Hannah & the Dom Next Door

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Hannah & the Dom Next Door Page 23

by BJ Wane

  “I want you to be you tonight,” Hannah had told him as she was leaving after lunch. “Don’t hold back. I know if I don’t want to participate in something that I won’t have to.”

  He hadn’t told her he had already planned to do just that, but now that he knew just how open she was to kicking things up a notch, he felt more optimistic about her acceptance of his plans. Watching Hannah come alive these past weeks has been like watching a butterfly emerge from its cocoon, spreading its wings for the first time. Mitch had to give her a chance to spread her wings fully, to really explore her newfound sexuality and needs, which meant including someone else in their play. He has always loved watching a woman come apart under both his ministrations and another’s, but there is a part of him that doesn’t want to share any part of Hannah, even though he has no intentions of letting someone else fuck her. It was a risk, giving her just a taste of the pleasure two men can give her. She might look at it as a betrayal, a sign he didn’t care as much for her as she did for him. Or, that small taste might whet her appetite for more, might be risking the butterfly eventually wanting to fly free.

  With Hannah, he just didn’t know. The woman hasn’t behaved or reacted predictably since he met her, so he doubted she was going to start now. His phone rang as he stopped at a light, and seeing it was her on the caller ID screen, he answered with a smile. “Hello, sweetheart. You home already?”

  “No, sorry. My three o’clock got changed to eight this evening. This couple is leaving to visit his family in Maine tomorrow and won’t be back for a week and wanted to meet before they left. It’s after six now, so I don’t have time to come home. I’m meeting them at her parent’s house.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Mitch said, not liking the idea of her driving out to the club alone after dark. Located off a main county highway, Casey’s was a good twenty minute drive once you’re out of Lexington’s city limits.

  “Don’t be silly, I don’t know how long this’ll take. Her parents are friends of Aunt Mary’s and very well-to-do. Getting this job could really open doors for me.”

  Mitch heard the excitement in her voice and knew how much she was enjoying working, earning her own way for the first time and damned if he didn’t admire how well she has been doing. Her insistence on doing as much on her own was another admirable trait he couldn’t fault her for. “Okay. Call me when you’re on your way,” he reluctantly agreed before hanging up.

  Maybe it was a good thing he would be arriving a little earlier than Hannah, he mused as he pulled into his drive. He could finalize one scene with Colin and see who was available to help with another. The McGilley’s had ribbed him good naturedly about Hannah last Sunday over poker, but they all liked her and had nothing but best wishes for them. He knew when they heard he and Hannah have been practically living together this past week, spending every night together in his bed, they would give him more friendly grief. But that was okay, he didn’t mind in the least seeing as he hasn’t been this optimistic and pleased about his life in a very long time.

  Two hours later, Mitch was waylaid by Crystal as soon as he stepped off the elevator into the private second floor club, surprised to see her upstairs so early. “Crystal, why aren’t you with your friends downstairs, driving the guys crazy with your dancing?” He was in a good mood, so he smiled fondly at her even though he had been hoping to spend some quiet time visiting before Hannah arrived.

  “I was hoping you’d show up early since Master Colin said you weren’t helping downstairs tonight.” Crystal grabbed his arm and let him feel her erect nipples through the satin camisole. “I’ve missed playing with you, Master Mitch.” Sliding her hand down his chest, her eyes on his, she cupped his semi-erect cock, purring, “Let me take care of this for you tonight.”

  Mitch delicately removed her hand, trying hard to mask his irritation. “I thought I made it clear the last time I saw you that I am unavailable. Set your sights on someone else.”

  He watched the teasing light in her eyes frost over as she stepped back and snarled, “Just how long do you think your little prude will amuse you? I’m guessing not much longer and then you’ll want me back. Only maybe it’ll be me who’s not available then.”

  “I’ll chance it,” he returned dryly, his temper simmering at her audacity. “Excuse me; I need to visit with Jason.” Mitch walked away without looking back, hoping she got the message loud and clear this time. Crystal was an attractive, very willing playmate and he had no doubt she’d be sinking her claws into someone else soon.

  “You hooking up with Diana tonight?” he asked Jason as he took a seat next to him where they were both facing the bench and had a good view of the two women pleasuring Bruce on it.

  “No, she’s unable to come tonight.” Jason shrugged as if the new sub’s absence wasn’t a hardship, which it wasn’t. “I wouldn’t mind joining you in educating your pretty Hannah, if you need someone.”

  “You must be a fucking mind reader. Yeah, just a light scene and not until the end of the evening.” Mitch was glad Jason had brought the subject up and was free to help out. Other than the McGilley’s, he was the only one he would consider letting touch Hannah at this point.

  “Which means I better get out there and play beforehand. From the looks of her, Crystal could use a good spanking as well as a good fucking.”

  “You’d be right on both accounts and again be doing me a favor. I wasn’t paying attention to the signals and allowed her to become too attached. My fault, but not much I can do about it now.”

  “Don’t worry,” Jason said, rising. “I’m always up to taking a rebellious sub in hand. Flag me down later when you need me.”

  “Thanks, Jason.”

  It was almost two hours later when Hannah called to let him know she had arrived. “It’s about time,” Mitch greeted her when he went downstairs and found her sitting at the bar. He didn’t particularly care for the need he felt to be with her again, but there didn’t seem to be anything he could do about it. Several heads turned when she hopped off the stool and grinned up at him, those fey silver/blue eyes guileless, her hair loose and falling like a thick caramel waterfall to her shoulders. Dressed in the white leather mini skirt he had bought her and the light blue spaghetti strapped tank top, the full lushness of her body was easily noticeable and drawing attention. “You look fucking hot.” Mitch kissed her, making sure everyone ogling her knew she was taken before taking her hand and leading her to the elevator.

  “In a hurry?” Hannah sputtered on a laugh as Mitch took long, fast strides towards the private exit. His anxiousness to get her upstairs fed her own excitement that has been building all week. No matter how many times they had sex, how many ways he found to tease and torment her into those awesome orgasms, she still found herself craving more. Or, maybe it was the man she was craving. Honestly, she didn’t know nor did she want to debate the issue with herself tonight. She was confident the answers she needed would come to her in time. She liked the way he had kissed her so possessively by the bar, his tongue mimicking what his body would be doing shortly, spiking her arousal.

  She had changed clothes in the restroom before he came down since this outfit wouldn’t have been appropriate to meet clients in. The looks she had gotten surprised her as she has never drawn male attention before, but it wasn’t until Mitch eyed her with that blatant look of lust combined with fondness that she responded with pleasure.

  Mitch turned to her and smiled as he punched the elevator button. “I seem to always be in a hurry to have you again, Hannah. I wonder why that is?”

  “I couldn’t say. Remember, I’m the novice here.”

  Mitch snorted. “In some things, yes, but others, I think you could teach me a thing or two.”

  “Like what?” she asked curiously as they walked into the great room and Mitch led her over to where Anna was positioned on her knees between Donovan’s spread thighs, her bright red head bobbing up and down on his engorged cock.

  Reaching into his bag tha
t was on the floor next to the other couple, he pulled out a jar of Nutella. “Like how good it feels when you lick this off my dick. On your knees, sweetheart.”

  Hannah found herself balking, but only for a split second. She had expected him to ease into something like he did last week, not jump right into sex. Reminding herself that she was the one who insisted he not hold back, she averted her gaze from the other couple as she sank to her knees, Anna only a foot away in the same position.

  She watched, mesmerized as Mitch released his swollen penis and coated it with the chocolaty nut spread himself. She couldn’t help but see Donovan’s saliva dampened erection as Anna pulled up to tongue the smooth round head, lapping up his secreting juices before taking him deep again. Seeing that made her mouth water to taste Mitch again, made her want more than anything to bring him the same pleasure Anna was bringing Donovan.

  “Now, Hannah.” Mitch’s guttural command was accompanied by his hand gathering up her hair at her nape to keep it off her face as he guided her head down. The hungry look in her eyes had him dribbling pre-come already and he knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold back for long.

  Hannah shivered at his deep, dark tone and lowered her head to swipe up and down his hardness, relishing the sweet, nutty taste of the spread as much as the salty, earthy taste of his seepage when it mixed. Groaning at that telltale sign of his excitement, she closed her lips around his girth, laved his entire length over and over until she got to the velvety-soft yet hard as steel core of him. Every veined ridge was a delight to feel, every sensitive spot she accidentally found was a pleasure to torment and every drop from his leaking slit an honor to swallow. Remembering the sensitive flesh under the bulbous crown, she slowly licked that area over and over until he was lifting into her mouth, his low groans urging her on.

  “You’re too damn good at this,” Mitch muttered as he enjoyed the sight of her cheeks bulging with his cock, her tongue and lips making short work of cleaning him off and pushing his climax closer and closer.

  His praise made it easier for Hannah to ignore the people mingling around them, set aside the twinge of moral guilt that was knocking at her subconscious and allowed her to bask in the knowledge that she was pleasing him. She continued to lick, stroke and suck, thinking of a lollipop as she did, one hand squeezing the base of him that didn’t fit. Wondering what she could do with her other hand to increase his pleasure, she slid a glance towards Anna. When she saw her friend caressing Donovan’s sac, she recalled reading that men’s testicles were very sensitive, as was the small area just below them.

  With wicked intent, wanting to drive him as crazy as he always did her, she cupped his sac, felt the distinct shape of two balls and rolled them around. Glancing up to gauge his reaction, she was pleased to see his lips tighten, his nostrils flare and his dark eyes boring down on her. He didn’t say anything, just raised one dark brow as he tightened his hand around her hair. Not good enough, she thought as she moved her middle finger under his sac and found a small, soft spot that made him jerk and curse as soon as she caressed it.

  “Jesus H. Christ,” Mitch groaned as his eyeballs crossed and his orgasm pushed past his determined efforts to hold it off a little longer. “Novice, my ass,” he managed to get out before he exploded in her mouth, his efforts to pull her back no match for her determination to keep him in her warm, wet mouth.

  It was difficult, but Hannah managed to swallow his come as she continued to torment that little spot and suck on his length. She was clumsy and the urge to gag was nearly overwhelming, but she refused to back off until he was spent. As soon as she released his still semi-erect member, Anna was passing her a glass of water with a knowing grin. “Thanks,” she told her after draining the glass then looking back up at Mitch. He was still breathing heavy, his face flushed, his penis lying innocently now even though it wasn’t completely softened again. Hannah liked that proof that he wasn’t through with her yet. Feeling confident and mischievous, she forced a frown and quipped, “I wish you wouldn’t blaspheme, Mitchell.”

  Both Anna and Donovan broke into laughter, and when Mitch noticed the small half smile on her lips and the light in her eyes, he joined them. “Hannah, sweetheart, every time I blaspheme it’s your fault. You might want to remember that.” Lifting his hips, he zipped his jeans then pulled Hannah onto his lap and kissed her before saying, “Thank you.”

  Pleased, Hannah laid her head on his chest, content to sit a moment while he conversed with Donovan. For the first time, she noticed how many people were in the room and had witnessed her behavior, but even that revelation did nothing to dampen her satisfaction.

  Hannah’s compliance was more than he could have hoped for, and Mitch felt more positive about her acceptance, and pleasure of his next step. He gave her time to relax as he visited with Donovan and they both watched, grinning when Brett bent Kayla over the bench and laid several sharp strokes of his belt across her ass. She must have done something to earn a punishment, or maybe not. When Colin strode in ten minutes later and nodded his head, Mitch nudged Hannah up.

  “Come with me,” he told her before telling Donovan, “Later.”

  She didn’t hesitate, which was good, and Mitch didn’t linger as they went down the hall to the last room at the end. There was always a lot fewer people in the BDSM room as only a few members indulged in that kink. On the one hand, he thought Hannah would be more amenable to stripping in the room with the least number of observers, but on the other, the activities in this room were of a more intense nature and definitely not for the timid. Hannah has never been timid, but she was innocent, so he knew he was straddling a fine line tonight.

  Stopping under a dangling chain, Mitch didn’t look at her as he rooted around in his bag, saying, “Strip, Hannah,” as casually as if he was asking her to pass the salt.

  Hannah swallowed convulsively at his quietly dictated order. She had been expecting to get completely naked tonight, but knowing ahead of time she was going to be doing something didn’t make it any easier when the time came to actually go through with it.

  “Sometime tonight, unless you want to head home.” Mitch held two wrist cuffs in his hands and made no move to help her. She had to make this decision, and comply or not, all on her own.

  Keeping her eyes averted from the other people in the room, most of them engrossed in their own activity, Hannah toed off her sandals before shimmying out of her skirt, taking her panties with it. Thankful for the dimmer lighting in this room, she slipped her top over her head then handed all her clothes into Mitch’s outstretched hand.

  “Good girl,” he praised her softly before setting her garments on a chair. “Keep your eyes, your attention on me, Hannah, and you’ll do fine. Put out your wrists.”

  Hannah obeyed, refusing to embarrass him by balking or questioning what he was doing. There had been a little information in her book about bondage, and he had already bound her several times at home to prepare her for tonight, so this part was rather easy. In fact, as he fastened lined leather wrist cuffs on her, she felt her body ready for him like it always did; her blood pumping hotly through her veins, her heart beating rapidly, her nipples tightening and her sheath swelling and moistening. But when he lowered a chain and attached the cuffs to it then raised it again, leaving her arms stretched over her head, her body taut as a bowstring, she struggled in panic.

  “Hannah,” Mitch snapped, cupping her face with his hands. “You’re fine. I’m right here, I’ll stay right here.” Mitch gave her a moment to focus on him, waited until her body relaxed and the panic left her eyes and she gave him a rueful smile before saying softly, “That’s my girl.”

  Those three words went straight to Hannah’s heart and turned it over, sealing her fate with this man. Too overwhelmed to say anything, she nodded to let him know she was ready to continue with whatever he had planned.

  Mitch breathed a sigh of relief as Colin walked up and pointed for Olivia, who was naked except for her collar, to kneel on the floor. �
�Are we good to go?” he asked of Mitch, but his eyes were on Hannah.

  “Yes. Start lightly,” he cautioned his friend.

  “Really? You’re telling me how to proceed with a newbie?”

  “Okay, okay. Cut me some slack. You were in my shoes not long ago.”

  Colin winked at Olivia. “Point taken.”

  “Uh, Mitch?” Hannah wanted to twist around to see where Colin went, but just then Mitch pulled a bar and two more cuffs from his bag and knelt at her feet.

  Slipping the ankle cuffs on, Mitch ignored her hesitancy and said, “Spread your legs,


  Sometimes she thought he called her that endearment, in that softly caressing tone to distract her from what he was doing. If so, it worked. She automatically obeyed, spreading her feet and watching as he attached the bar to the ankle cuffs leaving her completely bound. When he rose in front of her, he was holding one more object in his hand.

  “I’ve decided you’ll do better if you’re blindfolded.” Covering her eyes with the black satin cloth, he tied it behind her head, saying, “This way you can concentrate on feeling and not worry about the surroundings. There’s only us right now, Hannah, and we’re going to make you feel good.”

  Even though she could still hear the low murmur of voices, the sounds of slapping flesh and the high pitched cries of pleasure, Hannah was glad she didn’t have to see people watching her. She even quit worrying what Colin was doing behind her when she felt Mitch’s mouth close over her right breast, the strong suction of his lips followed by the sharp nip of his teeth making her moan in pleasure. The barely discernible swoosh coming from behind her wasn’t enough warning to prepare her for the sudden snap of leather strands across her buttocks, the contact more startling than painful.


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