Forbidden Omega

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Forbidden Omega Page 8

by Caitlin Ricci

  He went to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of iced tea and looked over his shoulder at the sound of someone getting off the couch. Connor quietly joined him, leaning against the counter and looking at Sebastian as he lay on the couch.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you,” Logan whispered.

  Connor nodded. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t. And besides, I wanted to talk to you. Sebastian needs you to make your relationship with him a priority. I know you cut back your hours, but going in when you’re off just because Alyssa needs you isn’t cutting back your hours.”

  Logan forced himself to not get defensive. “He is a priority. He knows that. You both do. And she did need help.”

  “Did it have to be done tonight? Was it an emergency that absolutely could not have waited until you were back at the office again?” Connor pushed.

  Logan knew the answer to that, and he saw Connor’s point. “No. It could have waited.”

  “So you could have told her no.” Connor hadn’t really needed to point that out.

  Logan just nodded. “It’s not like I wanted to leave here, though. You make it sound like I jumped at the chance to not spend tonight with you both.”

  “You did, though. She called you and instead of saying ‘no, it’s not an emergency and it will have to wait until my next regularly scheduled day,’ you said ‘sure I’ll come in on a night when I could have been having fun with my mate and our new friend.’ I’m not blaming you and I’m not trying to make you feel bad. I’m telling you how it felt to Sebastian, and I’m saying that you need to choose him more if you really want him to believe that he’s your priority.”

  Logan wrapped his arms around Connor and held him close. He rested his head on Connor’s shoulder, breathing in both his scent and that of Sebastian as well. He needed Connor in his life. They both did. He was someone to keep them grounded, to point out what they needed to work on, and to make them better. They were a better couple with him around and, more than that, Logan wanted him to be with them too. “I understand what you’re saying. And I’ll do better for you both.”

  Connor nodded. “Good. We’re not expecting miracles, but just try your best. He’s important to you. Show him that. And you’re both important to me.”

  “You’re important to us too.” He wanted to show Connor how much he meant to them both, and his mind instantly went to sex, but that wasn’t the way he wanted things to go between them. With Sebastian that would have been fine. But Connor was different and they’d only barely started to know him. So instead of going down on him in the kitchen, Logan chose to kiss him instead.

  * * * *

  Sebastian woke up cold and to the sounds of people softly moaning near him. Instead of being upset when he opened his eyes and saw Logan and Connor kissing in the kitchen, he simply got a pillow off the edge of the couch and propped himself up to watch them. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected to feel in that moment, but contentment certainly wasn’t anywhere on the list. He’d expected jealousy. Maybe even rage at seeing his mate with his lips against another’s. But there was none of that. He was tired and cold and he wanted them both to come over to him, but he wasn’t angry at all.

  The difference, he realized, was in coming to terms with Connor’s relationship to them both. It wasn’t Logan and Connor. Sebastian knew now that he wasn’t being replaced by the cute omega currently kissing his mate. He was sharing Logan with that omega, and in turn Connor was sharing himself as well with the two of them. It was less of a partnership and more of a coming to terms with the attraction that the three of them shared.

  Sebastian knew that they didn’t need Connor in their lives to make their mating work, but he was glad to have him there with them all the same. Connor made them a better, stronger mating and he was grateful that he had come into their lives. But it wasn’t a need. He was comfortable with how things were right in that moment. He worried about the future, about how the three of them were going to make this all work in the future, if they even had a future together to look forward to at all, but for right now he was just going to enjoy his time with the both of them.

  “What did Alyssa want?” Sebastian called out to Logan. He didn’t necessarily want to interrupt their kissing, but he did want to know what was so important that Logan had left them to go deal with it. She had better have been having some kind of an emergency, otherwise Sebastian knew he was going to be pretty pissed.

  Logan didn’t answer him right away, but he did stop kissing Connor. It took him almost a full minute to turn around and face him. “She needed help with a spreadsheet. It wasn’t anything that couldn’t have waited.”

  Sebastian pursed his lips. He was about to let Logan have it. To tell him all the ways in which him running off to go help Alyssa when he was supposed to be spending more time at home with them wasn’t okay in the least. Then Connor came across the room to him. He laid down over him. He kissed him gently, distracting him from his thoughts and cooling his building anger.

  “I know I screwed up,” Logan continued speaking while Connor kissed him. “I know I should have stayed with you both here. This was where I needed to be tonight.”

  Sebastian nodded. Logan was definitely right about that. He pushed his hands under Connor’s shirt and ran his thumbs over the soft trail of hair on his stomach. Connor kissed over his cheek and down his throat, letting Sebastian have his mouth free if he wanted to talk to Logan, which he did, but he was no longer interested in yelling at him. “I’m glad you’ve realized your priorities.” He wasn’t completely over it, but at least he wasn’t angry enough to yell at him anymore.

  Apparently he’d done something wrong though because Connor pulled the collar of his shirt aside and bit his shoulder.

  “What?” Sebastian snapped at him.

  “You’re being intentionally cold to him. He knows he made a mistake. Don’t hold it over him. Move on. Don’t let your night together be ruined now that he’s back home,” Connor chided him.

  Sebastian sighed. Of course Connor was right. He turned back to Logan. “I’m sorry,” he said, and he genuinely meant it too.

  Logan just smiled at him. Then he came over and sat beside them on the couch. Sebastian lifted himself up and Logan slid his thigh under his head, giving Sebastian a pillow while Connor stretched out on top of him. He was warm and comfortable, especially as Logan took the hand that he wasn’t using to hold Connor against him.

  “Alyssa has a plan, and I want to figure out a way that we can make it work.”

  Sebastian really didn’t want to talk about her anymore tonight. “Any chance this could wait for another night? We’re trying to have a good time here.”

  Logan chuckled and gave his hand a squeeze. “She wants to be transferred to a pack in the city. She likes city life, apparently. I think Allen would like her as his mate, but how we go about convincing him to trade Connor for Alyssa is beyond me. An omega is worth a lot.”

  Connor shrugged. “A really good omega may be, but I’m not worth as much as most omegas are. A lot of the things that people like about omegas aren’t things that I do at all. I’m not submissive in the way that most omegas are. I’m all omega, but I’m not a doormat, if that makes any sense. I will tell you when you’re screwing up and a lot of people don’t like that. Plus I’m not someone who just has sex to have it because that solves everything.”

  “Kissing apparently does though,” Sebastian pointed out.

  Connor propped up his chin on Sebastian’s chest. “Anything that would have kept your mouth busy and your mind distracted for a few minutes until you realized that you didn’t need to go off the handle at your mate would have worked. I could have thrown you in a lake. I could have gone down on you. I could have lit the kitchen on fire. Anything would have worked. But I like kissing you so I went with that. Also, there is no lake right here.”

  Sebastian nodded. He did make a good point there. “Alyssa is good at taking orders, though. She’s pretty too. May
be she’d be a good potential mate.”

  “And she’s smart. I know you don’t see it because you don’t work with her and whenever we talk about her she’s usually having me help with a problem somewhere, but she is smart,” Logan said.

  Sebastian wasn’t going to argue the merits of her right then, not when he was trying to come up with good things to say about her and not really finding any. “Talk to Allen, then. You know I’m all for her moving away and Connor staying with us permanently.”

  “That didn’t sound snide at all,” Logan teased him. He yawned and stroked his fingers through Sebastian’s short hair. “Are either of you tired yet?”

  “We took a nap,” Sebastian admitted, but he probably could have gone back to sleep, especially if the three of them would be sharing a bed this time. “This is crazy, right? I mean, we’re not supposed to be polyamorous, but that’s how I’m feeling and I know it’s not making any sense. Maybe if it was just about sex it would make sense to me, but this has nothing to do with sex. That’s not why the three of us are here together at all.”

  “Try not to overthink it,” Connor mumbled sleepily.

  * * * *

  “Let’s go to bed,” Logan said, changing the subject completely. Maybe it was safer that way. They needed to have a bigger conversation when they were all wide awake, but he didn’t want to talk about something so serious right now when he was barely functioning as it was.

  They headed up to the bedroom and Logan watched sleepily as the two men he cared about began to lose their clothes in random haphazard piles. Sebastian didn’t get naked, though Logan hadn’t expected him to either. Sebastian was modest. Unnecessarily so. Logan wished he would just relax, like Connor seemed to be doing as he sat naked in the middle of their bed. He looked tired but otherwise unbothered.

  Logan took Sebastian into his arms and hugged him. “Nothing has to happen tonight,” he promised his mate. Just because the three of them would be sharing a bed, that didn’t have to mean anything.

  “I know,” Sebastian said with a little sigh. “I’m probably too tired to do much more than kiss you both anyway. “

  “I don’t need you to be okay with all of this right now. I just need you to talk to me and tell me what you want.” He turned his attention to Connor. “That goes for you too.”

  Connor shrugged. “Right now I just want to go to sleep next to you both.”

  Sebastian smiled. “I want that too.”

  It wasn’t exactly what Logan had wanted, but he was happy to sleep next to them that night nonetheless. Sex was important to him, and he definitely had it on his mind as he lay naked beside Connor and Sebastian that night, but it wasn’t the only thing on his mind. It definitely wasn’t the most important thing to him, either. His relationship with his mate was growing and changing, evolving into something even more beautiful, and now he had a new relationship with Connor to explore. He wanted to do his best for the two of them, and as nice as getting off would have been that night, curling up with them both under their big comforter was even better.

  * * * *

  Sebastian woke up before the others and lay in bed, simply watching Logan and Connor sleep. They were so comfortable together, Connor half-stretched over Logan’s legs. Sebastian wanted to be like them. And maybe the first step to that was letting go of some of his modesty. He wasn’t as fit as Logan, or as young as Connor, but he tried not to focus on his flaws as he pushed his boxers down and kicked them aside. Being naked in bed with the two of them did feel nice. But it hardly mattered when neither of them were actually awake to see him.

  He waited another half an hour before he gave up on them being up anytime soon. He quietly slipped from the bed and went to go shower in the guest bath so that he wouldn’t end up waking them. His shower was hot enough to wake him up fully, but he didn’t stay in it longer than he needed to. He dried off, hung up his wet towel, and decided against getting dressed. Maybe forcing himself to be more comfortable in his own skin was the answer. Something had to be, really. He wasn’t sure what else he could really do.

  So when Logan and Conner came downstairs, freshly showered, dressed, and laughing together, Sebastian was finishing up a bowl of oatmeal as he watched the news. He looked them both over and wasn’t jealous. Their relationship was the three of them, but he also wanted his own relationship with Logan and one with Connor and he wanted them to have that as well.

  Logan’s smile widened when he saw him. “That’s a good look for you, my mate,” he said, coming over and kissing him. His kiss lingered, and Sebastian had a fairly good idea that he’d restrained himself that morning with Connor.

  Sebastian got up and put his dirty bowl in the sink before taking a moment to kiss Connor as well.

  “I’m trying to be more comfortable being naked around the two people I shouldn’t be embarrassed about being naked around at all,” Sebastian explained.

  Logan came up behind him and hugged him from behind. “I’m glad.” Sebastian could feel just how true that statement was as Logan pressed himself against him. He didn’t ask for anything though, and he made no move to start something with him. The choice was completely left up to him.

  Sebastian looked over his shoulder at Logan, and to Connor as well, who was paying attention to some birds sitting in a nearby tree instead of to them. Sebastian turned in Logan’s arms, pressing himself up against his mate, and kissed him. It didn’t take more than a few seconds for Logan to get over his apparent shock before he held Sebastian tightly in his arms and lifted him onto the counter. It had been a long time since they’d had sex in the kitchen. Eight months at least, if Sebastian had to take a guess, but he was definitely all for it as Logan pushed between his thighs and slid a finger between his cheeks to get him ready.

  The shock of having another mouth join Logan’s against his neck rocked Sebastian. He’d already been needy as Logan slid his fingers along the most sensitive parts of him, but the addition of Connor’s warm lips and his eager hands had him nearly desperate as he lay there against the cold countertop. He whimpered his need, and found that wanting met with a warm, wet mouth against his. He closed his eyes. He didn’t know who was kissing him or who had their hands on him, and it didn’t really matter to him either. He gave in to the sensations, as overwhelming as they were, and tried not to think more than that.

  Logan was a familiar intrusion. They rocked together in ways that Sebastian had always enjoyed, and now there was another with them. Another pair of hands stroking him. Another mouth against his heated skin. It was too much and yet not enough too. Sebastian wanted more of them both. He wanted to stay like that between them for as long as he could.

  He was crying out in no time at all and it wasn’t long before Logan was shaking above him too. Sebastian was on the edge of his climax and desperate to fall over when Logan stepped back, leaving Connor in his place. Sebastian grabbed him close and held onto him tightly as he pushed inside of him in one fluid movement. Connor had no hesitation, and Sebastian needed that from him. He needed not to think, not to care, not to do anything more than simply enjoy being with them both. Connor’s body was unfamiliar, but no less welcome. His hands were smaller, his nails sharper. Each time he grabbed him, Sebastian felt a brief rush of pain across his hips. He’d never known that he liked that before but now he definitely did.

  Logan didn’t leave him. His scent was still there, familiar and comforting as he kissed him and ran his hands along him. Sebastian knew Logan was talking to him, telling him he was beautiful, telling him how much he loved him, but his words were muddled between the pleasure and Sebastian’s cries.

  And then there was Connor, his hand around Sebastian’s shaft, his teeth against his neck, and Sebastian couldn’t hold on any longer. He came shaking and desperate with them both.

  They helped him to his feet and then the three of them lay together in the living room, sweaty and happy. There was no reason to speak. Nothing that they needed to say. This was enough.

  * * * *

  Connor felt special and different. He wasn’t just someone to have sex with for these two. He knew that and he loved that change that his life had taken since meeting the two of them.

  That also complicated things for the three of them as well. They wanted him with them and he wanted to be there too. He wanted out of Allen’s pack for good, not because he didn’t appreciate Allen and think that he was a good alpha, but because that wasn’t his home. He’d never known anything permanent, but he wanted to with Sebastian and Logan.

  Logan got up first, leaving a sleepy Sebastian seeking someone else to hold him. But Connor wanted to see Logan for a few minutes before he would see to Sebastian’s needs. He got up and followed Logan silently into the bedroom, where he sat on the bed and watched Logan take a shower. He hadn’t pulled the curtain closed, and Connor appreciated the view.

  “You can come in if you want,” Logan offered.

  Connor licked his lips. “It’s tempting, believe me. But I think I’ll wait until you’re done. Sex tends to cloud my brain a bit more than I want right now. Do you want me to talk to Allen about the trade?”

  Logan finished his shower before answering him. Then he only spoke after also coming out of the shower and kissing him. “I’m higher ranking, and his nephew. I should talk to him.”

  “I’m his omega, and actually in his pack,” Connor countered.

  “You’re my omega,” Logan corrected him with another kiss.

  Connor nipped at his lips. He was trying to be serious here. “Yes, fine, I’m your omega. Yours and Sebastian’s. But I’m still part of Allen’s pack.” He sighed and flopped back on the bed. Logan went to get dressed. “I’ll talk to him. I need to know everything good about Alyssa, though. If he’s going to ask Joshua for Alyssa to join his pack, he’s got to be convinced. He really doesn’t go out of his way to interact with other alphas very often.”


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