Hannah & the Dom Next Door

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Hannah & the Dom Next Door Page 2

by BJ Wane

  Muttering from under the hood greeted him as he strode up behind her and noticed the book, Auto Mechanics for Dummies, opened on the side. Hair with every shade of brown woven through it lay down her back in a tightly woven braid and as those lush hips shifted in impatience and aggravation, the lengthy plait slid over her side until a greased hand flipped it back irritably.

  “Ooooh, gosh darn it!”

  Gosh darn it? Mitch couldn’t help it. His mouth split into a wide grin at the innocent explicative as he offered neighborly, “Need any help?”

  Her head jerked up and smacked against the hood, making her stomp her foot and repeat, “Oh, double gosh darn it!” before turning to face him.

  It wasn’t often Mitch was struck dumb by a woman, but looking down at that grease smeared face with loose tendrils of hair clinging damply to her cheek and into wide silvery/blue eyes, he found himself not only taken aback by how young Mary’s niece looked, but by his instant, cock hardening reaction to the arousing contrast between her innocent, fey looks and a full, mouth-watering figure that her loose, drab clothing couldn’t disguise. Son of a bitch but the woman packed a wallop. The clothing gave one indication of where the term, ‘Plain People’, came from, but there was nothing plain about those striking eyes or the full, soft lips parted on a startled gasp. Between that fuckable mouth that inspired lust filled fantasies, those odd colored eyes that dominated her face and the nicely rounded, full breasts her plain white blouse couldn’t hide, Mary’s niece stirred his libido in a way he has missed lately which in turn aroused his interest in a way he hasn’t felt in the past few months. Unfortunately, he was pretty sure Mary wouldn’t appreciate the thoughts running through his head right now and given the woman frowning up at him was Amish, he reined in both his thoughts and his lust as he held out his hand.

  “Mitch Burnett. I live next door and promised Mary I’d check in on you.”

  “Did you also promise her you’d sneak up and give me a heart attack?” Despite the scare his unexpected presence gave her, Hannah smiled and took his hand before she remembered the grease. “Oh, I’m sorry! Let me get you a rag.”

  Rubbing his palm down his jean-clad thigh, Mitch replied, “Don’t worry about it. These jeans are ready for the laundry anyway. You’re Hannah?”

  “Hannah Hershberger, Mary’s niece. It’s nice of you to come over.”

  If she knew what he was thinking, she wouldn’t think he was so nice, Mitch thought as he willed his cock to behave. Since when did he get a boner from looking at a pretty face and touching a soft hand? On one hand, his physical response was a welcome change from the past months of relative indifference towards anyone of the opposite sex, but on the other, considering the odds of him getting under that skirt, he wasn’t pleased with his body’s choice to be reawakened to.

  Nodding towards the car, he asked, “What seems to be the problem?” As far as he knew, Mary hadn’t been having any trouble with the Mustang. The bright yellow sporty convertible fit Mary perfectly but she was flamboyantly open and carefree, not shy about flaunting her gay lover and dressed in brightly colored clothes that fit and showcased her slender figure to its advantage, a far cry from her prim and proper niece whom he could easily picture driving a horse and buggy.

  Hannah blew at the few wisps of hair that escaped her braid to avoid smearing her face any worse and sighed in frustration. “It won’t start. I turn the key and…nothing.”

  “Did you try jumping the battery? It’s been sitting awhile.” The blush that stole across her cheeks told him she hadn’t thought of the simplest solution first before diving under the hood. “Get in and I’ll tell you when to try it.” Entering the garage, he acted as if it was no big deal and quickly found Mary’s jump box and attached the cables to the battery. “Okay, turn her on.” Now why did that simple statement have his cock twitching again? He was going to have to keep his distance this summer if he couldn’t control his thoughts and his reaction to them any better than this.

  The sound of the engine purring to life both elated Hannah and made her cringe in embarrassment. She spent the better part of an hour poking around in the engine while searching through her book for solutions. Now she felt like the dummy the book was named after. If that wasn’t bad enough, her reaction to Mitch, a total stranger, was startling as well as unsettling. Despite being married for ten years, she had little experience with men and limited experience when it came to purely physical attraction. The warm gush she experienced between her legs when she had taken his hand while his dark brown eyes were giving her a blatant look of approval was something she had only felt when making love with Caleb, her husband, and had never gone further than that tingling sensation that hinted at more to come but never followed through.

  Getting out of the car, she tried to sound nonchalant as she quipped, “Guess I’m beyond dumb, huh? Thanks for your help.”

  “No, not at all. Rookie mistake. Mary said you hail from an Amish community. I don’t suppose you have much experience with cars. Do you even know how to drive?”

  His look held interest and mild curiosity instead of derision which Hannah was used to. In this day and age of modern technology, the Amish lifestyle was considered more of an anomaly than ever. Without going into too much detail, she answered, “I was raised Beachy Amish, the most progressive order and yes, I have my license, but I rarely drove and I never learned any of the mechanics of my car. I thought now was as good a time as any, especially if I want to get to the store or anywhere else.”

  Mitch had to admire the way she attempted what must have seemed an insurmountable problem on her own and the way she didn’t let her embarrassment keep her from looking at him in a straightforward manner. Pretty, sexy and admirable, a lethal package, one that was wrapped up tight by her moral upbringing. Yeah, he was definitely going to have to keep his distance.

  “Drive around for a bit to give the battery time to charge fully and let me know if I can help with anything else.”

  Mitch turned and headed back to his house, feeling those eyes on him until he rounded the corner, making him fervently hope she wouldn’t need help with anything else. He never pursued a woman he knew, or even suspected, wouldn’t be interested in a dominate sexual relationship, no matter how much she stirred both his interest and his cock, refusing to waste the time and effort on pursuing a relationship that could only come to a dead end. But given his immediate, strong reaction to Hannah after months of having little to no interest in pursuing any type of relationship, he figured it would be best if she didn’t tempt him down that dead end road.

  Chapter Two

  Hannah watched Mitch walk back up the drive, her palms sweaty, the unaccustomed pressure in her breasts along with that mysterious, warm sensation between her legs making her hope he would surprise her with another visit soon. Her embarrassment over not thinking to check Aunt Mary’s car battery before diving under the hood paled in comparison to the flush of awareness she was still experiencing over meeting her neighbor. The only time she had felt these strong sensations was when she was in bed with her husband, and just like all those times, she was left with the fleeting impression she was on the cusp of something more, that the sensations moving like molten lava through her veins were just a prelude to something…bigger. But Caleb had actually been touching her, his body moving inside hers, the direct contact with his hard body the cause of those sensations. Mitch had done nothing but stand close to her, briefly hold her hand and look at her as if he’d like to devour her, slowly, inch by inch. That image started her pacing in front of the still running car, her mind in turmoil, her body still tingling in places that have never tingled for anyone except Caleb.

  At five foot nine, Caleb had topped her by four inches, but she had to crane her neck way back in order to look at Mitch’s face, putting him at two or three inches over six feet. It was surprising how much more feminine his towering height made her feel, almost as surprising as her physical response to him was. She thought her desire for male
companionship had died with her husband, but now, two and a half years later, to find that wasn’t so gave her a heady if somewhat confused feeling.

  Her decision to leave Ohio, and the Amish lifestyle she had been raised in, wasn’t made lightly or came easily, but she had begun to chafe under the strict rules and restrictions of Caleb’s community before his death and without him as a buffer, she found herself floundering. If she wasn’t destined for motherhood, then she decided there had to be something more for her, something she couldn’t get from staying. She loved her grandparents, who raised her after her parent’s death in a drunken hit and run buggy/car accident when she was but five years old. She had close friends, in-laws and a deep seated belief in her faith, all of which she swore she would retain even though she was trading the simpler life of her people for the more complicated life of modern day society. When her grandparents, and some of the elders, had started hinting, rather strongly, that it was time she consider remarrying and that she should give some consideration to widower Matthew Yoder’s pursuit, she knew it was time to act on the need that had been plaguing her since Caleb’s death to make a life for herself away from her well-meaning community. That new life she envisioned seeking had not included getting involved with another man, at least not any time soon. Meeting Mitch Burnett disabused, rather quickly and forcefully, that notion.

  Caleb had been the love of her life, her one and only, since she first met him at the age of fifteen. She had no wish to settle now for an older man and be a surrogate mother to his three children simply because she and Caleb were never blessed with children of their own and, now that she was pushing thirty-one, she was considered past her prime. Nor did she feel compelled to get involved with a man for companionship. She didn’t know if her strange, uncharacteristic response to Mitch was due to the way his tee shirt stretched tautly over his wide chest, the short sleeves snug around his thickly muscled arms; or the way his tight jeans emphasized the strength in his long legs; or the way his wavy black hair curled around his thick neck; or the way his darkly shadowed face emphasized his rugged good looks; or the way those dark chocolate eyes had looked so carnally open at her that had her body coming alive in a way she had only experienced when she made love with Caleb. Curiosity had her contemplating seeking him out again just to see if her response a few minutes ago was an anomaly or if she was ready and willing, to indulge in a physical only relationship. Her family wouldn’t understand or condone such a liaison, but since she buried her heart along with her husband, it was the only kind of relationship she would be willing to contemplate right now.

  Hannah left the car idling while she ran into the house to wash up before heading to the store. The cool, air-conditioned interior of Mary’s 1915 Tudor home was a welcome treat and just one of the things she had forgone when she married Caleb. Caleb’s roots were steeped in the Old World Amish lifestyle and he had been rigid in his beliefs. The use of electricity in her grandparent’s home had been only one of the differences between her Beachy Amish upbringing and his more restrictive lifestyle. Right now, as she felt her perspiration damp skin drying, she wondered how she endured the hot Ohio summers for all those years without this luxury, especially after having had a taste of it the year she spent with her aunt, at Caleb’s insistence, when she was sixteen. She supposed she had been so blissfully happy and in love, that she hadn’t minded the discomfort of the heat.

  Running upstairs to the hall bathroom, Hannah looked in the mirror and cringed when she noted the grease smudge on her cheek, the straggly tendrils of hair that had escaped her braid clinging to her neck and her red face. She let her gaze wander down her body, taking in the same type of clothes she has worn most of her life, wondered what Mitch had thought of her and then wondered why she cared. She was raised to look beyond the physical when viewing both herself and others, believing a person’s worth lies within themselves, not in their physical appearance, but she would be lying to herself if she didn’t admit it was Mitch’s physical appearance that had her body still quivering with awareness and making her wish she had been more presentable upon their first meeting.

  After cleaning her face and fixing her hair, Hannah grabbed her purse and returned to the garage as she mentally reviewed what she would need at the store to fix a casserole and dessert for Mitch as a thank you for his help. Since she just arrived late last night, she hasn’t had time to do anything except unpack her few belongings and put them away in the charming blue and white guest room that had been completely redone since she stayed here fourteen years ago. Thankfully, Aunt Mary left detailed directions to the nearest conveniences. Too much has changed in those fourteen years for her to navigate the streets without help yet. She would always be grateful to Caleb for insisting she spend that year away from him and both their communities before making the big decision to commit to him and his stricter way of life. She hadn’t wanted to be away from him for so long and, since Caleb didn’t have a phone at home, they only spoke rarely during that year, whenever he could get to a public phone. She had loved spending that time with her mother’s sister and relished attending a public school and learning more about the world outside her small community. But she had missed Caleb desperately and gladly given up all the creature comforts of modern day society she had come to appreciate and returned to marry him a year later, as soon as she turned eighteen.

  Now, sitting behind the wheel of a car again, her only regret about the past was that ten years hadn’t been enough with Caleb, despite the hardships of living within the confines of his stricter beliefs after having been raised with more progressive values. Now, having gotten just a taste of the benefits of modern society again, she knew this trip wasn’t going to be a temporary hiatus.

  An hour later, Hannah was bringing in groceries, priding herself on making her first trip out without getting lost. Mary’s kitchen had also been completely gutted and remodeled since she was here last and for someone like her who loved to cook, the dark wood cabinets, spacious granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances were a chef’s dream. A wall had been removed to open the kitchen up to the dining room as well as the den area and she liked the open concept much better. The wide, long island acted as a separation between the kitchen and other rooms and gave her ample space to spread out the ingredients to make a deep dish spaghetti pie and a batch of sugar cookies before she put away the rest of her purchases. She was still reeling from all the choices the large grocery store offered as opposed to the smaller mart she walked to whenever she needed something she couldn’t get from her garden back home. Their meat came from their own bred and raised cattle and chickens and she only knew how to fix everything from scratch. She couldn’t imagine buying pre-packaged cookies or macaroni and cheese and liking them; then again, she much preferred opening a refrigerator door and lifting out a gallon of milk and a few boxes of butter to milking cows or the hard chore of churning.

  Two hours later, Hannah stood under the warm spray of her shower trying to bolster her courage to take the freshly baked casserole and cookies over to Mitch. The longer she procrastinated, the more she questioned what she was doing. Surely she had just imagined her body’s heated response to Mitch; after all, it has been almost three years since she has been close to a man. Wasn’t it normal to want human contact after such a long dry spell? She still missed feeling Caleb’s hard body next to hers at night, missed the way he wrapped his arm around her and held her close even after the sex.

  Running her soapy palms down her neck, over her breasts, she sucked in her breath on a sharp gasp as her nipples tingled then tightened. She hasn’t felt that fleeting pleasurable sensation since the last time she made love with Caleb shortly before he died and it was his calloused palms gliding over her breasts, but now it wasn’t his hands giving it to her, or even his image in her mind. His beard covered face had been replaced with Mitch’s rough good looks and five o’clock shadow and her imagination wasn’t recalling the way Caleb had spent only enough time touching her breasts to le
ave her aching for more. Her quick, strong response to her light touch, the same touch she used on her body every time she bathed that had no effect on her senses before now, reinforced her decision to go next door and test her body’s reaction. Really, it was the only common sense solution to this predicament she found herself in and she promised herself when leaving Ohio that she would face the challenges of acclimating to modern life head on, without backing down.

  Hannah, dressed in a clean skirt and blouse and her hair tightly braided, had the hot casserole and freshly baked, still warm cookies ready to deliver next door. Putting them in a large, cloth covered basket, she hurried out the front door before she could change her mind. The large maroon truck with Burnett Contractors labeled on the side was still parked in his driveway, hopefully meaning Mitch was at home. An elderly couple had lived in his house when she was here last and Hannah remembered their house as being dark and closed in, much like Aunt Mary’s before she had it remodeled, the interiors reflecting the age of both homes. Stepping onto his pillared, stone porch, she lifted her hand to rap loudly on the double doors before she could chicken out and run back home.

  Hannah’s eyes widened in surprise and she felt a warm blush cover her face and spread down her neck when Mitch opened his door. Oh God, was all she could think as she stared at his bare chest, which just happened to be as hard and thickly muscled as she had imagined earlier. Only, when he had been wearing a shirt, she hadn’t imagined how mouth-watering a man’s chest could be when decorated with a light coat of curly black hair, hair that tapered down his ridged abdomen to a narrow strip that disappeared into the waistband of his unsnapped jeans. She swallowed convulsively as she noted even his bare feet looked sexy and that was just…wrong somehow. It had taken her and Caleb over two years after being married to shed their nightclothes completely to make love, and even then, they both slipped them back on afterwards, their strict moral upbringing not allowing for such intimacy as sleeping together completely naked, or, God forbid, run around the house barely clothed. She hadn’t minded, hadn’t thought anything of it until now. Now, her brain was fried and all she could think about was how that hard chest would feel against her softer one, how that crisp hair would tease her sensitive flesh. One thing that was coming through loud and clear was that her response to him earlier had been real, not a fluke, and paled in comparison to the sensations rioting through her now.


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