Forbidden Mates - The Complete Forbidden Mates Set: Vampire Shifter Paranormal Romance

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Forbidden Mates - The Complete Forbidden Mates Set: Vampire Shifter Paranormal Romance Page 16

by Rayne Reilly

  Julie let out a wail as nausea kicked in. She ran to the toilet and knelt before it to release the contents of her stomach. Pulling her hair back with one hand her ears began to ring. A few seconds later, Xander appeared in the doorway of the bathroom looking worried.

  "What happened? Are you okay?" he asked as he rushed to her.

  Julie flushed the toilet and stood. She nodded weakly, returning to the sink to rinse out her mouth and wash her face.

  Xander watched as she rubbed her stomach and winced. She was almost afraid to speak for fear of further vomiting.

  "I don't know why...I feel so sick..." she said through clenched teeth. She began to breathe slowly in an attempt to reduce the pain and ease the waves of nausea.

  "Do you think it's food poisoning?" Xander asked. He approached her and rubbed her back gently with one hand.

  Julie shook her head. "Don't...know..." she muttered before returning to the toilet to vomit again.

  She didn't care that Xander was in the room, she just wanted the pain and the nausea to stop. She sat on the floor with her back to the wall, next to the toilet. Xander ran some cool water and dampened a face cloth. He wrung it out and folded it to place on her forehead. She leaned her head back against the wall and placed a hand on the cloth.

  "I'm going to call Oroc. He should have been back by now. He might know of a doctor in the area that deals with shifters."

  Xander left before Julie could respond. Not that she wanted to say a word. The effort of opening her mouth other than to vomit, was just too much work. She closed her eyes as she slowly rubbed her stomach.


  Xander chewed the inside of his cheek, waiting for Oroc to answer his phone. It went to voice mail after several rings. Letting out a huge sigh, Xander paced the bedroom. What could be wrong with her?

  He folded his arms and glanced toward the huge window next to the bed. The sun was coming up. He turned when her heard Julie coming out of the bathroom.

  Hurrying to her, he placed his hands on her upper arms. She looked pale and felt cool to touch. "Is there anything I can get you? I feel so helpless! Please tell me what you need?" he pleaded.

  Julie shrugged and moved past him toward the bed.

  "I wish I knew why I feel this way. It doesn't make any sense. I think maybe if I just lie down for a while, maybe the nausea will go away." Her voice was low. She sat on the edge of the bed.

  Xander helped her into bed, adjusting the duvet over her and smoothing her hair from her cheek. He hoped that whatever it was that was making her sick, it would be over soon. Julie closed her eyes as he sat next to her stroking her cheek.

  His mind ran through all kinds of terrifying scenarios until he couldn't stand it any longer. I'm not going to lose her. She'll be fine, he told himself over and over. His own stomach was turning over with worry.

  When she had fallen back to sleep some time later, he left the room to try reaching Oroc again.


  Finally, Oroc picked up. "Xander. What's wrong?" Oroc's voice was filled with concern.

  Xander knew he would have seen the many missed calls from him.

  "It's Julie. She's sick. She's been vomiting and has stomach pain. Is there a doctor around here that can see her?"

  Oroc was silent a moment. "Hmm. She is going to be fine. I am on my way home now. I should be there within the hour. Where is she?" he asked, all concern having left his voice. He was his usual calm and collected self.

  Xander felt himself growing impatient and a little angry with Oroc.

  "She's sleeping now. Are you going to do something to help her?" Xander asked.

  "I will speak to you when I return. Don't worry, she is going to be okay." Oroc made a further attempt to reassure him but Xander was having none of it. He wanted someone to help his mate, and to take away her pain.

  "Don't worry? She's my goddamn mate! Don't tell me not to worry. She needs a doctor."

  "I agree. She does need a doctor. But I will need to make a few calls first. We need a doctor that has dealt with this sort of case before."

  "What do you mean case? What's wrong with her? If you know something, I want you to tell me," Xander insisted.

  "She's pregnant."

  Xander felt a wave of relief mixed with wonder. "Pregnant? Wait, how do you know she's pregnant?"

  Xander's emotions were going crazy. He was finding it hard to believe that she could be pregnant, though he hoped that's what was wrong and nothing worse. He ran a hand through his hair and then over his face.

  "How?" he murmured again into the phone.

  "I will explain everything when I get there." Oroc said, before hanging up.

  Xander walked quickly to the bedroom to get dressed and check on Julie. She was still asleep and looking more peaceful now. Perhaps the nausea and pain had settled down. Seeing her in pain had hurt him more than he ever expected it would. She had been through so much since they met that he couldn't bear to have her suffer any more.

  He sat on the bed with his legs crossed in front of him, watching her sleep. He couldn't wait to have her pregnancy confirmed by a doctor. Xander hoped that Julie would be as happy about the child as he was.


  The room was cool even though the sun was bright and hot outside. Julie was grateful for the central air conditioning in Oroc's incredible home. After the early morning rude awakening and then falling back to sleep, Julie felt refreshed and ready to face the day.

  She raised herself onto her elbows and looked around the room. She was alone in the king-sized bed. Sitting on the edge of it, she threw back the light duvet that covered her. The bedroom that she and Xander had chosen was decorated in light colors of beige and cream. The room itself, not including the bathroom, was as big as her living room and kitchen back in Portland. Glancing around the room, she noticed the large walk-in closet, an armchair with plush pillows, a dressing table, dresser and mirror. The en-suite bathroom had a large etched glass wall separating it from the bedroom. She padded to the bathroom to shower and freshen up before seeking out Xander.

  The shower was large enough for three people and she enjoyed every bead of warm water that poured onto her body. She felt a little stiff and sore after the rough early morning pain. I wonder what that as all about anyway? she mused as she shampooed her hair. She had fully expected to wake up in more pain but was glad that she was actually feeling pretty good. In fact, she was downright hungry and couldn't wait to eat.

  Stepping out of the shower she dried off quickly, and went to the bedroom in search of clean clothes. A female staff member had mentioned when they arrived that some clothing had already been purchased for her. She began to search the dresser drawers but found nothing at first.

  Something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. The armchair on her side of the bed now had a neatly folded stack of clothing including underwear, socks, jeans and a top. She smiled and walked over hoping it would all fit. She pulled on the underwear and then the jeans. She growled to herself when she realized they would not fasten. They don't fit. She looked around for the outfit she had arrived in but couldn't see it.

  "Great," she said aloud as she pulled the top down over her head. It partly covered the open jeans but she would need something that fit her if she was going to feel comfortable. Julie headed out of the bedroom to find Xander.


  The kitchen was buzzing with several staff members, one of them female. Julie had made a wrong turn and ended up at the opposite end of the house. She smiled meekly at the young brown-haired woman who noticed her.

  "Can I help you, Miss Julie?" the woman asked in a French accent.

  Julie felt herself blush a little and motioned for the woman to follow her out of earshot of the men.

  "Yes, please! I appreciate that someone shopped for me before I arrived but I'm afraid the jeans don't fit." Julie said sheepishly.

  The woman's eyes widened."Oh, Miss! I am sorry! I will speak to someone immediately. We w
ill have something in your size brought to you."

  "Thank you," Julie said before heading off to find Xander.

  The home was huge and it took a bit of searching to find the large sitting room where Xander and Oroc were together.

  The two men stood when she entered. Xander rushed to her and hugged her.

  "Glad you're awake! Are you feeling better?" Xander asked sweetly.

  "Yes, thank you! Much! I have one small issue though," she said as she turned to see Oroc smiling at her.

  "I appreciate that you went to the trouble to have your staff shop for me but I'm afraid they bought the wrong size jeans. These do not fit me," she said as she pointed to the slightly unzipped and unbuttoned trousers.

  Xander laughed and hugged her again.

  "What's so funny? Either I have put on weight all of a sudden, or they got my size wrong," she said a little perturbed at him laughing.

  "I'm happy you're feeling better, and I think I know why your clothes aren't fitting," he beamed, leading her to the sofa across from Oroc.

  She sat down with her hands in her lap, looking back and forth between the two vampires. They were staring at her with the silliest grins. She felt her face flush and wondered what was going on.

  "Why are you both gaping at me that way?"

  Xander put a hand to her head and touched her damp hair.

  "We think you are pregnant, my love."

  Julie felt herself go tense. "Pregnant? What makes you think I'm pregnant?" she laughed nervously. This seemed to be a radical leap even for Xander. "I can't be pregnant. You told me that Pure Ones can't have children," she finished.

  Oroc rubbed his hands on his thighs and stared at Julie.

  "I have been to see oracle...she told me that you are with child," he said matter-of-fact.

  "So wait! A complete stranger tells you I am pregnant and you believe it?" Julie scrunched her nose in disbelief.

  Xander took Julie's hand and brought it to his mouth. Kissing it, he looked into her eyes.

  "Do you remember when I told you about the prophecy of peace? I mentioned that Oroc thought you had a role to play in it just as I do?"

  Julie nodded. After she had awakened from being tranquilized, Xander had explained everything that Oroc had told him. She wasn't sure how she felt about the prediction. It certainly didn't change the fact that Xander was her mate and she loved him more than she ever thought possible.

  Xander continued his explanation. "Oroc has met the oracle that made the prediction. She told him that our child is going to bring peace to both your kind and mine. She wants to speak with me as well," he revealed.

  Julie tucked some hair behind her ear and then put her hand to her forehead for a moment before speaking.

  "It's real? The prophecy is real?"

  Oroc and Xander nodded.

  "This is crazy..." Her voice trailed off.

  "I have a doctor arriving tomorrow who will confirm your pregnancy and help you prepare for giving birth. From what I am told, tiger shifter females have a shorter gestation period than human women," Oroc stated without cracking a smile.

  Julie chuckled as she listened. He made it sound so cold and clinical. She was going to have Xander's child. Oh.My.God.

  Oroc's face broke out into a huge smile as he picked up Julie's thoughts.

  "Perhaps we should speak about the bonding ceremony now?" Oroc said lightly.

  Xander sat up a little straighter and nodded. "I agree. What do you think?" he asked Julie.

  "Is that safe? I mean if I'm pregnant...and we bite one that a good idea?"

  "It is the way of your kind and mine. We should do it before the child is born," Xander announced.

  Oroc rubbed his chin. "If we do it right away, the child will be unaffected. It's akin to be married before a human child is born," he finished.

  "It's so much more than that. In my world as a shifter, it bonds me with my mate forever," Julie said.

  Xander looked at Oroc. "Has this sort of mating ever happened before?" he asked.

  Oroc shook his head. "Not that I am aware of. To my knowledge, shifters and Pure Ones haven't mixed in all of history. I have certainly not heard of a child being born of a shifter and Pure One union. Alel, the Oracle, mentioned specifically that the child will be part human, shifter and Pure One. She will be born with blond hair and called the Golden One. Her talents and abilities will remain unparalleled in the world. I have mentioned to Xander that we need to protect you and the child until she comes of age to stand before the Councils of shifters and Pure Ones.

  Julie instinctively put a hand to her stomach and felt a small flutter within at the mention of child's future actions. Her life had certainly become something she hadn't anticipated and she hoped that she would be a good mother and mate.

  She looked over at Oroc, whose face showed that he had heard her thoughts. His smile told her he believed in her. Xander squeezed her hand and leaned down to kiss the top of her head.

  "When can I meet this oracle? I have some questions for her about my child," Julie said. Her voice was strong.

  "I can arrange for Xander to meet with her but I am afraid it might not be safe to reveal who you are to the Council just yet. You must remain here to be kept safe," Oroc said.

  Julie's brows shot up and she let out an exasperated sigh. "But I don't want to remain here. I want to go with you both. I have questions for this oracle and I won't be left behind." She looked at Xander, her eyes pleading with him.

  Xander gave a nod of his head. "I know that when you set your mind to doing something, no one can stop you. But I also don't want any harm to come to you or our child. Are you sure you won't wait?"

  "For what? It will be harder to travel with a newborn child and as Oroc said, it will be two to three months before I give birth, depending on when I became pregnant. We should go immediately," she insisted.

  Xander shrugged and put up his hands. "I will not stop her if this is what she wants," Xander said to Oroc who opened his mouth to object.

  "I can see that there is no point in debating the matter. We will leave after Julie sees the doctor," Oroc said before pressing his lips together in disapproval.


  The trip to Italy was not as romantic as she dreamed traveling Europe would be. What Julie now knew was morning sickness was a daily occurrence and flying didn't necessarily help matters. She refused to allow her extreme discomfort to show and found that sleeping after her bouts of nausea seemed to help them ease off. The growing child in her womb caused her some pain but knowing that she was carrying a creation of hers and Xander's made the pain much more bearable.

  Xander stayed close and was very protective of Julie. She had no doubt that he would be an incredible father to their child and she couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life with him. They agreed to do their bonding ceremony when they returned from Italy. Her desire for Xander had not waned, even though she was pregnant and she couldn't wait to commit the one final act that bonded Pure One and shifter together forever.

  Oroc led the couple into a secret underground entrance at the European High Council Headquarters. Julie felt a sense of excitement at meeting one of the originally created Pure Ones. A being said to be made directly by the gods and demons. Oroc had mentioned that she was different than he was and other Pure Ones he had known in the way she looked and her talents. Their race still mystified Julie and she wanted to find out everything she could about them. Especially now that she was going to have a child that would have some of Xanders mixed Pure One and Human heritage in addition to her shifter side.

  Xander held her hand as they weaved through corridors until they came to a wooden door. Oroc knocked softly and waited. The door opened slowly and Alel stood before the trio.

  The slender androgynous-looking female slapped her hands together in joy and welcomed them inside.

  "I'm so happy you came," she said to no one in particular.

  Oroc and Xander sto
od one on each side of Julie with Oroc speaking first.

  "Alel, I have brought Xander and his mate Julie. Both of them have questions for you," Oroc said.

  "It's nice to meet you! What do I call you?" Xander asked politely.

  Alel laughed and danced around in joy. "It's good to hear you, young man. You may call me Alel. That is my name. And your mate? Who is she?" Alel grinned.

  "I'm Julie. Nice to meet you," Julie smiled.

  "Julie. Fine name...yes. Hello, and may I say congratulations to you both?" Alel bowed her head a little as she spoke.

  "Thank you." Xander said. "May I ask you some questions before you tell us why you wanted to see us?"

  "Of course...Yes!" Alel sounded gleeful and Julie rolled her eyes at the sheer amount of happiness that the woman exuded. Oroc had been correct in that she didn't have the features of a Pure One. With no hair and clouded eyes, it gave her a slightly scary, storybook-witch look. Julie wondered how old she was since, according to Oroc, she was born before he was. Oroc maintained a youthful prime of life look while the being before them looked at least several decades older.

  Julie listened as Xander questioned the woman about the prophecy of peace.

  "Oroc has told me what you saw in your vision but I would like to know if there is anything about me or Julie that you didn't mention? Is there something we can do to help change the minds of those who forbid shifters from being with vampires?"

  Alel stood still and dropped her arms to her sides. For a moment, her face looked puzzled and Xander wondered if he had said something wrong. She spoke in a slightly different, less joyful voice.

  "I have seen many things in my long life. It has been because of seeing the future that I look the way I do now. It takes its toll on a body. Even on one as old as I am. Regarding you and your mate, it was destined that you would be together because the gods made it happen. No shifter or vampire can stop the two of you from being together. The gods will not allow it.


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