Hannah & the Dom Next Door

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Hannah & the Dom Next Door Page 21

by BJ Wane

  Kayla’s eyes followed him across the room then she turned to Hannah, fanning herself, saying, “One of those looks from Master Mitch and a girl just wants to slip off her panties without being told.”

  Hannah barely heard her as her attention was diverted from the way Mitch had so casually stroked her nipple, adding a spark to her arousal, by the gyrating couples on the dance floor a few feet from their table. It was hard to hear with the music blaring and harder still to imagine why people liked to come to places like this. During rumspringa, the youth listened to and played music, even various forms of pop music, and they liked to dance. But nothing like what these couples were doing. Their body parts definitely didn’t grind so close together and Hannah doubted if she could even move that way let alone in public with a partner. Kayla’s comment finally registered and she turned from the dance floor to frown at her new friend.

  She knew what Kayla meant by one of ‘those’ looks. Her own panties had dampened numerous times from a mere look from Mitch. It was the rest of her comment that had her frowning. “Why’d you call him Master Mitch?”

  A pregnant pause followed her question before Anna said, “Have a margarita, Hannah, and we’ll explain.”

  “I don’t drink.” Hannah remembered her taste of the bitter, throat burning alcohol after her mugging and shuddered in revulsion. Of course, if Mitch kept tormenting her by flipping on the small vibrator inside her when she least expected it, she might need the fortitude she has heard alcohol can give a person. The steady pulse in her nipples was distracting enough without him adding to it.

  “Here.” Sliding over her own strawberry concoction, Kayla smiled encouragingly. “Can’t taste a thing except fruit. Trust Me.”

  Hannah took a sip and was pleasantly surprised. “Yes, please, order me one of these.”

  “Remember,” Olivia told Kayla when she returned from the bar with Hannah’s drink, “this is on your head if Mitch isn’t pleased. He and Colin aren’t at the bar, so you don’t know if he wanted Hannah to drink tonight.”

  Sipping her drink, Hannah said tartly, “Mitch doesn’t tell me what I can and can’t drink.”

  “Mitch doesn’t, but Master Mitch might want to curtail your alcohol if you’re planning to play shortly,” Olivia told her. “Surely you know by now that Mitch insists on being in control when it comes to sex?”

  “Oh, he’s let me know that from our first encounter. This is very good.” Hannah took another sip, liking the tart fruity taste that almost, but not quite, disguised the taste of alcohol. “I did manage to figure out, on my own, that when he takes over is when I get the most…excited,” she admitted candidly. “But if letting him be in charge for sex means I have to call him Master, then there’s no point in learning about this club because I won’t do that.”

  Hannah was just now realizing how much she had given up for Caleb, how she had planned her life around his, put his wants and desires above her own without any consideration from him to reciprocate. She wasn’t about to call Mitch Master, not even for sex. It would smack too much of a level of subservience she wanted no part of. Remembering how Caleb wouldn’t even consider trying to live in her more progressive Beachy Amish community, made her realize what a concession Mitch had made when he agreed to have sex with her that first time given what she now knew he liked. He had set aside his own desires and needs to cater to her, and they had barely known each other then. Despite that concession, and that it wasn’t fair to compare Mitch with Caleb, she knew she wouldn’t be able to call him Master.

  “It’s okay, Hannah,” Olivia reassured her. “Mitch isn’t a stickler for protocol like some of the more dominate members are.”

  “And there are some, like Donovan and Brett, who aren’t into the dom/sub lifestyle, but are still totally into control, and into kink, when it comes to sex,” Anna explained. “To each his own, as long as it’s safe and consensual.”

  Hannah remembered Mitch telling her that and that the brothers were very strict about their limited membership. “Thanks. I feel like a fish out of water just sitting down here. I can’t imagine what I’m going to think when we go upstairs.” Large, calloused hands landed on her shoulders, making her look up to see Mitch standing behind her.

  “Let’s go up and find out. Ladies, your presence has been requested upstairs also.” Mitch frowned when he saw the half full margarita in front of Hannah. “Is that yours?”

  Anna, Kayla and Olivia stood and left quickly, both anticipation and worry etched on their faces. Hannah felt a little off balance as she stood, but the room quickly righted itself and then she felt fine. Actually, she felt more than fine. She didn’t like that woozy feeling, but now that it had passed, she liked the courage bolstering feeling sweeping through her senses as well as the look on Mitch’s face. The one that said he wanted her and wanted her now.

  “Yes, and I’m not calling you Master Mitch. Can we go up now before I change my mind?”

  Mitch saw her eyes were clear and her stance steady. She hadn’t drunk much, but for someone who has never had alcohol before, what she had could be considered a lot. Luckily, she looked like she could hold her liquor pretty well and was clear-headed enough to make rational decisions tonight. “Definitely.” Taking her hand, he led her to the back of the club, opened the door marked private into a small hallway and over to the elevator. He ignored her remark about calling him Master for now. If that was the only thing she balked at, he would be pleased.

  “Wait a sec,” Hannah said after he punched the U. “I need a minute.”

  Mitch leaned against the wall, folded his arms across his chest and watched her as she paced back and forth. Whatever was going on now, he knew it was something she was going to have to come to terms with on her own. He never forgot Hannah’s background or disrespected her beliefs. It was those very things that made her the woman he craved above all others, even though he was well aware it could be those traits that eventually separated them.

  “I don’t have to do anything, right?” she asked, pausing a moment to look at him.

  “Of course not,” he reassured her before she started pacing again.

  She didn’t have to do anything, Hannah reiterated silently as she paced, and there was nothing wrong with watching. She mentally tallied up how many of the seven deadly sins she has committed. There was lust, a lot of lust, greed because she wanted more of the lust, and envy. Okay, three out of seven. She was on the low end of the scale and probably wasn’t in jeopardy of completely losing control of all she believed in. Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, I’m going to hell for sure, she thought as a blast of guilt fought past her reasoning. Then she looked up and saw Mitch just standing there, watching her out of dark eyes that held nothing except fondness. No anger at her delay, no impatience with her internal struggle and no censure over her moral insecurities. No words could have settled the matter for her better than that calm look of acceptance for whatever decision she came to.

  Hannah felt the last of her misgivings thaw like the chill of winter with the first sign of spring warmth. Smiling, her mind clear and her heart pounding with anticipation, she nodded her head just as the elevator pinged and the doors slid open.

  “But just so you know,” Mitch said as he took her hand again and led her into the elevator, his own anticipation riding high, “It’ll be my job to make you want to participate tonight.”

  Oh darn, Hannah silently moaned. She knew just how good he was at convincing her to do things, which meant her participation in public tonight was a foregone conclusion.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When the elevator doors swooshed open and they stepped into a large room where people were mingling or sitting on plush sofas and chairs, Hannah’s first thought was it looked like someone was hosting a party in the great room of their home. Music played softly in the background so it was easy to hear the low murmurs of conversation as well as the louder sounds of laughter. But as Mitch led her inside, she quickly noted the differences. How could she have not se
en the couples having sex in a variety of positions on the long, wide padded bench against one wall first thing? Now that she has, she could distinctly hear high pitched cries and low moans of pleasure coming from those people. As they neared one seating area, the sight of Anna and Kayla sitting on their husband’s laps made her relax. It definitely helped seeing familiar faces in a room full of strangers.

  “Brett, Donovan, this is Hannah.” Mitch introduced her to his friends seated on the sofa across from the wide, plush arm chair he took a seat on, pulling Hannah down on his lap.

  “Hannah, you’re just as pretty as Mitch said you were. Welcome to our club.”

  “Thank you, Brett,” Hannah replied as she tried to keep her eyes from wandering to that bench and the activities taking place on it. Her face heated as she couldn’t help but watch a man sink his penis into the woman seated in front of him while the man standing behind him spread his buttocks and pushed his member into the other man’s butt. “Oh, my,” she unknowingly murmured. Knowing and reading about such alternative sexual practices didn’t prepare her for the sheer eroticism of bearing witness to their lifestyle first hand.

  “And just as shy,” Donovan said grinning. “I have to get creative to get Anna to blush anymore.”

  Hannah quickly looked at Anna’s husband, wishing her shock and naivety weren’t so apparent. The scar that ran down Donovan’s cheek did nothing to detract from his good looks. Both men had vivid green eyes and enough of a resemblance that you could tell they were related, but where Brett’s hair was a dark, mink brown, Donovan’s sandy color was sun-streaked, making it much lighter.

  “There’s a lot to blush over,” Hannah finally said in her defense.

  “Don’t worry, Hannah,” Anna told her. “You’ll soon get to where these scenes won’t faze you other than to make you ready to play.”

  Donovan tightened his arm around Anna and slipped his hand under her skirt. “And are you ready to play?”

  Anna wrapped her hand around his thick wrist as she lifted her hips against his hand. “Can’t you tell?” she moaned then bit her lip to stifle a cry when he zeroed in on her clit.

  Hannah wiggled on Mitch’s lap, felt his erection against her butt and shifted her attention off the other couples to him. Her sheath had moistened from the soft pulses of the vibrator and she was afraid there will be a telltale damp spot on her dress when she stood up. She ached to feel him inside her again, wanted to feel the soft tremors the vibrator was responsible for escalate into a body enveloping orgasm.

  “Kayla tells me you’re a photographer,” Brett said as he casually lowered the thin straps of Kayla’s top, baring her breasts and her taut nipples.

  Once again, she struggled not to stare when he just as casually tugged on one nipple, his eyes warm as he looked at her. “Yes, and I’m enjoying it immensely. It’s been a fun way to meet people and visit some of the more popular, scenic sights in the city.”

  “Hannah’s aunt, my neighbor, has been using her social media contacts and skills to drum up business and Ethan’s been a big help in setting up her website.” Mitch kept the conversation going as he slipped his hand into his pocket and kicked the vibrator up a notch.

  Hannah sucked in a breath as slightly harder pulses stimulated both her special spot and her happy button, making her tighten her legs in an effort to ease the growing ache for more. “Not fair,” she hissed under her breath.

  “I never said I’d play fair, sweetheart,” he replied aloud, letting her know there’d be no hiding from her desires, or her responses tonight. “You’re not demanding we leave,” Mitch whispered in her ear. “Does that mean you want to continue?”

  Her body hummed with arousal, shook with need so strong her mind couldn’t manage to hold on to her moral resistance. “Yes, I’m good with this so far.” Shifting against his hard thigh, she struggled to control the urge to climax in front of these people.

  “I’m glad the kid’s making himself useful.” There was a definite note of fondness in Brett’s tone before he dipped his head and wrapped his lips around Kayla’s distended nipple.

  “Is Ethan doing a good job on your lawn, Hannah?” Donovan asked her as he pushed Anna’s stretchy tube top down to reveal nipples adorned with tight metal rings, a silver chain dangling between her breasts connecting them. When he gave the chain a tug, Anna winced but it was obvious the painful pressure excited her.

  Hannah swallowed to relieve her dry throat before saying as casually as possible under the circumstances, “Yes, he’s a wonderful guy and a hard worker. I’ve really enjoyed having him around.” Feeling Mitch’s penis jerk against her butt as she moved restlessly again, she could swear he had gotten even harder.

  “Are you doing that on purpose? Those are clamps,” Mitch explained, not waiting for her to answer his question. Reaching up, he ran his thumb over her own distended tip, the light pressure making her wish he was touching her bare nipple despite the public venue. “They’re much tighter than the huggers you’re wearing, so they can’t be worn for long.”

  “And these have been on long enough.” Donovan released one clamp and all three men chuckled sadistically as Anna cried out at the sudden rush of throbbing pain in her nipple.

  Now it was Hannah’s turn to wince, especially when Donovan tightened his arm around her arms, pinning them to Anna’s sides, preventing her from easing the sudden painful ache of blood gushing to her swollen tip. But then he sucked the abused, reddened nipple between his lips, soothing it himself as the hand under her skirt moved a little faster.

  As Anna cried out in climax, her hips thrusting against Donovan’s hand, Mitch said, “But as you can see, sometimes deeper pain can lead to higher pleasure. Brett, I think Hannah should see what her ass looks like when I spank her. Do you mind?”

  “Of course not, anything I can do to further her education.” Brett expertly flipped Kayla face down over his lap, spreading his knees wide enough to make sure the small baby bulge she has developed didn’t press on his thighs.

  “Hey!” Kayla protested with a sputtering laugh. “What if I mind?”

  All three men laughed outright at that ridiculous question. “It wouldn’t matter, as you well know. Since when do you have to misbehave for me to put you over my knee?”

  Brett flipped up Kayla’s skirt to reveal the flat, round base of a butt plug bisecting her cheeks. Hannah tried desperately not to blush even more at the sight of her squirming butt and that plug. Watching her good friend, Anna, climax so loudly and unabashedly had been both embarrassing and exciting. She found herself committing that deadly sin of envy again as she wondered if she would ever feel comfortable enough with herself and her sexuality, not to mention her conscience, to let go like that.

  Brett landed a hard slap on his wife’s wiggling butt, one that left a bright red handprint behind and had Hannah’s core dampening even more as she vividly recalled the painful pleasure of her last spanking. She didn’t realize Mitch had slipped his hand under her dress until she felt his finger slide inside her. With Brett’s next swat, Mitch stroked her clitoris, way too softly to get her off, but enough, added to the ongoing pulses from the bullet, to have her leaning back against him with a soft moan of frustration.

  “What’s wrong, Hannah?” Mitch tightened his arm under her breasts, relishing the feel of her relaxing against him for the first time since they sat down.

  “Darn it, you know what’s wrong,” she whispered fiercely, her eyes still glued to Kayla’s reddening buttocks. With the two couples sitting directly across from her, it was either watch them or the people behind them indulging themselves on that padded bench that held a myriad of possible sexual positions she could never have imagined before tonight. Between the decadent sights before her and her new toys working like a charm at keeping her aroused, he managed to slip past her reticence enough to make her want to give in to the need filling her that was threatening to spiral out of control.

  “Are you ready to enjoy yourself like Kayla and Anna?�
� he asked her as he stroked her clit a tad harder, Kayla’s high pitched cry of release adding to the sex charged atmosphere.

  It was the look of pure indulgence on both Brett’s and Donovan’s faces as they watched their wives climax that tipped the scales for Hannah. “If you mean, am I ready for sex then yes, but…does it have to be right here?” Not even the erotic sight of Brett lifting Kayla and straddling her over his freed penis could entice her to join them yet. Anna went to her knees before Donovan, released his member and took him deeply into her mouth, which made Hannah’s mouth water to give Mitch that same pleasure. “Maybe we could start with that?” She nodded toward the other couple.

  “I have a better idea.” Mitch knew he wouldn’t last two minutes if she wrapped those soft, plush lips around him. Picking up his small black bag that he had placed next to the chair earlier, he lifted Hannah off his aching cock and grabbed her hand.

  “Where’re we going?” Hannah felt as if she could explode at any second, her senses on high alert, her body visibly shaking from the effort it took to keep from doing just that.

  “Right here.” Mitch led her to the wall of windows opposite the wall length bench and slid open the door to the back deck. “It’s a little more private out here, but there’s always the chance someone will come out. Not to mention the few people already enjoying the fire pit below.”

  Hannah peaked down and saw two couples completely naked and so totally engrossed in each other that they were oblivious of them.

  “That’s Chuck and Kathy on the right,” Mitch told her as he held her tightly against him with one arm wrapped around her waist, his eyes on Hannah’s face instead of the goings on in the fire pit. Right now, he found her infinitely more fascinating to watch than them. “They’ve been happily married for over twenty years, are good friends of Brett’s and come here periodically to spice up their sex life. They like people to watch them.”


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