Walter Isaacson Great Innovators e-book boxed set

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Walter Isaacson Great Innovators e-book boxed set Page 140

by Walter Isaacson

  demeanor of


  diplomatic style of

  domesticity of

  eccentricities of

  education of

  elected assembly speaker

  elected militia colonel

  epitaph of

  as essayist

  eulogy for

  fame of

  family background of

  family history as interest of

  federalism concept of

  final letter of

  first London sojourn of

  first published prose of

  flirtatious relationships of

  foreign missions of, see London mission of 1757–1762; London mission of 1765–1775; Paris mission of 1776–1785

  as Freemason

  on free press

  on free speech

  as freethinker

  as frontier commander

  frugality of

  funeral of

  as gossip columnist

  health of

  Hemphill affair and

  honorary degrees of

  house renovated by

  humor of

  illegitimate son of, see Franklin, William

  income and wealth of

  independence favored by

  Keith as patron of

  land grant sought by

  languages as interest of

  laudanum used by

  lecherous reputation of

  library of

  liturgy composed by

  as lowbrow

  as loyalist

  on luxury

  magazine started by

  making mistakes and amends as theme of

  on marriage

  maxims of

  and method for winning over opponents

  middle class values of

  mistakes-amends theme of

  moral beliefs of

  national identity of

  nepotism of

  as networker

  new American archetype created by

  new house of

  new words coined by

  as observer of human nature

  onset of political career of

  pen names used by; see also Busy-Body Essays; “Dogood, Silence”; Poor Richard’s Almanack

  personality of

  personal magnetism of

  as philosopher

  poetry of

  political cartoon produced by

  political philosophy of

  in popular imagination

  portraits of

  practical advice and exhortations of

  pragmatism of

  pride of

  print shop of

  progress as theme of

  public persona of

  as public speaker

  racism of

  Rees scandal and

  religious beliefs of

  in retirement from printing trade

  as royalist

  in runaway journey

  scientific paraphernalia of

  self-deprecation of

  self-help movement and

  self-improvement theme of

  sexual appetite of

  sexuality in writings of

  slaves owned by

  small family of

  social philosophy of

  Socratic method used by

  Supreme Being as viewed by

  surname of

  swimming as interest of

  and taste for finery

  temperance of

  tolerance as creed of

  vanity of

  as vegetarian

  virtues as defined and practiced by

  as “Water American,”

  whistle incident and

  will of

  women and

  work habits of

  writing influences on

  writing style of

  young people and


  by academic world

  by Adams

  by Emerson

  by intellectuals


  by Melville

  of personal life

  in popular imagination

  in post-Civil War era

  by romanticists

  as scientist

  by transcendentalists

  in twentieth century

  Civic Activities

  BF on


  community associations

  fire brigade



  insurance association

  Junto, see Junto (Leather Apron Club)



  moral perfection project

  police patrols

  post office reform

  self-improvement and

  street maintenance



  bifocal glasses

  copperplate press design

  copy machine design

  daylight savings idea

  hot water system design

  light globe model

  lightning rod

  mechanical arm

  musical instrument

  new words

  phonetic alphabet

  storage battery


  street lamp design

  swimming pads


  urinary catheter

  Scientific Interests

  air currents

  assessment of

  BF’s writing style and


  common cold

  electricity, see electricity


  Gulf Stream


  hull design

  importance and significance of

  lead poisoning


  maritime topics


  mock essays on

  population growth

  pragmatism of


  saltiness of oceans

  ship speeds in canals

  smoky chimneys

  study of exercise

  weather forecasting

  Franklin, Benjamin (BF’s uncle)

  Franklin, Deborah Read (BF’s wife)

  BF on

  BF’s common-law marriage with

  BF’s correspondence with

  BF’s flirtations and

  BF’s relationship with

  children of; see also specific children

  death of

  home defended by

  personality of

  Strahan’s letters to

  stroke suffered by

  Franklin, Ebenezer (BF’s brother)

  Franklin, Elizabeth Downes (BF’s daughter-in-law)

  Franklin, Ellen (BF’s granddaughter)

  Franklin, Francis Folger (Franky) (BF’s son)

  Franklin, Henry (BF’s great-grandfather)

  Franklin, James (BF’s brother)

  BF’s break with

  BF’s reconciliation with

  Franklin, Jane (BF’s sister)

  BF’s correspondence with

  Franklin, John (BF’s brother)

  Franklin, John (BF’s uncle)

  Franklin, Josiah (BF’s father)

  BF’s description of

  BF’s education and

  BF’s printing venture and

  in chandler trade

  character of

  children of

  first marriage of

  library of

  in migration to America

  second marriage of

  Franklin, Josiah, Jr. (BF’s half-brother)

  Franklin, Mary (BF’s sister)

  Franklin, Peter (BF’s brother)

  Franklin, Sally (BF’s cousin)

  Franklin, Samuel (BF’s cousin)

  Franklin, Sarah (BF’s sister)

  Franklin, Sarah “Sally,” see
Bache, Sarah Franklin “Sally”

  Franklin, Theodore (BF’s great-grandson)

  Franklin, Thomas (BF’s great-great-grandfather)

  Franklin, Thomas, II (BF’s grandfather)

  Franklin, Thomas, III (BF’s uncle)

  Franklin, William (BF’s son)

  age of

  appointed governor of New Jersey

  Asgill affair and

  BF’s correspondence with

  BF’s relationship with

  in BF’s will

  in Braddock expedition

  death of

  in flight to England

  Graeme courtship and

  illegitimate children of

  kite experiment and

  in London mission

  loyalist outlook of

  marriage of

  in Scotland

  Shelburne’s meeting with

  Temple Franklin’s relationship with

  in Trevose meeting

  trial of

  Franklin, William Temple (BF’s grandson)

  appointed to peace delegation

  BF’s relationship with

  birth of

  dandyish behavior of

  illegitimate son of

  Lee-BF feud and

  in Paris mission

  peace negotiations and

  Polly Stevenson and

  in visit to England

  William Franklin’s relationship with

  Franklin, The (barge)

  “Franklin Covey Organizers,”

  Franklin Drawing Electricity From the Sky (West)

  Franklin family:

  derivation of name

  dissenting streak of

  genealogical records of

  in migration to America

  religion and

  traits of

  Franklin Gothic (typeface)

  Franklin Institute

  Franklin Union

  Frederick II, King of Prussia


  free press

  free speech

  free will

  Freke, John

  French and Indian War

  French Revolution

  BF’s perception of

  “Friendly Societies” (Defoe)

  Gadsen, Christopher

  Gage, Thomas

  Galileo Galilee

  Galloway, Joseph

  Garrick, David

  Gazette (Amiens)


  General Magazine

  Gentleman’s Magazine

  George II, King of England

  George III, King of England



  Gerry, Elbridge


  Gilded Age

  “God and Liberty” benediction

  Godfrey, Mrs. Thomas

  Godfrey, Thomas

  Goode, Wilson

  Grace, Robert

  Graeme, Elizabeth

  Graeme, Thomas

  Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons

  Grand Ohio Company

  Granville, Lord

  Great Awakening

  Great Britain

  BF’s effort to join government of

  BF’s Paris mission and

  in peace negotiations see Anglo-American peace negotiations of 1782

  Staten Island summit and

  Great Depression

  Great Seal

  Greene, Catherine Ray

  Greene, William

  Grenville, George

  Grenville, Thomas

  Griswold, A. Whitney

  Guillotin, Joseph-Ignace

  Gulf Stream

  Hadley, John

  Hall, David

  Hamilton, Alexander

  Hamilton, Andrew

  Hamilton, James

  Hancock, John


  Hartley, David

  Harvard College

  Hauksbee, Francis

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel

  “Heads of Complaint” (Franklin)

  Hell-Fire Club

  Helvétius, Anne-Catherine

  Helvétius, Claude-Adrien

  Hemphill, Samuel

  Henry, Patrick

  Henry VIII, King of England

  Herbert, Eugenia

  Herbert of Cherbury, Lord

  Herschbach, Dudley

  Hewson, Elizabeth

  Hewson, Mary Stevenson “Polly,”

  BF’s correspondence with

  death of

  marriage of

  Temple Franklin and

  Hewson, Tom

  Hewson, William (father)

  Hewson, William (son)

  Hillsborough, Lord

  “Hints for a Conversation” (Franklin)

  History and Present State of Electricity, The (Priestley)

  History of England (Berkeley)


  Honest Whigs


  hot-air balloons

  Houdon, Jean-Antoine

  House of Burgesses, Virginia

  House of Commons, British

  House of Lords, British

  House of Representatives Massachusetts

  House of Representatives, U.S.

  Howe, Caroline

  Howe, Richard

  BF’s Staten Island summit with

  Howe, William

  Howells, William Dean

  How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie)

  “Hue and Cry after the Busy-Body” (Keimer)

  Hughes, John

  hull design

  Hume, David

  “Hume’s fork,”

  Hunt, Leigh

  Hunter, William

  Hutchinson, Thomas

  purloined letters of

  Stamp Act crisis and

  Hutton, James

  Hyde, Lord

  Illinois Company

  Indiana Company


  Albany Plan and

  in Carlyle conference

  Paxton Boys uprising and

  Proprietors and

  see also specific tribes

  Industrial Revolution

  “Information to Those Who Would Remove to America” (Franklin)

  Ingenhousz, Jan

  insurance associations

  “Interest of Great Britain Considered with Regard to Her Colonies” (Franklin)


  Iroquois confederacy

  Israel Potter (Melville)

  Izard, Ralph

  Jackson, James

  Jackson, Richard

  Jay, John

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Declaration of Independence written by

  Great Seal and

  in Paris mission

  Jeffrey, Francis, Lord

  Jenkins Ear, War of

  Jerman, John


  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Johonnot, Samuel

  Jones, John Paul

  background of

  Lafayette’s proposed attack and

  rape incident and

  in Serapis fight

  Johnson, Samuel (convention delegate)

  Johnson, Samuel (writer)

  Junto (Leather Apron Club)

  BF’s religious talk to

  debating style of

  members of

  models for

  as reflection of BF’s persona

  subscription library of

  topics guide of

  Jupin, Mademoiselle

  Kames, Henry Home, Lord

  Kant, Immanuel

  Keats, John

  Keillor, Garrison

  Keimer, Samuel

  Keith, William

  King (BF’s slave)

  King George’s War

  King Philip’s War

  Kinnersley, Ebenezer

  Kissinger, Henry A.

  Lafayette, Marquis de

  laissez-faire, doctrine of

is, Pierre

  La Rochefoucauld, François de

  “Late Benjamin Franklin, The” (Twain)

  Laud, William

  Laurens, Henry

  Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent

  Lawrence, D. H.

  lead poisoning

  Leather Apron Club, see Junto (Leather Apron Club)

  Le Despencer, Francis Dashwood, Lord

  Lee, Arthur

  Bancroft suspected of spying by

  BF’s conflicts with

  Lee, Charles

  Lee, Francis Lightfoot

  Lee, Richard Henry

  Lee, William

  Leeds, Titan

  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

  Lemay, J. A. Leo

  Le Roy, Jean-Baptiste

  “Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania” (Dickinson)

  “Letters on England” (Voltaire)

  Leverett, John

  Lewis, Sinclair

  Lexington, Battle of

  Leyden jar

  Liberty Tree


  Library Company of Philadelphia

  lightning rod

  Literary History of the American People (Angoff)

  Little Revenge, A (Randall)

  Lives (Plutarch)

  Livingston, Robert

  Locke, John

  Lodge of the Nine Sisters

  Logan, James


  London Board of Trade

  London Chronicle

  London Evening Post

  London mission of

  BF-Deborah Franklin correspondence in

  BF-Penn confrontations in

  BF’s circle of friends in

  BF’s departure for

  BF’s genealogical excursion in

  BF’s Scotland trip in

  BF’s surrogate family in

  BF’s travels through England in

  BF’s trip to continent in

  Canada retention as issue in

  results of

  royal charter debate in

  taxation as issue in

  William Franklin in

  London mission of

  Bache-Sally Franklin romance in

  Bache’s visit in

  BF as colonial spokesman in

  BF-Deborah Franklin correspondence in

  BF’s cockpit ordeal in

  BF’s invention interests in

  BF’s motives in

  BF’s scientific experiments in

  BF’s social outlook and

  BF’s surrogate family in

  BF’s vacation in France in

  BF’s vacation of 1771 in

  BF-William Franklin rift in

  Deborah Franklin’s death and

  Hillsborough-BF confrontations in

  Howe-Chatham secret talks in

  Hutchinson letters affair in

  Stamp Act crisis in

  Stamp Act repeal battle in

  Townshend duties controversy in

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

  Lopez, Claude-Anne

  Louis XV, King of France

  Louis XVI, King of France

  McCullough, David

  McHenry, James

  Madison, James



  Maier, Paul

  Main Currents in American Thought (Parrington)

  Malthus, Thomas

  Mansfield, William Murray, Lord

  “Marche des Insurgents” (Brillon)

  Mareschal, Lord

  Marie, Queen of France

  Marie Antoinette, Queen of France


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