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Restraint Page 5

by Alyssa Clark

  I started stroking my hands over Mr. Middleton, petting his face and hair, going over all the little red stripes that I had beaten into his skin. His face turned towards me, and he relaxed visibly. I found myself checking his pulse to be sure that it didn’t feel erratic. “You behave so well for me,” I murmured. “I am torn with whether or not I should continue to punish you.” I went to start stimulating him, shifting the plug in his rectum in and out minutely. “What do I give you for a reward?”

  “Stalemate,” he moaned, and I tried not to feel disappointed.

  I immediately switched off the butt plug and gently pulled it out of him. I reached up to pluck off the blindfold, “Are you okay?”

  He nodded, “I need the cage to come off.”

  I understood and deftly unlocked it and began removing the pieces carefully. As soon as his cock was free, he moaned out in relief. I continued to carefully lower him to the floor so I could free him from the restraints. As soon as he was free I held onto his wrists to make sure he was steady on his feet. “Are you okay?” I asked again, watching his eyes for any kind of distress that wasn’t normal.

  He gave me the most charming smile, I imagine if I had been twenty years older I might have felt something less platonic for him. “I am fine, Mistress,” he grasped my hands. “You are too good to me. I need to end our appointment early,” he said steadily.

  I looked down and spied the erection he had. I knew what he was going to go do. “Let’s get you dressed so you can take that home to enjoy it then,” I hated to end an appointment early. But with someone like Mr. Middleton that suffered like he did, I wouldn’t complain. I helped him dress and walked him to the door, hoping that he would be able to maintain it long enough to get home.

  Unfortunately, for the both of us, Mr. Clarke was waiting outside the office. He saw Mr. Middleton and gave the other man a nervous nod once he was out the door. It made my blood boil in a way I wasn’t prepared for. As soon as Mr. Middleton was out of sight, I let go of the affection I felt and glowered at the man that stood in my doorway now.

  He looked back at me, and it was easy to see the lust that seemed to radiate from him. The last time he saw me I had been fully dressed. Now I was in nothing but lingerie. “May I come in?” he asked distractedly.

  The fact that he asked gave me pause, he must’ve done some research since I last saw him. Intrigued, I nodded. I watched as he stepped in then closed the door, not allowing it to fall closed on its own. He even went as far as to lock it. “What can I do for you, Mr. Clarke?”

  He fidgeted for a moment like he was trying to figure out what to do from here. I could see indecision and something else warring with one another. “I would like to make an arrangement to see you on a regular basis,” he said at last.

  I told myself I wouldn’t see him again. I told myself he couldn’t be a client. But here he was, wanting to make arrangements. “I won’t be fucking you, Mr. Clarke,” though I wasn’t sure if I was just telling him that or if I was reminding myself. “That won’t be apart of the arrangement.”

  “Of course not,” he straightened up then, pulling at a cuff, looking all business. I got the feeling I was now being presented with the lawyer. “I remember the conversation we had the last time we met. That isn’t what I am trying to arrange.”

  “Alright,” I gesture to one of the couches. “You can wait while I clean up. I will see you after.” I turn and close the door behind me. I force myself to clean up at an average pace and not rush through it. I would not rush for a man.

  After I placed the plug and cage to soak and sanitize I found a robe to wrap myself in. I took a few deep breaths, trying to rein myself in and not appear as excited as I was. I shouldn’t even be excited. I should be angry. I should be upset that he was here. I should demand that he leave. But, I wouldn’t, I couldn’t. I went to the door and opened it, head held high. If he was going to accept my fee and terms, then I would gladly accept the duty to torment this man.

  He was seated on one of the couches, had a knee bouncing and from the look of him, he was a ball of nerves. He was afraid. It’s likely he didn’t know what to expect. It made me deflate, and I went to my desk, found a clipboard and pen then found the checklist I kept. I came to sit beside him, though not too close. But I did turn to look at him, my knees brushed against his bouncing one.

  “Mr. Clarke, before we begin any sort of fun we need to have an important conversation,” I began.

  “I’m clean,” he said without me asking. “I get a yearly checkup and the last time I had sex was probably six months ago. I used protection, and I expect us to continue to use protection.”

  I put my hand on his knee and immediately halted it’s bouncing, I gave him a hard look. “You will not talk unless I speak to you and request an answer. Do not assume what I am about to ask, do not assume you know what I want. Assuming will lead you down the wrong road. We don’t know each other, you have no right to assume what I want. Do it again, and it will lead you to punishment, do you understand?”

  He stared at me, eyes wide. “Yes ma’am,” his voice had gone quiet, and I could see that despite the fact that he wasn’t someone that would usually take the submissive role, I had his undivided attention.

  “First things, first,” I began again, releasing his knee. “Sexually, what sort of experience do you have?”

  He blinked slowly at me, as he registered my question as if he hadn’t provided me with the answer beforehand. “I’m not a virgin,” he said simply.

  “Not the question, Mr. Clarke,” I tried not to get frustrated. He was vanilla. Completely. “Let’s make this simpler, shall we?” I released a breath and consulted my list, “Have you had anal sex before?”

  He made a soft noise, “No.”

  “Have you been penetrated before?”

  He balked and stared at me as if I had just asked him something offensive. “No,” his voice had risen an octave.

  I sighed, knowing that answer would add more dust to my damn strap on. It looked like the only way I’d get to use it is if I started seeing women, which, was starting to look like a good idea. I tried my best to hide my disappointment and continued, “Oral sex?”

  “Yes,” he cleared his throat, looking decidedly uncomfortable with this conversation. “I’m not entirely sure why you asking all these questions. Are they really all that important?”

  “Do you give oral sex?” I asked immediately after and I saw him get intrigued when I did. “These questions give me an idea of just what you’ve experienced and what you may not be willing to experiment in. I can already tell that you are pretty much a standard man. You probably prefer missionary or doggy style. You enjoy oral sex, but I’m not quite sure if you’re willing to go down on a lady. So far I’m under the impression that you take more than you give. Am I wrong?”

  He frowned at me and leaned forward, “I would go down on a lady. Give me the opportunity to, and I would bury my face between your legs and I would stay there until you were begging me to stop.” He then rolled a shoulder and looked away, “As for the other part. Yea. I don’t mind experimenting with different positions and usually shift as the mood strikes me, looking for the best angle that gets the most reaction.”

  “The blunt approach I will take then,” I tilted my head until I heard my neck pop. “Do you object to anal play?”

  “On me?” his voice rose again, and he looked at me like I was crazy.

  “I will take that as a yes,” I pointedly sighed as I crossed that off the list. “Nipple clamps?”

  “What about them?” I was given a confused look.

  “Would you like to experiment with them?”

  “On me?” he asked me again.

  I put the pen down and tried to keep from getting irritated with him. “Mr. Clarke, why are you here?” I looked at him again and saw a lost little lamb, “None of what I do has an interest to you. If it’s just sexual interest, I’ve already told you that it won’t happen.”

  He sat f
orward, propping his elbows upon his spread knees, “Mr. Franklin wanted me to come and apologize for my behavior.” He paused and pulled out a check from his suit pocket, he offered it to me. It was blank save for the signature. “He said to use it as a means to get back in your good graces. I figured I’d take advantage of it. I just didn’t realize what I was really getting into. Anal? Really?”

  “Don’t judge people or something you don’t have an understanding of,” I said lightly as I eyed the check. Mr. Franklin must be desperate. “Did he at least speak with you?”

  “He did,” he rubbed his jaw, and I could feel his eyes on me. “If you don’t have sex with your clients, why dress like that?”

  “What I do, Mr. Clarke,” I started, ignoring his gaze. “Is I provide an outlet for people’s darkest fantasies. I don’t have intercourse with the people I see. The man that left before enjoys seeing me in lacy things, details like this is something of a reward. Like when I allowed you to cum the last time you were here. A reward for your accepted your punishment,” I turned to eye him. “You didn’t tell me to stop, you didn’t curse me. You accepted it even though you were afraid and that was deserving of a reward.”

  He leaned close to me, his voice going low. “What do you want to do to me?” His hazel eyes had darkened, and I felt like this was some sort of a test. Would I fall for it?

  I fell for it, I set my clipboard aside, and I shifted to close the distance, my arm going around his shoulders as I did. “I would strip you, then chain you to my bed,” I lowered my voice, and I saw his eyes dilate and I knew I had him. “I would turn your skin the most perfect shade of pink, I would beat you until you couldn’t take more.” Warning bells were going off in my head as I pressed my lips to his ear, “If you took your punishment like a good boy, I might consider allowing you to cum. I just can’t decide whether or not I would use my hand or my mouth.” He released a breath, it was shaky, “But if you want something like that, Mr. Clarke, you have to be willing to submit to me.” I didn’t resist the urge to take his ear into my mouth, my teeth grazed the lobe, and I sucked on it lightly.

  He groaned, and it vibrated through me, one of his hands was on my knee. It flexed, and I knew he wanted to move it up my thigh. “What do you get out of it?” his fingers squeezed my knee. I think he was testing me or maybe trying to tease me as I was him.

  The throb, the one I felt the last time I had seen him was back, and so far all I had done was suck on his ear. I ran my fingers through his hair, scrapping my fingernails along his scalp. “I enjoy it,” because I did on some level otherwise I wouldn’t do this. I liked being in control.

  His fingers toyed with the edge of my robe, it was short and fell just above the knee. “Do you get to cum?”

  I pulled back and looked at him, he looked serious, and he had a bad case of bedroom eyes. “That’s not your business,” I decided.

  “I don’t know what I want you to do to me,” he said after a length, his eyes seemed to still be dilated and his judgment sense fogged by lust. “But, I don’t want to walk out of here.”

  “I’ll go easy on you,” I murmured, I cupped his face. “How long do you want to be mine?”

  “There’s a time limit?” his brows were up, but he turned his face in my hand brushing his lips against my palm. He watched me for a reaction, and I knew that if I let him, he would try harder at his seduction game.

  “It’s a grand for the first hour and five hundred for each additional hour,” I informed.

  His tongue had come out to trace the line of my palm, but as soon as he heard the cost of my services he paused. “How much time does Franklin usually spend with you?”

  “I won’t tell you what I do with other clients,” I said sternly. “Have you forgotten the contract you signed?”

  He shook his head, “He already told me some of the things you do, I just want to know how much time he spends with you.”

  I frowned as I considered the answer before giving in, “It depends on the time between appointments. Anywhere between two to four hours.” His mouth dropped open, and he looked at me in disbelief, “How many hours do you want to be mine?”

  His brows drew together, though he didn’t seem to object to the idea of being mine. “I don’t know,” I swept my thumb along his bottom lip and without a thought, he opened his mouth to let digit in. Dangerous, he sucked on my thumb as he gave me a salacious look.

  “How about we start with an hour,” I suggested, trying to not let what he was doing get to me. But still, the heat of it pooled between my thighs, I was playing with fire. “And if you need more you say so. How does that sound?” He gave me a nod and released my thumb. “You remember your safe word?”

  “Acquittal,” he offered as I stood.

  He rose to follow, and when we both got to the door that led to my playroom, I decided I needed to make sure he understood what he was doing. I turned to him, “You are agreeing to pay me so that I will take you on as a submissive for the next hour. You understand that despite my state of dress, and that I may ask you to remove your clothing that sex will not happen?”

  His gaze sharpened then and he seemed to realize the seriousness that I had taken. Mr. Clarke looked away, and I could see him recalling just what I had done to him the last time he and I had met. He looked less like a sex-starved man and more like someone who was considering their options. He didn’t want to leave, he said as much before, but he didn’t like the idea of stepping into the unknown. “What are you going to do?” his voice had taken a gravelly tenor.

  I couldn't keep myself from smiling, “I intend to make you strip, get a good look at you on your knees.” He frowned and it only seemed to thrill me. He wouldn’t enjoy the last bit, he might not enjoy this bit, “I want to strap you down and see just what you’ll let me do.” I eyed him as I opened the door, “Are you sure you want to go back into my playroom?”



  I nodded without hesitation, without second thoughts. The all-consuming thought I had was that this beautiful woman was about to hurt me in ways I wasn’t prepared for. I loitered in the doorway, and I watched, tantalized as she took the silk robe off and let it drop to the floor. I devoured the curves she exposed, something I had glimpsed before when I badgered her on the phone but was now getting a full unobscured view. The lace bustier had my palms itching to trace the pattern, and her exposed ass made me want to kneel behind her and trace the thin scrap of fabric that fell between her cheeks with my tongue. I’ve never wanted a woman like this, and I followed her into the darkened room like I was hypnotized. The heavy door fell behind me with a bang, and it seemed to resound in me.

  Last chance to back out.

  I didn’t want to, I followed her at a length so I could take in the sweet curves of her ass. All coherent thought was leaving me as the blood flooded my cock. She turned back to me with those big blue eyes and smiled like a cat that had the canary. “Take off your clothing,” she gestured to a door. “Hang it up neatly, turn off your phone. You rudely interrupted my last appointment, and I will punish you for that.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck rose, but I didn’t stop from loosening my tie and tugging off the jacket to my suit. I went to the closet and found two hangers. I kicked off my shoes and placed them inside, then hung up my jacket with my tie looped around the hanger. I seemed to feel the need to rush as I undressed like I was eager to see what her punishment would be.

  I could feel her eyes on me, and it only seemed to add fuel to the fire, I looked up to meet her gaze I could see appreciation in her expression. She wanted me like I wanted her. Once I was naked, and my clothing stowed away I waited for her instruction. She circled me like she did the last time, reaching out to touch me when I least expected it. It put me off kilter, but I didn’t waiver in my stance. She was just behind me, and her hands drifted from the cheeks of my bare ass up the lines of my back to rest on my shoulders. They stayed there, and I felt pressure before she spoke, “On your knees.”r />
  Something in me wanted to rebel. I wanted to remain standing and fight the pressure of her hands. But something told me the more I fought, the less of a chance that I’d get what I wanted. And while she said sex wouldn’t be involved I had the desire to try to change her mind. I couldn’t imagine doing the things she did, even if it were just spanking, and not getting aroused by it. It had made me harder than I was prepared for and had been part of the reason why I had struggled with the aftermath. I had done a little research before I contacted her, trying to figure out what she and Franklin had tried to explain to me and how I wasn’t someone that would normally seek this.

  And here I was facing it, gritting my teeth as I sank down to my knees. I wasn’t someone that enjoyed letting go of power and control over myself to another person. So, you would think I wouldn’t enjoy being dominated. But, and she had a good view of me standing over me, I was so hard I started to throb. She made a low cooing noise, and her hand drifted through my hair, nails scraping along my scalp and sending chills down my spine.


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