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Burning for an Assassin

Page 8

by Serenity Snow

  She watched his face. His expression went from stony to shocked before he lifted curious eyes to hers.

  “You’re seeing someone?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She shrugged.

  “What’s his name?”

  “I—we met at a club, and it’s too soon for me to start throwing names around. I don’t expect anything to come of it, but why not enjoy it?”

  “You bought this for him to see you in?” He let the lid fall back onto the box.

  “No. It was a gift.”

  Claude nodded. “I knew there were men out there who’d appreciate your beauty. You didn’t eat breakfast.”

  “You have to stop calling Carmen to check up on me,” she muttered. “I had a breakfast meeting.”

  “I haven’t gotten those numbers on the new line and the ads and commercials you promised me.”

  “Oh, yeah.” She hurried to her desk where the hard copies languished. She grabbed the folder. “I can cut some costs to make this all work,” she hurriedly assured him. “And I want to go ahead with the perfume. I’m willing to come out of my pocket for the initial costs if you’ll match me dollar for dollar with company money.”

  “You really want to do this?” he mused carefully.

  She shrugged. “We’ll see great returns,” Veda murmured.

  “I’ll go over the numbers and let you know what I think, but these aren’t the only reason I came by.”

  “What is?” She moved back to her desk and sat down in her chair. Claude followed taking a guest chair.

  “I’ve been mulling over your idea about creating a line of lower prized clothes for young adults.”

  His brow furrowed and tiny lines showed themselves on his forehead as his lips pulled into a downturned line.

  “And what do you think?” She wanted to do this line because it was for teens and twenty-somethings. The prices of the garments would be lower than the two lines they produced now.”

  “I think we should do it. We don’t have the money for full start-up costs, so you’d have to invest some of your own money in order to ensure we made payroll the first year. The line would need its own designers correct?”

  “Yes, but we have talented designers on our staff now,” she exclaimed.

  “You can only do two collections a year and if they bring in the money you think they will, I’ll allow you to increase to three.”

  “Fantastic!” She came out of her chair. “Daddy, you won’t regret this, I swear.”

  “You’ll be in charge of the line and if you want that perfume, it’ll have to be part of your collection.”

  “Awesome, but you are going to regret not having this scent as part of the main line.”

  “I won’t have to if your line produces as you expect,” he said and laughed. “You’ll need to hire a small staff to help you manage.”

  “Anne-Marie will handle my budget fine,” she replied. “I’ll get everything ironed out by this time next week and have a report ready for you.”

  “I’m looking forward to reading it,” Claude told her with a grin. “I know you’re eager to get a shot at running the business and this will give you a small taste of what it’s like.”

  She beamed, hands clasped together in front of her, body vibrating with excitement. “I can’t wait to get started!” She knew her father was once again trying to save her from some part of her he thought was on a path to disaster, but she didn’t care. This was the chance of a lifetime for her, and she wasn’t turning it down.

  “Why Anne-Marie?” he asked with a frown.

  “I think she’d be happier if she had something more to do than being Mrs. Claude Le Man.”

  He studied her and got to his feet. “Maybe I should introduce S&M into our relationship and it would ignite some kind of spark in her as well.”

  She screwed up her face as her father headed out of her office. “Bastard,” she muttered under her breath. Women didn’t need men to control them.

  He turned at the door, hand on the handle. “Watch it,” he said sternly. “Since a little pain has invigorated you to some degree, I thought it might have an effect on Anne-Marie. Maybe I’ll try a paddle and cuffs first and work my way up.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Might do you both some good.”

  He opened the door and exited with a grunt.

  For her S&M was as much about the pain as it was the dark sensuality of someone taking control of her body, her pleasure. She got off on the rush of knowing she was really the one with all the power. If she didn’t get off, neither could her Domme, especially if she was a good one.

  So to hell with his misconceptions about her, he didn’t really know her, and she didn’t need him to save that part of her. Sabrina would do for now.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sabrina was back in the office right before noon where she gave her secretary orders not to disturb her. Then, she sat down at her computer to begin working on one of her stories when her office door burst open. She groaned knowing Lacey wouldn’t have dared unless there was a life-threatening emergency.

  Her stepbrother strode toward her desk, his gaze blazing with anger and the muscle in his jaw jumping. His dark brown hair was a little rumpled from his fingers or the wind, and his striped tie paired with his dark suit was a little undone.

  He pointed at her. “What the hell did you do!” he bellowed as he came to a stop before her desk.

  “I’m sorry,” Miss Lacey said from behind him. “I told him you didn’t want to be disturbed.”

  “Never mind,” Sabrina said quietly. “I’ll deal with him.”

  Miss Lacey nodded and backed out the door.

  “What are you talking about, Charles?” she demanded coldly. She put her hands on her desk and started to push up to her feet but didn’t despite the way he seemed to tower over her.

  “My sister is dead!” he screamed. “Dead, Sabrina and it’s your doing.”

  She frowned and then sat back in her chair she continuing staring up at him.

  “Begs the same question,” she said clenching her hands into fists on the arms of her chair.

  He reached into the inside pocket of his suit jacket and removed an envelope and flung it onto her desk. Sabrina didn’t take her eyes from him. Charles was an FBI agent and no doubt carried a gun he could easily use to kill her with.

  But she had a gun adhered to the solid wood of her old desk. The Velcro held it firmly in place but she could get to it quickly as long as she wasn’t occupied.

  She slid her hand to the butt, beneath her desk, preparing to work the tab free.

  “Pam was found dead in a park this morning, tortured and naked.”

  Her lungs deflated and yesterday’s chat with the agents came back to her. The Hatter had had her killed?

  “And her boyfriend?”

  “He was found in his apartment with multiple wounds, burns, and even gunshots. But apparently it was the one to his head that killed him.”

  “So why is that my problem?” Her fingers clenched reflexively on the grip of her gun.

  He glared at her. “I know what she had on you,” he said. “Her apartment was trashed and a couple of her neighbors say you were a regular.”

  “Until eight months ago,” she snapped.

  “Pam told me you were coming over last night to pay her off,” he said in a hard tone. “But I didn’t find money or the video footage. I want it or I’m going to the police.”

  “Go,” she said airily with a wave of her free hand. “What are you going to tell them? Your druggie sister was blackmailing your stepsister—essentially committing a crime, for money to get high with or something?”

  His lip lifted in a silent snarl. “I couldn’t make sure you were prosecuted for what you did to our father, but I’m not going to let you get away with what you did to Pam,” he said quietly and braced both hands against the desk and leaned toward her. “You can produce the evidence and willingly take your punishment, or every time you look over your shoulder I�
��ll be there waiting for you to make a mistake.”

  She got to her feet, jaw clenched as she fought the urge to just blow his brains out now. Sabrina leaned toward him, putting them nearly nose-to-nose.

  “Your father was a sick bastard who’s still roasting in the pit of hell,” she murmured. “And Pam was the sick spawn of a devil just like you. If you think I killed her prove it, as for the video footage, well, I didn’t tear her place apart for it.”

  “You’re saying you didn’t see her last night, wasn’t at her apartment?” he asked tersely.

  “I’m saying fuck you and Pam too,” she retorted. “She was dead weight, rot, and if you want to become a nuisance, you might lose your badge in a fruitless pursuit.”

  He grabbed the collar of her blouse, crushing the silk beneath his hard hands as he jerked her closer to him. “Don’t think I’m going to let you get away with this,” he said softly. “If there was evidence, I’m sure she had at least one copy and when I find it, I’ll haul your ass off to jail myself.”

  “Challenge accepted,” she said haughtily. She’d kill him if he became a true problem.

  Charles gave her a disdainful glare. “You have no conscious do you? You won’t be happy until you finish what your mother started.”

  “What’s that?” she demanded coldly. Her mother’s death had been nothing more than an act of cold-blooded murder. Her mother had been ecstatically delusional believing Billy Cain had loved her, and his two children would grow to love her. But she hadn’t deserved to die.

  “Destroying my family,” he snapped. “But you won’t get away with it. I will make you pay, Sabrina.” He shoved her back and she stumbled on her chair falling into it. “I’m going to make your life a living hell.” He turned on his heel and strode back the way he’d come, slamming the door so hard it rattled the windows.

  She blew out a harsh breath. Sabrina hadn’t had time to watch the video footage she’d taken last night, hadn’t thought it truly necessary, but now it looked like she needed to see what Pam had caught on tape that had ended her life.


  Veda left work early to prepare for her date tonight. Her stomach fluttered and her hands shook a little as she climbed out of her car in the parking lot of the condo complex where she lived. She slammed the door shut and lightly ran her fingers along the tiny animal head that was invisible to the naked eye.

  She rounded to the passenger side to grab her bag. She reached to open the door and Veda caught sight of a truck pulling to a stop at the curb with a plumbing company’s logo emblazoned on the side.

  “Hi, Veda,” a cheery voice called.

  She started to turn but a tall man got out of the truck catching her attention. He tucked his shoulder length hair behind his ear and lit up the cigarette in his mouth.

  “Your father called me again this morning,” Veda’s housekeeper said. “I swear that man is overprotective.”

  “He is.” She turned her gaze on the petite Latin woman whose black hair was done in a loose braid. “You have to ignore him sometimes, Carmen.”

  Carmen laughed as she reached her and put a hand on Veda’s arm. “He’s just concerned about you. I told him if he left you alone, you’d do much better.”

  “I’m not counting on him taking your word or mine for it,” she said grumpily. “You don’t have to come this weekend. I’ll be out of town.”

  Carmen’s wide mouth stretched into a pleased grin. “Ah, you found a nice young lady to spend time with, eh?”

  Veda couldn’t stop the giggle bubbling in her throat. “Yes, but you know how these are. They never last.”

  “She’s not like that Margo is she?” Carmen shook her head, anger filling her brown eyes. “That woman was a good for nothing slut who didn’t deserve you.”

  Veda scrunched her face as her cheeks burned a little. Margo had been a mistake she never wanted to repeat, but she didn’t think she’d be saying the same about Sabrina. “No.”

  She gave Veda’s arm a light pat. “But one day, you’ll find just the right one and maybe this is that one.”

  She hoped—dreamed, but she wasn’t counting on it. By the time she found someone special, she’d be too set in her ways to want to share her space. “Well, one can dream.”

  “I’ll see you in the morning,” Carmen told her. “Have fun with your new lady.” She winked and turned to stride to her own car.

  “Bye, Carmen.” She waved when the other woman turned to wave first. Then she retrieved her bag from her car. A look out to the curb and she found it empty. The truck was gone, but the wolf was staring out at the street growling a low menacing sound that sent chills down her spine.

  Witch wars did happen, but she wasn’t a part of a coven and no one had any reason to want to curse her or retaliate against her for anything her father might have done.

  So who was watching her?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Veda hurried to her apartment, mind slowly drifting back to her date. She absently glanced up at the wind chimes hung above her door. The gold stars glittered in the light and the chime flickered for a moment and the locks disengaged as per the spell she’d used when charming the chimes. The door opened a tiny crack, and she pushed it open and stepped inside.

  She put her bag down and set her purse next to it to remove the box. She retrieved the lingerie to toss it in the wash with the small load already started in the stackable units in her laundry closet.

  Once that was done, she sat down to do a little more work before getting ready for her date. Sabrina had said they weren’t going to the club, but she hadn’t texted her or called to tell her where they were going. So she might be wasting her time.

  While she was contemplating putting on make-up, her cell phone rang, and Veda closed the case on her bathroom vanity. The spacious white and green room was one of her favorite rooms in the house with its big garden tub and walk-in shower.

  She hurried to her adjoining bedroom, the carpet soft beneath her bare feet. Veda grabbed the sleek device from her dresser and glanced at the display before answering.

  “Hello, Sabrina,” she said softly. No doubt she was calling to cancel. Well, at least she wasn’t all dressed up with no place to go.

  “Hey, baby. I’m running a little late, so why don’t I pick you up at your place.”

  “I can make us dinner here.”

  “Would you mind?” Sabrina asked and there was hope in her tone that made Veda wonder is she’d changed her mind about being seen at a restaurant with a fat girl.

  “Not as long as you don’t mind a salad of some kind.”

  “Salad works,” Sabrina said.

  “Great, I’ll see you when you get here,” Veda replied.

  “I’ll be there by eight.”

  “I’ll be waiting,” she said softly and ended the call. She caught a glimpse of her oval face in the square mirror.

  Veda looked away quickly and went to the bathroom to grab a robe before going to the kitchen to pull something together for dinner. She found salad greens in a variety of types, carrots, red cabbage, cherry tomatoes, and tonight’s meal—roasted chicken with cauliflower and carrots.

  “Good.” She smiled and put the salad together grabbing olives, green and black along with cheese already cut into cubes in a container in the fridge. Well, the chef was good for something besides limiting her sugar intake.

  She didn’t have anything for dessert except fruit salad and that didn’t appeal to her. Veda had a bit of a sweet tooth, but that was the very reason there was nothing sweeter than the honey for her tea in the house. Well, the mints, but they didn’t count.

  Veda finished with the meal and dressed, butterflies in her stomach as she smoothed her hair.

  “Stop over-thinking this,” she said fidgeting with her hair a little more. “Sabrina wouldn’t be coming if she didn’t want to. She said she likes your butt.” Veda closed her eyes and groaned. She didn’t want another failed romance with another piece of her heart cut out.
r />   She wrapped her arms around herself. She wanted a true love so bad it hurt.

  The doorbell snatched her out of her thoughts, and Veda exhaled and padded barefoot to the door. A look out of the peephole revealed her guest and her hands shook as she unlocked the door.

  “Hi.” Veda heard the huskiness of her voice and silently cursed it.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” Sabrina replied. “I brought dessert.”

  Veda blinked. Dessert was bad that’s why she didn’t have any.

  “Really?” Her gaze darted to the small box Sabrina held up. “W-what is it?”

  Sabrina chuckled softly. “A hello kiss and I might tell you.”

  Veda stepped back to allow Sabrina entrance and as Sabrina closed the door behind her, she leaned toward wrapping her arm around her waist and claimed her lips. Sabrina leaned against the door and stroked Veda’s arm as their tongues dueled and Veda shivered.

  Her fingers glided up to the side of her neck and Veda sighed breaking the kiss to look into Sabrina’s hazel eyes. They were more brown than green which intrigued her.

  “You’re such a good kisser, Sabrina,” she murmured. “I could get lost in you. I mean—you know I just…” She backed away. “That’s not saying much for me. I seem to have bad taste in lovers.”

  “What’s that say about me?” Sabrina asked curiously.

  “I don’t know yet,” she replied. “I shouldn’t have said that though. I’m sorry.”


  “It put us both in an awkward position,” Veda said and turned to lead the way to the living area where she’d set up for a picnic dinner. “And it makes you think I’m expecting this to go someplace.”

  “It might, Veda,” Sabrina said quietly. “I don’t know, but I know I like being with you.”

  Veda turned and Sabrina almost ran into her. Veda met her eyes reluctantly and saw tenderness that stopped her breath in her chest as her lips parted slightly.

  Veda nodded her stomach fluttering. “I can live with that,” she murmured.

  Sabrina kissed her softly and then withdrew. “So, about that salad?”


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