Angie Arms - Flame Series 03

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Angie Arms - Flame Series 03 Page 17

by The Darkest Flame

  "What fool woman does not know when her husband is seating her?"


  "You let him pull the seat right from beneath you. I saw him help you from your horse. What possessed you to do such a thing? You could have been killed. You could meet the man halfway you know."

  Ryann had no response so sat staring at Alena stupidly. "He is trying to learn to be a gentleman."

  "What do you mean a gentleman?"

  "By all that is holy, you really know nothing do you? Garrick is terrified he will not measure up to what your expectations of a husband. He also fears hurting you, because never before has he been a gentle man."

  "Why would he think he is not what I would want in a husband? He is strong and brave. I am safe with him."

  "Every one of his scars comes with a battle. He has laid his life on the line to get where he is, and you are the ultimate prize. To lose you would be to lose everything."

  "How do you know this?"

  Alena scoffed, "because I have studied men. It was important in my past to know what a man was thinking before he himself knew. Garrick would never show this weakness to just anyone. He has begun ridding his army of the bad men. I think he is ready to become a real man, and a real husband and father, but he can't unless you participate in this little seduction I set up for you."

  "You set up?"

  "Yes," she said, pausing a moment to eat a piece of what Ryann could only guess was meat, from the trencher placed before her. Ryann had not been brave enough to try hers. "He asked me what he could do to make you more ready to receive him. So I told him to help you from your horse, pull your chair out, and give you gifts. I regret it has not worked out. He is quite the awkward idiot isn't he?"

  Ryann burst out laughing, suddenly at ease with the woman. She truly had no interests in Garrick by her own actions. "What is wrong with these people? Do they not eat this trash they serve us?" Alena asked with contempt, as she dropped the brittle item back onto her trencher.

  "Are you trying to turn into a lady?" Ryann asked, eyeballing the expensive tunic she wore.

  A smile broke across her face. "No, I am just trying to get back at Marcus. He was a total ass the other night."

  "And what would that be?" she asked, looking over Alena's shoulder to see Marcus standing against the wall, his eyes boring into Alena's back.

  "It is a long story, but he said I could not get a man if I tried. So I'm trying."

  "I thought you didn't want a man," Ryann said, remembering similar words leave the woman's mouth herself.

  "I don't, but that's not the point."

  "Oh," Ryann got out before Alena stood and bid her good day. She walked to Marcus whose nostrils flared and his eyes should have singed her, but he stood completely still as she went to stand before him. "Do you want to play games Sir Marcus," she said, stressing the title. She reached her hand up and tapped him on the chin once. "I'll gladly play games with you," her voice was low and seductive, but they stood close enough Ryann could hear every word. "But you may not like the outcome."

  She turned and walked toward a group of men sitting at a table, some were young and rather attractive. Marcus stared toward her as she settled herself on the bench, the seating so tight she brushed sides with both men on either side of her, who stared at her with awe. They did not see the scar on the one side of her face, which was how seductive this woman had suddenly turned. Even Ryann felt hypnotized as she watched her laugh, tilt her head just so, and bat her eyelashes at the right time. The men were eating out of her hand.

  Suddenly Ryann was angry because this place was full of women such as Alena, women who knew the art of seduction so well, they used it for their own survival. Alena's revenge was somewhat amusing, but it reminded Ryann what she had to do. It was a task she both relished and dreaded, but one that had to take president over even the atrocious food.

  She sent word all the women of the keep were to gather in the hall, and the men were to be banned during that time. It was shortly before the noon meal was to be served by the time they were all gathered, and roused out of bed she assumed, judging by the appearance of some of the women. Other than the women she brought with her, Alena and Sara, it appeared as if all the other women who found their home within the keep were whores. She felt the tear threaten, but schooled her features and stiffened her spine, as she made her way to the dais.

  She motioned for Alena to join her. Already back in her men’s attire the woman had a glint of amusement in her eyes, and pretended to not understand. Ryann sent her a scowl before turning her attention to the women before her.

  "As Lord Garrick's wife he has given me free rein to make improvements to our home I see fit. As of now I extend an invitation to stay within the household, but in order to do so I will find tasks so you may earn your place here. If you do not wish to be servants within this keep, you must leave."

  The women were turning to stare at one another, a whisper began among them, but no one seemed ready to take the offer she was giving, so she realized she must be blunt.

  "No longer will the men say if you stay or go. That decision will be mine and Lord Garrick's. Also know, if you wish to continue to sell your bodies, that must be done outside these walls because I will not allow it. It is a disruption to the tasks needing to be accomplished, and to the men who must guard us."

  "But what of the men?" one of the women boldly asked.

  "They will not care we have other duties," another said. "We are only afforded their protection because they receive something from us."

  "The men will have to get around to a different way of thinking, because you all will be providing a different kind of service. This will help the atmosphere of the keep, it will also give you women a choice as to who you will accept, if anyone. That too will be your choice, and you will have Lord Garrick's protection in this."

  "We can tell the men no?" a small mouse of a woman asked tentatively, from the back of the room. It was only then she noticed the bruises on several of their faces, and the other signs that told her plainly these women had been brutalized for far too long.

  "You are encouraged to tell the men no," Ryann said, with renewed confidence in what she was doing, and it became clear she was not just doing this for her own peace of mind, but it would protect these women as well. "You may choose to lay with a man, but that is to be entirely your decision, and it will not be done for any monetary gain here. If you continue to ply your trade, I'm sure the men will set up a place for you within the village."

  "I will give you until after the noon meal to make your decisions whether you will go or stay. All those who wish to stay I will meet in the solar, and we will decide on what your new tasks will be."

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Ryann did not know if any women decided to go, because the number who gathered in the solar that afternoon was surprising. She wasn't sure why, she assumed the women wished to do what they did, and had not thought until then they only sold themselves because that was all they had to barter with. She felt pride as she walked to the front of the chamber and all eyes turned toward her. She was freeing them from a life Alena had led, from a life Garrick's own mother had led.

  "The first order of business is to find who among you can cook," Ryann began.

  A few voices were raised and the women shuffled to allow three of the women to come forward. "Very good," Ryann said.

  "The next task will be to plan an herb and vegetable garden. I have seen the keep does not have its own, which might account for some of the horrid meals. Who would be up for this task?"

  She spent the rest of the afternoon assigning tasks best suited to the women and their abilities.

  "Who has not received a task?"

  From the corner of her eye she watched Alena take a small tentative step forward.

  Ryann schooled her features to conceal her surprise, and smiled fondly at her friend while her mind quickly searched for a task that would give her purpose, as all the other women now had. "Of course Al
ena, you will have the most important job of all. Since the men of this keep will not be used to being denied by all these beautiful ladies, you will be tasked with teaching them how to defend themselves." Alena did not smile, but somehow Ryann knew this task pleased her more than any other could have.

  "Now we shall go together and see how we all might begin with our new places here."

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  "What have you done?" Roland asked, his tall form advancing on her, his fury palpable in the stillness of the old garden area in back of the keep. She spun quickly, noting with irritation the two women moved behind her, as if she alone could protect them from this man's anger.

  "Of what do you speak?" she asked, having full knowledge of what angered him.

  "Who do you think you are interfering with the way things are done here?" he demanded, coming to tower over her. She pitied him, she could see his pain in his blue eyes, the line around them, his haggard, unkempt hair and sunken cheeks. She wanted to alleviate his pain, but the women would no longer be his outlet.

  "I am the lady of this keep. I answer to Garrick and only Garrick," she said, feeling her anger rise with the fear of this man. Didn't her husband say he was not so different from himself?

  "You will answer to Garrick and every other man who has found his pleasure with this keep's whores. You can't just tell them no, that they cannot make their living," in his fury she saw his need to ring her neck.

  Ryann snorted at his gall, as if he was concerned for how these women would live. "They are earning a living, it is just the way they choose. If you do not like this, I am sure Garrick will hear your argument." She was not all that certain on which side he would choose, but she hoped she would be able to give him a taste of what the women, as servants, could accomplish before he made that decision.

  The man glared at her for a few heart beats, and in that time Ryann felt as if she may quake under the scrutiny, but in the end Roland only scowled then turned and stalked away.

  "You were very brave," one of the women, Bee, she recalled being told, stated. "You do not anger Sir Roland or Lord Garrick for that matter," she continued, only to trail off on the last word, realizing she spoke to the Lord's wife.

  "From here on you women must also be brave. Do not allow them to bully you, for they have Garrick to answer to. He will stand behind me in this matter, of that I am sure."

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  The low flickering lights of the candles darkened the chamber casting longer, deeper shadows. That alone did not plant a seed of apprehension within Garrick's gut, but the anger he could feel emanating from King Richard sowed it. Richard was scouring the countryside for soldiers and money to send him back to his next Crusade, while making enemies along the way. With his focus on Ryann, Garrick ignored the king's summons to meet with him at the neighboring keep. Garrick knew why he was being summoned, the King would gladly take gold from Garrick, but what he wanted from him most was his sword arm. He had weighed his options, and though he had no option other than to go or make an enemy of the King, he had chosen to stay, tired of battle and all that came with it. He left to tell the King himself, not telling anyone, other than Marcus, where he was going. It would only be their concern if he did not return.

  “What of Damien?” the King questioned. “I still do not trust him.”

  Anger flared within Garrick. Of all the men who could possibly be loyal to Richard it was Damien. Garrick sold his soul to the highest bidder, but Damien was, and always would be, true to the crown. “I have seen nothing from him that would make me question his loyalty to you sire,” Garrick said, with a slight bow as he tried to remain humble before a man as powerful as the one who stood before him.

  “We shall see. I have ordered him to Normandy with me. So, you see I do need you with me. Perhaps this time I will make you his commander.”

  “I do believe strongly it is here I can do you most good. John is after all staying.”

  “I have my brother under control.” Richard stopped and studied Garrick, and a scowl creased his face. "Is there nothing I have not promised you I did not give?" the King's voice held all the man's fury as he turned to look out the darkened window, staring out at the blackness of the night. "I made you," he said, turning back around.

  "I have served you well for allowing me to keep the lands I have taken."

  "You have served me far better than I could have ever imagined," a wry smile crossed the powerful man's face.

  Garrick took no pride in exceeding a king's expectations at being a killer.

  "Together we can be undefeatable."

  "I have a wife and a family I must begin."

  "A wife I gave you!" the king burst forth in a yell, and took quick steps to stand before Garrick.

  "She was not given without a price. I had to kill Lenox to get her."

  "I could have had you hung for such a thing. I could have had you hung long ago when you first poked your head from that dirty little shack your mother took her men to. I met your mother once, but she was too filthy and used for my tastes. Says something about a woman when she's not good enough to fuck. Must be quite the embarrassment to walk around a village wondering which man could be your father." The King paused, then tisked. "No, my apologies. It must be embarrassing to walk among armies and wonder which of the hundreds who rutted between your mother's legs is your father. She is dead now is she not?"

  "I do not know,” Garrick said with irritation.

  "That's right," the King replied as if giving his question some thought. "Your own mother did not want you. How low of a vermin does that make you, that a whore as low as your mother, looked down upon you. Quite the contrast to where you are now. I think I would be nice to me if I were you."

  "I have grown too powerful for even a king to take my lands."

  Richard stepped forward, his tall height was intimidating, his title of supreme ruler of the land even more, so but Garrick refused to be cowed. He fought too long and hard to let it go now. "Do you remember Helthpool?" The King laughed a wicked sound. "Of course you do. That was so noble of you to kill all those women and children so Marcus and his woman would not have to. I do believe you are growing soft."

  "What is your point?" Garrick asked, his voice did not portray the rage and grief he still carried with him.

  "You have spoken to no one of what occurred there, but I had a man that went through those places after you did." The King tisked again, shaking his head in reproach. "What was done to those poor innocent souls gave my man such nightmares he eventually killed himself. Couldn't live with the vision you left inside his head. True story you know." The King walked past Garrick to pause by the table, where he picked up his tankard of ale. He took a long swallow before sitting the mug carefully back down. "Those women and children just weren't killed, what was done to them was an abomination."

  Outwardly Garrick waited patiently, but to hear this man speak of it brought the horrible visions back to him. The same visions that gave him nightmares.

  "Now I know you only killed those in the tower. They died mercifully, far more mercifully than the traitors deserved. I know you did that. But those others. How could you let a man do such a thing?"

  Garrick raised his head a notch, his jaw clinched. If only he had known then it would be far easier to have killed all those women and children himself, than to turn his back on them and let Wade do it. The man was depraved, and Garrick lived every day with the knowledge he had let it happen.

  "He took his time. What were you doing? Surely you must have heard their screams. He raped the youngest girls, did you know that?" The King laughed, "Of course you did. You also know he cut out some of their tongues to quiet them. You know he cut some of their eyes out so they would not see him. Cut the hands off the mothers so they could not help them. Killed them all so it took time for them to bleed out. Watching each other die. I'm told the blood was deep in that chamber where he took them all, covered the walls. Tell me, did you help take them in there?"

was near the point of rage. He had taken some of the women and children to Wade, because he had been weak and could not do it. But in order to get his bride he had to do what the King asked of him, which was to destroy the families of those who had betrayed their king. The man before him had brought it all on.

  "I know you killed Wade afterward. Not a nice thing to do to the man who bailed you out and paved the way for you to get your lovely wife. Such a shame. I know I can find another to take his place."

  "Who deserves such a thing?" Garrick asked, forcing strength into his voice so he did not sound as debilitated with his memories as he felt.

  The King smiled his ruthless grin. "The wife of another traitor. You may be right, you have gotten more power than I can just snap my fingers and take from you. But I can snap my fingers and have the same thing Wade did at Helthpool done to your countess. How would you ever live with yourself? More importantly, wouldn't that make all the deaths these past two years unnecessary? All those women and children. That would be a shame. Think of that before you give me your final answer. I will expect you. If you are not a part of my soldiers leaving with me, I will destroy you and I will begin with your bride. Leave now and contemplate your future. You can retrieve your sword and dagger in the hall."

  "It is a coward that threatens a man's wife while ensuring he has no weapons to defend her with. I will not go on Crusade, it is a fool's mission. You only hunt for your own glory. If you send anyone who threatens my wife I will see you die. Make no mistake of it."

  "We will see," he said with confidence that can only come from a man called a king. "Must I call in my guard to rid my presence of you, you whore's bastard."

  Garrick turned and left, knowing a battle of words would not keep Ryann safe, and knowing the King had men just outside his door. If he did not, he would have killed King Richard with his bare hands. As he fled back toward Kinsey the visions of what had occurred at Helthpool chased him. Only it was not the faces of strangers that were covered in blood, their faces twisted in pain and horror, but Ryann’s .


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