by Jon Saboe
Gitt, Dr. Werner. In the Beginning Was Information. Master Books, 2006. Fundamentals of information theory, with the latest in apobetic and design inference.
Hapgood, Charles. Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings: Evidence of Advanced Civilization in the Ice Age. Adventures Unlimited Press, 1997. Analysis of ancient maps, some showing South America and even Antarctica before it was covered with ice. Evidence that these maps were based on even older ones.
Hancock, Graham. Fingerprints of the Gods. Three Rivers Press, 1996. Evidence for advanced technologies and astronomical understanding of ancient man. Excellent sections on the often-overlooked Central and South America histories and Tiwanaku/Machu Picchu regions.
James, Peter. Centuries of Darkness. Rutgers University Press, 1993. Revisits conventional dating by exposing the errors of faulty Egyptian timelines. Solves numerous archeological problems and (unintentionally) brings dates in alignment with Biblical records.
Kepler, Johannes and Steven Hawking (Editor). Harmonies Of The World. Running Press Book Publishers, 2005. Originally written in Latin in 1619, this fifth volume of Kepler’s treatise on planetary motion delves deep into comparisons between orbital motion and musical harmonies.
Michanowsky, George. The Once and Future Star. Hawthorne Books, 1997. Discussion of the Supernova, Vela-X, and its possible documentation by Sumerian astronomers.
Morey, Dr. Robert A. The Moon-god Allah in the Archeology of the Middle East. Faith Defenders, 1994. Details excavations in Hazor where idols of the pre-Islamic moon-god, Allah, were found. Allah was the supreme god within the pantheon of pre-Islamic mythology—all 360 of which are displayed in Kabah.
Morris, Henry. The Long War Against God. Baker Book House, 1989. Traces ancient paganism from its origins in Babylon, including the Cult of Inanna and her forerunner, Semiramis.
Noorbergen, Rene. Secrets of the Lost Races: New Discoveries of Advanced Technology in Ancient Civilizations. Teach Services, 2001. Analysis of ancient writings in light of OOPARTS and other archeological enigmas.
Partch, Harry. Genesis of a Music. Da Capo Press, 1979. Composer who incorporated elements of ancient Minoan and Chinese tuning systems into his music. Includes the sophisticated math used by these cultures in their music, plus history and homemade illustrative instruments.
Penrose, Dr. Roger. The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics. Oxford University Press, 2002. Technical dissertation on the impossibility of human consciousness within the confines of causality. Approaches the subject from the vantage point of AI (artificial intelligence) and the insurmountable obstacles to its realization.
Sanford, Dr. J.C. Genetic Entropy & The Mystery of the Genome. Elim Publishing, 2005. Proof of the ever-increasing degradation of the genome, and how Darwinistic processes could never contribute to improvements—or create the genome in the first place.
St. James, Chris.
Stedman, Ray C. God’s Funnel.
Strobel, Lee. The Case for a Creator. Zondervan, 2004. Journalistic apologetics with interviews of leading scientists on the subject of origins.
Ussher, James. Annals of the World. Master Books, 2003. History of the ancient world, originally published in Latin in 1650.
Vanderburgh, Fredrick. Sumerian Hymns. Columbia University Press, 1908. Translations of songs of praise to gods of the old Babylonians.
Wieland, Dr. Carl, Dr. Don Batten and Ken Ham. One Blood: The Biblical Answer to Racism. Master Books, 2003. Explains the genetic origins of “races”, while demonstrating the non-viability of the term. Shows how speciation can occur rapidly when given enough initial genetic information. Provides both technical and social overview.
Appendix D
ACAPANA: Primary pyramid in the land of Manco Chavin, still under construction. When finished, it will house a large hydraulic chronometer/calendar.
AENOCHIAN: Generic term for the pre-Awakening language. After the Epic of Aenoch (Enoch).
AKALUM: Food. Sumerian
AL’BAKR: The two brilliant star clouds in the southern hemisphere. Literally, “White Cows”. Dedanese.
ALLUTTU: Zodiacal constellation, The Crab, as in the Tropic of Cancer. Sumerian
AMAR: The words of the Creator. Literally, “Declaration”. Hebrew
ANSU: Astronomer. Literally, “Sky Master”. Sumerian
ANUNNAKI: One name for the pre-Calamity super-race, believed by some to be extra-terrestrial in origin. Usage usually refers to their post-Calamity, non-corporeal existence. When referring to their past, physical existence, “Race of Semyaz” is usually used. See watcher. Sumerian
ANUR: The celestial horizon in astronomy. Sumerian
ANZILLU: Damned. Literally, “Abomination”. Sumerian
ANZUDMUŠEN: Large winged reptile. Literally, “Giant reptilian vulture”. Sumerian
ARINYA: Large, bi-pedal marsupial whose primary method of locomotion is large hops. Koori
ASH-IKU: Constellation of the winged horse. Sumerian
ATUA: Gods or ascended beings. Polynesian/Pre-Incan
AZU: Mariner or Sailor. Literally, “Sea Master”. Sumerian
BUBUSSUNU: Food or eatery. Sumerian
BUZUR: Secret or hidden mystery. Also used in economics as in Kur-Buzur (hidden tax). Sumerian
COSMIC PLURALITY: A philosophy which maintains that nothing in the cosmos can occur only once. Either an event can never happen, or it must happen multiple times. Used by some to “prove” the existence of life elsewhere in the universe.
DAL’KHU: Demons or evil spirits. Sumerian
DURGA: Healthy woman. Later used to mean a woman with powerful, spiritual qualities. Adopted by the Cult of Inanna as the equivalent name for the Queen of Heaven. Indus
EDIN NA ZU!: “Be Cast Out!” Oath used in exorcism. Literally, “Go to the desert!” Sumerian
EREBUS: Primordial darkness. Phoenician
ERESH: Smoke from incense or other ignited substance, meant to be inhaled for sedative or narcotic purposes. Also, the room where such smoking is done. Sumerian
ERSET LA TARI: Hades. Underworld or netherworld, depending on context. Location of the departed dead. The underworld was believed to be a place of suffering and pain, and the netherworld, a place of rest and tranquility. Generally considered to be two separate regions within Hades. Literally, “Land of no return”. Sumerian
FULANI: Nomadic Ranchers, usually of cattle, but often sheep, goats, or a combination. Used in dialects of the far western Southern Continent
GEOPOLYMERS: The resulting stone or composites from stone-casting. The formed, artificial rock for building purposes.
GIRABBA: Sea or ocean fish. Sumerian
HEAT-BLINDNESS: The inability to see infrared or heat emanations. Like color-blindness.
HIRIN: Spikenard roots, used in perfumes. Sumerian
IKKIBU: Forbidden. Sumerian
IKU: Fish oil. Sumerian
KADINGIR: Gateway of the Gods. Also, the name of the main amphitheater in Peleg’s city. Sumerian
KASHI: Alcoholic drink, usually beer. Informally shortened to “kash”. Sumerian
KASPUM: Silver coins or money in general. Sumerian
KÈDEM: Generic term for lands far to the east. Sumerian
KI: Prefix meaning dirt or earth. Sumerian
KIBRAT ERBETTIM: All-encompassing. Literally, “Regions of the Four”, as in the four points of the compass. Name of the Great Discovery vessel sent to explore the northern Alluttu zone. Sumerian
KIRI-TEEN!: Sneeze or the sound of sneezing. Sumerian
KÚŠU: Turtle or whale. Used with Ušem to mean giant, reptilian water creature or sea-serpent (Ušemkúšu). Sumerian
LA’ATZU: Spirit World. Region for all things intang
ible and incorporeal. Separate from, Erset la Tari, the underworld-netherworld, which is considered to be an actual place. Sumerian
LIFEFORCE: That special propensity of biological matter to develop variety and complexity, resulting in constant, eventual improvement.
LULIM: Red deer or hart. Sumerian
MARG’ID DA’ANNA: Constellation of the Little Bear. Sumerian
MARGIDDA: The large swath of stars that can be seen when the night sky is especially dark. Sumerian
MENTOR: Strain of humanity known for their large foreheads, extra height, slow maturation, highly developed senses, and supposed longevity. Believed by some to be the descendants of the Race of Semyaz.
MÈSHA: Location from which Joktan’s sons and families separated to “Cover all the earth.” The “Spirit of Mèsha” advocates the philosophy of a nomadic, hunter culture. Literally, “Departure”.
METASYSTEM TRANSITIONS: Lifeforce process by which higher levels of complexity and information are generated.
MULKI: Destroyed Planet. Literally, “Celestial Body that has been cleaved apart.” Applied to Nibiru, but meant to include any such future catastrophes. Sumerian
MUŠEN: Bird. Literally, “Sky Reptile”. Used with Anzud to mean giant, reptilian vulture or winged creature. (Anzudmušen). Sumerian
NAG: Drink or Beverage. Sumerian
NAM-ÚŠ: Death. Sumerian
NEPHILIM: Fallen angels or demons. Literally, “Fallen ones who cause others to fall”. Some believe them to be another manifestation of the pre-Calamity Super-race. After the Deluge, the term refers to their current, non-corporeal form. Also, the offspring of Human/Nephilim unions. Hebrew
NIBIRU: Planet believed to exist in the path between the first and second outer worlds, Nergal and Enki. Not seen since the Great Calamity. Controversy exists over whether it was destroyed, or somehow moved away. Sumerian
NINKASHI!: Mother of Beer! Slang expression or oath, indicating a good drink. Sumerian
NO-HEAD: Non-Mentors. Racist epithet used by Mentors. Abbreviated from “No forehead”, meant to indicate their smaller, less-pronounced brows and (implied) smaller brains.
PARSU: Fervent or religious duty. Name of the Great Discovery vessel sent to explore the southwestern continent and south polar regions. Sumerian
PEHE KOE: How are you? (Singular) Polynesian/Pre-Incan
PEHE KORUA: How are you? (Plural) Polynesian/Pre-Incan
PEŠ: Spider. Also spidery, as in fluffy wool or cotton. Sumerian
QUIPU: Multi-colored, knotted threads containing encoded messages. Pre-Incan
RANA’KAO: Giant volcanic mountain on Kupé’s island.
RE-CREATION: Teaching in Manco Chavin’s land that the current creation (including modern humanity) was Apu Inti’s second creation. The “people” of the first creation were dim-witted with limited discernment and no capacity for decision-making. Viracocha destroyed them to make room for his new, improved humanity.
RIHU: Bird keeper. Sumerian
SA BELET ERSETIM KI’AM PARSUSA: “Last Rites of The Mistress of The Netherworld”. Sumerian
SA-KIN-KIN: Constellation of the Great Dog, companion to SipaZi-Anna, the Great Hunter. Sumerian
ŠEG: Snow. Term for “solidified water”. Theoretical (unobserved), until the onset of the ice age which brought snow to inhabited regions. Sumerian
ŠEM: Tinkling drum, i.e. tambourine. Sumerian
SEMYAZ: Name or figurehead for the Watchers. Usage: Race of Semyaz.
ŠENBAR: Wild boar. Sumerian
SHI: Life energy or soul. Usage: Shi-power: One who can influence another’s emotions or attitudes. Sumerian
SHIKA: Deliberate reversal of “Kashi”, done for marketing purposes. Designates a specific brand of rum. Sumerian
SHOMU: The season of inundation or flooding. One of the three seasons in the Kemetian calendar. The other two seasons are Peret (Deficiency), the time of low water for harvesting; and Akhet (Going Forth), the time of planting. Kemetian
SIPAZI-ANNA: Constellation of the Great Hunter. d’Lulal and d’Latarak are reference stars within it. Sumerian
STONECASTOR: Those with knowledge of creating the correct mixture of stone and chemicals for pouring into the molds to make building blocks.
SUEN: Moon. Sumerian
SUHURMASHÛ: Zodiacal constellation, The Goat-Fish, as in the Tropic of Capricorn. Sumerian
TABANNUSI: To build or “The Builder”. Name of the Great Discovery vessel sent to chart the large southern continent. Sumerian
TANNYN: Dragon. Equivalent to Sumerian ušemšutum. Hebrew
TIAMAT: Constellation of the Dragon. Sumerian
TIDNUM: Tiger or Leopard. Large cat. Sumerian
TIGI: Harp. Literally, “Strumming”. Tigi-drums are tiny drums which are fastened together as a single instrument and played by flicking them with fingernails in a strumming manner. Sumerian
TONGA: A light, horse-drawn vehicle, usually with two wheels.
TOTORA: Strong reeds used in the construction of chairs and watercraft in Manco Chavin’s land. Totora reed-beds can grow into large floating mattes or “islands” upon which small buildings can often be built. Pre-Incan
TUM: Fat, awkward, pigeon-like bird. Sumerian
TUMA: To break wind. Flatulence. Also, foul odor. Sumerian
UL: Prefix meaning most high or ultimate. Literally, “High as the sky”. Sumerian
URBARRA: Wolf or wild dog. Sumerian
URBAT: Dead dog or dog of death. Name of the Great Discovery vessel sent to explore the southern Suhurmashû zone. Sumerian
URSHU: Watchers or descendants of Watchers. Literally, “Demigods”. Kemetian
UŠEM: Dragon, giant reptile, or other composite creature. Also, a prefix used to indicate large, reptilian attributes. Sumerian
UŠEMKÚŠU: Reptilian sea creature. Literally, “Giant reptilian whale”. Sumerian
UŠEMŠUTUM: Literally, Dragon Lizards. Sumerian
UTU: Sun. Sumerian
WACA: Demons. Spirits of those deceased from before the Crossing. Pre-Incan
WARI: Young artisans inhabiting the regions north of Manco Chavin’s land. Pre-Incan
WATCHERS: Generic term for the supposed pre-Calamity race of humans known for their superior physical and mental abilities and extreme longevity, believed by some to be extra-terrestrial in origin. Many feel they somehow survived or escaped the Great Calamity and are now secretly observing humanity, possibly from the heavens.
ZEH-RA: Seed. Used prophetically in the Amar to indicate the One who would someday come and remove the Curse of guilt and death, and restore creation to its original glory. Hebrew
ZINI: Air spirit. Sumerian
1 The Antikythera Mechanism, found in 1901 by divers off the isle of Antikythera.
2 See Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings: Evidence of Advanced Civilization in the Ice Age by Charles Hapgood in the Recommended Reading section.
3 See Underwater Cities:
4 Read Michael Crichton’s lecture, “Aliens Cause Global Warming” for the term ‘Consensus Science’.
5 Many more can be found at
6 See Instruments of Ancient Iraq, detailing the “Death Pit” in which a Golden Sumerian Lyre was excavated:
7 See Oriental Origins in the Bible:
print> (To be read with a small quantity of salt.)
8 Stochastics: Predictable, statistical outcome of large quantities of random events. For example, a large field of randomly chirping crickets will produce a known, predictable sound.
9 Physicist Roger Penrose has suggested that “microtubules” within the cells may contain structures that maintain “quantum coherence” within a neuron, but such an organic quantum computer stretches the
credibility of even the most ardent “anything can happen by pure natural selection” proponent. See The Emperor's New Mind by Dr. Roger Penrose.
10 See Centuries of Darkness. Rutgers University Press, 1993, in the Recommended Reading section.