn’t so sure about that. “Thank you.”

  “We’re not a love match, we can’t just lose each other. It’s not like the divorce that the humans have.”

  Logan wished that Sebastian hadn’t tacked that on. They hadn’t been a love match, no, but before whatever darkness this was that had come into their mating a few months before, they’d been in love. At least Logan had thought that they were. The first week had been awkward, but Logan had quickly found love with Sebastian, and it was breaking his heart to realize that his mate might not have felt it too after all.

  “I need to get going. Since it’s three hours there and three back, plus whatever time I need to spend there, I’ll be home late tonight. If you’re not still up I understand.”

  “I’ll be up.” Sebastian took a deep breath and turned to look up at him. Logan hated the tears he saw in Sebastian’s eyes. “Be safe, okay? Don’t drive off the road while he’s blowing you or something.”

  Logan would have laughed, if Sebastian had been joking. But his mate was serious, and he didn’t know how to convince Sebastian that he wasn’t bringing Connor home to have sex with him. He kissed Sebastian, gave his shoulder a squeeze, and went inside to get his things together.

  Sebastian was still on the back deck when Logan walked out the front door.

  * * * *

  After over three hours sitting in the car, the last hour of it in heavy traffic because of an accident on the highway, Logan was more than ready to be done with driving for a while once he got to his uncle’s territory. Allen’s pack was roughly the same size as the one Logan belonged to, with about forty adult werewolves, but they were all tightly crammed together in what amounted to a private werewolf subdivision. Logan couldn’t live like that. He’d grown up in this kind of pack, but now that he knew what having the true freedom of a rural life with plenty of room to run felt like, he could never go back to living this close to other people, even his own kind.

  The guard at the gate was a werewolf, and the woman directing traffic in front of the school was one too. There was a park, a small pool, and each house had a perfectly manicured lawn. It was all a little too much for Logan, which was why he rarely came back to his birth pack. His parents had requested a transfer early on when his father’s interests had turned more agricultural, and for Logan, it was the best decision his father could have made for his family.

  Allen’s pack was spread out over maybe five acres. Logan and Sebastian had been given their own ten acres and a small manufactured house when they’d agreed to their union. Their house was smaller than the ones Logan was driving past now, but he was fine with not having four bedrooms and two bathrooms and a huge garage when he got acres of woods to run through whenever he wanted.

  When Logan pulled up to yet another light gray house with dark blue shutters on the same street, a man stepped out of the house to greet him. Logan killed the engine quickly and stepped out. He offered the man his hand and received a hug instead.

  “Um, hi,” Logan said while awkwardly patting the man on his back. He was barely five feet, and likely only just over a hundred pounds. But he felt solid and whole in Logan’s arms. “Are you Connor?” he guessed.

  “I am,” Connor said as he pulled back. “Are you Logan or Sebastian?”


  Connor looked around hi
m into the empty car. “Where’s your mate?”

  Logan tried to think of a delicate way to put the truth, or at least a good lie, but he didn’t want to bring an omega into their home without being honest with him. “Sebastian isn’t one hundred percent on board with me bringing you back, but he will be once he gets to know you and sees how good an omega can be for a struggling mating. We’re both betas, though on very different levels.”

  Connor pursed his lips, and for a moment Logan was afraid he’d refuse to go with him, but then Connor looked back at the house behind him and sighed. “Will I have my own room?” he asked.

  “Yes. Sebastian and I share a room.”

  Connor nodded. “And I’m not just there to fix your mating with sex, right? Allen told me that’s not what you want, but I need to hear it from you. The omega sex slave bullshit that other packs are into, that’s not for me. I’m just a calming third party that will listen to you both and try to figure out how to help you through this. The moment either of you cross the line, I can and I will call someone from this pack to come get me. I’m not your prisoner and I will walk my ass back there if I have to.”

  Logan didn’t want to laugh, but he couldn’t help it. “You and Sebastian are going to get along great, I think.” He took a breath in between his laughter. “You aren’t having sex with either of us. Ever. We just need therapy. I guess that’s the word for it.”

  “Yeah, if we were humans it would be marriage counseling. I can handle that. Allen said I could stay with you two for a month, but if you need me for longer that’s okay too. Allen is pretty flexible when he loans me out to help people.” He turned and looked back at the house. “Give me one more minute? I need to get a few more things.”

  “Sure. I’ll put your stuff in the back.”

  Connor nodded to him, then disappeared back inside. When he came back out he had a lipstick smear on his cheek, which he hastily wiped away.

  “Will you be missed?” Logan guessed.

  “They say I will be. And I’ll miss them too. Is the drive to your pack long?” Connor got into the passenger seat. He looked eager to get going and Logan hoped that part of his eagerness was because he wanted to help Sebastian, and him too, and not that he was tired of being in Allen’s pack.

  “We’ll be there in about three hours,” Logan said as he slid into the driver’s seat. “But I do need to make a quick stop first. There’s a coffee shop just south of here. It won’t take more than a minute or two to get something to drink and go to the bathroom. I’m buying, in case you were worried about that.”

  Connor shrugged. “I wasn’t. Allen gave me a bit of money for my time with you two. He said that you’re his nephew, right? Did Sebastian come from this pack as well?”

  Logan was happy that they were talking about Sebastian too, since Connor was really going to be there to help him. “No, he and his family moved around a bit before they settled in our alpha, Joshua’s, pack. I think you’ll like Sebastian. Or, at least, I hope you will. He’s a great guy. He’s sweet and caring.”

  “You sound like you love him,” Connor quietly said.

  Logan glanced over at him as he turned out of the subdivision and back onto the regular streets. “I do. We weren’t a love match, but he means a lot to me. That’s why I can’t figure out what’s going on with him. This distance between us...I just don’t get it. I’m hoping you can help with that.”

  “I’ll do my best. I don’t work miracles, but I’ll always try to help.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.” Logan pulled into the parking lot, killed the engine, then got out. Connor was quick to come in with him, and after a moment of taking care of his needs Logan met Connor back in the long line of people waiting to order their coffee. He hadn’t expected the coffee shop to be so crowded in the middle of the day.

  While they waited Logan took out his phone. He was surprised that he didn’t have any texts from Sebastian. Hey. I have him with me now. We’re getting coffee then we’ll be back there in a few hours. I miss you, he texted Sebastian.

  They had their coffees before Sebastian replied, which was very unlike him. Normally he texted back right away, but Logan figured his mate must still be mad at him.

  I miss you too, Sebastian had sent.

  “Can I ask you something?” Connor said as they were getting back into the car.

  “I wish you’d just ask, instead of asking if you can ask,” Logan said. That had always been something that annoyed him.

  Connor smirked. “Okay then. I’ll just ask, and I guess if it’s not something you want to answer then you’ll just let me know. Right?”

  “Yes.” Logan started heading back to the highway. “You can nap if you want. It’s a long, boring drive.”

  “Thanks, but I think I’ll stay awake. I’ve got my phone, I’ve got games and books on it, and besides, it would be nice to see another pack’s territory. I haven’t been out of Allen’s pack in about six months. Some packs are secretive about how they live and operate until I’m actually there, as if I’m going to report back to Allen about how unkept their yards are or something. I was going to ask you, how many houses are in your subdivision?”

  Logan had to laugh at that. He dug his phone out of his pocket, quickly swiped to unlock the screen, and took his eyes off the road long enough to get his photos open. “Here, this is our place.”

  “I’m assuming this is Sebastian with his shirt off?”

  Logan felt his cheeks get hot. “Shit. Yeah, sorry, there’s probably a few pictures in there that you shouldn’t be looking at. Just ignore them, please.”

  “Sure.” After a few minutes of scrolling through the pictures Connor put the phone into the cup holder between them. “It looks like a beautiful home.”

  “It is.”

  They were quiet after that, but Logan kept glancing over at Connor. He never slept, only continued to look out the window until Logan pulled up to the long dirt driveway and then to their house. The living room light was still on, so Logan assumed Sebastian would be awake, but when he came in he found his mate curled up on the couch asleep. He wasn’t that surprised, since it was nearly eleven and they never stayed up this late.

  “Your bedroom is down the hall and the second door on the left,” Logan quietly told Connor as he slipped his arms under Sebastian’s knees and shoulders. His mate wasn’t a small guy, but Logan didn’t have to carry him more than twenty feet either.

  “I like that your house is all on one level. It must make doing laundry easier.”

  Connor followed them, which surprised Logan, but maybe he wanted to see what they were like together so that he could get an idea of how to help them. When Logan got to their bedroom, Connor stayed in the hallway.

  “Logan?” Sebastian mumbled as Logan gently laid him down in their bed.

  He kissed Sebastian’s cheek. “I’m here. I’ll get you ready for bed.”


  Logan looked to Connor, who nodded, and then he was gone, closing the door for Logan on his way down the hall. Once they were alone, Logan took off Sebastian’s shoes and socks, and then his pants. He left on Sebastian’s boxers and his oversized knitted sweater. Then Logan took off his clothes, turned off the light, and joined his mate in their bed. He curled himself around Sebastian under the covers. He wasn’t tired, and it was good to hold him like this, like they used to when they’d gotten through the first few weeks of awkwardness in their mating. Logan kissed the back of Sebastian’s head and tightened his arms around his mate’s stomach.

  “I miss you,” he whispered, hoping he wouldn’t wake Sebastian up, but wishing he knew how much it was true all the same.

  * * * *

  Sebastian woke up to an empty bed, which was usually the case for him. Logan had to join the pack early in the mornings. He got up, showered, and got dressed, all as usual.

  Except today wasn’t a usual day for him. He knew he wasn’t alone in his house and that had him on edge
. It wasn’t Logan’s gentle presence nagging at the back of his mind. No, this was the omega. This Connor person who was supposed to be able to help their mating. Sebastian didn’t want him there, and he was already in a bad mood before he left their bedroom.

  Connor was in their kitchen, sitting at the island with a mug and his phone in front of him. Sebastian stopped at the doorway and waited for Connor to notice him staring before he said anything. It didn’t take long.

  “Hi. You must be Sebastian.”

  He nodded and took a deep breath, getting a sense of Connor and the air around him. He didn’t smell like sex at least. “Did you fuck my mate last night?”

  Connor didn’t even blink. “No. And, before you ask, I didn’t fuck him this morning either.” He sighed. “I’m not here for sex. That’s not how I work. Do you want to sit and talk for a few minutes? Maybe it’ll make you less tense.”

  Sebastian didn’t need to be less tense. He needed to not have an omega staying in his house. But he sat down anyway.

  “I’m here to talk to both of you,” Connor began. “I watch you both, I observe, I offer suggestions and solutions and try to help. That’s it. I won’t even hug you if you don’t want me to. I don’t have sex with any of the people I help unless they initiate it. But sex isn’t part of me giving you two counseling.”

  Sebastian’s attention caught on Connor’s words. “So if Logan initiated it—”

  Connor cut him off. “I wouldn’t, not with him, not unless you gave the okay and were involved too, and even then it probably wouldn’t happen. This is already feeling like a minefield, and sex tends to complicate things unnecessarily. Look, I only said that because it has happened in the past and I didn’t want you to somehow find out and then think that I hid that from you, either of you.”


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