Caught by Menace

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Caught by Menace Page 5

by Lolita Lopez

“We must have different ideas of what commitment means. Where I come from, it means love and affection and dating and laughter and all that wonderful stuff.” Judging by the look on his face, she was only making things worse by pointing out everything they didn’t share. “Look, I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but I don’t plan to stick around here.”

  “Are we back to that? To threats of escape?” He shook his head. “It’s a foolish dream, Naya. No one ever escapes. Ever.” He reached out and grasped her hand. His fingers brushed the raised bump along her wrist where they’d implanted one of their damn ID chips. “You’re being tracked around the clock. You’re on restrictions until I give word to security. You can’t even get out of this room.”

  His words circled round and round in her head. The ominous threat left her sick and cold. She snatched her hand away and turned her back on him. “You’re a real miserable bastard, you know that?”

  A long, painful moment of silence stretched between them. When Menace’s hands touched her shoulders, she flinched. Dwarfed by his big, hard frame, she couldn’t run. Maybe she didn’t want to run. It was maddening really. One moment she wanted to bop him right in the nose for being so infuriating. The next she wanted to fall back against him and enjoy the strength of his arms holding her tight.

  Menace gently kneaded her tight shoulders, his powerful hands easily manipulating her sore muscles. His body heat penetrated the fabric of the uniform shirt she wore and soothed her raw nerves. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “It’s the truth.”

  “It is, but now you think I’m a controlling jerk.”

  “To be fair, I thought that before you told me about the chip implanted in my wrist.”

  He snorted with amusement. “Thanks.”

  A white-hot frisson pierced her core as his thumb stroked the side of her neck. Trying to ignore the wonderful sensation he caused, she asked, “Why are you so intent on keeping me? Why not let me go and try again at the next Grab?”

  “I want you. I’m keeping you.”

  Recalling his ugly remark in the forest, she wondered aloud, “Even though I’m just the consolation prize?”

  His hands stilled on her shoulders. With one swift step, he moved in front of her. Hands cupping her face, Menace gazed down at her, his expression one of concern. “Naya, do you think I meant that?”

  “You said it,” she snapped back. “I learned a long time ago to believe what people tell you, even if it’s said jokingly.”

  “Naya, I was joking. I was smiling when I said it.”

  “Yeah, well, I couldn’t exactly see your face, could I?” she grumbled unhappily. “You’d thrown me over your shoulder, remember?”

  “Yes.” He exhaled roughly and wiped a hand down his face. “I can’t seem to get anything right with you.”

  Naya noticed the vulnerability in his expression. The depth of his remorse left her questioning everything she’d believed about this man and his culture. Sure, he’d Grabbed her, gagged and restrained her in flight and cuffed her to a chair in this torture chamber, but he hadn’t shown her any violence, not even when she’d struck him first. She’d been rude and nasty and had verbally abused him so badly his fellow soldiers had been laughing openly—and still he hadn’t raised his voice with her.

  It occurred to her that maybe she was the one who had everything wrong. All along she had considered escaping to the colonies the ultimate goal in her life, that only in Jesco or Safe Harbor could she find happiness. What if she’d been wrong? What if Danny’s tale of the Artist who was Grabbed living a life of luxury and happiness was true? What if this was her chance?

  Fingers trembling, she placed a hand on Menace’s chest. His pale eyes flashed with uncertainty. Considering how badly she had behaved, he probably thought she was going to strike him or try to shove him backward to flee. She held his gaze and rose on tiptoes to kiss him. He was still much too tall for her to reach his mouth but he got the message and dipped his head.

  Their lips finally touched. The bright burst of bliss filled her chest with such warmth. For the first time since meeting Menace, she relaxed completely. His lips were softer than she’d expected and moved gently across hers. She put her other hand on his chest and gripped the thin fabric of his undershirt. His scent, completely natural and unadorned, filled her nose. He smelled of man and soap and nothing else.

  As if he feared spooking her, Menace cautiously placed his hands on her neck and face. He caressed her skin with his calloused fingers. The rough sensation of his fingertips gliding over her neck and cheek ignited her desire. She couldn’t remember ever being this aroused by a man. Maybe it was the danger of the unknown or the primal maleness of Menace, but she practically vibrated with lust.

  His tongue stabbed between her lips. She welcomed the invasion with a swipe of her own. His heavy breaths fanned her face. Their tongues dueled, but Naya quickly realized this was a battle she wasn’t going to win. She didn’t want to win it. For the first time in her life, she wanted to give up control.

  “Menace…” She breathed his name as need gripped her.

  “Tell me I can have you,” he instructed, his voice husky. “Give me permission to have you, Naya.”

  She didn’t think twice. “Yes.”

  With a low hum of excitement, Menace swept her up in his arms and carried her to the oddly shaped couch. He placed her on it and knelt near her feet. Even on the floor, he loomed over her. Those long arms could reach every part of her body.

  Overcome with nerves, she licked her lips. He grasped the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up and over his head. It was tossed over his shoulder and disappeared from sight. He removed one boot and sock and then the other. His tactical pants quickly followed.

  When he stood up to push his boxer briefs down his strong thighs, she couldn’t take her eyes off him. She’d seen a few naked men in her time but none compared to Menace. Tattoos emblazoned the tanned skin of his right side. Myriad scars, some puckered and pink and others a glossy white and extremely thin, dotted his body. This man had known such immense pain and violence. Maybe they had something in common after all.

  Her gaze slid to his cock. She tried to hide her shock, but his smug smile told her she wasn’t successful. She couldn’t blame him for being smug. It was a huge cock. Thick and long and erect, it commanded her attention. Her pussy pulsed as she imagined what it would feel like to have that massive tool inside her. Very, very good, she guessed.

  Menace knelt down at the edge of the couch again. He picked up her foot and caressed her calf. His fingertip traced some of the scratches she’d received from running through the woods. “Do these hurt?”

  She shook her head. “They’re just ugly.”

  “I’ve got something in my med kit that will help them heal.” He lowered his head and kissed each and every one of the scratches. She held her breath as his lips danced up one leg and then the other. He placed her feet back on the cushion and let his hands glide up and down her thighs.

  When he didn’t go straight for the prize, so to speak, she was impressed. The few lovers she’d had in the past had always zeroed in on the secret spot between her thighs almost as quickly as her pants had been out of the way. But not Menace. He seemed to have other ideas about seduction—and she liked them.

  With one knee on the couch, Menace nuzzled her neck. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of his hot breath tickling her earlobe and his big, warm hand stroking her outer thigh. A bit breathless, she remarked, “You’re very good at this.”

  He chuckled against her throat and licked the spot where her pulse raced. “I want the first time to be good for you.”

  Her heart stammered but for all the wrong reasons. It wasn’t his desire to make the experience wonderful for her that made her heart race. No, it was the realization that he thought she was a virgin. She’d heard stories about these Harcos men and their penchant for virgin brides—something she most definitely could never be.

d by his misconception, Naya put both hands on his chest and shoved him up off her. Frowning, he gazed down at her with concern in his green eyes. “Did I do something wrong? Am I moving too fast?”

  “No.” There was no easy way to break the truth to him. Best to just blurt it out, she figured. “Menace, I’m not a virgin.”

  His expression turned to one of amusement. “And?”

  Confused, she replied, “You said you wanted the first time to be good for me.”

  “I do.” He kissed her with such tenderness. “Our first time,” he clarified. Holding her gaze, he asked, “Why would I care about the state of your hymen?”

  His blunt question made her face burn. “I thought you sky warriors were big on the whole virgin bride thing.”

  “Some are,” Menace confirmed, “but I’m not one of them.” His fingertips followed the line of her jaw down to the curve of her throat. “You’re fine just the way you are.”

  Naya couldn’t believe this fearsome sky warrior who had stolen her away from her planet had just said the most romantic thing she’d ever heard. “Oh.”

  “Stop worrying,” he urged. “Don’t think. Don’t question. Just feel, Naya.”

  Don’t think? Don’t question? How about asking me not to breathe?

  Menace claimed her mouth in a sensual kiss. He left her dizzy and trembling when his mouth finally broke away from hers. If he kept kissing her like that, it would be almost impossible for her to think or question. She might not even be able to draw air into her lungs.

  He flicked through the buttons on the shirt and pushed the fabric off her shoulders. She sat up just enough to allow him to whisk it away. Naked again and at his mercy, she balled up her hands and placed them on her thighs.

  Menace spotted them instantly and clasped her wrists. “No. Relax.”

  “I can’t help it.”

  “Do I need to cuff you?”

  Her stomach lurched as the memories of being cuffed and arrested flashed before her eyes. She didn’t want those ugly thoughts to intrude on this moment. “Please don’t.”

  Menace tilted his head. Had he seen the fear in her eyes? Probably. To his credit, he didn’t mention her weakness. Instead he lifted her hands overhead and carefully pried her fists open. He pushed her fingers against the big wide loops of braided material above the couch. “Hold on to these.”

  Relieved not to be cuffed, she gripped the fabric loops. “I won’t let go.”

  He chuckled and placed a noisy kiss right above her breast. “I’m sure you won’t.”

  “Ah!” she moaned as Menace traced her nipple with his tongue. The sensitive flesh puckered as he laved her dark skin. He sucked her nipple between his lips and licked across the tight bud. Inhaling sharply, she tried to press her knees together as her clit throbbed to life. Menace’s position between her legs made it impossible.

  “You have extremely sensitive breasts,” he remarked. A light graze of his teeth against her supple flesh made her shiver. “So beautiful,” he whispered, his voice filled with awe.

  She groaned when he pinched her nipple between his fingertips and concentrated all his oral efforts on the other one. Back arching, Naya surrendered to Menace’s tormenting fingers and mouth. She’d never experienced anything like this. Every nerve ending in her body burned. Down below, her clit pulsed almost painfully. She felt sure that if she reached down and touched the pink pearl, she’d come instantly.

  When Menace suddenly moved, she protested with a whimper. “Where are you going?”

  “Easy, sweetheart,” he murmured and rubbed her lower belly. “I’m just grabbing something from this drawer.”

  She followed his hand to the cabinets and drawers lining the wall. He tugged open the second drawer from the top of one cabinet and retrieved something shiny and metal. Swallowing hard, she stared at the object he displayed on his flattened palm. They were two bright-blue, tiny clips with black, padded tips hooked together on a chain. She’d never seen anything like it. “What is that?”

  “They’re nipple clamps.”

  Her gaze jumped to his face. “Excuse me?”

  He laughed at her shocked expression. “They’re nipple clamps. They squeeze your nipples.”


  “It feels good.”

  “For whom?’

  “For you.”

  She narrowed her gaze. “Says the man who isn’t having his breasts tortured by them.”

  “There you go again with the torture claims.” Menace shook his head. “If I was torturing you, would I ask your permission?”


  “Would you like to try them?”

  “No.” The answer jumped from her lips. “Absolutely not.”

  “Are you sure?” He didn’t seem the least bit daunted by her refusal. “You might really enjoy them.” He shrugged. “You might hate them. You won’t know until you try.”

  She pursed her lips. “You’re not going to let this go, are you?”

  He grinned mischievously. “No.”

  Rolling her eyes, she sighed dramatically. “Fine. I’ll try them—but if they hurt, I’m taking them off immediately.”

  “Fair enough.” Clamps in hand, Menace crawled over her on the couch and skimmed her neck with his lips. He didn’t go straight for her breasts but took his time licking and kissing and nibbling until she was burning hot again. As he played with her left nipple, he asked, “What’s your favorite color?’

  The odd question threw her for a loop. “What?”

  “Your favorite color,” he repeated. “What is it?”

  “Blue. Why?”

  “I’m going to give you a safeword. It’s the word you’ll say when you’re feeling overwhelmed or frightened or uncomfortable when we’re together. We can safely explore your boundaries that way.”

  “Blue,” she repeated skeptically. “Why can’t I just say stop?”

  “Because sometimes we say stop when we really mean go.”

  “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever—oh!” She gasped when Menace applied the first clamp to her nipple. The sharp pinch of pain took her breath away. “Ow!”

  He adjusted the pinching power of the clamp to a more tolerable level. “How’s that? Are we blue?”

  Were they? She didn’t know. She just knew that the clamp squeezing her nipple felt so strange. Not bad, exactly, but really weird. “No.”

  “All right. Let’s try the other one.” He adjusted the tension before placing it around her right nipple. “How’s that?”

  She made a face. “Okay.”

  “Okay good? Okay bad?”

  “Okay good? Maybe?”

  He laughed. “Well you’re not trying to whack me upside the head and you’re not screaming blue, so I think we’re all right.”

  Naya hissed when Menace grabbed the chain between the two clamps and pulled it taut. The tug on her nipples sent a bright flash of discomfort arcing through her chest. He squeezed the large ring dangling from the front of her white collar. There was some kind of opening mechanism in the hoop, because he was able to loop the nipple clamp chain onto the loop and close it. The new tension on the chain accentuated the tugging pull of the clamps around her nipples.

  Menace kissed the tip of her nose and then her mouth. He massaged her breasts in his huge hands. Her nipples throbbed but it wasn’t painful. She felt more aware of her breasts than ever. Goose bumps prickled her skin. Menace playfully flicked the clamps and made her gasp.

  After a deep, lingering kiss, Menace made his way slowly down her body again, kissing here and teasingly biting there until he was on his knees at the edge of the couch. He grasped her thighs and pushed them wide apart. She gulped at the realization her pussy was on full display now.

  “Put your feet here.” He pressed them into place, bending her knees and opening her thighs even wider. “That’s it, Naya. Just like that.”

  Her belly wobbled as Menace swept his palm over her sex. She kept the area neatly groomed
with just a small, perfectly trimmed triangle crowning her mound and the rest of her pussy bare. Menace ran his fingertips down her smooth slit. “I like this. I think I’ll let you keep it.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh, that’s so kind of you.”

  He chuckled and carefully parted the lips of her sex. She could feel the cool air in the room against her hot, slick flesh. He framed her swollen clit between two fingers. “You have the prettiest clit I’ve ever seen.”

  Well, that was a compliment she’d never imagined receiving! Uncertain what to say to such a remark, she simply watched him as he explored her most intimate region. There was no mistaking the hunger darkening his eyes.

  “Wouldn’t a piercing look so beautiful right about here?” He brushed his fingertips across the hood protecting her clit.

  She slammed her knees together and trapped his hand there. “I don’t think so!”

  His mouth curved in a smile. “It’s just an idea.”

  “It’s a bad idea.”

  He laughed and forced her thighs apart again. “We’ll table it for now.”

  Naya glared at him. “Table it? If you think—ah!”

  Menace swiped her clit with his tongue. Her head fell back and the issue of piercing her genitals faded into the background. When the shock of being licked there faded, she experienced a wave of embarrassment. He shouldn’t be doing that—but it felt oh so good and he seemed to be enjoying himself.

  Until now, all of her sexual experiences had been rather perfunctory and short. None of her lovers had ever put his mouth between her thighs. Maybe that was why she’d never been able to climax with any of them. All the thrusting in the world couldn’t compare to the wickedly delicious sensation of Menace’s tongue circling her clitoris.

  Gripping the loops of fabric, she gave way to instinct and lifted her hips. Menace groaned against her pussy and shoved her thighs even wider apart. His tongue traced one side of her sex and then the other before returning to her clit. He lapped at the bundle of nerves and sucked it between his lips. When he rolled his tongue over the inflamed bud, Naya saw stars. “Oh! Men— Menace!”

  A flutter of panic shook her core. The realization she was so close to an orgasm stunned her. Even in bed at home, it could take her fifteen or twenty minutes of fantasizing and rubbing to get even close to a climax. Half the time that was as good as it got for her. Somehow Menace and his magic tongue had obliterated whatever mental roadblocks normally prevented her from coming.


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