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Isabel, An Independent Bride

Page 10

by Hildie McQueen

  “That would be lovely.” Her mother shoved the cloths into her arms. “I’m joining your father over at the picnic tables.” With that, Harriett rushed off.

  Fern frowned. Her mother was in good spirits. She turned to find Owen standing next to her. “How do you do that? I never seem to see you coming.”

  Once again the dimples showed when he smiled. “Your mother motioned me over. You need help?”

  “There are only a few things left, but I suppose I do need to take the chairs and baskets back to the shop. I’d appreciate it.”

  They walked side by side, Owen with two chairs and Fern with the linens, there were only a few left since she’d sold almost everything. She put the basket of linens down to unlock the door and they went inside.

  “I didn’t know there was a seamstress shop until just a few weeks ago. I’ll have to order some shirts.” He stood in the center of the room, his large body on full display from the last of the sunlight shining through the windows.

  Fern swallowed at the thought of measuring him. “Of course. When you stop by for our walk, we can do that.”

  For some unknown reason, Fern didn’t move. Instead she remained immobile looking at Owen. Would he be the man she was to marry? If so, she’d be a very lucky woman. If he looked so attractive in clothes, she couldn’t imagine how glorious he was bereft of them.

  “Oh goodness,” Fern whispered and let out a short breath. “I suppose we should head back. Don't want people to talk.”

  When she didn’t move, Owen closed the distance between them. He placed a hand under her jaw and lifted her face. “We should,” he said almost in a whisper. “But first.”

  He lowered his mouth to hers. His lips were soft and undemanding, however, the way his fingers slid down the side of her face and caressed the juncture of her neck and shoulder was enough to make her knees week.

  When they broke the kiss, Fern wanted to cry. It was the most magical of moments.

  “We should go,” she whispered and allowed him to lead her from the shop. A smile tugged at her lips when they returned to the festival. Her feet barely touched the ground when she went in search of Isabel.

  Chapter 13

  The evening activities finally came to a close. Colton had gone home shortly after their dance. He’d not admitted it, but Isabel knew the dance had cost him and he hurt. However, she remained elated at knowing he was recovering. Not only that, but Scarlett had informed her his injury, the one below his waist, did not affect his manhood as the doctors had feared.

  Not that it should matter at all since she had absolutely no plans to marry Colton Blake. He’d asked her father and gone forward with the notion that he was supposed to marry her due to the rumors. If he’d been about town, he would’ve known that the townspeople had been too busy with all that had happened to speak of it any longer. Not that she knew of anyway. And even if their kiss remained forefront on anyone’s mind, she’d never marry someone who was forced.

  Since childhood, she’d made up her mind to marry only for love. Her husband would love her as desperately as she loved him. They’d be giddy with excitement on their wedding day and would be wildly passionate once married.

  No matter how much she concentrated, she couldn’t picture Colton in love with her. To him she was a nuisance, a pesky child who annoyed him at every turn.

  At the moment, even her father remained upset with her over her actions while he was gone. If he’d heard of the rumor of her kiss with Colton he’d not said anything.

  By him accompanying the Blake brothers back to Colton’s home, it seemed as if they remained as friendly as ever.

  Men were definitely strange creatures.

  “What has you so deep in thought?” Scarlett tapped her arm. “You haven’t moved in five minutes.” Her friend looked into the distance in the same direction as Isabel. “You seeing something?”

  She couldn’t help but giggle. “No. I have something pressing on my mind. I must speak to you immediately.” Isabel tugged Scarlett by the arm to inside the mercantile.

  Fern was inside. She stood by a shelf with a strange faraway look in her eyes.

  “What is going on?” Scarlett looked from Fern to Isabel. “Did you both see a ghost?”

  Seeming to shake out of her stupor, Fern hurried over to them. “Owen kissed me.” Her lips curved. “It was wonderful. He wants to court me.”

  The three women hugged and laughed at the news. “I’m so happy for you,” Isabel told Fern, meaning it. “I find myself in a very different conundrum, I’m afraid.”

  “Tell us,” Scarlett said.

  Isabel bit her lip in thought. “It seems Colton took it upon himself to speak to my father today. He asked for my hand in marriage.”

  There were the expected gasps. Scarlett and Fern exchanged looks as if to gauge what their reaction should be. Both settled for the wide-eyed expression of someone not sure.

  Scarlett spoke first. “And this is good news?”

  “Ugh,” Isabel exclaimed. “No, it is not. He is only doing it out of some sort of misguided notion that he has to make things right after the kiss. He doesn’t love me. I’m sure of it.”

  “It doesn’t sound like Colton,” Fern said.

  “He wouldn’t marry you unless he felt something. I agree,” Scarlett added.

  They were not helping her at all. “Of course he cares for me. We’ve known each other since I was a child. Besides, he and my father are very close, and I’m sure that has something to do with it.”

  “No. I don’t agree,” Scarlett said with a stubborn set to her jaw. “He loves you.”

  “Yes, he does. Just today, I noticed how he followed your every move. Never did he take his eyes from you.” Fern mimicked Scarlett’s expression.

  “Don’t you see,” Isabel said, her voice a bit high due to exasperation. “He was thinking of how he’d be stuck with me for the rest of his existence.”

  Holding bundles and speaking animatedly, Gemina and Harriett entered. The women laughed at an inside joke and stopped in their tracks at spotting the younger women.

  “Why the glum faces?” Gemina asked.

  Harriett studied them and shook her head. “I’d venture to guess they are speaking about young men. Look how flushed Fern’s face is.”

  Of course this caused Fern to blush a brighter red, giving away that her mother was right. “I-I was just telling them...”

  “Owen Blake asked to court her,” Scarlett interrupted with a bright smile. “Isn’t that wonderful?”

  Both Gemina and Harriett nodded with soft smiles.

  “I hear you may be headed down to the altar soon,” Gemina told Isabel with a bright smile. “I can’t wait to help plan your wedding.”

  “What?” Isabel gasped. “How did you hear?”

  “Your father told Charles,” she replied referring to her husband. “He is most happy about it.”

  Her stomach sank. She had to speak to Colton immediately. Somehow they’d get out of this predicament before the entire town heard of it. “Where is my father?”

  “Oh, that’s right,” Harriett replied. “He went home. I told him we’d bring you home after finishing up here.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Isabel dashed from the mercantile and hurried to Colton’s house. If luck was with her, people were too distracted with cleaning up and heading home to notice where she went.

  Once at the corner to Colton’s house, she looked around. No one was about. She dashed to the front door and knocked.

  Owen’s eyes rounded at seeing her and he looked over his shoulder. “Colton, someone here to see you.”

  “I’ll be right out here.” He stepped out and motioned for her to walk inside. Thankfully, he left the door open. It wasn’t enough for her visit to be proper, but it was something.

  Colton sat in an overstuffed chair with a glass of what looked to be whiskey in one hand. His eyebrows rose at seeing her. “Isabel. Is something wrong?”

  “Yes, there’s someth
ing wrong.” Isabel sat down next to him and scanned his body. To ensure he was not bleeding or something of course, not because she enjoyed studying the well formed man. “You cannot possibly marry me.”

  His eyes narrowed and then became flat, emotionless. “Why not?”

  Isabel looked over her shoulder wondering if Owen was able to hear their conversation.

  “He’s probably standing across the way. My brother is not one to eavesdrop.” Colton read her mind. “Now, answer my question.”

  When speaking one’s mind, it was best to sit up straight, lift the chin just a bit and assume a stern expression. Isabel straightened and blew out a short breath. “Simply put, because you don’t love me. I will only marry for love. You will come to resent me for this. We both know you are only marrying me out of a sense of duty. I won’t have it.”

  “Do you love me?” Colton asked, raising a brow. “I believe you do.”

  Of all the arrogant things to say, this was amazingly presumptuous of him. Sure she’d professed her love for him when she was ten, but now ten years later, her feelings could’ve changed.

  They hadn’t. But he had no way of knowing it.

  “That is very egotistical of you to say.” Isabel refused to answer the question. “Besides, it’s customary for the man to profess his love first.”

  The corners of his lips twitched. “I do believe you’re right.”

  He seemed to have only a slight bit of trouble standing. Then he took her hands and guided her to stand.

  Wary at what he planned, Isabel remained still and prepared to run out the door. If he said even one lie, she’d slap him.

  His right hand cupped her jaw and he lifted her face up. “Look at me Isabel.” When she did, her breath left at the heat in his eyes. They’d darkened and emanated a warmth like she’d never seen. “I want to marry you. Facing death made me realize that the one person I wanted next to me, whose voice I looked forward to hearing, and whose face I wanted to see was only yours.”

  If her eyes got any rounder, Isabel was sure they’d pop from their sockets. Her lips parted in surprise.

  “What are you saying?”

  He bent forward at the waist, his lips hovering just over hers. “That I am in love with you, my wildly independent girl.”

  When his mouth covered hers, Isabel gave into the kiss. He loved her. How was it possible that someone like him, the man she’d dreamed of all these years was finally professing his love?

  Her lips parted when he teased at them with his tongue sending shivers to travel all over her body. The strength of his embrace was the security she’d been yearning. In his arms she felt cherished, protected, and by his hard breaths and thundering heartbeat, desired.

  When his hand slid up her torso and so very near her breast, Isabel tensed. “Oh.” She pushed away. “I do believe I need to go. We are much too passionate at the moment.”

  With his arms now loosely around her, Colton laughed. “You will definitely keep me in line until the wedding, won’t you?”

  “Yes, well despite this very improper visit, I remain my father’s daughter.” She lifted to her toes and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “I best go before we give the town more to talk about.”

  “Owen will walk you home.”

  “No need, Charles Walker told my father he’d take me home.” Isabel peered up at Colton. “I do believe this is a dream. Did you really say you loved me?”

  Colton nodded. “I love you Isabel Ward.”

  “Oh good.” She turned away and went to the door slipping out quickly and almost ran into Owen, who stood at the corner. “No need to accompany me. See about your brother, I think he may have bumped his head. He’s not sounding like himself. I’m going to the mercantile.”

  She wasn’t sure but Isabel thought to have heard Owen chuckle as she walked away.

  Chapter 14

  Isabel wasn’t sure what to think. Was Colton really in love with her? He’d sounded sincere and it would’ve been hard to fake the warmth in his gaze or the ardor of his kiss.

  When she entered the house, her father sat in the parlor, a cup of coffee in his hand. “Isabel.”

  At least he didn’t sound too angry. Hopefully it meant he’d not heard about the public kiss.

  She entered the parlor and smiled at her father. “Did you enjoy the festival, father?”

  “Very much so. I commend you and the ladies on all the hard work you did to make it a success.” He met her gaze. “Please sit, we must talk.”

  Her heart began to thud and she swallowed. “I suppose this has to do with Colton.”

  A strange expression marred her father’s face. He looked to her as if seeing her for the first time. “I knew this day would come and yet, I don’t think I’m as prepared as I’d hoped.” His eyes became shiny and Isabel felt hers burn as well.

  He placed a hand over hers. “I am happy that you will be marrying a fine young man like Colton. I couldn’t have asked for a better husband for you.”

  “I-I have not accepted his offer yet.” Isabel began to babble. “As a matter of fact, he hasn’t asked me. Not properly anyway. Besides, I’m not sure I’ll say yes. He is quite exasperating at times and I don’t believe he loves me. I think he asked to marry me because I kissed him in public and Emmaline saw it. Of course she ran all over town telling anyone who’d hear.”

  Her throat constricted and a strange strangling noise emanated past her parted lips.

  When her father began laughing, Isabel sniffed his breath. Had he poured whiskey in his coffee? It wasn’t like him not to have a stern word whenever she disclosed something she’d done.

  “You’ve been in love with him since you were a child. Why are you protesting so much now?” There was so much love in her father’s gaze, she wanted to throw herself into his arms.

  “I don’t want to leave you. You’ll be all alone.” This time she couldn’t stop the tears. “Whatever will I do without you?”

  When he placed the cup down and opened his arms, Isabel flew into his embrace and began sobbing.

  “Stop crying Isabel. It’s not like you’re moving across the state. We’ll see each other every single day.”

  “But...what about suppers and our special time together in the evenings? What about...”

  “Stop crying and look at me.” Her father’s stern tone made her straighten and she sniffed loudly.

  Through the tears, the warmth in her handsome father’s expression made her smile. He had to be the most wonderful man to have raised such an excitable daughter while rarely losing his patience with her.

  He looked past her to the window. “One of the reasons I enjoy my visits to California so much is a woman by the name of Melanie. She and I have grown fond of one another and I very much wish to explore the possibility of marriage and her moving here. However, I wouldn’t do such a thing until you were secure and married.”

  “You are in love?” Isabel grinned when her father’s cheeks colored. “That is wonderful.”

  He frowned. “This is unexpected. I thought you’d be upset over it. I mean your mother...”

  “Stop it Father. You deserve to be happy. You have no idea how grateful I am that God brought you this woman, who I’m sure is wonderful. I was so scared of you being alone.”

  “What are you doing?” Owen rounded Colton and stood in front of the bedroom doorway as if to block his progress. Colton gave his brother a long look.

  “I’m going to the jailhouse. I won’t do much more than sit at the desk. It’s time for me to return to my work.”

  Remaining indoors was driving him to madness. Besides the four walls, there was Owen’s over-protectiveness. Although he did understand his brother’s actions, he would have done the same if their roles were reversed.

  Besides, Owen had a life to return to at the Hamilton ranch. Colton was well enough now to do for himself and had allowed this to go on too long. Mostly because he knew this moment would come and he’d have to confront Owen.

; “I know how you feel. I almost lost you once too,” Colton began.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You almost drowned when you were about five. It was the most horrible thing I’ve ever experienced. Even when I got shot and laid on the floor thinking I was going to die, it didn’t compare to the thought of losing you.”

  His brother studied him for a long moment. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you about our land. Why don’t we finally do what we’ve talked about for years? Let’s start our own cattle farm.” Owen swallowed. “These last five years working for the Hamilton’s, I’ve learned a lot.”

  “I know, Owen. You’re an amazing cattle rancher.”

  It was obvious by Owen’s wide stance he would not budge until they talked, so Colton motioned toward the kitchen. “Let’s sit down.”

  “We’ve got the land. It will take a few months to clear it. Could have it done by winter. Come spring we can buy cattle. I’ve been saving all my earnings. Mr. Hamilton said he’d give me a few to get started with.”

  A stirring in his chest at Owen’s earnest expression made it hard for Colton to say what he had to. “I’m about to be married, brother. How will I support a wife and children that come? It will take at least three years to start earning money.”

  “Ha!” Owen shouted making Colton frown. “That’s just it. While we breed our cattle, I’ll continue to work for the Hamilton’s. Also, until spring you can continue being sheriff. Don’t you have some savings?”

  In truth, Colton had always been frugal and saved money for when he finally decided to build a house. He and Isabel could live a couple years on his savings alone. When he’d asked the pastor for permission to marry her, Pastor Ward had told him she had a sizeable dowry. That was not something he’d expected, nor did he want to take Isabel’s money. However, it would be enough to build a house.

  The pastor had disclosed that his deceased wife came from wealth.

  “You know what?” Colton met his brother’s gaze. “You’re right. There isn’t anything to stop us from doing what we can to be the men we’re meant to be.”


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