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Restraint Page 3

by Alyssa Clark

  “Remember, acquittal,” I commanded. “Should you want me to stop, say that word and I will.” I made my way behind him, and even though he still kept his gaze on me, he didn’t try to turn. Defiant to a degree. “Are you ready?”

  “What do you intend to do?” He was intrigued, but afraid. I was willing to bet he was more hard up that I was.

  “You’ve insulted me on at least five times with your presumptuous comments, I would like to give you at least ten hard licks to this,” I didn't hesitate to reach forward to cup his ass. There wasn't much to it, as was something of an unfortunate case with most men. But he tensed not expecting my forward action.

  “You're going to spank me?” His voice made it sound like a ludicrous idea.

  “I will,” I started walking around him again, circling him like a shark. I slapped the block with my riding crop, pausing to raise an eyebrow in his direction. “Bend over it.”

  “If I refuse?”

  “Then you can get dressed and leave,” I said plainly. It would be disappointing if he decided to do that. But, I couldn’t force him if he didn’t want what I offered as a means of demonstration. “It’s your choice. This isn’t a matter of force. I’m not taking power from you. This is about submission. So, you either submit and I punish you for your transgressions, or you don’t, and you get dressed and leave.”

  He stood there, near naked, eyeing me as he decided what he was going to do. He looked weary now, but he bent over the block. I walked around, so I was positioned by his bowed head then squatted so that I was close to him. I picked up a cuff and slowly closed it around one of his wrists. Suddenly I felt like I needed to treat him as if he were a skittish animal. He looked uncomfortable, unsure. I slipped the other one on him and waited. He didn’t utter a word. Maybe I was a little overly excited about extracting revenge. I wasn't going to question my sudden need to go easy on him.

  “How about just five then?” He swallowed thickly and nodded, his gaze off to the far side of the room. “Would you prefer that I use my hand?” He nodded again. I didn’t think I would be getting anything vocal from him. I couldn’t have that. I positioned myself behind him, put a hand on the small of his back and pushed so that he used the block to support his weight. “I want you to count aloud for every strike that I make. Do you understand?” I got another nod. I raised a hand, spread my footing, and brought it down. My hand connected across his ass, connecting with both clenched cheeks. I waited, wanting to see if he would call out the first strike. He grunted but didn’t say anything. Frowning, I struck him again, putting more force behind my swinging hand. Another grunt as my hand connected with the left side of his ass. “You’re supposed to be counting,” I chided. I didn’t wait for him to call out a number, I struck him again.

  “Three,” he snarled lightly.

  “Ah, ah, ah,” I took the time to rub my hand against his rump, squeezing one cheek then the other. Probably enjoying the feel of it a little too much. “You missed the first two, so what does that make us at…?” I trailed off.

  “One,” his voice sounded harsh, and I couldn’t tell if it was in a negative fashion or not. I struck him again, not as hard as I had before just to see if he would follow through with the command. “Two,” he barked in response. I continued back with the amount of force that I started with. I spread out the strikes as I did it, alternating between the left and right cheek then making it so my hand would strike both. His growled out each strike calling out which number it was. When we got to five, I was remiss. I stood behind him, my riding crop dropped and forgotten, with a hand pressed against the small of his back. I may have been panting, and there was a throb between my thighs that I hadn’t felt in a while. Usually, I didn’t get as turned on by this with my clients.

  I didn’t dwell on it, but I had to see the handy work. I pushed his underwear over his ass to get a good look at it. He tensed and looked over his shoulder at me asking, “What are you doing?” I’m thinking his desire to fuck me had diminished.

  I only spared him a glance as I looked at his reddened cheeks. “I have to see,” I murmured, and I lightly rubbed a hand over one. At first, I thought his ass was a little on the lacking side, but seeing it all red had me changing my mind. “Wait here,” I straightened and advised like he had a choice. “I’ll get something to put on that.” I had a cooling lotion that would help with the stinging. Also, it would give me a chance to really inspect my work. I came back to him, his underwear still pulled down exposing his bare rump to me, and he watched me with a glare. Humiliation seemed to radiate from him. That was worrisome, because while spanking was a form a discipline, I wasn’t making an effort to humiliate him. I hummed lightly as I put a generous amount of cream on my fingertips. I then took the time to spread it on one of his battered cheeks.

  He grunted as I worked, I was sure he probably enjoyed the spanking more than he was ready to admit. I would be sure to give Mr. Franklin a call after this, he had no business referring this man to me. I rubbed cream into his other cheek and then I found an overwhelming desire to confirm my hunch. Once I was done treating his battered backside, I reached around and cupped the erection I knew I would find. “Tell me, Mr. Clarke, did you enjoyed yourself?” He rumbled a response that I didn’t understand.

  I pressed myself against his bent over form, slipping my hand into his underwear and grasping his cock at the base. “I assuming this means that you did,” I gave him a firm squeeze that made him gasp. “Do you want to cum?”

  “Yes,” he gritted out, making an effort to sound clear.

  “All you need to do is say please,” I smiled when he tossed a glare at me over his shoulder.

  “Please,” it, too, was gritted out through clenched teeth.

  I ‘tsk’d and reached forward to brush my hand through his hair, petting him lightly. “Say it right, Mr. Clarke. You can do that for me. ‘May I cum, please?’ is what I want to hear,” I started to stroke my hand up and down his length, and I saw his eyes start to flutter closed and felt his hips start to thrust forward into my fist.

  His head dropped as my fingers curled through his hair, there wasn’t enough to pull, and that was disappointing. He groaned as I started to flick my wrist and I quickened the pace of my stroking hand. “Say it,” I purred in his ear, pressing my breasts into his back and curling my hips against his. I matched his pace of his thrusting hips with my own. It was pointless, but I was enjoying myself.

  “Please,” his voice was strained, and I knew with the throbbing that his cock had started that he wasn’t far from exploding in my hand. “May I cum, please?”

  “Yes,” I might have hissed, I might have been enjoying him a little too much. My free hand came around to cup his chin, and I forced him to tilt his head back, drawing him closer so I could nibble his ear. I traced it with my tongue, having that desire to kiss and bite all the while I stroked him. He groaned in response, and it was just a few more thrusts into my hand before I felt him shudder and the hot liquid erupt from him.

  I hummed, purring as if I had gotten something out of this deal, thrusting my hips against his. Really, I hadn’t gotten anything out of it. I ached and throbbed, it was a reminder that it had been far too long since I last had something that wasn’t plastic inside me. I kissed his shoulder, taking a moment to scrape my teeth against his skin.

  I can’t see him again, I decided as I released him. I would confront Mr. Franklin for this, but seeing Mr. Clarke after this would be out of the question. “Wait here, and we’ll get you cleaned up in just a moment,” I stood and found my way to the bathroom. I made quick work of washing my hands and got a washcloth for his benefit. I made my way back to him and knelt before him. “Do you have any questions?” I took the time to wipe his face, I didn’t notice any sort of tear tracks. Everyone was different I suppose, but maybe the coolness of the cloth would help his embarrassment.

  He met my gaze, “Are you going to let me go now?”

  I smiled, trying not to bait him. “Of cours
e, Mr. Clarke,” I reached forward and tripped the latch that kept the cuffs locked. I didn’t want to run a risk of losing keys at an inopportune time. Once he was free, he pushed himself up to the point he was kneeling in front of the block. He took the time to pull his boxer briefs into the right position and make sure that his flaccid cock was tucked in them. I stood and went to his side, offering him a hand up.

  He declined it, standing on his own and wavering just a little. I steadied him before getting shrugged off. I tried not to chuckle at his bruised ego. I showed him to the closet where I had stowed his clothing, going as far to open it and pull out the hanger. “Do you need any assistance?”

  I asked because that was another part of the role. Afterwards, I had to make sure they were okay. Not just physically, but mentally. As far as I could read from the man before me, he was just bruised. It was very likely that he wasn’t used to being dominated. Even in a case of just plain sex.

  “No,” he said evenly, it seemed like he was putting himself back together. Piecing together his ego and putting himself back into the position he was in before he walked into my office. “No, thank you,” he clarified. Perhaps, something I did stuck. I stood close by as he dressed, just in case he lost his footing. Being at the angle he was at for that long could create some vertigo. I just felt that I had to be watchful.

  He stepped into his slacks and pulled them up, his gaze straight ahead. It was clear with the way his jaw was clenched that he was probably trying to grasp how to handle the situation. I didn’t feel the need to point out that he had willing walked into it. He hadn’t made any effort to make me stop. But, I did feel a bit of guilt. Maybe it was the alpha in him that had him struggling to accept what happened him. Once he had his undershirt and shirt on, he didn’t even look at me. “Was that last part apart of the deal?” He was tucking his shirt into his pants as he spoke and I took the opportunity to pluck up his tie and began to wrap it around his neck.

  “No,” I admitted as I started to knot it. “But, there was no money exchanged between us. So, if you intend to report me I don't think charges would come up.”

  “I wasn't going to,” he started to argue, fidgeting with a cuff of his shirt. “That was just a bonus for the demonstration then?”

  I kept a hold on his tie, then used it as a means to jerk him forward. I pulled him close as I took in his expression. I really did like ties on a man, they made such nice leashes. Even after the spanking and the apparent embarrassment he faced, there was still want looking back at me. “I did it,” I said lowly as I considered the bad idea of kissing him. “Because I wanted to. I asked if you wanted to cum, you said you did. Are you complaining now?”

  “No,” his voice took a slight gravelly tone that I could find myself liking.

  “Consider what happened here a gift then, Mr. Clarke,” No matter how tempting it was, kissing him was a bad idea. I was still so keyed up from spanking him that being so close to him now had me considering breaking more of my professional rules.

  “Matt,” he corrected again. “So, there's a fee for this treatment,” he waved a hand behind him to indicate what I had done to him. “But, how do I get a meeting that is less dominating?”

  I let go of his tie and turned away to fetch his jacket, “You don't. Sex is out of the question.”

  His features darkened when I turned back to him. He didn't like the prospect. Oh well. I helped him back into his jacket and started to walk him to the door after he slipped his shoes back on. “It was very nice to meet you, Mr. Clarke.”

  He grunted something that might have been an agreement after I let him back into the front part of the office. “If I decide to schedule another… meeting,” he decided to call it, “I have your card.” He walked out of my office more brooding then he had come in, I watched to be sure he didn't have any sort of limp to his gait. It appeared that the only thing I had wounded was his ego. I was fine with that.

  I locked up the front and went to clean up the back, having left the mess I caused sit for far too long. I scrubbed it up and proceeded to disinfect the area. Necessary chores done, it was time to confront Mr. Franklin.

  I turned off the lights and locked up the back room then sat down with my purse and my work phone to demand an explanation. He answered on the second ring.

  “This is Allen.”

  “Mr. Franklin,” I said evenly. “Are you available for a private conversation?”

  “Just a second,” I heard a door open then close. “What is it, Angela darling?”

  “I just finished a meeting with your colleague, Mr. Matthew Clarke,” I tried not to get angry as I thought about it. “It struck me, that Mr. Clarke is not quite the person that would usually inquire about the services that I offer. Can I ask why you referred him to me?”

  I heard him take a breath, perhaps to gather his thoughts, “I thought perhaps he could use a bit of discipline. He has been striving to gain a foothold at the office, and I thought he should be put in his place--”

  “That,” I interrupted him, “is not what I do. I will not be used as a means to put your employees or coworkers in their place. If,” my voice hardened because I had lost the grasp I had on my anger, “that is how you intend to employ my services we will need to end our arrangements.”

  “That won't be necessary,” he argued quickly. “This situation will not occur again. I see how I put you in an awkward situation and I am deeply sorry for doing so.” I heard a shift, and he cleared his throat. “You can punish me appropriately for the transgression.”

  “When we meet again, Mr. Franklin, I will be sure to punish you for this. However, it will be sometime before I will be available to meet with you again,” I sighed. I hated to do this, and I would miss the money it would supply me, “I will have to cancel the meeting we have for Monday. I'm sure you understand?”

  He winced, “I do.”

  “I hope you take responsibility for your actions and ensure that Mr. Clarke is in good standings the next time you see him,” he would have to do it. He set these things into motion, and it was his mess to clean up.

  “I will,” he confirmed. “I will see you soon?”

  “A week. And when I'm sure you've learned your lesson I will let you know,” I said sternly before ending the call. I sighed as the burning between my thighs began to simmer down. That was one problem resolved. Now it was time to go home and take care of the other problem. If I had known my day would have turned into this, I might have had the chance to be better prepared.

  Goddamn men.



  I was a mess. By the time I got home, I felt like every nerve ending was electrified; as if instead of spanking me the woman had shocked me. Well, I guess she did shock me. By the time I got home the hard-on I was still sporting wasn’t something I was prepared for. I had already gotten off, but it seemed like the tight grip of her hand hadn’t been enough satisfaction for me. I still struggled to believe how much the feel of her hands on me and the command of her voice had gotten to me.

  She took from me, she beat my ass and then got me off all while I was helpless to do anything. I could still feel her lips and teeth on my skin. This wasn’t usually my fantasy when it came to a beautiful woman. I never got past more than just having her on me and being in her until I erupted into my own stroking hand. Sex, when I had time to have it, was usually just as simple. There wasn’t handcuffs or spanking involved.

  But laying in bed, stroking myself for some sort of relief, I envisioned Angela. Her bow shaped lips around me and those big blue eyes narrowed at me until I burst. I was left panting, and the last bit of energy I had was sapped. I didn't have the will to process everything that had happened in the last few hours. I snatched up a tissue to clean up the mess I'd made of myself, then relaxed back in my bed. I fell asleep quickly, and the night was spent dreaming of her.

  The next day at work Mr. Franklin met me in my office, I hadn’t expected to see him, so it caught me off guard. I still felt off
kilter, and I was unprepared to deal with him. It was uncharacteristic for him to come to me; usually, I was summoned. “Good Morning, Allen,” I said as I went to my desk, striving to mask my discomfort. He knew what she was and what she did to me. That was probably why he was here. That thought was enough for me to eye him, I couldn’t trust this man anymore.

  “Good morning, Matthew,” he said as he adjusted a cuff then, after unbuttoning his jacket, came to sit in front of my desk.

  I hesitated to sit, while the spanking she had given hadn’t been brutal there was still a bit of soreness in my ass. I didn’t want to wince in front of the man that sent me to her. He would know, and I wasn’t prepared to show that weakness to him. “Did you need something?”

  “I came in to check on you,” he said lightly, looking well put together and not at all like the deviant I considered him, now.


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