Isabel, An Independent Bride

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Isabel, An Independent Bride Page 12

by Hildie McQueen

  His brother looked him up and down, obviously gauging his ability to ride. “Doc say you can do this?”

  “He didn’t say I couldn’t,” Colton replied. He’d not spoken to Emmett in the last week, but he felt good and as far as he could tell as long as he didn’t gallop, the ride wouldn’t hurt anything.

  Of course Owen wasn’t happy with the reply. “Turn that horse around and let’s go ask.”

  “Why don’t you go on into town? I’m not going far. I’ll see you when I return.” The sharpness in his tone made Owen’s eyes narrow.

  “I’ll go with you.”

  Instead of replying, he spurred Gallivant to an easy cantor. “Heading out to the wagon train camp. Did you go by there?”

  Owen shook his head. “Nah, I saw it from afar. They seem to be settling well. Even started building.”

  “Whose land is that?”

  “Bought it from the Jenkins’.”

  They rode for another hour before arriving at the camp. Several men instantly walked forward. Two had rifles in hand, but not pointing at them.

  “Gentlemen,” Colton said raising his right hand in greeting. “I’m Sheriff Colton Blake of Laurel Creek.” They dismounted when the men seemed to relax.

  They approached and began introductions. It turned out to be four families traveling together. They’d pooled their money and purchased fifty acres from the Jenkins’ and planned to farm the land.

  It proved fortunate that Owen came along because soon he was surrounded by a group of people as he explained the local weather and it’s affect on certain crops. Everyone was enthralled with the information.

  An older man, who’d introduced himself as Henry Baker, came to stand by Colton. “Sheriff, is it possible for you to introduce us to some of the local farmers. We would like to start building a good relationship.”

  “Yes, of course,” Colton replied and shook the man’s offered hand. “Welcome to Laurel Creek.”

  After a few moments, Frank finally walked near to where Owen was. His chest puffed out when several women joined him as he spoke about what the town had to offer. One in particular seemed to hang on his every word.

  Colton walked over to the small crowd and after a few introductions excused himself and returned to town.

  No sooner had he sat behind his desk than the front door opened and two men walked in.

  His heart thundered and instantly Colton’s right hand went to his gun. If it wasn’t for Phillip Richards entering after them, he wasn’t sure not to have drawn and shot.

  “Sheriff Blake. These men are passing through town. They brought a valuable shipment to the bank. With all that’s going on, I’ve hired them to remain for a few days and keep an eye on the bank until the shipment is picked up. Need to see about deputizing them.”

  It took a few moments for the words to sink in. Phillip seemed to notice the discomfort and remained by the door. “Gentlemen there is a hotel across the street that will have two rooms prepared for you...”

  A cold sweat formed and Colton let out a slow breath as he ran a shaky hand across the back of his neck. Thankfully while Phillip told the men of the amenities, Colton was able to collect himself. Although a bit shaky, he stood and rounded the desk to greet the newcomers.

  “It’s going to take you a bit. It’s natural for you to have episodes after what happened,” Pastor Ward told Colton later that day when he went to call on Isabel. She was still at the schoolhouse and he was glad as it gave him time to speak to her father.

  “I can’t afford for that kind of reaction. What if I’d not been able to control it and shot those men?” The cold sweat from earlier returned and he let out a breath in a vain attempt to get rid of the sick sensation in the pit of his stomach. “What happens then?”

  His friend was the best counselor, but Colton knew, he was also aware there was no answer to his question.

  “Do you need to take some time away? Perhaps spending time out at your land with Owen would be good.” Pastor Ward met his gaze. “Have you had bad dreams?” They continued the conversation for a while longer.

  Seeming to understand he needed time to talk to her father, Isabel arrived home, greeted them with pecks on the cheek and went to the kitchen to start supper.

  He was grateful to be marrying an understanding woman and yet he wondered how understanding she’d be if he couldn’t get over the shoot-out that almost killed him.

  Chapter 17

  “Oh my goodness,” Gemina said and wiped an errant tear. “You look so beautiful.”

  Butterflies in Isabel’s stomach had been replaced by what felt like hummingbirds. Isabel’s senses became sharp and she was keenly aware of each breath and movement. It was a surreal experience to meet the gaze of the bride in the mirror. How had the past months sped by so quickly?

  Isabel fidgeted with the lace on her sleeves, her thoughts in a tumble about the wedding night. What if she disappointed him in bed? She had absolutely no idea of what exactly to expect. Of course she’d heard talk of the act, but other than snippets from Scarlett and the other newlyweds, Isabel hadn’t the foggiest idea what to do.

  “You look pale as a ghost,” Lucille Hamilton said studying her.

  Isabel looked to the door and leaned closer to Lucille. “What’s going to happen tonight? Do I remove my clothes and get in bed or do I stand up and wait for him to do something?”

  Lucille’s soft chuckle made her want to stomp her foot.

  “Hurry up and tell me before anyone comes in.” Isabel tapped her friend’s arm.

  “Very well.” Lucille’s light Irish lilt was reassuring. “You will both get into bed after undressing. I suggest you keep your shift on to give him something to do. Once you lay next to each other he will take the initiative. Kiss, caress and tease your body until you won’t bear not being taken. It will be fine. All you have to do is be willing to allow him to love you.”

  “My body? You mean my body had to be prepared? What about my mind?”

  This time Lucille laughed. “Your mind will be focused only on what he is doing. Believe me, you won’t be able to think logically in the least.”

  Footsteps and voices became louder as the women returned and Lucille hugged Isabel. “Relax and enjoy it. There is only one first time.”

  The words reassured her. Lucille was right. It was her first time and Colton had to know that. He was patient and kind and would be gentle.

  The wedding was to be officiated by her Uncle, who’d arrived from California. Isabel had been too busy to spend much time with any of the visiting relatives. They’d had dinner at which time her father had introduced her to Melanie Hodges.

  Isabel wasn’t at all surprised to find she liked Melanie, who was pretty and slight with kind eyes and a sweet disposition.

  Every pew in the chapel was draped with flowers of all colors. There were two large vases in the front spilling over with greenery and flowers. The organ music filled the air intermingling with the soft conversations as everyone found a seat. Soon there wasn’t any room left to sit, so people lined the sides of the chapel in anticipation of the wedding ceremony.

  Both Colton and Isabel had lived in Laurel Creek since childhood, so many of those present had known them all their lives. It was a day for festivity, for laughter, and the celebration of love. Every face was bright with cheer and even the sour in spirit seemed less so as Colton walked to the front and stood with Owen at his side.

  Gemina Walker was an excellent player and she hesitated just a bit before beginning the wedding march.

  Five women entered, one behind the other, all of them recently wed themselves. Each held a small bouquet and walked down the aisle, a vision in soft pastels. First Wilhelmina in blue followed by Aurora and Lucille, who both wore lilac. Next Esther, the blond looked beautiful in a soft yellow. She was followed by Scarlett, who’s dark hair stood out against the green gown. Finally, Fern entered, her auburn hair piled up with soft curls framing her pretty face. She wore a pale green dress. Owe
n’s sharp breath made Colton slide a look to his brother.

  So it seemed Owen wouldn't be single for very long.

  As the women walked to the front and stood by the front pew exchanging excited looks, Pastor Ward with Isabel on his arm appeared at the entryway.

  Colton could not tear his eyes from the vision in white that entered the chapel. By the gasps sounding, he wasn’t the only one to be astonished at how beautiful Isabel was. A bright white gown, gathered just under her breasts, fell in waves past her hips to puddle onto the floor. She wore a veil that was pinned atop curls that had been pulled back to showcase her heart shaped face. Her cheeks were flushed and eyes sparkled as she met his gaze.

  In that instant all ceased to exist except for his beautiful bride, the sounds of his heart and the soft music that wafted through the air.

  When she came to stand next to him facing the pastor, Isabel slid a glance up at him. “Last chance to make a run for it.”

  He laughed softly. “No chance of that. You are beautiful.”

  Her lips curved. “So are you.”

  Once the vows were exchanged, everyone gathered to celebrate. The large city hall was beautifully decorated. Long tables were piled high with all kinds of food, and Colton could barely keep up with the well wishers. Throughout the celebration he kept an eye on Isabel, who floated about the room allowing for hugs and such. Her face was bright with excitement. She’d always loved parties and this one being in her honor made her glow with happiness.

  He hoped to keep her as happy as she was in that moment. Seeming to sense him watching she turned, her bright blue eyes meeting his from across the room. At their gazes locking, his chest filled with a sensation like Colton had never felt before. A deep pride in that this rare beauty chose him long before he considered marriage. A sense of needing to provide security and protection for her slammed into his mind. This astoundingly beautiful creation was his wife. Isabel was his to have, to love, and to cherish.

  “Now that’s the look of a man in love,” Owen said with a chuckle. “I’m not sure what else to make of that crazy grin on your face.”

  Colton laughed. “You’re right brother, I am definitely in love. I love that woman with all my heart and am the proudest groom ever.”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  Isabel wasn’t sure what she wanted more. For the wedding party to never end, or to finally be alone with Colton. By the way he watched her, it was obvious what he preferred. Each time their gazes met, chills of excitement went down her spine. He came up beside her and placed a hand at the small of her back, his darkened eyes sliding to hers. “It’s time for us to go.”

  “Oh, is it?” She couldn’t help the disappointment in her voice. This was the most fun she’d had in a very long time. It would be a memory she’d cherish forever. Everything about this day had been like a dream. From the beautiful flowers to the people’s expressions upon entering the church and most of all, the handsome man who’d stood at the front of the altar waiting for her.

  Her hand shook when she pushed back an errant curl from her face. It was time to bid everyone goodnight, and all of a sudden fear took over. If not for Colton’s steadiness, Isabel was sure she would have fallen to the floor. “Would you please speak for both of us?”

  “Yes,” Colton replied placing a soft kiss to her temple. The action steadied her just enough to stand beside him as he asked for everyone’s attention.

  “Isabel and I would like to thank everyone for sharing in this special day with us. We are leaving, but encourage everyone to continue to partake and enjoy of the food and drink. I speak for both of us when saying how grateful we are to have all of you in our life.”

  Once again, she was overtaken by hugs and well wishes. Her father kissed her soundly on both cheeks and seemed to half push them to the door. Isabel chuckled at knowing he hoped she wouldn’t start sobbing and cause him to cry in public. It would have happened if not for all the activity, the people all talking at once, and Colton half-dragging her to a waiting carriage.

  They rode in the carriage for a few moments in silence, both lost in thought and finally getting a moment of quiet.

  “That was quite enjoyable.” Colton spoke first, taking her hand in both of his. “My house will probably be unrecognizable. Womenfolk kicked me out to clean and prepare it. I had to get dressed at the jailhouse.”

  Isabel chuckled knowing it was probably Gemina and Sharon, her mother figures who’d taken charge of that duty. Both had proclaimed that with Colton being a bachelor, he probably had no idea about proper home maintenance.

  “That was sweet of them. Although I must confess, the time I did come to your house it was tidy.”

  “Our house,” he corrected leaning closer, his lips hovering just a hair’s breath away. “It’s your home now too.”

  His mouth covered hers an instant later, just when she thought the anticipation would surely be her end. The warmth of his mouth, the softness of his lips on hers were the perfect balm to her overwrought senses. She took his shoulders enjoying the strength under her palms.

  It became impossible for her eyes to remain open, her lids fluttering shut just as Colton’s arms surrounded Isabel, pulling her against the hardness of his chest.

  “Mmmm.” The sound emanated from deep within her chest, as she allowed every sensation free rein. The sudden tightness of her breasts as they flattened against his chest and the shivers of anticipation trailing to every inch of her body became overwhelming. Isabel threaded her fingers through his hair needing more. Wanting more from him.

  Colton was the one to pull away as she was unable to do so. When she opened her eyes, he looked at her with so much tenderness it was hard to believe this was the same man that for years she’d argued with for sport.

  “We’re here.” His voice was deep with a husky tone that immediately sent the message. It would be impossible to wait long before they would be in bed.

  Isabel maintained eye contact and smiled. “It seems we are.”

  The stable boy who’d drove opened the carriage door for them.

  Once Colton stepped down, he reached for her, lifting Isabel easily. He didn’t place her on the ground, but held her in his arms. “Good night Thomas, thank you for looking after the horses.”

  A bright flush rushed to her face as the young man gave them a toothy grin. “Good night.”

  “Welcome to my home, Mrs. Blake,” Colton said managing to open the door while carrying her.

  Once inside, he kicked the door closed and stalked straight to the bedroom.

  “You can put me down, you know,” Isabel protested weakly and nuzzled his neck. In truth she was enjoying being in her new husband’s arms and having her arms around his neck.

  “I don’t want to ever let you go.” He let out a soft grunt when she kissed the pulse at the side of his throat. “I have a feeling we’ll be spending many an evening like this.”

  Once he deposited her on the bed, he lowered to lie beside her. This was not what Lucille had explained to her. Did he plan to consummate the marriage while fully dressed? Isabel squirmed trying to come up with a way to ask Colton and not hurt his feelings by telling him he was doing it wrong.

  Of course when he took her mouth with his and pressed his body along the length of hers, she lost the ability to think. In this, Lucille was absolutely right.

  His lips traveled down the side of her throat while his hands slid down her side to her hips and finally up and down her upper legs.

  Finally he lifted and peered down at her. “Would you like some privacy to undress?”

  “Oh so you do know we have to remove our clothing? I was beginning to wonder.”

  His soft chuckle annoyed Isabel, but she refrained from saying anything else. “I do believe we should remove our clothes.” He slid from the bed and held out his hands. “I’ll help you to stand.”

  Once she was upright, he turned to go, but Isabel stopped him. “I need help with all the buttons down the back, so you may
as well stay. Lucille said I could keep my chemise on.”

  Isabel turned and held up the loose curls at her nape to allow him access to the back of her gown.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many buttons,” Colton said as he took to the task.

  Then with every one of them he undid, he pressed a kiss to the exposed skin until by the time he was done at the small of her back, Isabel thought she’d melt to a puddle on the spot.

  Colton certainly knew what to do. So much so that her chemise was done away with long before they returned to the bed.

  Fern, her mother, and Gemina were the last to remain in the room after everyone finally went home. Thanks to Gemina, who ushered everyone out, the party ended just after dark.

  After clearing the tables and ensuring all the food was divided to the different households, Fern sat in a chair too exhausted to move, but happy at the same time for not only had the wedding been wonderful, but also she’d had the opportunity to dance twice with Owen.

  “Darling,” her mother called out, bustling in from the front door. “Someone wishes to say good night. Why don’t you go on, say your farewells, and then head home?”

  She groaned. “Couldn’t you have made an excuse for me? I don’t think I can move.”

  Her mother and Gemina exchanged a look of amusement.

  “I have no idea how the both of you are still moving about, doing this and that,” Fern grumbled and stood. She tugged her shawl on and went to the door. “I’ll see you at home Mother.”

  “Tell your father to come for me in an hour or so at the mercantile. Gemina and I have a few things to discuss.”

  The things to discuss were no doubt whatever gossip they couldn’t wait to share. They didn’t fool her one bit. Both thought they’d forget the juicy tidbits by the next day.

  With a soft smile, she walked out not expecting anyone outside. Her mother had just used the excuse to get rid of her. Best to not have a daughter present when she was about to do what she’d always told Fern not to.


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