Hannah & the Dom Next Door

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Hannah & the Dom Next Door Page 12

by BJ Wane

  “We ate the whole thing while I did nothing but talk about myself,” Hannah said ruefully as she picked up their empty plates and took them to the sink.

  Thankfully, her statement worked to redirect his thoughts as did the enticing peak he got of her plain white panties when she bent under the sink to grab the dish soap. “I liked hearing about your life in Ohio.” Almost as much as he was itching to get his hands on her delectable ass. He had been tempted to instruct her to unbutton his shirt, leaving it spread open as they ate, picturing her awesome breasts staring at him through dinner, but thought that might be pushing too much too fast. Watching her small tongue lick pizza sauce from the corner of her lips had been enough of a temptation, which made him one pathetic bastard.

  “Thanks, but turnabout is fair play,” she told him as she brought the brownies over to the table. “Tell me about your family. How’d you get into construction? Is it a family business?”

  Mitch chuckled at her rapid-fire, eager to know questions as he picked up a gooey dark chocolate and walnut brownie he knew Brett’s wife, Kayla, would love. “Both parents still living here in Lexington as well as two sisters and their families, which makes for fun, noisy holiday dinners. I’ve wanted to build things since I got my first set of Lincoln Logs and my dad is a retired dentist. And these are the best damn brownies I’ve ever tasted. I can’t wait to tell Kayla about them.”

  Darn it, envy is one of the seven deadly sins, Hannah reminded herself as she struggled against a small spurt of jealousy at the mention of another woman. Unable to resist even though she knew she should, she tried to ask innocently, “Kayla?”

  “Brett’s pregnant wife and one of Ethan’s sisters-in-law. She loves sweets of any kind.” It may be in poor taste, but he couldn’t help but relish that small show of concern over another woman. Damned if his cock didn’t harden a fraction from his semi-aroused state over that innocent inquiry. When she sank her teeth into a moist brownie, closed her eyes, moaning so softly he barely caught the sound then slowly licked a few crumbs from her lips, his dick thickened to a full, aching erection. From any other woman, that little display would’ve been done intentionally in an attempt to get a reaction from him. But the sheer innocence of seeing it come from Hannah, knowing she had no clue how provocative she looked and sounded, was a fucking turn on he was powerless to resist.

  “Wow, these turned out better than I had hoped considering I tried a new recipe,” Hannah remarked as she rose again and padded over to the sink to wash her hands. She was getting to be a pro at ignoring or shoving aside questionable emotions, such as the relief she felt hearing Kayla was a friend. This time when she turned around she wasn’t surprised to come up against Mitch. Instead, she had been hoping she would, hoping he was ready to go back upstairs and relieve the arousing ache just watching him across the table had built up in her. At the feel of his erect penis poking her stomach, she breathlessly pointed out the obvious. “You’re…..excited.” She almost said hard, but she couldn’t bring herself to be that explicit. “I bet it was the brownies,” she teased, giddy at the prospect of returning upstairs.

  Wanting to tease her in return as well as see her reaction, Mitch answered, “I do get excited over anything chocolate, but the boner is all your doing, sweetheart.” He grinned, loving the way she blushed so easily over a simple word.

  Mitch grabbed a handful of her thick hair, anchoring her head as his other arm snaked around her waist and pulled her tightly up against him. Her lips parted in surprise at the quick takeover, but she couldn’t hide the excitement glittering in those silvery/blue eyes. Her lips opened willingly for him even as they clung to his. Delving deeply, he explored her mouth with enticing sweeps of his tongue over her teeth and gums and along the inside of her cheeks only to continually return to taste her response on her tongue. Her soft breasts flattened against his chest, her nipples stabbing him like hot little pokers.

  Unable to resist, he released her hair and slid his hand under her shirt, moving back just a fraction to cup one full, soft globe and verify her nipple was just as warm, just as hard as he thought. Her soft moan, just like when she was chewing her brownie, went straight to his cock. Lifting her shirt in the back, he slid his other hand into her panties, his own deep, guttural groan indicative of the sheer bliss coursing through him at having both hands filled with Hannah’s malleable flesh.

  The arousal she felt when Mitch started kneading her breast, his fingers pulling on her nipple, was expected and welcomed. But the unexpected burst of escalated lust rushing through her when he slid into the back of her panties and made free exploring her backside, jolted her. She vaguely recalled feeling his hand there when they were in her bed, but at the time she had been exploding in unbelievable pleasure and the added stimulation hadn’t registered. Not understanding how she could be getting so much pleasure from having her butt fondled, she pulled back and, not knowing what else to say, she said shakily, “Huh, Mitch, that’s my butt.”

  “Mmm, I know, and a very nice ass it is,” he told her bluntly for the sheer, perverse pleasure of watching that little frown appear between her eyes.

  Irritated with his answer, she refused to let it go. “Why are you there instead of…?” Gosh darn it; she was not going to go that far in getting an answer.

  “Instead of touching your pussy? Didn’t your husband ever play back here?” Mitch punctuated his question by squeezing her right buttock.

  “No, of course not.” She would have been appalled if he had. Funny, she wasn’t appalled now, only excited as well as curious.

  This is going to be fun, Mitch thought, amused, as he grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the couch.

  Chapter Eight

  Before she knew it, Hannah found herself lying face down over Mitch’s hard thighs, his big hand pushing her shirt up. Wiggling in mortification, she shoved her long, loose hair out of her face as she turned her head to look up at him. “What are you doing?” she asked even though she thought she knew. She may never have had a spanking before, but she definitely knew she was currently in the right position for one. Odd how the idea didn’t scare her. Even though she knew Aunt Mary never would have asked Mitch to look out for her if she thought he was capable of causing her harm, she should at least feel a frisson of alarm over what he intended. Instead, her body clenched with the thrill of anticipation, something she was slowly becoming accustomed to.

  “I’m going to show you how much fun ass play can be,” Mitch answered as he stroked her buttocks over her panties.

  “But, that’s…” She stuttered to a stop trying to come up with the appropriate adjective.

  “Arousing, exciting?”

  “Indecent,” she snapped back not caring for the accuracy of his definition despite her elevated arousal.

  “Bullshit. Touching your ass is no more indecent than arousing you by touching your breasts or your pussy.” Mitch slapped her right buttock hard enough to sting, not hard enough to hurt. “You agreed to sex on my terms, Hannah. Are you ready to call it quits so soon?” She was good at meeting challenges head on, but he found himself holding his breath as he waited to hear what she would do with that one.

  If her body hadn’t responded with a warm surge of pleasure when he gave her that stern, no-nonsense look, if he hadn’t slapped her butt, if that small sting hadn’t turned to a warm, arousing burn and if that burn hadn’t made her sheath sit up and take notice, her answer would have been an automatic yes and a blatant lie. Instead, she answered truthfully. “No, I don’t want to call it quits.”

  Ignoring the relief that damn near made him light-headed, Mitch pushed her shoulders back down before giving her other cheek a swat. “Taking into consideration that this is your first spanking, I’ll go lightly.” He swatted her again and then again, keeping them light, waiting until she relaxed before sharpening them.

  He didn’t have long to wait. Within moments she was laying her head on her folded arms on the seat, a dreamy look on her face that he simply couldn�
��t let be. Bracing one hand between her shoulders in preparation for her resistance, he lowered her panties to mid-thigh, baring her slightly pink buttocks. Christ but she had a world class ass, one he would love to see encased in a tight pair of jeans.

  The cool air-conditioned air wafting over her warm, bare cheeks roused Hannah from her lust induced stupor, but Mitch’s hand between her shoulders kept her pinned in place. She was still reeling from the way his stinging slaps had aroused her, how quickly the small nip of pain had changed to a large bite of pleasure. Now she was astonished to discover that being held immobile by him was also a turn on, that letting him decide whether she should suffer through more of this rather than her struggling with the decision made this strange, new experience much more enjoyable. “Mitch,” she moaned, refusing to balk at being exposed even though she really wanted to. She did not have a small bottom by any means and the mortification over her position was almost a deal breaker. Almost, but not quite, thank God. “This is…”

  “If you say wrong, I’m going to be very angry with you, Hannah,” Mitch warned her as he fondled her rosy buttocks in an attempt to heighten her arousal even further. From the moisture dampening her slit, her body was definitely not opposed to what he was doing.

  “I was going to say embarrassing. My butt isn’t exactly small.”

  “It’s perfect for me.” How could she think her ass was anything but sheer perfection? Mitch took his time enjoying her, relishing the position he put her in and her response to his tantalizing caresses. He lightly ran his fingers over her buttocks, glided down her crack to the top of her thighs then began the teasing journey back up. When she was totally relaxed from his soothing caresses, he slapped one bare cheek, this time harder than before, then followed up with a slow swipe up her slit. As he’d hoped, she shuddered in pleasure, laid her head back down and waited to see what he’d gift her with next.

  Hannah cried out with the next swat, the pain sharper but the ensuing pleasure was keener. The swats came faster after that, each one followed by a teasing touch to her core. Every time he came back to her butt, leaving her sheath aching for that final touch, his slaps were a little harder, hotter and more painful. Her blood warmed right along with her buttocks, her body melting over his, those fleeting caresses equivalent to striking a match then quickly blowing it out before it turned into a flame. Then he switched to three swats before following with a longer, deeper caress until her mind was awash with the mixture of painful pleasure. Her throbbing cheeks felt hot. Her sheath pulsed with ratcheting arousal, her hips shifting automatically, lifting to greet the next slap before pressing against his thick thighs in an attempt to relieve the ache he was responsible for. Unable to keep quiet, she turned eyes she knew revealed her desperation up to him. “Mitch.”

  “Say please, Hannah.” Mitch knew he shouldn’t push her, her response was everything he could have hoped for, but he couldn’t resist.

  “You want me to beg?” she asked incredulously.

  “Well, yes, eventually. But for now, a simple ‘please’ will suffice.”

  She was too desperate to argue, but she refused to look away from him as if in shame. “Please.” His smile of pleasure warmed her as much as the next swat did, pleased her as deeply as the feel of his finger penetrating her vagina, finding that special spot and stroking it over and over. And then he was simultaneously peppering her cheeks with short, lighter slaps and rubbing her clitoris between his fingers until the heat, the pain and the pleasure all blended together into one big explosion of mind robbing ecstasy.

  She was staying the night. Hannah stood in Mitch’s shower, her body bombarded from all angles with warm blasts of water from four different shower heads as she contemplated how she felt about that. Thankfully, he hadn’t given her a choice in the matter, which quickly alleviated any decision making on her part. It was either agree or their affair would end before it had barely begun. So far, other than the mind-blowing pleasure, that was what she liked best about their arrangement. She didn’t understand why she practically melted when he dictated to her. Her marriage had been one of mutual respect, but major decision making with their everyday lives was done by Caleb. He would discuss anything that concerned them as a couple with her, but anything regarding the farming business he conducted with his father and brothers or the finances were controlled by him. He would share the information with her, but she had been raised to defer to her husband in such matters. In their marriage bed, he had always been solicitous, asking if she was in the mood before initiating sex then asking her afterward if he made her as happy as she made him. Of course, not knowing any better, she said yes.

  Now, she valued her independence too much to allow any man to control her life. Instinctively, she knew she wouldn’t like it if Mitch tried to dictate to her outside of anything but sex. She liked struggling with day to day decisions, liked finding ways to deal with problems that suited her and being independent. If she made mistakes, they were hers to make and hers to deal with. But when it came to this affair she had agreed to, she relished his control. His demands left her no time to wallow in moral indecision, no space to worry about her inexperience and no choice but to obey or end it. After spending the best part of her days struggling to adjust and fit in with the modern world, leaving all the decisions concerning sex up to him was an enormous relief, one that fed her responses to his sexual demands.

  Hannah closed her eyes and leaned her head back, letting the upper showerhead spray down over her face. Her whole backside still throbbed, but she found the warm pulse of her cheeks oddly exciting still, a telltale remnant of the pleasure her first spanking gave her. A second later, she was startled to hear the glass door slide open and see Mitch step in. Flustered, she attempted to cover herself, but the slight elevation of his brow and his softly drawled, “Really?” told her how ludicrous that was.

  “I suppose showers fall under your sexual preferences, therefore under your control?”

  “Pretty much since anything that has to do with your body and pleasure is up to me.” Lathering up his hands, Mitch started at her tense shoulders and slowly worked his way down, soaping her breasts thoroughly while asking, “What were you thinking so seriously about?”

  Hannah found it difficult to concentrate, especially when he pulled on her nipples, but when that erotic tug turned into a painful pinch, making her yelp, she answered quickly, “I was just thinking how much I like you making all the decisions about sex, but how much I wouldn’t like you, or anyone for that matter, trying to take over my life. Which doesn’t make sense to me.”

  It made a lot of sense to Mitch and pleased him even more than he thought such a simple admission from her would. “Some people, men as well as women, find dealing with sex stressful, especially if they lead a stressful life. It could just be a matter of you needing to relinquish control over a part of your life so you can give your full attention to other areas. Don’t over think your reaction to us or look for explanations, Hannah. If it feels right, go with what I’m offering you. If, or when it doesn’t, there’s no reason we can’t be friendly neighbors.”

  Hannah went with Mitch’s advice, mostly because it was too hard to think about anything when he was standing naked before her, his erect penis poking her abdomen, one sudsy hand moving around to fondle her butt, the other cupping her between her legs.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned when both hands moved between her, the one in back stroking between her cheeks. The startling contact with her private back hole had her gasping, her first reaction to move away from such a foreign, taboo touch, but with the marbled wall behind her and Mitch in front of her, she had nowhere to go.

  “Go with the flow,” Mitch told her as he saw the shock on her face when he lightly touched her anus. “Be brave enough to admit it feels good and let me worry about everything else.”

  Once again the decision was smoothly taken out of her hands. The pleasure from that small touch had been startling, but she was left with no time to ponder that new
revelation because his fingers on his other hand were filling her empty sheath. Touching her with unerring accuracy, he quickly drove her into the throes of an impending climax. Shifting her hips against his hand, she urged him to go deeper, touch her harder, but he ignored her silent plea and only gave her enough stimulation to arouse her senses to a feverish pitch, withholding those final touches that would push her over.

  “Time to rinse off and go to bed.” Reigning in his own lust was as difficult as the struggle Hannah seemed to be having as he grabbed a handheld showerhead and rinsed her off. But to push her where he wanted her to go tomorrow, he was going to have to suffer right along with her tonight.

  Hannah woke up irritable, aroused and alone. Spending the night spooned naked against Mitch’s six foot two, bare, muscle hard body would have been pleasant if he hadn’t slept with one hand wrapped around her breast, the other cupped between her legs and his stiff erection against her butt. To make matters worse, she had been roused from sleep several times to the feel of his fingers exploring her vagina, his thumb gliding so lightly over her clitoris she barely felt it only to have him retreat as soon as the small tremors signaling her orgasm began. When he left her hanging for the third time, she had turned toward him, grumbling, “Darn it, Mitch, quit being a teasing bully!” That outburst had earned her a decidedly hard slap on one cheek, which only added to her frustration when that reprimand increased her arousal. But, she thought now as she looked around his room for her skirt and blouse, at least he hadn’t tormented her anymore. Not seeing her clothes, she slipped on Mitch’s shirt again, only this time without her panties because she couldn’t seem to locate those either.

  Suspecting her clothes had been sabotaged, she quickly braided her hair, brushed her teeth with the new toothbrush sitting on the bathroom counter and went in search of Mitch. Once downstairs, she followed a clanking noise coming from the back of the house and found him in a spare room that he had converted into a home gym. Wearing nothing but those wonderfully indecent gym shorts and tennis shoes, she watched him unobserved for a few moments.


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