SEAL: A Bad Boy Romance

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SEAL: A Bad Boy Romance Page 8

by Faye, Carmen

  You’ve talked often about your aunt and what you think she’d want you to do, and I want you to know that I think she’s very proud of you. It takes a lot of courage to do what you’re doing with no one with you and no one wanting you to do it. Focus on yourself and the things you want to get accomplished.

  So I won’t say goodbye to you as we don’t quite seem finished, but I’ll say that I hope you enjoy your travels, have fun, get into some trouble, and know that you’ve given a war weary soldier a bit more to fight for. Always remember the trip to Hawaii.

  Take care,


  Emmy stood up from the table and turned from the paper. It was one she would keep forever if she could. Too bad it had a few tear drops on it. She wanted to dissect the letter word by word, as she tried to figure out what it meant, but she knew that he really wouldn’t want that. Plus, he was with the government, and they could find anyone—so maybe he was trying to say that.

  When she saw herself in the mirror and noted the gray Navy shirt she was wearing, she fell on the bed in tears. It didn’t matter that she would look like a clown with her puffy eyes, or that she may make herself throw up because she was crying so hard. She wanted Matt back, and she wanted him back now.

  Emmy cried and cried and cried some more—until she realized she was going to be late to the plane if she didn’t get up and get ready. It was agony. Each and every thing she touched or looked at or tried to put away reminded her of Matt. She decided that she was going to have to get over it, and at least for now, get her shit in gear.

  With everything packed in a way that she knew it wouldn’t be all wrinkled when she landed, she went to check out and pay her bill.

  The beautiful and happy woman at the desk made Emmy sick to look at, but it wasn’t her fault she was love sick.

  “Miss Roth, we heard there was an altercation over at the restaurant last night and the management is very sorry for any inconvenience. They have paid your hotel bill and hope that last night didn’t sour your taste for Hawaii. We hope you come back to visit us another time.

  “Thank you very much.” Emmy couldn’t remember a time when people were so thoughtful, and the smile she had on her face was her first real one since she woke up alone.

  “You are so very welcome. Is there anything else I can do for you while you’re here?”

  “Do you have a salve for a broken heart?” Emmy didn’t even know why she said that. Maybe she was hoping the overly happy woman had a solution or some of the happy pills she must have been taking herself.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t. If it’s about the big strong Mr. Perrier, I can say he looked just as smitten as you when you two walked around the resort. We all saw that.”

  Emmy was shocked. Not by the woman’s words but because while she was with Matt she must have been in la la land. She would have sworn that this was the first time she’d ever seen this particular woman in the lobby or anywhere else. Love must be blind.


  She wasn’t in love. She’d just met the man four days ago and now he was gone on his secret mission that he couldn’t tell anyone about. Maybe it was good that it ended when it did because if she was this wrapped up in him in such a short time what would happen if she were with him longer. Is it my dependent personality? She said she wanted to be independent, but here she was emotionally attaching to someone else with little or no effort.

  This was just the first stop on my tour to find myself—so maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on myself, she thought.

  She thanked the lady again and was happy that she was in time for the shuttle to the airport. It didn’t look like they ran all the time, so she was excited to see one coming past her.

  During the ride to the airport, she tried to talk herself out of being sad. She thought of all the reasons Matt was bad for her and that she didn’t need that kind of thing in her life, but by the time she got to where she was supposed to go with her boarding pass in hand and her bags checked, she decided that there was nothing worse than a liar—except for a liar who wasn’t even honest with herself.

  She went into the plane when her row was called, and she settled into her isle row seat. The plane had all the seats packed and that didn’t make for a great ride but the trip wasn’t overly far so she could take it. She could take anything.

  When all the seat were full and all the bags were put in the overhead compartments, the ding of the stewardess microphone went on. Emmy had seen things on the internet where the instructions came from a sassy or funny person, and she wanted to laugh or be entertained in some way so that she’d not cry. It was bad enough they were going over all this water in a plane. If she could just start this ride out with something that may be able to keep he occupied for the rest of the trip.

  “Hello passengers. Welcome to flight number six eight seven four five, leaving Honolulu, Hawaii in route to Guam before heading out to the Philippians. This is a non-smoking flight—and anyone needing to smoke while the plane is in motion will be able to use the outer part of the wing. That was a joke people; nobody gets to smoke. While I have your attention, I’d like to tell you that we have a celebrity on the plane.”

  Emmy could only see a portion of the woman who was talking, but she gave the lady points for keeping her attention, and she’d even tried for one joke. It may have been lame, but she tried. She stretched to see the celebrity but still couldn’t see anything.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we have the one and only Lieutenant Commander Matt Perrier, a SEAL with the United States of America’s Navy, and ladies, I don’t see a ring on his finger.” She put down her talking device and motioned for him to get up, and Emmy was struck dumb.

  The man she had thought had gone hours ago was still on the plane. She thought maybe this was the fate that he was talking about, and she stood up and waved to Matt.

  The stewardess picked up the talking device. “It looks like we have a taker for the SEAL, but I was really just kidding. I’m taking him home for myself, but I’m sure there are others on the plane who’d like to meet a woman just like you.” The laughing woman thought this was a joke, and it felt like one, too. However, she just knew if she could catch his eye, it would all be okay.

  He stood up quickly and waved to everyone, but when his gaze landed on her, it sparked with recognition, but he continued to scan the crowd before sitting down in his seat. She knew he knew who she was, and he knew what they’d been through together. What she didn’t know—was what the hell was going on.

  “Enjoy your flight.” The stewardess said with one final click on her microphone.

  This flight was going to be memorable, but she wasn’t sure about enjoyable. The SEAL on the plane was going to have to answer some questions because Emmy needed some answers.

  “Indeed, I will,” Emmy said to absolutely no one in particular.


  Matt Perrier, Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy SEAL division, thought he was losing his mind. He’d needed a break from the high risk, classified missions he’d been going on and thought that a fun-filled break to Hawaii would be the thing to clear away the cobwebs and rejuvenate his spirit. However, he’d met Emmy Roth—and that one woman with her list of things to do had knocked him for a loop.

  Here he sat in the special seat the female flight attendant had given him in the deep recesses of the aircraft, and he could only think of the woman he’d left sleeping in the hotel room back in Honolulu, Hawaii. Emmy—deep brown hair, brownish eyes, and curves to hang onto while he pumped his cock deep into her pussy.

  “Is there anything else I can get you, Lieutenant Commander Perrier?” The flight attendant was a blonde woman who had offered him everything from beer and nuts to a pillow and blanket, but they both knew she wanted to ride his cock before the plane landed. It wasn’t going to happen. She was getting on his nerves with her constant fussing over him, but she was also distracting him from the woman he’d swore he wasn’t going to miss when he left.

When he boarded the plane and got the special greeting from Carolyn, the overly eager flight attendant, he could have sworn he saw Emmy. The woman reminded him of long sweaty nights and days filled with her naughty smile and swaying hips. He’d also thought he saw her in the airport, but he knew that the plane she was supposed to be on left hours ago, and since his plane had an issue with the seating, his flight was changed and they offered to let him come on a different night flight. He’d walked around the airport hoping to see Emmy, but he hadn’t, and by the time he’d given in and called her hotel room, she was gone.

  There were reasons that he didn’t get Emmy’s cell phone number, just like there were reasons he tried to keep the whole sexy, short-term affair light. He’d been told of his upcoming assignment, and it was going to be a difficult one that was going to take a few months up to a year to complete. He wasn’t into having people wait around for him, which is why he never got serious about anyone. Emmy was trying to find herself and was coming out of her shell. She was a hell of a firecracker, and she needed a chance to be herself. There were some secrets that she didn’t want to let out about herself, and he knew it had to do with the pill she’d taken every day at noon and the almost faded incision line that graced the center of her chest. So he’d kept the questions to a minimum and tried to concentrate on the now. He hoped that he could leave Emmy in the sweet visit of Hawaii and take away a great group of memories to think of when he was sleeping in less than ideal conditions, awaiting the chance to do unsavory things.

  Not that the shit had worked. According to how his mind kept placing her everywhere, his Emmy was going to be a semi-permanent fixture for a while. He’d seen her everywhere. In the giggle in the young woman who sat near him in the restaurant, in the back view of the woman standing in front of him in the checkout line, and in the woman who’d stood up in the back of the plane, he’d seen the woman he’d spent the last several days with. He wanted to get off this aircraft and make some changes, like at least finding out Emmy’s phone number.

  Carolyn had once again come back to his seat after she had announced him to the rest of the passengers, as if he was going to be servicing women throughout the flight. There was an empty seat next to him, and he thought for sure there would be someone sitting there, but it had remained empty and they were up in the air.

  “Did you need anything?” Carolyn leaned down to him, like he was hard of hearing, but he noticed she’d unbuttoned a few buttons and fluffed up her breasts because they were now on full display. If she were any more blatant, she’d have offered up her nipple for him to suck at his leisure. He shouldn’t complain because when things like this had happened to him before he was flattered if not tempted. Women had always liked him, and usually, he would have been more accommodating to the woman who definitely wanted to have some up in the air fun, but he couldn’t get himself to even act interested in her.

  “No, Carolyn. I’m good really.” He could see that his words saddened her. What did she want him to say, ‘Well if you’re done getting drinks and snacks I’d like to ding the back of your throat with my cock?’ He chuckled to himself… that is probably exactly what she wanted him to say. He was feeling a bit hungry—and maybe if she had long, dark hair, eyes like bourbon, and full tits that could barely be contained in a bikini top, he’d think about it. But he couldn’t do it… not now…because he only wanted the original—not a knockoff.

  “If you need anything. Any…thing. Please let me know.” She stayed bent over him so long he wondered if she was going to say anything else, but he closed his eyes, hoping that she’d get the hint. Sometimes he hated traveling in uniform because it could be distracting and it seemed to bring out the horny in some women. Usually that was great, but right now was just not the time for that.

  He could feel her move away, taking the smell of lemongrass and roses away from his nose. Matt was thinking about the smell of Emmy and the softness of her grapefruit-scented skin. He was thanking his lucky stars that he didn’t have to do more to get her to leave because, with his eyes closed, thinking about Emmy was making his cock stiffen. If Carolyn would have been around, she would have thought that her best assets had worked on him. This flight was over eight hours, and he didn’t want to have to deal with a rejected female who was in charge of his snacks for that long.

  When someone practically fell into the seat next to him and brought the fresh scent of grapefruit, he thought that his mind may have taken a turn for the worse. His cock sprung up so hard and fast he felt a bit dizzy. What the fuck? Now he was going to have to shield himself from citrus for the rest of his life because the aroma made him spring wood. The guys would never let him live that one down. He opened his eyes to see the woman he noticed when he got on the plane—but he had looked away quickly so he wouldn’t stare at her. This exact replica of Emmy was sitting in the empty seat, and he opened his mouth to say something.

  “Ma’am, you have to return to your seat. I was just joking when I was offering him up.” Carolyn looked like she’d run over to where they were, and Matt took a look at the woman who had caused the flight attendant to sound flustered and possessive.

  “Emmy?” Matt asked, knowing he sounded like he was seeing a ghost. The masterful commander was missing, and in his place was the guy he used to be. The one before he tried to keep his emotions sealed up and away from his regular life.

  The Emmy-clone looked like she didn’t know who to address first for her crimes. Blinking at him once, she turned to the attendant, seeming to figure out the woman needed to be dealt with first. “I need to talk to him for a brief second. There isn’t anyone in this seat, so I assumed I’d be able to sit here—if you don’t mind.”

  “You are supposed to sit in the seat you are assigned. Lieutenant Commander Perrier doesn’t need to be bothered while on the plane and shouldn’t have to be held hostage by another passenger who wants to chat.” Carolyn was huffy, and the other passengers were looking over to see what was going on.

  “It’s alright. She can stay here,” he said, putting his hand on Emmy’s arm.

  Carolyn looked like she was trying to come up with something that would say that a passenger couldn’t be out of her seat, but she decided against it and took her red face and deep angry breathing somewhere else.

  It took a few minutes for Emmy to look at him, but he waited quietly until she found her words. Not touching her was killing him, but he was nothing if not patient.

  “Why did you act like you didn’t see me when you got on the plane? I know you didn’t want anything to last past the island, but I didn’t know you could just turn what I thought was going on between us off like that.” She looked at him, and he wondered how he was holding himself together for this long. He’d seen her in several different moods—happy, sad, aroused, flirty, frustrated, scared, nervous, enraged, and satiated—but disappointed was one he’d not seen, especially directed at him.

  “I actually didn’t know it was you. When I am in work mode, I can turn all the other stuff off. Actually, I thought I saw you twice in the airport and went up to the person to confirm they were you, but I was wrong. I’d given up on the chance of finding you in the airport when I thought your plane had already left. When I saw yet another woman who I thought was you in the back of the plane, I thought my mind was just conjuring you up again, and I didn’t want to gawk. I’ve made myself look crazy enough over you today.” He looked over at her and could tell by the grin on her face that she liked his explanation.

  “Did you make a friend of the flight attendant? She seems pretty possessive for someone who should have just met you a few minutes before we took off.” She looked at him like he was hiding something, or it was something that she really wanted to know. Was Emmy jealous? It was ridiculous for that information to make him smile inside, but it did. He may not tell the world what he felt deep down, but he was honest with himself.

  “I’m not sure what I did to earn her admiration.” He reached behind her head and pulled her over to him
and tasted her lips. It was something that he didn’t think he’d be able to do for a good long while, if ever, but here she was, and he wasn’t going to take the eight hour flight for granted. She tasted like he remembered, and he wanted her like he’d not fucked up into her body non-stop for the last few days. She was like a drug, and he was definitely addicted.

  She sighed and opened her lips, as she accepted his kiss and gave a bit of herself back to him. Thank god this was a night flight and they’d dimmed the lights. There were only a few people who had the little spotlights on, and the area where they were was out of the general range of seats. Emmy slid her hand over the hard bulge in his pants, and he held her hand there while he slowly rubbed himself into her palm.

  “Your seatbelts need to be on. You probably didn’t hear me, but the captain said there was going to be a bit of turbulence for a little bit,” Carolyn said, interrupting their kiss. Matt could tell Carolyn was happy about it when she saw Emmy jerk away from him. He and Emmy both looked at the woman in the semi-darkness, and Matt figured he would need to say something or this woman would just stand there waiting.


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