Loving Kale: Selkrian Tales Novella

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Loving Kale: Selkrian Tales Novella Page 5

by Gabriella Clark

  How did I get myself into this? I thought to myself as Kale stalked closer to me, moving with predatory grace. I drew back until I was pressed up against one of the windows in our suite. I started panting feeling like I was just a little gazelle being cornered by a ravenous wolf. A pitiful image to be sure, but I couldn't help feeling like he wanted to devour me whole. His eyes had darkened to a brilliant amethyst and the look in them….I squeezed my thighs together in reaction. He came to a stop in front of me and slowly brought his arms up on either side of me, caging in my body. He looked me up and down. starting at my strappy red stilettos, moving up to the mile of leg bared by my thigh length dress. The front of the dress was very demure with a heart shaped bodice, but it was made from a clingy material that hugged my curves lovingly. The back though….there wasn’t any….my entire back was bared from my shoulders down to the very top curve of my ass, it was juuust this side of decent.

  I was still riding high on the rush of power I had got when I first walked out of our room wearing it and his jaw had practically hit the floor when he realized how little there was in the back. All throughout the night from our dinner date to the club we had went to afterward for drinks, he had kept close to my side, his hand on the small of my back. I remembered him growling a few times that night when some men had gotten a little to obvious with their stares. They had looked up at him, blanched at whatever they saw in his eyes and hurriedly looked away. Dinner was divine and I’d had so much fun at the club, I hadn't known he could dance so well, it had been a blast. At least until the music slowly changed and switched to a low sultry beat made for close dancing. He had gathered me against his body as we swayed together. My breasts had constantly brushed against his chest and his fingers had traced patterns up and down my spine. He had teased me mercilessly by brushing kisses up and down my neck and nibbling gently on my ear lobe.

  He had driven me into a fever pitch of desire by the time we left the club and began the drive back to the hotel. The drive back had been a little quiet but filled with tension since I had decided to get some revenge. I had laid my hand on his thigh and rubbed my hand up and down, getting close but never quite touching the bulge behind his zipper. By the time we got back to the hotel, he had rocketed out the car, tossed his keys to the valet and hustled me inside and to the elevator. He’d kissed me passionately once the doors had closed, pressing me into one corner of the elevator and grinding his lower half against mines. We’d drawn apart slowly as the elevator opened on our floor and calmly walked to our room. As soon as the door was closed behind me though, he’d turned to me with that look in his eyes and here we were now.

  He came up close to my body until not a inch of space separated us and drew one arm down until he wrapped his hand around the outside of my thigh and drew it up, placing my knee at his hip. I let out a gasp as his lower body met mine and he aligned our groins together. He brought that same hand up along the outside of my thigh, drawing my dress up with it as it moved. “You knew exactly what you were doing when you wore this didn't you?” he said voice husky “ You knew this would drive me completely wild.”

  I laughed throatily and replied “ Maybe. What are you going to do about it?” He smirked at me and brought his head down to mine. He kissed me slowly as he brought his hand up to rest under my breast. He drew his thumb across the tip of my nipple, drawing circles before pinching it gently as our kiss got wetter, hotter, our tongues dueling for supremacy. I moaned into his mouth as he tugged on my nipple,twisting it between his fingers. He ground up into the crevice between my thighs as he took both hands and drew the top of my dress down until it pooled around my waist.

  He cupped both of my breasts in his hands drawing back to let out a hiss before moving down my throat, placing open mouthed kisses there. He massaged them firmly as I panted in his ear. My breasts had always been sensitive and I didnt know if I wanted to get closer or move away from the sensations curling through my body. He seemed to sense this because he moved from my throat and pushed my breasts together, lavishing attention on my nipples with his tongue. The ridges there felt amazing as he dragged his tongue repeatedly across my nipples. He bit down gently while tugging on the other, “ fffuuccckkk” I gasped out feeling this close to orgasm from that alone.

  He laughed darkly and took his mouth away as he came back to kiss me again. His hand went back to my thigh and he brought my dress up as he went searching underneath, finding the strap of my underwear and following it down to where his hips pressed against mine. He hesitated there murmuring “Is this ok?” I nodded and kissed his neck, reaching for the bottom of his shirt. He slid a finger under the edge of my thong, drawing his finger back and forth, caressing my skin slowly. I bit my bottom lip as I ran my hand up his chest, feeling the hard muscles of his abdomen rippling under my fingers.

  He stared into my eyes as he slipped his knuckle under the edge of my thong. He ran that knuckle up and down my slit teasing me again and from the look in his eye he was enjoying this. So that's what we were doing huh I thought to myself and reached down towards his belt. He felt what I was doing and drew his hips back, murmuring “uh uh uh” I growled frustrated at having my prize taken from me. He drew my underwear down the leg that had fell from his hips as he stepped back, so that they were just hanging on to one leg. He stepped back and I lifted my leg back to where it was. Placing his hand high on my thigh he went back to work, as he captured my lips with his. My breath caught in the back of my throat as I felt him part my folds with one finger and begin to rub circles around my clit. He began tugging on my nipple again with his free hand, driving me closer and closer to release.

  I put my arms around his shoulders running my hands through his hair as I gave a short hop and brought my other leg up around his waist. He took that maddening finger and brought it down to my opening as his thumb took its place. He began to slide it in me easily since at this point I was embarrassingly wet and it sunk in all the way up to his knuckle. He thrust it back and forth as my hips followed the movement. I tore my mouth from his as I began to pant heavily, it was right there I just needed a little more. Again it was like he read my mind because on the next thrust he turned his hand and began a crooking motion with his finger, like he was telling someone to come here.That was all I needed, my head banged back against the wall as I let out a long moan. The orgasm crashed into me leaving me breathless in its wake.

  He slid his hand along my nape as I came down slowly, trying to catch my breath. That flew out the window as I caught the look in his eyes. He brought his head down to mine and kissed me softly. He nipped my bottom lip gently before dragging his tongue across the slight sting. He kissed me deeply while he took a firm hold of my bottom and lifted me away from the windows. He laid me back against the cool surface of the dining room table and slowly dropped to his knees.

  He dragged his tongue slowly up my inner thigh and my back arched on a gasp, my hands clutching the sides of the table. I whimpered when I realized where he was headed. I would finally see if my suspicions were true about the ridges on his tongue. He caught my dress and pulled it down and off taking my thing on the way. He laughed a little as he caught sight of the little heart shaped hair on my mound, before grabbing my ankles and placing my heels on the edge of the table.

  He glanced up at me from under his lashes. “I‘ve wanted to do this ever since I saw you in that dress” he murmured. He parted my folds and brought his face in close. Holding my eyes with his he opened his mouth and licked me from the bottom to the top. I moaned loudly and cupped my breasts as he did it again, this time adding a swirl at the top. My head fell back with a thunk as I felt him take my clit in his mouth and suck gently. Then I felt it “Oh Gggoooodddd” I groaned loudly as I felt the ridges on his tongue on either side of my clit.

  My next moan ended in a sharp cry as he twisted his tongue to the side and I felt the ridges directly where I wanted them most. I dug my fingers into his hair and couldn't help riding his face as the pleasure became more and more in
tense. My cries got louder and louder until I climaxed while shouting his name. My hands fell weakly to my side as he licked me soothingly, bringing me back down from the heights he had driven me to. I lay there feeling boneless as with a final swipe he rose from between my legs licking his lips. His eyes were a dark purple,almost black as he lifted me up, holding me to him and heading towards the bedroom.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist and held on for the ride. He walked quickly to and then through the room. After lowering me to the bed he stepped back and took off his pants and shoes. Pausing for a moment he let me look my fill, narrow masculine feet led up to tan muscular legs. I got to the juncture at his thighs and stared. “Hot damn” I breathed looking at what had to be nine inches of thick veiny cock that was pointing straight up. The large mushroom head was flushed and weeping a light purple colored fluid.

  I looked again confused feeling like there was something missing. “Dude “ I said pointing “where's your balls?” He looked at me, shocked before laughing loudly, holding his stomach, his dick bouncing with the motion. I rolled my eyes and motioned him over “Come here chuckles” He laughed harder moving to lay next to me on the bed. Still smiling he held my waist and kissed me, quieting completely as we fell deeper into the kiss. I was really growing addicted to the way he kissed me, like he was savoring every moment.

  I could feel myself growing slick as his hands roamed my body teasing and caressing me to a fever pitch. He rolled on top of me, stroking me between my legs until I was begging for release. “Kale” I moaned “oh god please.. ” He shuddered above me and reached down to the floor and into his pants pocket. Pulling out a condom he unwrapped it and quickly rolled it on. He moved forward slowly not stopping until he was seated all the way inside.

  I moaned as my muscles stretched deliciously around his hard length,wrapping my legs around his waist. He halted, arms out straight, clenched fists pressed into the bed with his head bowed. I ran my hands up his back, biting my bottom lip at how good he felt inside me. He lifted his head and I gasped as I saw his eyes glowing a brilliant shade of violet. Holding my gaze with his he started to move, going slowly at first and then speeding up. Holy shit I thought unable to hold in my cries as I lifted my hips to meet his thrusts.

  Leaning back he grabbed my legs and lifted both over one shoulder. I closed my eyes as this changed the angle of his thrusts. The spot he was now going over sending sharp spikes of pleasure through me. “No” He growled snapping his hips forward forcefully “ look at me” My eyes shot open and I looked into his at the command in his voice. “Good girl” he crooned reaching down to play with one of my nipples. I held on to his biceps as the pleasure rose, unable to stop from digging my nails in, the eye contact almost more than I could bear.

  I chanted his name my head going back eyes squeezing shut as I came hard. His hand moved down to clutch my hip as I clamped down on him. He thrust once, twice, three times before letting out a loud groan and pulling me in tight against him. He let my legs slip from his shoulder and chest heaving came down to lay heavily on top of me. He kissed the side of my neck and buried his face in my hair.I ran my hands tiredly up and down his back as we lay there and I let myself drift off to sleep.

  I came to slowly sometime later feeling deliciously sore, it had been ….sheesh...let's just say awhile since I'd had sex and my body was letting me know how it felt about that. Although considering last night I might as well had been a virgin. I giggled to myself at the thought and the arm wrapped around my waist tightened. Kale’s husky voice emerged from over my shoulder “what's so funny?”

  “I am...are all Selkrians built like you? And as uh talented? If so our men may try to kick you off the planet but don't worry the women will definitely stop them”

  I could feel his smile against my neck and his hand drifted up to take hold of my breast. Slowly plucking and rubbing my nipple he said “I'm not sure about the others, I just know once I saw these pretty nipples I was feeling inspired”. I blushed glad he was behind me and didn't see. As my nipple came to a hard point I couldn't help moaning, pushing my bottom back into the hardness i could feel poking me from behind.

  He ground against me while his other hand trailed down to rest between my thighs. Lifting my leg he started teasing me, rubbing two fingers in the space around my clit. I groaned frustrated and demanded “Stop teasing me!” He chuckled and said “in due time...I need to ask you something first”. I sucked in my breath tossing my head back a he pushed one finger in me and started moving it back and forth.

  “I wore a condom last night because I didn't know if you knew that Selkrians don't carry diseases. I wanted you so much I couldn't stop to have that conversation just then.”

  I panted pushing down onto that maddening finger and asked “ mmmm what about..ahhh...pregnancy?” I lifted my leg higher as he sped up, between that and his hand at my breast pinching my nipple I was about to explode. “We can completely control our procreation,there is no accidental pregnancy” he slowed his finger and whispered “can I?” in my ear then bit my lobe gently. My eyes crossed and I nodded frantically.

  “Thank the gods” he groaned before removing his finger. Catching my thigh and holding it high he eased forward, seating himself fully. I shuddered feeling every vein, every inch of that cock inside me. He set his teeth in the space where my neck met my shoulder and thrust shallowly a few times, swirling his hips at the end of each thrust. “ Kale…” I moaned “ fuck me hard”

  He froze and then begin to slam into me so forcefully the bed begin to squeak. “Fuuuuuccckkkk” I cried scratching at the sheets trying to find something, anything to anchor myself in a reality gone hazy with pure sensation. Finding the sheets to be no help...damn their cotton blend hides!....I raised my hands and clutched the head board. He let go of my thigh and rasped “ keep it up” then took his hand and begin to strum my clit again. He opened his mouth and begin to suck on my tendon, rolling it with his teeth and tongue. ‘Oh God oh God oh God!” I could feel it coming, like a wave of pure pleasure about to crash me onto the shore.

  “Come. Now” he said slamming his hips forward and grinding against me while pushing his thumb down firmly on my clit. I could feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head and my mouth opening on a wordless cry as I obeyed. He bit down into my neck moaning as he came as well and incredibly I could feel my orgasm swelling again. The hell? I thought almost blacking out from the pleasure. He eased my leg back down and removed my white knuckled grip from the head board. We lay there quietly just breathing with his arm wrapped tightly around me. He kissed my neck over the same spot and i felt a quiver go through me.

  “What time is it?” I murmured feeling like i could easily fall asleep again. He looked around me to the clock on the nightstand “ it's 3 am” He kissed me gently “go to sleep Ke’Ola I'll wake you in the morning” I closed my eyes already drifting off, one last thought drifting through my mind what’s Ke’Ola?.

  I woke up again and stretched , raising my arms and pointing my toes before flopping back down. I stared at the ceiling a silly smile on my face. Damn I need to take Shaye’s advice more often I thought as I got up from the bed. I paused wondering where Kale was but then i heard movement coming from the bathroom. ‘Kale?’ I called rolling to the edge of the bed and sitting up. “ Good you're up” he called back “ I ordered us some breakfast. Out should be here soon” I could feel my tummy rumbling mmmmmm breakfast I got up the rest of the way and headed into the bath room as he was leaving out. I went up on my tip toes and accepted the kiss he gave me, turning my head at the last second so it landed on my cheek. “Morning breath” I explained and laughed a little when he rolled his eyes. I closed the door behind him and headed to the shower, determined to wash quickly, wanting to see what food the Selkrian would have ordered.

  I dried off and dressed pulling on a pair of faded jeans and a tank top. I glanced at the clock as I walked out the room seeing we had a few hours till check out. He really had knocked me out with sex. I g
rinned to myself as I walked to the dining room table, unable to feel any regrets. “Hey’ he said walking over and giving me a quick kiss “go on and sit down I'll just grab the drinks.” I nodded and sat noticing the in room dining cart standing next to the table, and seeing he had already unloaded most of the items. I took a moment to compose my face, I wanted to grin sooo badly! He had ordered another of my favorites, Belgian waffles, sausage,scrambled eggs and he was bringing over a pitcher of oj.

  “I’ve had a great time with you this weekend” he said looking up at me as he cut up his waffles. “ I hope you’ve had fun as well”

  I nodded, smiling slightly “ Oh yes, it’s been fantastic” It was the truth, I couldn't lie, I would love to spend more time with him and really explore this chemistry we had together. But if he just wanted to leave it like this I wouldn't cling.

  “I’m very interested in seeing more of you, your smart and funny…” His voice lowered and his eyes turned bright, beginning to glow slightly. “ And I haven't paid your body the full attention that it deserves”

  I stared at him wide eyed, my forkful of eggs hovering my by mouth. “Ok” I squeaked, then cleared my throat and lowered my voice “ sure, sounds good”

  He winked at me and resumed eating.

  We checked out the hotel a couple of hours later and were waiting downstairs for valet to pull the car around to us.Kale was standing next to me on the phone, his arm slung around my shoulder. When his phone had rung earlier he had glanced at the screen, grimaced and apologized saying he had to take the call. He had started out in english and it seemed like there was a problem with one of his manufacturing plants but then the conversation had switched to what I assumed was selk. It sounded beautiful, the consonants flowing together lyrically. I could tell though that it wasn't a happy conversation as he was very tense next to me. I pulled away from him as our car came to a stop in front of us. I thanked the valet as he held the door opened for me and sat down in the car. He got in next to me and smoothly pulled out into traffic.


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