Forbidden Mates - The Complete Forbidden Mates Set: Vampire Shifter Paranormal Romance

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Forbidden Mates - The Complete Forbidden Mates Set: Vampire Shifter Paranormal Romance Page 14

by Rayne Reilly

  "What? I'm just saying." Julie raised her hands innocently.

  "Well, if that's the case they didn't get what they wanted. I do feel that you both are compromised by remaining here," Dayna finished.

  Xander and Julie looked at one another and back at Dayna.

  "So what are you saying? We don't have jobs anymore?" Julie accused while scratching her forehead.

  Dayna sighed and shook her head. "No. I just think you both need to watch your backs and think about the fact that we don't know who the enemy is anymore. Clearly they have infiltrated the FBI and it sounds like the S.A.C. are itching for an all-out public disclosure of vampires. You may want to think about keeping a low profile until this all settles down."

  Xander smoothed his hair back with one hand and shook his head.

  "I'm not going anywhere until I find out what the hell is going on."


  Two Days Later - Portland, Oregon

  The television screen flashed images of a dead turned-vampire. Julie quickly turned up the volume on her T.V.

  The pretty blond journalist spoke in a robotic voice, "We have been informed that the body is that of a vampire. Police are saying this is not a joke and we should take precautions when out alone. Not a lot is known about them at this point. They appear human just as shifters do. However unlike shifters, we are told vampires are known to kill humans."

  Julie muted the television and threw the remote onto the table. Her stomach churned.

  "I don't believe this." she announced aloud to the empty room. She picked up her phone to dial Xander. The phone rang in her hand before she could call him.

  It was Jake.

  "Have you seen the news?" His voice sounded stressed.

  "Only just. What the hell is going on? Who released this to the press? More to the point, who killed the vampire?" She asked, feeling quite stressed herself.

  "I don't know anything concrete yet but I can guess what is going on. There have been several dead turned-vampires found in the past two days including the FBI officer. Unlike the Pure Ones, these bodies don't disappear quickly so there is no real way to stop it getting out if the press is being tipped off. Where is Xander?"

  "I assume he's at home. I haven't spoken to him since this afternoon. Why?" Julie's pulse began to race.

  Jake sighed. "I need to speak with both of you and was hoping you two would be together. I haven't been able to reach him by phone."

  "I'll find him. What did you want to say to us?"

  Jake's voice was steady. "As you saw from the news, the public have just been made aware of the existence of vampires. It doesn't look like it's going to go down as well for them as it did for us shifters." He paused for a moment.

  "I blame it on the S.A.C. You know they're behind this right?" Julie maintained.

  "I know. The S.A.C. have just issued an edict that vampires are not allowed to socialize, fraternize or work with shifters. You and Xander are forbidden to even be in a relationship at this point. The FBI are also saying that any vampire employees that are found must be turned over to the S.A.C. Things are getting heated very quickly. It's dangerous for the two of you to be seen in Portland. The S.A.C and I'm sure, the Pure Ones, will know who you both are."

  Julie felt angry and worried at the same time. Unable to respond to what Jake was saying, she put her palm to her forehead. Where is Xander?

  Jake continued to speak. "Right now, the Shifter Alliance Council has made vampires public enemy number one and want humans and shifters to fear them. It's not safe for either of you. Please find Xander and get out of Portland."

  Julie gave her head a shake. "I can't believe this. It's insane. You're saying we have to leave our jobs and run and hide?" Her voice was strained as she choked back emotion.

  "You know I don't agree with any of this. I'm on your side. I just think you both need to go somewhere safe. Dayna and I, along with the rest of the team will try to get some kind of order back on the streets. There seems to be a small group of troublemakers on each side. You and I both know that it only takes a few strategically placed words or scenes to strike fear in humans. That's what the T.V. broadcast was about."

  Julie understood what Jake was saying but hated the idea of running away and she knew Xander would as well.

  She thought that tolerance of one another was finally a reality. The truth was that her own kind wanted to exterminate vampires and some vampires wanted to get rid of shifters. The thought made her feel sick.

  "Find Xander and leave Portland. Don't tell me where you are going. I think that is best. Good both of you. We will miss you." Jake sounded somber as he said goodbye. Julie thanked Jake for all he had done for them.

  She needed to get hold of Xander – and fast.She hung up and tried calling him. The call went to voice mail. Grabbing her car keys, she drove to his house. She had never been inside but had dropped him off once or twice. She hoped she would find him there, and in one piece.


  Xander lived in a modest bungalow in a nice quiet neighborhood on the other side of town from Julie. There was no way, just looking at the home or at Xander, that anyone would know he was a vampire. At least that's what Julie told herself as she walked up to his house and knocked on the door.

  After several minutes and no answer she walked back to the sidewalk and tried phoning him again.

  Her stomach was in knots. She bit her lip as she waited for him to answer his phone.

  "Hello?" His voice sounded strained.

  "Xander! Where are you?" she asked with panic in her voice. She turned to look at his house. There were no lights on and no sign of anyone inside.

  "I am at Oroc's," Xander replied. "I didn't hear my phone earlier. What's wrong, are you okay? You sound upset."

  "We have a big problem. The news is airing footage of a dead turned-vampire," Julie said in a low voice into the phone.


  "A little while ago. Jake called and told me that we aren't allowed to be together anymore because of some law that the S.A.C. just passed. He also said the FBI told him to turn you over to them if you showed up at work. We need to get out of town – now!" She insisted.

  "Get in your car and drive over here right away," Xander urged.

  "On my way," she said quietly as she looked around her to make sure no one was watching or listening.

  "Be careful!" he responded and hung up.

  Julie rushed to her car to drive to Oroc's estate. Right now she had no idea what the future held for her and her budding relationship with Xander. But she would have to think about that later. For now, they had to get out of Portland – alive."


  The iron gates of the large estate opened as Julie pulled up to them. She imagined that Xander was probably anxiously watching the camera that was pointed toward the driveway.

  She parked in front of Oroc's mansion and hurried to the door. Xander was outside on the front step before she had a chance to fully get out of the car. She ran to him and they embraced tightly. The tension that had been growing in her broke when Xander put his arms around her. Her eyes filled with tears.

  In what seemed to be a random series of events, she had been pulled into a drama that she never could have imagined. Tears spilled down her cheeks, landing against Xander's shirt. He caressed her head and purred softly into her ear that all was going to be okay.

  "I can't believe what's happening!" she sobbed.

  Xander led her inside while keeping his arm around her, holding her tightly to his side. Oroc stood at the end of the hall as they entered. In seconds he was in front of her with his hands clasped.

  "I am sorry for all that has happened. It must feel overwhelming to have so many incidents occur in such a short time. Please join me in the study. I hope to help ease your stress." His deep voice was a little softer and more gentle than usual.

  Xander let go of his hold on Julie and reached for her hand. They walked into the study and sat c
lose to one another on the same sofa that Xander had sat only a few days earlier.

  Oroc motioned with one hand as he spoke. "Xander has informed me of the betrayal of the S.A.C. I feared that something like this might happen. We have been discussing ways to help those Pure Ones that do not wish to be found or involved in the troubles that have begun. I have arranged safe passage for those that want to leave.

  "Before you phoned, I had been imploring Xander to also leave Portland. Now that the general public knows about us, I must insist." Oroc's steel gray eyes looked intently at both of them. Xander and Julie nodded in agreement.

  Oroc continued. "I would like you both to accompany me to one of my estates in France. No one will find you there and it will give me time to speak to the European Council and figure out a few things."

  Xander turned his head toward Julie. "I wasn't sure that you would want to come with us but now I think it's our only choice. I don't want to leave you behind. You are too important to me."

  Julie bit her lip. Everything was happening at a pace that was simply too fast for her.

  "What about my apartment? My things? I have to pack and get my passport!" she muttered.

  "Oroc will take care of all that. He has humans who will go in and pack up our things. Even put them in storage if need be. I will buy you everything that you need when we get to France," Xander stated.

  Julie was taken aback at his words.

  "It will not be safe to return to your home again. You must also get rid of your phones. I will supply new ones," Oroc said.

  Julie closed her eyes and sat back against the sofa. Taking a few deep breaths in and out, she began to calm the rise of panic that threatened to overwhelm her. She didn't know how to respond to what Oroc and Xander were telling her. She had barely processed what Jake had told her.

  Opening her eyes again she glanced back and forth between the two vampires. Both of them had thin smiles on their faces but shared a look of concern with one another. She knew they were only trying to help, but the entire situation felt so out of her control, a feeling she was not used to experiencing.

  She pulled her hand from Xander's and stood. Pushing some hair out of her eyes, she walked back and forth in front of Xander and Oroc. They remained silent as she paced. Julie knew that falling into the trap of feeling sorry for herself was the last thing she needed. She wanted to be with Xander – of that, she was certain. The rest would sort itself out on its own. After a few minutes, she squared her shoulders and turned to the two of them.

  "When do we leave?" she asked firmly.


  It was mutually decided that they would leave Portland that night. Oroc owned a private jet that was at his ready within a couple of hours. He sent one of his staff to Julie's home to get her passport and a few things that she claimed she had to have. After leaving Julie and Xander in the dining room to have a meal before they headed to his plane, Oroc disappeared into his study.

  Sitting at his desk Oroc went over important paperwork in preparation for the trip ahead of him. He had already assembled the staff earlier that day and advised them that he would be going away. He informed them that if he did not return, that they were to take care of his estate and continue to live there. He had provided for everyone on the off-chance that the European Council decided to execute him for the deaths of his fellow council members.

  Oroc was not one to feel great amounts of emotion the way humans did, but he did have a sense of right and wrong. His kindness to humans was an extension of what he had seen in his own parents. Not all Pure Ones sought to kill and fight. In fact, most remained hidden from the light of day and from humanity. Their lives were lonely and the remaining females were barren. Having humans around made Oroc happy.

  He hoped that by going to the Council and explaining what was happening in Portland, he could get some help in stopping the tense situation from escalating. Having Xander and Julie accompany him made him hopeful that the prophecy was, in fact, true and that somehow the pair would bring peace to the two races.

  Oroc had never seen Xander fall in love before and he was happy that the young man finally felt like he had a place in the world. He also knew that Xander was still reeling from having to kill his father. While Xander hadn't spoken any further about it out loud, Oroc knew that he was dealing with a lot of intense emotion around what had happened. Xander had spent his life trying to get his fathers approval, only to end up having to take his fathers life in the end. Oroc hoped that the change of scenery and having Julie safely with him would help him begin the healing process.


  Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France - Estate of Oroc Bestile

  It was daylight when Julie, Xander and Oroc landed at Marseille airport. However, because of Oroc having a private jet he was able to have the jet park in a huge darkened hangar upon their arrival.

  "How will we get to your home without the sunlight hitting you?" Julie asked. She was feeling rested after sleeping for most of the flight.

  "The car will be darkened by tinted windows. It will be waiting in the hangar to take us home," Oroc said as they proceeded to leave the plane.

  Julie noticed a large black Hummer limousine with darkly tinted windows and grinned.

  "A limo? You travel in style, Oroc. I can see you had to go large enough to accommodate your height," she teased.

  Oroc responded with a simple, "Hmm."

  Julie knew that he was probably so accustomed to having all his needs met that he didn't see it as the luxury she did. She tucked into the back of the limo and Xander sat next to her. Because of Oroc's incredible height of nearly seven feet tall, he could not travel in just any old vehicle.

  The drive to Oroc's estate took about an hour and a half. This gave plenty of time for a wired and wide-awake Julie to question Oroc. Patiently, he answered her questions with the occasional tilt of his head.

  "How many houses do you have?" she asked.


  "More than five?" Julie asked like an impatient child.

  "Yes. More than five." Oroc laughed.

  His mood had become better since they left Portland. Although his eyes told her that he was feeling the same strain that she and Xander were. She was worried about Xander and the fact that he had been more quiet than usual. He was looking out the window, lost in thought.

  "I'm sorry for talking so much. I'm a bit wired after all that sleep on the plane," she confessed to them both.

  Oroc waved his hand dismissively and Xander turned to her and smiled broadly. Julie bit her lip and remained quiet for the rest of the journey.


  "This isn't a home; this is a castle!" Julie exclaimed as the limo approached the front of a red brick palatial home with white trim. There were large arched windows and tall white columns. The place was breathtaking.

  Julie had not traveled very much and seeing a home of this magnitude was completely outside the realm of anything she could have imagined. She turned to Xander, who placed a hand on her upper back and beamed back at her. The limo drove into one portion of the seven-car garage.

  "I agree with you. It's magnificent!" Xander said.

  The trio made their way inside where they were met by the staff that Oroc had contacted ahead of time. The floors in the main area were marble with accents of black diamond shapes. The furniture was mostly white or off white. It reminded Julie of a picture one might see in a magazine where the home did not appear lived in but was staged to look perfect.

  She turned to Oroc, smiling happily.

  "When was the last time you were here?" she asked.

  "A few years ago. I had it decorated while I've been gone," he said with a smile, looking around and seeming as surprised as she and Xander.

  "I like what they've done. It beats the stuffy Portland house!" Xander teased.

  Julie watched Xander's eyes light up at the incredible space around them.

  "You may find the views enjoyable. I have heard they are lovely
in the daylight. I will let you both explore while I make plans to go to Italy tonight," Oroc said as he motioned to the glass doors that led to a huge terrace.

  "You're going tonight? Why so soon?" Xander asked.

  "The sooner I can speak to the Vampire Council, the better. Things will escalate in America and I want to get help to stop it as soon as I can." Oroc spoke in a serious tone.

  Both Julie and Xander nodded in agreement.

  "Do not worry about me. I will be gone for only a day or so. Anything you need, you just have to ask the staff to get it for you. Now go and see the outside while the sun shines," he said and turned to walk away.

  The couple stepped out onto the terrace. Wide-eyed, Julie gasped when she saw the panoramic sea view. The azure water glistened in the sunlight.

  "Xander! This is beautiful! I never imagined that the sea could look so blue," she said in a whisper.

  Xander put his arms around her and pulled her to him. She felt her body rush with heat at the closeness. She glanced around to see if anyone was watching but her shifter senses told her they were alone.

  "I'm glad you are here with me and I'm happy that you like it here." He put a hand to her chin and leaned in for a long sensual kiss. His mouth felt warm and his body was so inviting that she didn't want him to stop.

  "Let's find a bedroom?" he asked with a sexy grin.

  Julie nodded and they went off to find a place to express their affection for one another more privately.


  Rome, Italy

  The private plane landed in Rome in late evening. Oroc had notified the European High Council that he was on his way and as expected, he was met by a black sedan driven by a turned-vampire. Without a word, Oroc opened the car door and sat inside. The driver knew where to take him so there was no need for the vampires to exchange words.

  Oroc stared out the window noticing all the changes that had taken place on the land since his last visit. He had known Rome when it was not a city but a small town on the Tiber River. Even in the evening twilight, he could see the lights of the city that had become a power center in its day.


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