The northern shore of the San Francisco Bay, showing the locations where Laci’s and Conner’s bodies were found
Detective Craig Grogan’s list of forty-one reasons he believed that Laci’s body would show up in the San Francisco Bay (versus ten reasons it might show up in an area lake)
The coroner’s report on Laci Peterson, noting the cause of death as “Homicide/Unknown Means”
Laci’s autopsy report, noting the condition of her body at the time it was found. The cause of death remained “undetetmined.’
Conner’s coroner’s report. His body weighed 3.5 pounds.
Conner’s autopsy report
Above: Scott at a gas station just before his arrest
- The clothes and belongings he had with him
Scott’s fingerprints
Scott after his arrest
The prebooking sheet for Scott’s arrest, signed by Detective Craig Grogan
Scott’s booking register. Note that his marital starus is given as “single.”
Photos of Scort taken at the StanislausCounrtyJail, April 23. 2003
Photos of Scott taken at the Stanislaus County Jail, April 25, 2003
The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use your ebook reader’s search tools.
Abrams, Dan, 211
Adams, Randall Dale, 433
Aguirre, Rob, xiv, 161-162
Allen, Jim, 356
Allred, Gloria, 362, 366, 391
Almasari, Feras (Mike), 122
Anderson, Eloise, 97, 101, 341, 396
Argain, Brian, 168, 265-266, 279, 283, 290, 332, 395
Armedariz, Rick, 87
Arnason, Richard, 372
Ashley, Nancy—Judge, 75, 354
Ava, 357
Bali, 335
Banks, Sebron, 154
Beianger, Nicole, 333
Belmessieri, Mike, 391
Beratlis, George, 391, 401
Berkeley Marina, 45-46, 267, 336, 363
December 24, 50, 204, 249, 313
investigation, 9-11, 75, 85-87, 152, 165,208-209
Scott’s later visits, 175, 182, 272, 312
Scott’s route to, 31, 313
trial, 374, 396, 399-400,407
Bertalis, 395
Bertalotto, Kevin, 360, 363
Bertalotto, Steven, 150, 152
Bird, Anne, 51, 128, 218, 261, 266-267, 286, 324, 342-344, 348, 352-353, 432
early relationship with Scott, 57-59
trial and sentencing, 402, 424-425, 427, 430
with Scott and Laci, 69, 70, 322-324
Blake, Tom, 111
Borba, John, 330
Boyarski, Jeffery, 374
Boyer, Christopher, 79, 81-84
Boyer, Stacey, 43, 87, 104, 168, 232, 287, 290,316,37 9
Brazelton, James, 281, 354, 358
Brocchini, Al, 159, 160, 181, 202, 220, 221,255,280-281,298,315-316, 320
conversations with Scott, 48-50, 296-297,312-313
December 24, initial investigation, 11, 17-19,21-25, 109, 110-112
interview with Amber Frey and Shawn, 117-120, 122-124, 129, 131, 135, 146
interviews (misc), 38-39, 160-162, 165-168, 177-179,299-300, 330-331,352
investigation, 243-244, 254, 286, 342,
Scott’s arrest, 345, 350
searches—house and office, 75, 77-80, 91-98
searches—San Francisco Bay, 100, 101
searches with dogs, 81-84
taped interview, December 24, 26-37, 42, 45
trial, 367-368, 375, 380-381, 383-389, 394
with Laci’s family, 222-223
with Amber Frey, 298-299, 304
working with dogs, 81
Brooks Island, 94, 100, 101, 208, 302, 334,336
Brown, Joyce Ann, 433
Brown, Pat, 13
Browning, 49
Buehler, Jon, 207, 216, 221, 2.58, 3,52-3,53
investigation. 100, 162-163, 213, 249
interviews with neighbors, 40, 41, 240
interviews with Amber Frey, 118, 120, 122-125, 129, 131, 133-135, 146, 149-150, 184,244-245,269
interview with Laci’s friends, 87-90, 104,286-287,290
interview with .Scott on December 25, 42, 50
trial, 362, 367, 394
Scott’s arrest, 345, 350-352
with Laci’s family, 221-223, 228, 232, 248
Byrd, Richard, 135,245
California Polytechnic Institute, 61, 139, 255, 263, 352
Scott and Laci, 42, 55, 56
Scott and I.aci’s other relationships, xiii, 55, 56, 62, 66, 160, 290
Campos, Diana, 74
Cardosi, Steve, 380, 391, 399, 410, 428
Carrington, Francis and Carole, 106
Carter, Alan, 6-7, 11,17, 207, 345, 350-351 Catherine Crier Live, 309
Caudillo, Susan, 51-52, 58, 79, 260-261, 324-325, 369, 423
Caulkey, 265
Chapman, Don, 51,57, 260
Cheng, Ralph, 310
Chevy, 102,208-209,330
Chung, Connie, 274, 304-305
Clinton, William, 364
Cloward, Ron, 77, 107, 138, 212, 219-220
Condit, Gary, 300, 364, 372
Cosby, Rita, 211,291,294
Couric, Katie, 6 1
Court TV’, 263, 372-373
Crawford, Kristine, 341
Croton, 307-308, 329-330, 379
Crowe, Stephanie, 262-263
De Young, Dean, 329
Del Rio Country Club, 43, 47, 70, 172-173,176, 259,320, 377
Delucchi, Alfred, 321, 363, 372, 378, 382-383, 384, 392,407-410, 413-414,427,43 1
Dempewolf, Kristen, 181
DiMaio, Vincent, 339
DiStaso, Rick, 150, 304, 358, 360, 362
trial, 372, 373-374, 376, 382, 385-386, 389, 396, 405-407
Dodge, 285, 320-321, 326, 342
Donner, 95
Dry Creek Park, 4, 14, 41, 73, 81,89, 168
Dubowy, Dave, 335
Ducot, Denise, 356-357
Duerfeldt, Byron, 4, 6, 7, 11
East La Lorna Park, 2, 4, 11, 140, 181, 311
eBay, 45, 94, 308, 379
El vista Bridge, 5, 14
Ellsworth, Lori, 87-90, 269, 287, 379
Endraki, Tina, 378
Enterprise Rent-A-Car, 182, 197, 208, 210
Espidia, Miguel, 352, 389
Evers, John, 4-6, 8-9, 14,-15, 18-19, 20, 25, 45, 367, 378
Expert Polygraph Services of Fresno, 278, 296 ‘
Fainter, 78
Falconer, Justin, 381-382, 409
Fernandez, David, 120-121, 258, 391
Fisher, Constance, 366-367
Fladager, Burgit, 397-401
Foresberg, Ray, 75
Fox News Channel’s On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, 183, 205, 211, 259, 275
Frey, Amber, 109, 160, 207, 210-211, 232, 270-271, 272, 313, 320, 326, 365, 431
later relationship with Scott, 57, 234, 244, 302, 306,
picture with Scott, 157-158, 222, 312
about the trial, 366
collaboration with police, 1 15, 184-196,213-216,362
concerning press, 221-222, 269, 274, 276-278, 283
conversations with police, 117-120, 122-135, 149-150, 228, 244-246, 269-270, 299, 304
conversations with Scott, 137-138, 142-146, 150-151, 173, 183-196, 197-201, 245-246, 254-256, 278, 295-296, 298, 304, 362
early relationship with Scott, xi, 37, 64, 90
trial and sentencing, 371, 376-377, 381, 390-396, 402-403, 405, 424, 429-430
with Sharon, 270, 305
Frey, Ayiana, 119, 127-129, 133, 143, 144, 184, 187-188, 193-194,390
Frey, Ron, 274
Fritz, Aaron, 291-292, 332, 356
Fritz, Heidi, 291
Fuhrman, Mark, 390
Fulbright, Kim, 396
Gagnon, Penny, 330-331
Gain, William “Kent,�
�� 69, 171, 290
Garza, Renee, 177
Geneve, 8, 108
George, Ronald, 372
Geragos, Mark, 74, 102-103, 180, 214, 294, 320-321, 327, 330, 355, 358-359,431-432
about the trial, 364-366, 369
trial and sentencing, 337, 352-353, 367-368, 372-379, 381-389, 392, 394-398, 401-410, 413-414, 422, 426-428
Gibson, Charles, 274-275
Girolami, Al, 363, 366, 368-369, 372
Gomez, Gloria, 211, 297, 308-310, 318
Gonzales, D., 14
Gonzalez, A., 335-336
Good Morning America, 266, 273-274, 279, 283
Grace, Nancy, 163-164, 359-360
Grantski, Darryl, 61
Grantski, Ron, 2-3, 14-15, 33, 48, 59, 67, 141, 178,252,257-258,306
about Laci, 61
candelight vigil, 142
conversations with Scott, 237, 259
early relationship with Scott, 237
Laci’s childhood, 60-61, 170
searching for Laci, 85, 100
trial and sentencing, 376-377, 386, 415-417,420,428,43 0
with police, 76, 105-107, 221, 223, 230, 244, 305, 338-339, 357
with press, 214, 355
Graybill, Russell, 108
Griffin, Michael, 353
Grogan, Craig, 17, 39-41, 118, 150, 160, 202, 207, 219-220, 248, 272, 278, 358
conversations/interviews with Scott, 107-115, 153-154, 156-160, 162-163, 216-217, 272-274, 284, 295,313-315,322,32 5
crime scene at San Francisco Bay, 334, 342
interviews, 105-107, 169, 325-327, 357
interview with Scott’s family, 139-140, 221, 223-227, 261-265, 270, 273
interview with Scott on December 25?, 42-50
investigation, 101-102, 152,209-212, 244, 249, 267, 303, 317-318, 328-329
Scott’s arrest, 343, 345, 347-351
searches—house and office, 73-75, 77, 80,98-100,32 2
searches with dogs, 81-82, 84-85
trial, 397-398, 400, 402-403
with Laci’s family, 106, 107, 141-142, 169-173, 229-230, 232, 244, 248-249, 259-260, 286, 290, 295, 305-308,319,338-339,35 7
with Amber Frey, 213-216
Hagan, Sharon, 184, 210, 221, 249, 301, 322
Hansen, Katy, 62-64, 118, 123, 286, 356
Harris, Dave, 150, 357, 362
trial and sentencing, 367-368, 373, 382, 398,404,414-420,42 6
Harris, Pat, 373, 377, 397, 422-424, 426
Hearst, William Randolph, 54
Hendee, Henry “Dodge,” 96, 97, 327, 335-336, 367
Herman, Richmond, 329
Hitler, Adolf, 202
Hood, Dawn, 53-54, 56
House. Rick, 92. 317
Hugo Buscati, 161
Huston, Kelly, 361
Ilse, Janet, xiii-xvi, 57, 62-65, 118, 160-162,286,290, 356,376
Ilvesta, Mike, 86-87
Jackson, Diane, 99, 181
Jackson, Michael, 364
Jacobson, Steve, 220, 245-247, 251, 253-256, 271, 274, 280, 282, 395
Jane Doe, 339, 350-351
Juan, xiv
Kamanski, Mary, 51
Karas, Beth, 373
Kernple, Harvey, 363, 377
Kcrouac, jack, 144
King, l.arry, 211, 214-215, 217, 358, 365, 399 ‘
Larry King Live, 163, 167, 214-215, 217,274,294,358,36 4
King, Mclvin, 278, 298-300, 303-304
Krigbaum, Amy, 34, 38, 40, 252, 377
Lane, Denise, 135
Lauer, Matt, 211
Lee, Rose, 79
Letsinger, Derrick, 4, 6, 14, 378
Levy, Chandra, 300, 364, 372
Lewinsky, Monica, 161
Limon, Hrnie, 345, 347
Looby, Michael, 333
I.oureiro, Nuno, 151-152
Lovell, Doug. 95
Mangura. Natalie, 352-353
Mansfield, Doug, 41, 42, 46, 162
interview with Scott. 42-49, 162-163
March, Charles, 403
Marchetti, Cliff, 87
Martinez, Chris, 333 McAllister, Kirk, 79, 81, 113, 159, 162, 182. 200, 214, 216, 225, 246, 257, 279, 281-282, 297-298, 315,321, 355, 360, 36:’, 373
McDougal, Susan, 364
McGhee, Brenda, 35 ”
McGregor, Kim, 239-240, 251-254, 257, 323, 356-357, 388
McKcnzie, 20, 95, 146, 150, 322, 389
cared for by, 240, 252, 273, 280, 303, 314
gift to Scott, 4, 56, 63
Laci walking, 3, 8, 13, 27, 44, 37’9, 381
location on December 24, 1-2, 5-6, 10, 32, 34-35, 40, 46, 89, 159, 165, 302,305, 313, 375, 377-378
with Scott’s girlfriends, xiv, 63, 161
McKinney, Judy, 240
McNeely, Kim, 287, 289-290
Medina, Rodolfo (Rudy), 78, 99, 181
Medina, Susan, 78, 99, 155
Mercedes-Benz, 342, 345, 348, 353
Meyers, 78
Michelle, 55-56
Mikelson, Phil. 54
Miligi, Guy, 168,212,427
Miranda, Rayoune, 102
Miranda, Sherry, 102
Mitchell, 25
Morris, Errol, 433
Mossberg, 49
Nadey, Giles Albert, Jr., 372
National F.nqmrer, 213-216, 221, 229, 232-233, 235, 244, 249, 256
Nava, Margarita, 35, 48, 376, 384
interview with Brocchini, 39 Newman, Erik, 333 Newton, Huey, 372
Nice, Richelle, 371, 392, 394, 409, 428
O’Donnell, Peggy, 112, 386-388
Olsen, Eric, 119-121, 123, 179,258.294, 391
Owen, Phil, 207, 225-228, 310, 33 367
Pearce, Donald, 155-156
Pelosso, Silvina, 106
People. 183-184
Peterson, Brian, 336-337, 339-340, 368, 39 ”
Peterson, Bruce, III
Peterson, Conner, 41, 49, 7(), 94, 107, 23--238, 318, 322, 33’’-339, 346, 355, 357 36s, 432^3 3
Babv Doe, 336-33”, .340, 33 1
due date, 223
Scott discussing, 188-189, 195-196, 307, 309
trial and sentencing, 361, 403-406, 409-411, 415-416, 420-422, 425
Peterson, Jackie, 85, 140, 166, 229, 247, 260-261, 286, 306, 322-323, 325, 339, 342, 368, 397, 418-419, 432
conversations with Scott, 217, 232, 246, 257-258, 271, 273, 279-281, 292-294, 298
interviews with Police, 139-140, 221, 223-224,270-271,273,31 6
investigation, 76-78
Scott’s childhood, 51-52, 57-59, 262-263
trial and sentencing, 367-369, 404, 410^11,413,424-42 5
with press, 163-164, 167, 355
with Scott and l.aci, 69, 322
Peterson, Joe, 51, 219, 260-261, 314, 345-346
Peterson, John, 322, 342
Peterson, Kim, 105, 106, 228-229, 232, 248,281,35 7
Peterson, Lee, 49-50, 66, 85, 140, 157, 166, 229, 260, 289, 293, 312, 331, 342, 355-356, 361
conversations with Scott, 37, 217-218, 247,257,271,279-280,28 2
interviews with police, 139-140, 210, 221,223-228
investigation, 41, 77, 79, 180
Scott’s childhood, 51-54, 57, 59, 262-263
trial and sentencing, 367-369, 396-39”, 404, 410-411, 419, 423, 425, 428
with press, 163-164, 214-215, iSS. 360
Peterson, Mark, 51, 260-265, 283, 361
Pouches, Victoria, 388
Prater, Ron, 98, 384
Priority Investigations, 202
Red Lion Inn, 85, 87, 156, 163-164, 166, 175, 182, 201, 210, 239-240, 318, 377
Reed, Greg and Kristen, 31, 166-167, 178-179,427
Reed, Mike, 292
Rentro, Dcanna Marie, 330
Renfrew, Donnie, 102
Renfrow, Mary, 102
Renier, Noreen, 325-326
Reynolds, Richard, 180
Rhea, Tom, 73
Richardson, Heather, 177, 289, 356-357, 427
Richardson, Mike, 60, 177-178, 213, 331-332,349,355-356,42 7
Rickard, Sandy, 3, 4, 5, 110, 230, 420
Ridenour, 163
Rivera, Geraldo, 179
Robinson, Tyrone, 372
Rocha, Amy, 30, 43, 141, 169, 171-173, 214-215, 230, 258, 275, 307-308, 319-320,357,376,415-41 6
Rocha, Brent, 37, 60, 100, 141-142, 231, 257,275,311-312,357
candelight vigil, 142, 168
childhood with Laci, 60-61, 259
conversations with police, 68, 169-171, 338-339
conversations with Scott, 231, 232-235, 237-239, 250-251, 259-260
trial and sentencing, 377-379, 381, 410, 415-416,419-420
with Scott and Laci, 70, 259
Rocha, Dennis, 42, 60, 142, 169, 171, 257, 351,357
interview with police, 141, 142
Rocha, Nancy, 171
Rocha, Robert and Helen, 60, 7O, 93, 141, 169,416
Rocha, Robin (Marie), 60, 68, 169-170, 290
Rocha, Sharon, ix, ii, 34, 45, 47, 48, 89, 90, 110,141,191,201,229, 238-239, 249, 286, 316, 322, 324, 344,351,366,43 1
about Laci, 61
candelight vigil, 140-142
conversations with Scott, 212, 230-232, 235-237, 247-248, 258-259, 260, 311
early relationship with Scott. 59, 60
Sharon’s account of December 24, 2-5, 6, 8, 10-11, 22-23
searching for Laci, 85, 100
Rocha, Sharon (Continued)
trial and sentencing, 372, 376, 392, 395, 397, 399, 410, 415-422, 426, 428, 430
with Amber, 270, 305
with police. 105-107, 210, 221-223, 229-232, 240, 244, 248-249, 259, 295, 305-306, 312, 319, 338-339, 357
with Scott and Laci, 67-70
with the press, 163-164, 183, 206, 214, 275,355,37 1
Ruger. 49
Ruvalcaba, Mario, 354
Ryder, Winona, 364
Sabatino, Carmen, 248
Salon Salon, 43, 171-172,308,320
Saitzman, Brad, 85
San Francisco Bay, x, 100, 158, 165, 176, 178, 210, 212, 244, 249-250, 267, 272-273, 279, 302, 310, 326, 333, 338, 340, 351, 364, 395, 398-401
Sauki, 183-184
Sawyer, Diane, 273-278, 280, 284, 309, 365
Schlenker, Andy, 86
Scott’s childhood, 51-52, 262
Servas, Karen, 34, 40, 41, 165, 317-318, 344, 377-378
Shields, William, 367
Sibley, Doug, 213
Sibley, Shawn, 119-125, 132, 241, 258, 391-394
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